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10 Ways to Increase
Dopamine to Boost
Your Productivity
By Glenn Santos April 20, 2015 19 Comments

Psst, hey you. Want some dope? What do you mean you dont do drugs? Hey hold on, dont
call the cops on me!

Okay, I see the confusion. I actually meant dopamine. Isnt dope short for dopamine? No?
Huh, you learn something new everyday.

Increase Dopamine = More Productivity

Whats dopamine? Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that our brain produces to nudge us into
doing stuff.Its the main reason why we can focus andachieve great things even if the
payout isnt immediate or obvious.
And dont worry, you cant even take dopamine since its something your brain produces for
itself. But what you can do is increase dopamine in your system to help you stay focused,
productive and motivated. If you want to be productive and get things done,heres a few
ways to boost your dopamine levels.

1. Discover New Things

Dopamine production is actually triggered whenwe nd something new and exciting in front
of us. Our ancestors would experience it when discovering new herds to huntor new plants
to harvest.Unless youre a naturalist, its probably going to be hard to do those things. But we
do have the internet.

The internet is a treasure trove for discoveringnew music to new videos. A simple dopamine
booster is browsing Pinterest or even Amazon for new products and items. A word of
caution: it will get addictive so make sure to limit your time on sites like these.

2. List Down Your Small Tasks

Dopamine is also released after younishsomething, whether its a big job or a small task.
So it follows that if you want more dopamine hits, break down those big jobs into smaller

And asI said above, you need to list down those tasks. Its not that I dont trust you to
remember your todos, its just that its much more satisfying, dopamine-wise, to check stuff
off a list physically. Nothing is more satisfying than ticking off something as done.

3. Listen To Music
Studies have shown that if you listen to music you really enjoy, the brain releases dopamine
as a response. Even the anticipation of hearing that music also increasesdopamine levels,
which is probably why everyone loves browsing for music online.
4. Increase Your Tyrosine
Tyrosine is the building block of dopamine, so make sure that you haveenough of this
protein in you.Fortunately, its easy enough to nd this. Here are some common foods that
have loads of tyrosine:

Green Tea

Im pretty sure you have enough of these in your diet, and some of these are foods you
actually enjoy.

5. Reduce Your Lipopolysaccharides

Lipolypo, lipopopoly, lipoly-what again? Its a hard word to pronounce (and write for that
matter) but thats a good thing because you want to avoid it. These arealso called
endotoxins and yes, it is indeed a toxin. Basically, if you have too much of these, your
immune system will go haywire. More importantly, it inhibits the production of dopamine.

The best way to combat this is by having more good bacteria than bad in your gut. How do
you do that?
Eat lots of probiotic foods, mostly fermented foods like yogurt, ker and kimchi.
Get enough sleep so your gut can keep up with you.
Dont overindulge in fatty and sugary foods. The name says that its built from lipids and
polysaccharides, soless of those means less endotoxins.

6. Exercise Often
Ive already written a lotabout how exercise helps you destressand makes you super-
productive. Its because physical activity is something yourbody craves (even if your
conscious brain hates it sometimes).To make it fun for you, your brain actually releases fun
chemicals like serotonin, endorphins and yes, dopamine.

The great thing is even non-strenuous exercise can help increase dopamine levels. Try taking
the dog out for a walk, climbing some stairs,or busting out the Wii Fit.

7. Establish A Streak
A streak is just a visual reminderof how many consecutive times you achieved something. In
games, its often used to track wins but you can also use it in everyday activities for the
added dopamine boost.

The easiest way to do this is to take a calendar and put an X in the box everyday you do
something, like cleaning your desk or eating a healthy lunch. Soon enough, youll have a neat
row of Xsthere to show off as your streak.

Having a streak increases dopamine production in the same way completing a task does.
While you havent completed the entire goal, just knowing that youre going in the right
direction makes your brain give you enough of a dopamine burst to keep on going.

8. Take Dopamine Enhancing

While you cant pump your brain with dopamine, at least not until we have homebrain
injection kits,you can take supplements that encourage your brain to produce more
dopamine. Heres some of them:

Curcumin, the active ingredient in our favorite curry spice turmeric, helps increase levels
of dopamine.
Ginkgo Biloba is a popular wonder drug and though its not proven, it might help
increasedopamine levels by making it stay in your brain longer.
L-theanine increases neurotransmitter production in your brain, one of which is
dopamine. Green tea has lots of this, though it can also be taken as a theanine
Acetyl-l-tyrosine is a production-ready version of tyrosine which will make it easier for
your brain to create dopamine.

9. MakeStuff
Have you noticed that when youredeep into a creative work, you enter a state of hyper-focus
where you feel you can do anything? That state is called ow and itssomething that
dopamine helps you achieve.

Increasing dopamine can be as simple as taking up a creative hobby like photography,

crafting, auto repairor drawing.

10. Meditate
Sometimes the best way to do something is by doing nothing. Specically, you do nothing
physically but in your mind youre trying to sort out your thoughts. Whether you meditate,
pray or do simple self-reection, all these activities arelinked to increased dopamine levels.

Dopamine is an addictive chemical but in a good way. It motivates you to do the things you
need to do, even the things you dont like doing.

And have you noticed something? Most of the things I mentioned above are actually
activities that also makeyou more productive, since thats essentially what dopamine does.

How do you get your daily dose of dopamine?

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COS Rent 4 Events
Thanks for this Glenn! I only have 3, 6, and 7 in my arsenal I may have to sample every
tip you gave here for boosting my productivity.

Carolyn Cordon
I really hope this article is full of actual true things, because I love doing most of the
things here!

Ciaran Ryan
Thanks Glenn, doing most of those things but still struggling. Anything more handcore?

Glenn Santos
What worked for me is to put all my stuff in my calendar. It doesnt matter: work, play,
chores, reminders. Everything goes in there! This means theres a time and place for
everything. And its also easier to stay no to people since, well, you have something
scheduled already.

If that doesnt work, try setting the top 3 things to do each day. A friend uses this and
it really adds some enlightenment (and anti procrastination) to his day.

Hardcore? Modanil.

Brady Westwater
My entire life has revolved around the dopamine levels in my brain. And the two
drugs that have zero side affects are eldepryl and provigil (one of which is also
known as modanil). And they each kicked in within 3 to 5 hours and while they
supposedly do not wear-off, within 5 to 7 years they each had ZERO impact on

And. I would live to connect with anyone who understands that process. What
has also worked was intense wrestling and hard core ground ghting which I can
no longer do or working on complicated projects with exceptionally bright and
knowledgeable in individuals. Those being the two mental and physically most
challenging activities I could nd.

Brady, even after cycling Modanil on and off? If it has come to the point of
ZERO impact, perhaps you should take a break for a few months and try
again. I am currently taking Armodanil; an enantiopure compound of
Modanil. I have found Armodanil to have less sides than Modanil and
doesnt effect my liver; whereas Modanil wrecked it. From memory, Modanil
use to give me this scattered mental feeling like my brain was on overdrive
yet I still felt sleepy however the sleepiness just didnt bother me. Armodanil
wakes me right up (better with caffeine), and gives me an emotional and
motivational boost to boot. I would even go and call it the perfect drug.
Almost. As I believe taking no drugs would be perfect. But I need it to cope
right now. Without it I dont think Ill be able to do my job, that, or Ill terribly
hate it.

I fried my brain in a stint with crystal meth along with years worth of abuse of
ecstasy and cocaine to name a few, so my dopamine receptors are pretty
whacked. Although it is getting better but its been a long journey.

Anyway Brady, although your situation sounds unique, have you tried Bacopa
in particular the Synapsa version? its a herbal extract. I take it to help me
sleep at night and I wake up feeling good and full of motivation. Worth
checking out my friend. Bacopa is remarkable in of itself of what it can do to
the brain, one being increasing dopamine!

Lastly, and this is highly experimental. Im having high hopes with 9-Methyl-
9B-Carboline. It was found to stimulate, protect and regenerate dopaminergic
neurons in studies. Still waiting for it to come in for my lab rat.

Very interesting Glenn my mother has just had a brain tumour removed and has restless
legs at night caused by low Dopamine levels at the end of the day going to give these a
go many thanks!

Try magnesium, particularly Magtein. I have found these have treated my RLS

there is a few things you mom can do. Epsom salt baths help, as well as magnesuim
supplements. But also she can get magnesium from eating spinanch and almonds,
and other foods rich in it, The restless legs can also be from the cortisone, plus all
the other stuff they give you. I had a tumor removed in April and I did all the things I
am suggesting. It will take some time to recover and the restless legs should

John P
Myth! Your body doest absorb nutrients through its skin. Of course its nice to sit
in a warm bath to help relax

Dhina Teja
the way you emphasized about dopamine is very clear. am medical student sometimes
i get very confused when i went through different blogs for research work the way they
are explaining ! for in just few minutes i get bored. you made it simple and clear. thanks !

The Texas Momma

Enjoyed most of your info but wanted to share this info with you and your followers.. . . ..
Dopamine loss is what Parkinsons Disease is all about. The comments, you cant even
take dopamine since its something your brain produces for itself & While you cant pump
your brain with dopamine are things they long for. It will be so nice when science can
understand the full creation of dopamine and the loss of it as Parkinsons could then be
cured much quicker

The issue with Parkinsons isnt dopamine but rather the neurons that respond to

Sara Lafn
Great article, except the part about the line ups in front of music storesthat makes this
article appear outdated. In fact, music stores are closing as more people turn to
withdrawn on phones just down loading their music. ..

Amanda Rae Lee

I was thrown off by that too.

Glenn Santos
Thanks for the comment, Ive updated it to something a bit more modern.

Interesting that methamphetamine (ice) use almost completely annihilates dopamine in
the brain. This effect can last up to 18 months after a person stops using ice.

Helpful. Thank you

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