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Latihan Soal 4

1. According to United States criminal law, insanity may relieve a person from the usual legal
a. what his or her act have
b. of his or her acts are
c. of his or her acts
d. what of his or her act

2. In addition to..... a place where business deals are made, a stock exchange collects
statistics, publishes price quotations, and sets rules and standards for trading.
a. being
b. it is
c. that which
d. where is

3. ....... Temperature at which air holds as much water vapor as it can is called the dew
a. It is the
b. Is the
c. As the
d. The

4. The earring is one of the oldest known ornaments and.... pieces of stone, bone, or shell.
a. Was from originally from
b. Was made orginally from
c. Originally made was from
d. From originally made was

5. No one knows exactly.....

a. how did speech begin
b. how speech begin
c. how the beginning of speech
d. of how beginning speech

6. ........... mechanical device has ever been invented that can satisfactorily replace teasel
flower heads for raising the nap on cloth.
a. No
b. Not the
c. Never has a
d. There is no

7. ...........composed traditionally has been a subject of debate among scholars.

a. Were ballads how
b. Ballads were how they
c. how ballads that were
d. how ballads were

8. Jupiter, the closet of he Giant plannets to Earth, has..........solid surface and is surrounded
by zones of intense radiation.
a. not
b. nor
c. no
d. neither

9. The black-billed cuckoo has been known to steal other birds.
a. belong
b. which belonging
c. which they belong
d. that belong

10. The purpose of phonetics is........ an inventory and description of the sounds found
a. to provide
b. provided
c. which provided
d. providing that

11. The first inhabitants of the territories ..... Canada came across the Bering Strait and along
the edge of the Artic ice.
a. make up that now
b. make up now that
c. that make up now
d. that now make up

12. ....... need for new schools following the Second World War that provided the sustained
thrust for the architectural program in Columbus, Indiana.
a. since the
b. to be the
c. the
d. it was the

13. The soybean contains vitamins, essential minerals, ..... high percentage of protein.
a. a
b. and a
c. since a
d. of which a

14. Hail is formed when a drop of rain is carried by an updraft to an altitude where.... to
freeze it.
a. is the air cold enough
b. the air cold enough
c. the cold enough air
d. the air is cold enough

15. Even as a girl, ..... to be her life, and theater audiences were to be her best teachers.
a. Perfomaces by Fanny Brice were
b. It was known that Fanny Brices perfomances were
c. Audiences knew that Fanny Brices perfomances were
d. Fanny Brice knew that perfoming was

16. ...... the diffusion of heat upward to the Earths Surfaca, the temperature within the
Earth reamins constant.
a. That
b. Despite
c. If
d. When

17. Noise in a room may be reduced by carpeting, draperies, and ipholstered

furniture,....absorb sound.
a. Which they all
b. Of them all
c. All of which
d. Of all which

18. ...... devised to lessen the drudgery of washing clothes that origin og the washing
machine is unclear.
a. Were the inventions so numerous
b. The inventions so numerous
c. So numerous were the inventions
d. The inventions that were so numerous

19. Of the thousands of varieties of bird species in North America,....... bright red plumage,
like the cardinal, are most often designated as state bird.
a. Those that have
b. Who have
c. Which have
d. To have their

20. ......... as a territory in 1854 and admitted as a state in 1861, Kansas is at the
geographical center of the United States.
a. By organizing
b. Because organized
c. Organized
d. He had organized

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