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Muazzam et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

SJIF Impact Factor 6.041

Volume 5, Issue 6, 649-666 Review Article ISSN 2278 4357


Mohd Muazzam Khan1*, Farogh Ahsan1, Usama Ahmad1, Juber Akhtar1, Badruddeen1,
Md. Mujahid1

Faculty of Pharmacy, Integral University, Lucknow, India.

Article Received on
14 April 2016, Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease.
Revised on 04 May 2016,
It is characterized by progressive cognitive deterioration together with
Accepted on 24 May 2016
DOI: 10.20959/wjpps20166-7045 declining activities of daily living and behavioral changes. It is the
most common type of pre-senile and senile dementia. According to the

*Corresponding Author
World Health Organization (WHO), 5% of men and 6% of woman of
Mohd Muazzam Khan above the age of 60 years are affected with Alzheimer's type dementia
Faculty of Pharmacy, worldwide. The clinical manifestation of Alzheimer disease (AD) is
Integral University,
dementia that typically begins with subtle and poorly recognized
Lucknow, India.
failure of memory and slowly becomes more severe and, eventually,
incapacitating. Currently available treatments i.e. acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
(rivastigmine, galantamine, donepezil) and N-methyl d-aspartate receptor antagonist
(memantine) contribute minimal impact on the disease and target late aspects of the disease.
These drugs decelerate the progression of the disease, provide symptomatic relief but fail to
achieve a definite cure. While the neuropathological features of Alzheimer's disease are
recognized but the intricacies of the mechanism have not been clearly defined. This lack of
understanding regarding the pathogenic process may be the likely reason for the non-
availability of effective treatment which can prevent onset and progression of the disease.
Owing to the important progress in the field of pathophysiology in the last couple of years,
new therapeutic targets are available that should render the underlying disease process to be
tackled directly. Understanding the extent of Alzheimer disease related knowledge can assist
disease management that result in improved disease management and reduced care costs.
This article attempts to focus on some of the important recent developments in understanding
and management of Alzheimer disease.

KEYWORDS: Alzheimer, Management, Diagnosis, treatment. Vol 5, Issue 6, 2016. 649

Muazzam et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia and is clinically
characterized by a progression from episodic memory problems to a slow general decline of
cognitive function.[1] In 2013, ~44 million of the world-wide population was estimated to be
affected by dementia and a steep rise to ~136 million has been predicted by 2050 To date,
there are no treatments with proven disease-modifying effects and AD remains the largest
unmet medical need in neurology.[1] AD pathology presents a complex interplay between
several biochemical alterations, including changes in amyloid precursor protein metabolism,
phosphorylation of the tau protein, oxidative stress, impaired energetics, mitochondrial
dysfunction, inflammation, membrane lipid dysregulation and neurotransmitter pathway
disruption.[3] Most of these pathological features can be directly linked to metabolic
abnormalities and it is now clear that metabolic dysfunction is an important factor in AD.[4]
For example, impaired cerebral glucose uptake occurs decades prior to the onset of cognitive
dysfunction and is an invariant feature of AD.[5] The well-documented neurotoxicity
associated with A42 is thought to participate in impaired neuronal energetics through
initiating a cascade of pathological events; interaction between A42 and mitochondrial
enzymes leads to increased release of reactive oxygen species (ROS), affecting glycolysis,
the TCA cycle and mitochondrial respiratory-chain activity through the accumulation of
deleterious intermediate metabolites in the mitochondria.[6-7]

Alois Alzheimer and Auguste D

The German psychiatrist and neuropathologist Dr. Alois Alzheimer is credited with
describing for the first time a dementing condition which later became known as AD. In his
landmark 1906 conference lecture and a subsequent 1907 article, Alzheimer described the
case of Auguste D, a 51-year-old woman with a peculiar disease of the cerebral cortex, who
had presented with progressive memory and language impairment, disorientation, behavioral
symptoms (hallucinations, delusions, paranoia), and psychosocial impairment.[8-10]

Normal memory
In order to understand the complexities of dementia, it is necessary to describe what happens
in normal ageing and understanding what can go wrong and gives rise to abnormal conditions
such as dementia. Ageing can be distinguished in terms of biological, social and
psychological disciplines, but there is often a great overlap and interaction between them. For
example, a physical change such as arthritis can limit mobility, which in turn can reduce Vol 5, Issue 6, 2016. 650

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involvement in social activities or other previous sources of enjoyment.[11] The influence of

one aspect of ageing on another should also be remembered; this is important when
considering and comparing past and present cognitive functions within the same person.

Defining 'normal' is a difficult task and it is surprising how 'normal' and 'abnormal' activities
and attitudes often overlap. The blurring of boundaries occurs between different cultures,
different environments or even between individuals. A misconception is to consider
normality as distinct and opposite to abnormality when in fact 'normality' refers to the 'range
around the middle of a dimension (eg height) with two extremes at opposite ends (very tall
and very short), rather than one extreme'.[11] Different people have their own opinion about
normality andhenceexpectancies in ageing are perceived differently between individuals.
With the advance of medicines and technology, people are generally living longer and so
more people are exposed to older people and are witness to the variations in ageing of
relatives and friends. In turn, people's understanding of normal ageing is being constantly
revised and so too are their expectancies of themselves and others.

Normal ageing brings with it changes, not just to an individual's appearances, however subtle,
but also certain changes to the higher mental functions or 'cognitive' functions.[12-13] Memory
can also be affected,[14-15] sometimes because the individualhas failed to receive information
correctly orsometimes because it can no longer be effectivelyencoded or stored.[16] The effect
ofageing on memory, particularly episodic memory,[17] is very often one of the first of
thecognitive functions to be noticed by others and cancause considerable distress to the
individual and torelatives, close friends and careers. Deterioration inmemory functioning is
characteristic of dementia.[18] but it can alsoindicate other dysfunctions which should always
beconsidered in any assessment.

Memory functioning has been recognized as follows

Short-term and long-term memory
Short-term memory, now elaborated into the concept of working memory,[19] is the system
which allows one to remember a new telephone number while one is dialling it, so long as
one is not distracted.

Long-term memory allows one to remember a familiar telephone number from day to day
and year to year.[20] Vol 5, Issue 6, 2016. 651

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(i) Semantic and episodic memory Different types of knowledge appear to be stored
differently. A distinction drawn initially between episodic and semantic memories[21] and,
more latterly, a contrast between procedural and declarative memories has gained
acceptance.[22] Episodic memories are for particular events, while semantic memories are
context-free facts. For example, knowing what I had for breakfast is an episodic memory;
knowing that the word breakfast means a morning meal is a semantic memory.[20]
(ii) Declarative and procedural memory Both semantic and episodic memories may be
subsumed under this heading (which represent the memory for facts). Procedural memory is
for skills and routines and may include some types of sensory stimuli. For example, knowing
how to drive a car is a proceduralmemory, knowing how the engine works is declarative.[20]
Generally, older people can learn as much as youngerpeople,[23] but more time is needed for
them to achieve the same level of learning as theycannot process and 'absorb' information as
quickly asyounger people.[24]

Sometimes this speed reduction becomes noticeableand marked and may accompany the
onset ofdepression.[25] If memory has noticeablychanged and continues to do so it can
indicate thesigns of a dementing process, if it is accompanied byanother failure in cognitive

Problems with memory

Memory failure is a common and significant problem indementia,[27] henceit is important to
first assess the extent to which it is aproblem and for whom the problem is an obstacle.

It is now believed that there are four stages involved inmemory: registration, encoding,
storage and retrieval. For information to be stored in memory it must first beattended to or
registered. Encoding is the processwhereby this information may be semanticallyencoded or
phonologically encoded,[28-29] ie encoded in terms of meaning or sound, respectively. Storage
is the process by whichinformation is maintained in memory. It is widelyaccepted that
different types of knowledge appear tobe stored differently, so that, for example,
knowingwhat a person ate for lunch (episodic memory)would be stored differently from
knowing the word'lunch' means a mid-day meal (semantic memory).

Dementia is a syndrome characterized by disturbance of multiple brain functions, including
memory, thinking, orientation, comprehension, calculation, learning capacity, language, and Vol 5, Issue 6, 2016. 652

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judgment. Consciousness is not clouded. The impairments of cognitive function are

commonly accompanied, and occasionally preceded, by deterioration in emotional control,
social behavior, or motivation.[30-31] Dementia can affect a person in different ways, and
progression of the disease depends upon the impact of the disease itself and the persons
personality and state of health. Dementia can be divided in three stages:
early stage first year or two
middle stage second to fourth or fifth years
late stage fifth year and after

These periods are given as an approximate guideline and not all persons with dementia will
display the same symptoms. Common symptoms experienced by people with dementia
syndrome have been illustrated by Table 1:

Table 1: Common symptoms experienced by people with dementia syndrome[32]

Early stage Middle stage Late stage
The early stage is often
overlooked. Relatives and The last stage is one of nearly
friends (and sometimes total dependence and
professionals as well) see it as As the disease progresses, inactivity. Memory
"old age", just a normal part limitations become clearer disturbances are very serious
of ageing process. Because and more restricting. and the physical side of the
the onset of the disease is disease becomes more
gradual, it is difficult to be obvious.
sure exactly when it begins.
Become forgetful, especially Become very forgetful,
Usually unaware of time and
regarding things that just especially of recent events
happened and people's names
Have difficulty
May have some difficulty comprehending time, date, Have difficulty understanding
with communication, such as place and events; may what is happening around
difficulty in finding words become lost at home as well them
as in the community
Have increasing difficulty
Become lost in familiar Unable to recognize relatives,
with communication
places friends and familiar objects
(speech and comprehension)
Lose track of the time, Need help with personal Unable to eat without
including time of day, month, care (i.e. toileting, washing, assistance, may have
year, season dressing) difficulty in swallowing
Have difficulty making Unable to successfully Increasing need for assisted
decisions and handling prepare food, cook, clean or self-care (bathing and
personal finances shop toileting)
Mood and behaviour: may Unable to live alone safely
May have bladder and bowel
become less active and without considerable
motivated and lose interest in support Vol 5, Issue 6, 2016. 653

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activities and hobbies may

show mood changes,
including depression or
anxiety may react unusually
angrily or aggressively on
Behaviour changes may
include wandering, repeated
questioning, calling out, Change in mobility, may be
clinging, disturbed sleeping, unable to walk or be confined
hallucinations (seeing or to a wheelchair or bed
hearing things which are not
Behaviour changes, may
May display inappropriate escalate and include
behaviour in the home or in aggression towards carer,
the community (e.g. nonverbal agitation (kicking,
disinhibition, aggression). hitting, screaming or
Unable to find his or her way
around in the home.
Source: World Alzheimers Report 2009.[33]

Epidemiology of AD
AD is a critical public health issue in the United States and many other countries around the
world, with a significant health, social, and financial burden on society. An estimated 5
million Americans have AD, with a new diagnosis being made every 68 sec.8 In the United
States, AD is the fifth leading cause of death among older adults, and about $200 billion are
spent annually on direct care of individuals living with dementia. Worldwide, it is estimated
that 35 million people have AD or other types of dementia, and about 65 million people are
expected to have dementia by 2030 (115 million by 2050).

AD is a multi-factorial disease, with no single cause known, and several modifiable and non-
modifiable risk factors are associated with its development and progression. Age is the
greatest risk factor for the development of AD. The likelihood of developing AD increases
exponentially with age, approximately doubling every 5 years after age 65.[34-35] The vast
majority ofindividuals suffering from AD are aged 65 or older andhave late-onset or
sporadic AD (95% of all cases).Rare genetic mutations are associated with the
developmentof AD before age 65, which is known as earlyonsetor familial AD (B5% of
all cases).[36] People withfamilial forms of AD have an autosomal dominantmutation in either
one of the presenilin genes locatedon chromosomes 1 and 14 or in the amyloid Vol 5, Issue 6, 2016. 654

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precursorprotein (APP) gene located on chromosome 21. Inaddition, individuals with Downs
syndrome (trisomy 21) have an increased risk of developing early-onset AD. The genetics of
sporadic AD are more complex andless well understood. It is known that the epsilon
fourallele of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene located onchromosome 19 is a risk factor for
the developmentof sporadic AD.[37] The prevalence of AD is higher amongfemales, reflecting
the longer life expectancy ofwomen.[38] Lower educational attainment has been
associatedwith increased risk of AD dementia,10 consistentwith the idea that education
serves to increase a personscognitive reserve and resilience to AD pathology.[39] Alarge body
of evidence suggests that cerebrovascularrisk factors play a significant role in both the
developmentand progression of AD; people with a history ofdiabetes, hypertension, obesity,
and smoking have a substantially elevated risk of AD.[40] Family history ofAD in first-degree
relatives and a history of head injurywith loss of consciousness are also risk factors for
thedevelopment of A.[41]

The pathological hallmark of Alzheimers disease is the presence of Amyloid plaques and
Neurofibrillary tangles (NFT). There is diffuse atrophy of the cerebral cortex and secondary
dilatation of the ventricles. The deposits are found more at the hippocampus, temporal cortex
and nucleus basalis of Meyernet. There is loss of neurons due to the pathological changes
leading on to reduced levels of neurotransmitters especially acetylcholine causing cognitive
deficits in these patients.

The basic pathological cause of Alzheimers disease is not fully understood and a lot of
research is being done to elucidate the basic pathological process. With the current
understanding many hypothesis are put forth for the pathogenesis of AD. The widely
accepted among them are,
- Amyloid Cascade Hypothesis
- Tau Hypothesis
- Mitochondrial Cascade Hypothesis

Amyloid Cascade Hypothesis

This is the most widely accepted hypothesis. The deposition of A42 - amyloid plaques in the
brain is considered the basic pathology. A42 is derived from Amyloid Precursor Protein
(APP) by the sequential action of -secretase and -secretase. A42 is insoluble and
aggregates to form plaques which causes oxidative damage and initiates inflammatory Vol 5, Issue 6, 2016. 655

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processes leading on to neuronal death. There is hyperphosphorylation of tau proteins and

their deposition as neurofibrillary tangles secondary to amyloid deposition. Alzheimers
disease occurs in two forms - familial and sporadic forms. Familial forms have an early onset
and are associated with mutations in APP gene (chromosome 21), Presenillin-1 (chromosome
14) and Presenillin-2 genes (chromosome 1). The late onset familial form and sporadic forms
of AD are associated with the presence of ApoE4 allele. ApoE is involved in cholesterol
transport and has three alleles - 2, 3 and 4. ApoE4 allele is present in 40 - 80 % of the
Alzheimers patients, though the normal distribution in Caucasian population is only 24 - 30
%. ApoE4 is shown to increase the production and decrease the clearance of amyloid.

Tau Hypothesis
The amyloid cascade hypothesis does not satisfactorily explain sporadic cases of Alzheimers
disease and the level of amyloid deposits does not correlate with the degree of cognitive
decline. This lead to the Tau hypothesis which asserts that the deposition of tau and formation
of neurofibrillary tangles is the basic pathology and the amyloid deposition occur secondary
to it. Tau is a microtubule associated protein which binds to and stabilizes the microtubules
involved in intracellular transport.

The hyperphosphorylation of tau reduces the binding of tau tomicrotubules, and the
sequestration of hyperphosphorylated tau into neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) reduces the
amount of tau that is available to bind microtubules. As a result the microtubules disintegrate
leading to reduced axonal transport and cell death.

Mitochondrial Cascade Hypothesis

The reduced mitochondrial function to handle the free-radicals is considered the initiating
step in Alzheimers disease.[42]

Diagnosis of AD
In clinical settings, the diagnosis of AD is largely based on medical history, physical and
neurological examinations, and neuropsychological evaluation, as well as the exclusion of
other etiologies using selective ancillary testing. The clinical diagnosis of AD has an
accuracy of 70_90%relative to the pathological diagnosis, with greater accuracies being
achieved in specialty settings such as memory disorder clinics.[43] The cornerstone of the
clinical diagnosis is a set of consensus criteria first established in 1984[44] and last updated in
2011 by the National Institute onAging _ Alzheimers Association (NIA_AA) workgroup.[45] Vol 5, Issue 6, 2016. 656

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When thepatients cognitive impairment has an atypical clinicalcourse or is suspected to be

due to other etiologiesin addition to AD, the diagnosis of possible ADdementia is
recommended. Patients with AD generallyhave normal findings on physical and
neurologicalexaminations.[46, 47] To help with the differential diagnosis,Table 2 summarizes
some of the clinical features thatdistinguish AD.

Establishing the Diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease

Establishing the diagnosis of Alzheimer disease relies on clinical-neuropathologic
assessment. Neuropathologic findings on autopsy examination remain the gold standard for
diagnosis of AD. The clinical diagnosis of AD (prior to autopsy confirmation) is correct
approximately 80%-90% of the time.
Clinical signs. Slowly progressive dementia
o Gross cerebral cortical atrophy on CT or MRI
o Diffuse cerebral hypometabolism on PET
Neuropathologic findings. Microscopic -amyloid neuritic plaques, intraneuronal
neurofibrillary tangles (containing tau protein), and amyloid angiopathy at postmortem
examination. The plaques should stain positively with -amyloid antibodies and negative
for prion antibodies, which are diagnostic of prion diseases. The numbers of plaques and
tangles must exceed those found in age-matched controls without dementia. Guidelines
for the quantitative assessment of these changes exist. Aggregation of alpha-synuclein in
the form of Lewy bodies may also be found in neurons in the amygdala.
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Decreased A amyloid 42 and increased tau.

Table 2.Clinical features that distinguish AD from other dementias

Clinical Alzheimers Vascular Parkinsons Frontotemporal
S.No with
feature dementia dementia dementia dementia
Lewy bodies
>40 years
50_70 years old
Patient >65 years old 75 years old
1 >65 years old 50% autosomal
profile old Vascular (mean)
risk factors
Acute onset, Gradual onset Gradual onset
onset Gradual onset
2 History stepwise and and
and and deterioration
deterioration deterioration deterioration
deterioration Vol 5, Issue 6, 2016. 657

Muazzam et al. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Visual Memory intact

Initial Memory Executive Visual hallucinations Disinhibition,
symptoms loss dysfunction hallucinations Fluctuating apathy or
attention aphasia
Pyramidal Parkinsonism Usually none
No motor Parkinsonism
(upper (presents (rarely
Physical impairment (precedes
4 motor within associated with
findings (until dementia
neuron) 1 year of motor
late stage) by >1 year)
signs dementia) neuron disease)
Notes: Pyramidal (upper motor neuron) signs include hyperreflexia, spasticity, weakness, and
extensor plantar responses (Babinski sign). Parkinsonism refers to the following features:
bradykinesia, cogwheel rigidity, resting tremor, and postural instability.[41, 44]

Neuropathology and clinical signs of Alzheimer'sdisease

The clinical diagnosis of Alzheimers disease is said tobe correct 75% to 90% of the time.[48]
According to,[49] accuracy is highest forneurologists specializing in memory disorders
andlowest for general practitioners, who has a tendencyto overdiagnose Alzheimers disease.
The clinicalaccuracy also tends to be lower for older patients whooften have mixed
pathology rather than a single causeof dementia.[50] The onlyclinical means of establishing a
definite diagnosis is bymicroscopic examination of brain tissue as there areno laboratory tests
and neither sophisticated imagingtechniques nor detailed neuopsychological evaluationcan
specify Alzheimers disease categorically.[51] Typically, the onset is from 40 years of age
onwardswith insidious degeneration until death at about sixtyyears following onset.[52-54] The
brain invariably displays adegree of atrophy; however, age-associated atrophyand the normal
variability in brain size preclude adiagnosis based solely on gross examination of the brain.[55]
Atrophy of the medial portion ofthe temporal lobe is often disproportionate to otherareas of
the cortex. In most cases, the primarysensory and motor cortices are relatively spared andon
sectioning the brain, the lateral ventricles areusually dilated and the hippocampus and
amygdale are atrophic.[56] More specific neuronalalterations accompany neuronal and
synaptic loss.The most important of these alterations is pairedhelical filaments which are
intraneuronalproteinaceous structures that are composed by anabnormal form of tau

The neuropathological hallmarks of Alzheimersdisease is the intracellular neurofibrillary

tangles of tauprotein and amyloid plaques, primarily composed ofaggregated amyloid beta
peptide. At highconcentrations vesicular amyloid beta aggregates toform high molecular
weight species which are capableof seeding amyloid fibril growth[59] suggest that it is these Vol 5, Issue 6, 2016. 658

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aggregate that seedthe extracellular amyloid plaque formation seen in thepathogenesis of

Alzheimers disease.

Phases of Alzheimer disease

Each person with Alzheimer's disease will vary slightly in presentation according to
personality. Emotional, behavioral and cognitive changes will also vary, but generally
accepted by clinicians and researchers are stage model which describes broad

In the first phase, the 'forgetfulness phase', there is usually difficulty in recalling recent
events, and a tendency to forget where objects have been placed.[27] Names of people and
places, previously familiar, may be poorly recalled and a general disorientation persists and
poor short-term memory.[61]

The second recognized phase is known as the 'confusional phase'. Increasingly poor
attention span and a decline in generalized intellectual performance are seen with a
deteriorating memory. Disorientation in place, word-finding difficulty and other changes to
speech may be seen.[61]

Complex tasks are performed with difficulty, sometimes in a clumsy or inaccurate manner
and often the skills the person learned last will be lost first. Lack of interest in news and
surroundings follows relatively quickly and can be extremely distressing to family and

The third phase, the 'dementia phase', is characterized by a lack of purpose in the person's
behavior which appears disjointed and sometimes bizarre. Remaining intellectual and self-
care abilities require constant supervision as people in this phase undergo further
deterioration in memory capacity, calculating ability (dyscalculia) and aspects of language
are severely affected and eventually lost. Constant assistance is required for self-care skills
such as grooming, dressing, and toileting and for feeding. A progressive physical wasting can
also be seen which will mean help with walking. Sometimes one or two years of life will
follow in an almost vegetative state until death. Environmental factors may have a role in
triggering Alzheimer's disease in susceptible individuals. An association between Alzheimer's
disease and aluminium has been formulated for several years.[63] Vol 5, Issue 6, 2016. 659

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Risk Factors for AD

Table 3: Factors that modify the risk of Alzheimer Disease.
Antecedent Direction Possible mechanism
Parenchymal destruction
Cardiovascular disease Increased Strategic location
beta (symbol) deposition
Cerebrovascular effects
Smoking Increased
Oxidative stress
Hypertension Increased and decreased Cerebrovascular disease
Insulin and A beta
Type II diabetes Increased (symbol)compete for
Increased risk of type II
Obesity Increased
diabetes inflammatory
A beta (symbol) and
Traumatic head injury Increased amyloid precursor protein
Education Decreased Provides cognitive reserve
Improves lipid metabolism,
Leisure activity Decreased
mental stimulation
Antioxidant, anti-
Mediterranean diet Decreased
Activates brain plasticity,
Physical activity Decreased promotes brain
Source: Epidemiology of Alzheimer Disease[64].

Pharmacological therapy review for AD

The current pharmacologic therapy for AD only provides short-term improvement for a short
period of time, six to eighteen months.[65] The only medicines approved in the US and several
parts of Europe for short term alleviation of symptoms are cholinesterase inhibitors and
memantine.[66] These drugs do not affect the pathology of AD, but allows the brain to
compensate for the loss of neurones that communicate via acetylcholine, a
neurotransmitter.[67] This section reviews the clinical efficacy of approved and possible
pharmacological therapies for AD.[68] The new Medicines under development for Alzheimer
disease has been illustrated in Table 4.

Table 4: New Medicines under Development for Alzheimer disease:

Drug name Indication Company
ABT-126 acetylcholinesterase
Alzheimer disease Abbott Phase 2
ABT-126 Alzheimer disease Abbott Phase 2 Vol 5, Issue 6, 2016. 660

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LY2886721 Alzheimer disease Eli Lilly and Company Phase 1

AZD3480 Alzheimer disease Targacept Inc. Phase 2
Alzheimer disease,
AVP-923 Avanir
mild cognitive Phase 2
(dextromethorphan/quinidine) Pharmaceuticals
MABT5102A Alzheimer disease Genentech Phase 2
AZD5213 Alzheimer disease AstraZeneca Phase 2
Gantenerumab Alzheimer disease Hoffmann-La Roche Phase 3
AAB-003 (PF-05236812) Alzheimer disease Pfizer Phase 1
BMS-241027 Alzheimer disease Bristol-Myers Squibb Phase 1
MABT5102A Alzheimer disease Genentech Phase 2
Alzheimer disease
BIIB037 prodromal or mild Biogen Idec Phase 1
GSK2647544 Alzheimer disease, GlaxoSmithKline Phase 1

Sources: Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA)[69] and

the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)[70]

The use of any measure for the clinical assessment of dementia, whether in people with
learning disabilities or in the normal population carries with it limitations. Informed
knowledge of these limitations allows use scientific choices which enable us to tailor our
neuropsychological battery or adopt alternative measures.

Ultimately, there may be a compromise because of these limitations; however, scientific

understanding has given us a better picture of the course of dementia than ever before. With
the advancement of technology, such as MRI and fMRI, and PET and SPET scans, used in
conjunction with neuropsychological tests administered at key time points including follow-
ups, the clinician is better placed to make a more reliable diagnosis and prognosis than in the
past. It is hope that this will also enlighten service providers in widening access to people
with learning disabilities who also have dementia.

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