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VOLUME 27 MAY 2016

The 2016 FA Cup
and UEFA Champions
League Final Referee

Game Changers
A guide to the latest changes
to the Laws of the Game

National Referee Strategy

A framework for
countrywide success

Standing on the biggest stage

Martin Atkinson and his team
reflect on officiating the
Europa League final

Editorial team & contributors:

David Elleray, Michael Oliver, Martin Atkinson,
Neale Barry, Paul Field, RA-FA Youth Council,
Aldershot Referees Association


Image recognition:
Getty Images, FA Education, FIFA via Getty Images,
The Noun Project


The contents of 'Refereeing' are copyright of
The Football Association. No articles, features or PAGE 40
any aspects can be reproduced or photocopied
without written permission of The Football
Association. The views of this journal are not
necessarily those of The Football Association
or The Referees Association

Published by:
RA-FA LIAISON COMMITTEE FA Learning, Foreword David Elleray 4
The Football Association
Chairman St. Georges Park, Newborough Road Hello, Santiago! Michael Oliver 6
Needwood, Burton-Upon-Trent, DE13 9PD
Standing on the biggest stage Martin Atkinson 10
David Elleray Chairman FA Referees Committee Website:
President The Referees Association History in the making Neale Barry 14
Email: Game changers David Elleray 18
The FA Referees Committee
Wise words (Law 12) David Elleray 38
The FA Crest is a registered trademark
David Horlick Vice Chairman of The Football Association.
The Football Association 2004
National Referee strategy 40
The FA Refereeing Department Adams & Eves Paul Field 58

Neale Barry Head of Refereeing How to deal with match fixers 60

Daniel Meeson National Referee Development Manager Lets talk social Neale Barry 61
Gemma Gale-Watts National Referee Recruitment and Retention Manager
Richard Glynne-Jones National Referee Workforce Manager A weekend of learning RA-FA Youth Council 62
Laurence Jones Senior National Game Business Support Manager RA-FA Council update RA-FA Youth Council 65

The Referees Association Eve of Final Rally Referees Association 66

Come to the conference RA-FA Youth Council 67
Paul Field RA Chairman
David Crick RA Representative on The FA Council and RA Referees Committee Referee Development Fund RA-FA Youth Council
Vince Penfold Chair of External Affairs Back in the game Aldershot Refs Association 68
The RA-FA Youth Council RA member benefits Referees Association 71

Will Finnie Chairman Interview with Paul Field 72


As we approach the end of the season, it feels right to look forward.
Ive no doubt that season 2016/17 will be a very interesting one indeed.
As we approach the end of the season, it Sub Committee has been working on this IFAB and Gianni Infantino, attending his first
is appropriate to look forward. I have no for some time and you will find the new meeting as FIFA President, enthusiastically
doubt that season 2016/17 will be a very Law book very different in style, layout, supported all The IFABs proposals.
interesting one indeed. language and content. In particular:
Since our last edition, there has been much
The interpretation for each Law is now
Domestically, The FAs National Referee focus on the dreadful abuse suffered by
included within each Law at the front
Strategy will come into effect which will some referees in football and in rugby. This is
of the book.
benefit refereeing at all levels throughout something that The FA takes very seriously
The language has been simplified;
the country. Never before has The FA and much needs to be done to support
repetitions have been removed and the
set out its refereeing structures and those who have been abused or assaulted.
masculine language has been removed so
philosophies so clearly. Our goal is to create
that the text is gender neutral to reflect the The RA has a major role to play in
both a structure and a development
important role of women in refereeing supporting referees at grassroots, not just
philosophy that benefits all referees. As a
and football. by mentoring but through formal support
result, they will enjoy what they do much
Laws have been amended to bring them should an assault or abuse occur. The RA is
more and will feel more equipped to face
up to date, make them consistent and fair a family and looks after its family members
their on-field and off-field challenges.
and to reduce the benefit a player may get the support, help, guidance and
Much of what is being proposed uplifts by breaking the Laws. development RA Societies can offer will be
work previously done but there are also a key part of tackling the cancer which
The Law section has been reduced by
some important changes, not least the blights refereeing in football, and sadly all
some 10,000 words and two new sections
change from assessor to observer. sports, in this country.
have been introduced:
This may seem small but it is significant One that explains each major Law As we near the end of the season, good luck
and indicative of how we see the future. change by giving the old text, the new to everyone with a Cup final including Mark
The term assessor often has negative text and the reason(s) for the change Clattenburg (referee), John Brooks and
connotations someone who is a fault And a Glossary that defines key words Andy Halliday (assistant referees), Neil
finder, who stops people being promoted (this is especially important when the Swarbrick (fourth official), and Michael
or getting top appointments. This Laws are translated into other languages). Salisbury (reserve assistant referee) for the
perception undermines and undervalues 2016 FA Challenge Cup final.
One very important change relates to the
the exceptional work of many assessors.
sanction for some DOGSO offences in the I wish you all an excellent end of the season
The change to observer will hopefully penalty area and an explanation of this, and I am sure you will be supporting the
change the role (and perception of the and other changes, is in this issue. three England teams led by Roy Hodgson,
role) to being more of a coach who helps Martin Atkinson and Mark Clattenburg at
As well as approving this major revision, the
the referee perform better in the future. It the EURO finals in France. We have a better
130th AGM of The IFAB in Cardiff on March
is easy to find fault, but not so easy to give chance of having a team in the final than any
6 also gave approval for experiments with
advice as to how to improve this is what other country, so lets hope for great success.
video assistance for referees, continuing
we want the focus of our observers to be.
experiments with sin bins in youth football
Refereeing at all levels throughout the Very best wishes
by UEFA, and experiments with a 4th
world will be affected by the major revision substitution in extra time in approved David Elleray
of the Laws of the Game, which comes into competitions. These are exciting and Chairman, FA Referees Committee
Mark Clattenburg will officiate effect on 1 June 2016. The IFAB Technical challenging times for the newly constituted President, The Referees Association
the 2016 FA Cup Final along
with assistant referees John
Brooks and Andrew Halliday,
fourth official Neil Swarbrick STOP PRESS Congratulations to Mark Clattenburg and his colleagues Simon Beck and Jake Collin (assistant referees), Anthony Taylor
and reserve assistant referee and Andre Marriner (AARs), and Stuart Burt (reserve assistant referee) on being appointed to the 2016 UEFA Champions League final.
Michael Salisbury.

4 5
FIFA U17 final in Chile


The FIFA U17

World Cup 2015
Fact File
We all came back as
better officials The tournament was
played across eight venues
in Chile
Twenty-four teams
(from six Confederations)
took part
Michael Oliver, Stuart Our story began on Thursday 6 August We had eight weeks to prepare, which separate flights to Paris CDG, where Fifty-two matches were
2015 at our pre-season training camp consisted of a large number of matches we met up, and then a 14-hour flight played
Burt and Gary Beswick at St Georges Park. Michael received an both at home and in UEFA competitions. to Santiago.
email direct from FIFA informing him of We spoke at length to David Elleray and One-hundred-and-fifty-one
had the honour of the proposal to invite him to the FIFA
Upon arrival, we were transported to goals were scored in the
our colleagues who had officiated in FIFA
our hotel and given the programme.
officiating at the FIFA U17 U17 World Cup in Chile along with two tournaments about what to expect upon tournament (which is an
FIFA tournaments are extremely
World Cup, culminating in assistants. The invitation was subject to arrival, how to deal with tournament life
well structured and you receive the average of 2.9 goals a game)
approval after submission of the names and the general experiences we would
taking charge of the Final. of the Assistant Referees and completion encounter. These discussions were
programme for the next day on a daily Nigeria won the tournament.
basis. After arriving on Saturday 10 This is the fifth time theyve
Top: The Estadio Sausalito of the relevant fitness checks. invaluable and we would like to place on
in Vina Del Mar provided Their epic story is certain record our thanks to David, Howard Webb,
October, our tournament training began
a spectacular backdrop We had known that this tournament was the following day, which allowed us our
for the tournament final to inspire you. a possibility, as had been the FIFA U20
Mike Mullarkey and Steve Child.
first day to explore Santiago. Ecuador were awarded
in which Nigeria ran out
2-0 winners over Mali.
World Cup tournament earlier in the year We completed the necessary fitness
Our first week consisted of physical and
the Fair Play Award
in New Zealand. However, as Michaels and medical checks, co-ordinated by
Right: Michael Oliver technical training each morning, followed
wedding coincided with the later stages Simon Breivik and the team at St Georges
led the English refereeing by lunch, and then classroom technical
in New Zealand, we knew that the U17 Park and travelled to Santiago on Friday
team, also included Stuart training sessions each afternoon. >>
Burt and Gary Beswick. tournament was a more realistic target. 9 October 2015. Our route consisted of

6 7
FIFA U17 final in Chile

These morning sessions were part of

our programme for 28 of the 33 days We trained at
and they consisted of a group of local
players taking part in either full matches the highest
or match situations. Each referee team
was expected to officiate as if it was a real
level to
game and then received feedback and continue to
advice on their performance.
The Assistant Referees also had offside make a good
training that consisted of a number of
offside situations that were recorded impression.
and the visual feedback was immediate.
All this training proved invaluable as
it allowed us an insight into how FIFA
expected the tournament to be officiated
as well as the opportunity to develop
with the instantaneous feedback.
Our afternoon classroom-based
theoretical sessions provided training on a
different topic each day, covering a variety Danish observer. After a short walk around After returning to the hotel, we received our
of topics including offside, tactical fouls Talca and some dinner, we returned to our post-match debrief from the observer who
and positioning. We also undertook video rooms to rest. was very pleased with our performance.
tests on fouls, misconduct and offside. He agreed with our decision to award
The following day we relaxed in the hotel
the penalty and had no advice to offer
The tournament was close to beginning before making the short journey by car
us. Indeed, he complimented the three match and that our game plan should still had an opportunity to be appointed to preparations to ensure we delivered the
and the first appointments were made two to the stadium. The New Zealand referee
of us, and the New Zealand team, saying be to penalise lots of physical contact the final or the 3rd/4th place match. best performance. The match was played
days before any match. As the tournament team was officiating in their match when
his report would not prevent us from and not worry about taking disciplinary in a good spirit, finishing 2-0 to Nigeria. We
we arrived. Our match began at 7pm local The next few days dragged as we trained
started on Saturday 17 October, the first receiving another appointment. action. We attempted to implement this awarded a penalty for handball to Nigeria
time, but the weather was still 25 degrees as hard as we could, knowing that we had
appointments were released on the and did so successfully, however when after three minutes, but the goalkeeper
with around 75% humidity. The match The following day we went back to our a realistic chance of being appointed to
Thursday. The following day we were we had issued six yellow cards after 30 produced a fantastic double safe.
went well for us with Ecuador winning 3-1. Santiago base where we received very the final, while also knowing we could be
delighted to be appointed to Honduras v minutes we were concerned. Thankfully,
The second goal of the game was scored positive feedback from the Instructors. going home with no further matches. We finished the match with only one
Ecuador on Sunday 18 October. the players responded positively and
after we awarded a penalty for handball. The next day was the official debriefing yellow card, for persistent infringement
the remaining 60 minutes only saw one Thankfully, the news we had hoped for was
After a light training session, we travelled It was a good situation for us as it was of matches 1-8 in the tournament. It having previously been warned. After
more yellow card. After the match our announced after the debriefing. We had
by car for around three hours. There were extremely similar to the handball clips consisted of the whole group attending the match we remained on the field for
debriefing was hugely positive. been appointed to the final, Nigeria v Mali. In
two matches in Talca and we were joined we had discussed during our theoretical a review of all eight matches, with positive around 20 minutes to receive our medals
our opinion, they were the two best teams
by the New Zealand refereeing team training sessions. The rest of the match and developmental clips from the We made the return journey to Santiago and watch the trophy presentation. FIFAs
in the tournament. None of us heard the full
along with the fourth official from Tahiti. passed without incident and we were matches. We were delighted that they and arrived in the hotel during lunch. Head of Refereeing, Massimo Busacca,
announcement, only Michaels name as the
We were met by Peter Mikkelsen, our happy with our performance. only showed positive clips from our match. The reaction from the committee when met us on the field to congratulate us.
rest of the announcement became a bit of a
walking into the room was something
We did not receive another group-stage blur. We were congratulated by all in the room After the match, we travelled back to
we will never forget: everyone was
appointment, which was frustrating, but before quickly returning to our rooms to call Santiago to enjoy the final party. Our
extremely pleased and impressed with
we ensured we trained at the highest level our family, despite it being 11pm UK time. colleagues met us. They gave us a
our performances and we were knighted
to continue to make a good impression. fantastic reception and we received a very
by one of the Instructors. We followed the same routine for the final
pleasing speech from Massimo. It was safe
Our second appointment was Mexico v travelling the day before the match this
We were not appointed in any capacity to say that we had performed well and
Chile in the Round of 16. On paper it was time a 90-minute drive and rested at the
in the quarter-finals but ensured we that our efforts had been appreciated.
also the tie of the round. Our travel hotel overnight and prior to kick-off. On this
continued to train hard. The release of
consisted of a one-hour flight and then a occasion, we were advised by the committee The tournament was a fantastic
Main image: The team some match officials, allowing them
45-minute drive. We were met at the venue that the match should be played in a good experience. It was difficult at times being
poses with the Mexico to return home, would be made after
and Chile captains by the observer, Hector Vergara. Our spirit and they were keen for us to give the away from friends and family for what
the quarter finals. We sat in the room
Jose Esquivel and preparation was similar to the first match, players a chance with regard to disciplinary was a total of 33 days, along with living in
with our colleagues while the group
Marcelo Allende although there was one big difference: action, and allow the teams the platform to a hotel with the same food, surroundings
ahead of the round of debriefing of the quarter final matches
the noisy fans situated outside our hotel. perform to the best of their abilities. and people. However, the support we
16 tie at the Estadio took place, knowing that our fate had
received from our wives proved essential.
Nelson Oyarzun Arenas The match went well and finished 4-1 to been decided but that we had to wait We arrived at the stadium a little earlier
Left: Ecuadors Joan Mexico, however Chile had taken an early until the announcements at the end of than planned and were able to watch some We all came back as better officials,
Cortez celebrates lead and it was still 1-1 after 65 minutes. the debriefing. We were delighted to be of the 3rd/4th place play-off. The remaining delighted with our performances and
after scoring in their
group D match against
Wed been informed by 3 different Referee retained, along with eight other trios. officials had travelled to watch both games knowing that had we not refereed the
Honduras at Estadio Committee members before leaving Further to this, we were not appointed in and it was good to know we had their final, we would not have changed a thing
Fiscal de Talca Santiago that this would be a difficult any capacity to a semi-final. This meant we support in the stands. We then began our with how we operated. /

8 9
UEFA Europa League Final

Main Image: 2015 UEFA Europe

League Final referee, Martin Atkinson
Right: Martin Atkinson and his team shake hands
with FC Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk Ruslan Rotan I must admit I was emotional about
and FC Sevillas Jose Antonio Reyes
receiving this honour. The hard work
and sacrifice had paid off

STANDING The UEFA Europa League I honestly thought it was a wind-up, laughs Martin. When he
called me to say I'd been appointed to referee the UEFA Europa

Final is one the biggest League final I must admit I was emotional about receiving this
football matches in Europe. honour. The hard work and sacrifice had paid off.
The phone call involved a discussion about my team for the
And youve just been told

game, something which had played such an important role in
youre going to referee it. the seasons success. I am a firm believer that the team gets
recognised for their performances, not the individuals. I was

Acclaimed Premier League delighted when the team was finalised by Pierluigi: Assistants
Referee, Martin Atkinson Mike Mullarkey and Steve Child, AARs Anthony Taylor and Andre
Marriner, Reserve Assistant Jake Collin, and the 4th official Pavel
and his colleagues tell the Kralovec from the Czech Republic.
story of what happened after When the news broke around 5pm on the Monday, my
Martin took that call from phone went into meltdown! The number of texts, emails and
phone calls was overwhelming. I was shocked that so many
Pierluigi Collina. friends and colleagues had taken the time to acknowledge
our appointment. >>

1010 11
UEFA Europa League Final

UEFA asked me to do an interview for their website which On arrival in Warsaw, the team received their training and moment. The game was a thoroughly entertaining spectacle
involved a half-day of filming and talking about the game. This match kit, specially embroidered with details of the big match. for the supporters. Dnipro, despite being the underdogs, stayed
showed me the full extent of the appointment and hit home A visit to the stadium followed, allowing the officials to gain a in contention for the whole match before Sevilla edged the
what an achievement this was for us to be involved in such a feel for the environment and to undertake a gentle training contest to seal a 3-2 victory.
prestigious game. session. This was also the perfect opportunity to snap a few
The game couldnt have gone any better, eight cautions in
photographs. Of course, this isnt an option on match day.
Assistant Steve Child recalled the messages he received: a hard-fought memorable European final, recalls Martin.
The build-up to travel day was a blur, with so many well wishes On the morning of the Final, the seven officials enjoyed "Our team had delivered it, which was a massive relief as we were
from the UK and around the world. This was very humbling with breakfast as a team, alongside a hefty legion of UEFA Referee aware of the focus on this game from not just Europe but the
so many kind words of support. Committee members and staff. After receiving the appointment, world". Walking up the steps to receive our medals is definitely
Martin was keen to ensure that, despite being a Final, the highlight of my refereeing career.
The logistics for the final were a slightly unusual for one
preparations remained as normal as possible. I had to ensure
member of the team, as Andre Marriner explains: The travel Having eventually left the pitch, the sense of achievement in the
the build-up to the game was the same as any other trip", he
arrangements proved a little challenging for me as I had actually dressing room was overwhelming. The messages of support from
explains. I had requested videos of the semi-finals to study
closed the date because of a family holiday to Spain. I informed home and abroad were so kind. We had made a lot of people proud.
the teams, tactics and anything that could benefit our team on
UEFA, who explained they could fly me out of Malaga to Warsaw
the night". As normal, following breakfast, we had a short team Following the match, the normal de-brief took place with
and return me back on the day after the game.
meeting to discuss our tactics and approach. Match Observer, Marc Batta, from France. His comments were
This meant I would only miss three days of my family holiday. entirely positive and an endorsement of a job well done. With
The evening of the game had arrived, and UEFA had kindly
My wife Lisa was very understanding and told me that I couldnt formalities over, it was time to eat, drink and celebrate with family
arranged for tickets for the officials. My wife Julie and youngest
miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. This is the kind of and friends, before returning home with fantastic memories that
daughter Olivia were at the game. To see them before kick-
support that often goes unrecognised. At the highest level, you will last a lifetime./
off as we finished our warm-up was an immensely proud
have to be committed.

Top left: Sevillas Carlos Bacca

seals victory with a kiss
Bottom left: The team walk out
for their pre-match inspections
Main image: Martin Atkinson (C)
and his assistants warm up
prior to the UEFA Europa
League Final

The 2015 UEFA Europa LR

League Final Fact File
The messages of support from home This was the first time a UEFA club final
and abroad were so kind. We had had been hosted in Poland
made a lot of people proud. The attendance for the game was 45,000
Ever Banega of Sevilla (right) was named
Man of The Match

1212 13
History in the making

Neale Barry, FA Head of Refereeing, explains how the
decisions made at the recent IFAB gathering in Cardiff
are set to revolutionise football forever.
The 130th AGM of the IFAB was almost The following is a summary of the
certainly the most historic gathering in key decisions. Thats not all. There
the organisations history. It featured then follows an extensive section
far-reaching decisions that will not outlining the main Law changes. This
only affect football at the highest includes a thorough explanation of
level (for example, video assistance these changes. >>
The 130th AGM of the IFAB was almost for referees), but also every match
played throughout the world. In other
certainly the most historic gathering in words, there has never been a more
comprehensive revision and re-
the organisations history. organisation of the Laws of the Game.

1414 15
History in the making

(Effective from 1 June 2016)
In 2014, UEFA were given permission to run an experiment Electronic Performance & Tracking Systems (EPTS)
The IFAB AGM unanimously approved the most comprehensive revision of the in their U16 Development Tournaments. In the first year of The IFAB AGM received an update on the on-going process
Laws of the Game in its history to make them more user-friendly. By almost the experiment, only 24% of coaches felt that the Sin Bin to introduce a global standard for electronic performance
halving the word count, the new format improves the structure, layout, terminology, had a positive impact on players behaviour. In the second and tracking systems. The consultation process with key
phrasing and consistency to increase the universality and understanding of the Laws. year, this had increased significantly to 89%. stakeholders such as leagues, clubs, national teams, FIFPro
There was a discussion around what the terms of reference as well as industry experts is continuing. The AGM received a
The major areas of change are: 3. English and phraseology  his revision makes the Laws of the
T were for the experiment, and how the data was collected recommendation for the development and introduction of a
Unnecessary words have been Game more accessible and more easily and measured. The view was that the experiment should Global Standard which included the following areas:
1. A simpler structure
removed. There is now a more understood by everyone involved or have a conclusion at some point and not be open-ended.
Law and interpretation have been Minimum standard
consistent use of words and interested in football. This should lead to
combined. This means key information The IFAB approved the UEFA experiment for one more Safety standards for players
phrases which, as well as making increased consistency of understanding,
for each Law is in the same place. year and said that they must supply the IFAB with all data Data standard (data safety, security, transfer, storage,
the Laws easier to read, will assist interpretation and application. As a
collected. This meant 2017 AGM could decide whether IP and so on).
2. Updated titles translation, reducing confusion result, greater clarity should lead to fewer
Some Laws have been renamed to Sin Bins should be included as a modification to the Laws Standard for professional football (incl. minimum standard)
and misunderstandings. disputes and controversies resulting from
reflect their content and allow inclusion of the Game for youth (and possibly grassroots) football. Accuracy of collated data
conflicting interpretations.
Contradictions and unnecessary Interoperability of data (different technologies)
of text not previously assigned to a
Law. For example: Law 6: The Assistant
repetitions have been eliminated.
Also, the Laws are now gender neutral,
LAW 3: NUMBER OF PLAYERS Further research
Referees have become The Other Scientific analysis of injury reduction
which this reflects the importance of 4th Substitution in Extra Time Potential benefits of live data for coaches
Match Officials to allow the inclusion
women in football today. Maximum tolerance for latency, delay of live data
of Fourth Officials, Additional Assistant The IFAB agreed to examine this in more detail and
Referees and so on. 4. Updated content undertake research in some competitions to see how it
Some changes bring the Law affects the way the game is played in extra time (FIFA has LAW 12: FOULS & MISCONDUCTS
up-to-date for modern football decided to use it in the 2016 Rio Olympics).
for example, the increased number The areas considered were:
of substitutions, formal entry to Triple Punishment (DOGSO)
How many games are currently decided by penalty kicks? At the IFAB AGM in 2015, it was decided to ask the FIFA
the field and so on.
How many goals are scored in extra time? Executive Committee to consider removing the automatic
What impact would this increase in substitutions have one-match ban for a Denial of a Goal Scoring Opportunity
in extra time? (DOGSO) sending-off. However they were not in favour
Would this give an even greater advantage to teams with and returned the issue to IFAB to find a better solution.
big squads of quality players? UEFA had submitted wording that was modified by The
FIFPro had undertaken a survey of their members and 81% IFAB Technical Sub-Committee (TSC) and agreed as
were in favour of this change. outlined below:
The decision taken was that we should look to run an experiment Denial of a Goal Scoring Opportunity
in a closed tournament to see what the effects were. Where a player denies the opposing team a goal or an
obvious goal-scoring opportunity by a deliberate handball
VIDEO ASSISTANCE FOR MATCH offence, the player is sent off wherever the offence occurs.

OFFICIALS (VAR) Where a player commits an offence within their own

penalty area, which denies an opponent an obvious goal-
As expected, this item was discussed at length. There was scoring opportunity and the referee awards a penalty kick,
a unanimous decision to approve live testing but only to the offending player should be cautioned unless:
correct a clear error. The offence is holding, pulling or pushing or
The IFAB decided that any league/national association/ The offending player does not attempt to play the
confederation that wishes to conduct an experiment can only ball or there is no possibility for the player making the
do so if it uses the approved IFAB Protocol. This limits the use of challenge to play the ball or
video assistance to four major match-affecting situations: The offence is one which is punishable by a red card
Goals regardless of where it occurs on the field of play (for
Penalty and non-penalty example, serious foul play, violent conduct and so on.)
Red cards (excluding second yellow cards) In all these circumstances, the player should be dismissed
Mistaken identify (for disciplinary sanctions). from the field of play.
The Video Assistant Referee (VAR) will review incidents. If Additionally, it is made clear that:
there appears to have been a clear error, they should offer Where a player denies the opposing team a goal or
advice to the referee. Consequently, the referee will have the an obvious goal-scoring opportunity by a deliberate
option of accepting the VARs advice or going to look at the handball offence, the player is sent off wherever the
replay on the side of the field of play. offence occurs. /

1616 17
Law Changes for 2016/17 explained

The authority for the

current revision of the
Laws of the Game is found
in the minutes of the
127th, 128th and 129th
Technical Sub Committee
(which includes Neale

Barry and David Elleray
from The FA) started work
in Autumn 2014.

The minutes of the 129th AGM on misunderstanding. In addition, the Laws

28 February 2015 state that: are now gender neutral, reflecting the
The aim of the revision is to make importance of women in football today.
the Laws of the Game more accessible
and more easily understood by Updated content
everyone in football, and to increase
Some changes have brought the Laws
consistency of understanding,
up to date with modern football e.g. the
interpretation and application.
increased number of substitutes.
The revision has focused on making
Two important new sections have
the Laws more appropriate for the
been introduced:
modern game at all levels. The key
The Laws of the Game are changing changes include: Law changes explained
for season 2016/17. A simpler structure This section shows the old text and the
new text along with an explanation for
Technical Director of The IFAB, David Elleray, Law and Law Interpretation have been each Law change.
combined so all the information for each
guides you through the details. Law is in the same place. Glossary
Updated titles This list defines the important words
or phrases that are sometimes
Some Laws have been renamed to reflect misunderstood or difficult to translate.
their content and to include text that
hasnt been assigned to a Law in the The IFAB believes these revisions have
past. For example, Law 6: The Assistant made the Laws of the Game more
Referees has become The Other Match accessible to everyone involved. This
Officials to include Fourth Officials, should lead to increased consistency
Additional Assistant Referees and similar. of understanding, interpretation and
application so there are fewer disputes
English and phraseology and controversies resulting from
conflicting interpretations.
Unnecessary words, repetitions and
contradictions have been removed. At You can download the full Laws of the
the same time a more consistent use Game 2016/17 book from The IFAB
of words and phrases has made the website: from 20 May.
Laws more readable. This has helped In the meantime, the following pages are
translation, and reduced confusion and an explanation of the main changes. >>

18 19
Law Changes for 2016/17 explained


Take a look at this LAW 1: The field of play LAW 5: The Referee LAW 13: Free-kicks
simple, clear outline Artificial and natural surfaces may not Decision cannot be changed if play Difference between stopping
be combined on the field restarted or referee has left the field a free-kick and intercepting
of the main changes Competitions may determine field size If several offences occur at the same the ball after free-kick taken
and clarifications. for their competitions (within Law) time, the most serious is punished
LAW 14: The penalty kick
All commercial advertising on the Referee can send a player off from
ground must be at least one metre pre-match pitch inspection onwards Indirect free-kick and yellow card
from boundary lines Referee can only use red card and if wrong player deliberately takes
Logos/emblems of FAs, competitions yellow cards after entering the field at the penalty
are allowed on corner flags (no start of the match Indirect free-kick if ball kicked
advertising) Player injured by a red card or yellow backwards
card foul can be quickly assessed/ If illegal feinting occurs it is
LAW 2: The ball treated and stay on-field Law 15: Throw in always an indirect free-kick
None The equipment a referee can or may (and yellow card)
be allowed to use is listed Goalkeeper cautioned if infringes
LAW 3: The Players Diagrams of referee signals included LAW 8: The start and and the penalty kick is retaken
LAW 11: Offside
A match may not start/continue if a (from Guidelines section) restart of play
team has fewer than seven players
Halfway line neutral for offside; LAW 15: The throw in
All restarts included (previously only player must be in opponents half
Substitutes may take a restart but must New wording makes it clear that ball
kick-off and dropped ball) Players arms not considered when
first step onto the field must be thrown with both hands
Ball must clearly move to be in play for judging offside position (including
Clarifies situation when a player is sent all kicked restarts goalkeeper) LAW 16: The goal kick
off before/after kick-off
Ball can be kicked in any direction at Offside free-kick always taken where
Direct free-kick (or penalty) if a If goal kick is kicked into own goal,
kick-off (previously had to go forward) offence occurs (even in own half)
substitute/team official interferes it is a corner kick to opponents
Referee can not manufacture outcome Defender off the field only active until
with play An opponent in the penalty area
of a dropped ball defending team clears ball or play stops
If something/someone (other than a when the goal kick is taken can not
Player who first kicks a dropped ball Same for attacker returning; before that play the ball first
player) touches a ball as it goes into the
cannot touch it again until someone re-entry point is the offside position
goal the referee can award the goal if
else touches it LAW 17: The corner kick
the touch had no impact on
Law 12: Fouls and misconduct
the defenders Law 5: The Referee
If corner kick is kicked into
LAW 9 : The ball in and out of play Foul with contact is a direct free-kick
If a goal is scored with an extra person on own goal, it is a corner kick
the field and referee has restarted play If a ball rebounds off a match official, it Advantage for a red card indirect to opponents
the goal stands and match continues LAW 6: The other match officials is in play unless it wholly passed over a free-kick if offender then gets involved
More details about the duties of the boundary line in play Law Changes in detail >>
LAW 4: The players equipment assistants, other match officials, Change of wording for handball so that
fourth official
LAW 10: Determining
Any tape or other material on/covering not every handball is a yellow card
the outcome of a match
socks must be same colour as the sock Diagrams of other match officials Some denial of goal-scoring
signals included (from Guidelines Kicks from the penalty mark: opportunity offences in the penalty
Player losing footwear/shinguard
section) Referee will toss a coin to choose the area are punished with a yellow card
accidentally can play on until next
stoppage goal (unless weather, safety and so on) Attempted violent conduct is a red
LAW 7: The duration of the match card, even if no contact
Undershorts must be colour of Player temporarily off the field (for
shorts or hem. Team must all wear More reasons for additional time example, injured) at final whistle can Striking on head/face when not
same colour (for example, medical drinks breaks) take part challenging an opponent is a red card
Electronic communication with Both teams must have same number unless negligible
substitutes is forbidden of players before and during the kicks Offence against substitutes, team
Player can return during play after Clear statement of when a kick is over officials, match officials is now a direct
changing/correcting equipment, once Kicks not delayed if player leaves the free-kick
equipment has been checked (by field; if not back in time, kick is forfeited Foul off the field penalised with a direct
referee or other match officials) and free-kick on boundary line (penalty in
referee signals own penalty area)

20 21
Law Changes for 2016/17 explained


Details of all Law Changes The text shown in the old text boxes 1.5: Commercial advertising on LAW 2: The ball including a corner kick or throw-in; some If the referee has stopped play, it is
may be the exact previous text or a more the ground wrongly interpret the old wording as restarted with an indirect free-kick
(in Law order) general outline of the meaning of the Old text None. requiring play to be restarted before a If a team official enters the field
previous text. No form of commercial advertising, whether substitute can take a restart. of play:
The following are the main real or virtual, is permitted on the field of play, If the referee stops the match, he must
on the ground within the area enclosed by LAW 3: The players restart play with a dropped ball
changes to the Laws of the LAW 1: The field of play 3.4: Named substitute starts instead
the goal nets or the technical area, or within 3.1: Title change of named player New text
Game that are not related 1.1: Artificial and natural surfaces may 1m (1 yd) of the touchline from the time If play is stopped and the interference
Old title Old text
to English/phraseology. For not be combined the teams enter the field of play. was by:
The Number of Players If a named substitute enters the field of
Old text New text A team official, substitute or substituted
each change, the old wording New title play instead of a named player at the
Matches may be played on natural No form of commercial advertising, player play restarts with a direct free-
The Players start of the match and the referee is not
(where appropriate) and the or artificial surfaces, according to whether real or virtual, is permitted on kick or penalty kick
informed of this change:
competition rules. the field of play, on the ground within Explanation
new/changed/additional The referee allows the named Explanation
the area enclosed by the goal nets or the New title reflects that the content
New text substitute to continue the match There is a growing problem of substitutes/
wording are given followed technical area, or on the ground within includes reference to substitutes etc.
The field of play must be a wholly natural team officials entering the field to
1m (1 yd) of the boundary lines from the New text
by an explanation for or, if competition rules permit, a wholly interfere with play or an opponent (for
time the teams enter the field of play. If a named substitute starts a match
artificial playing surface, except where 3.2: Minimum number of players example, stopping a goal). This is clearly
instead of a named player and the
the change. competition rules permit an integrated Explanation Old text referee is not informed of this change: unfair and a direct free-kick (or penalty
combination of artificial and natural Clarifies that restrictions on commercial kick if in own penalty area) is more
A match may not start if either team The referee allows the named
materials (hybrid system), which must advertising on the ground relate to the appropriate.
consists of fewer than seven players. substitute to continue the match
extend throughout the field of play. area behind the goal lines as well as the Although a match may not START if either
touchlines. Explanation
Explanation team consists of fewer than seven players, 3.7: Player who is sent off before or
Clarifies that if a named player is replaced
Clarifies that for safety reasons mixing the minimum number of players in a after kick-off
by a substitute before the match, the
natural and artificial surfaces is not permitted team required for a match to CONTINUE
1.6: Logos and emblems on player can be a substitute on arrival. It is Additional text
on the field of play. A different surface is is left to the discretion of member
corner flags more logical that this takes effect when A player who is sent off:
permitted on the surrounding areas (for associations. However, it is the opinion of
the match kicks off rather than when the Before submission of the team list can
example, artificial turf for the other match Old text the International F.A. Board that a match
substitute enters the field. not be named on the team list in any
officials patrol area). An integrated mix of The reproduction, whether real or virtual, of should not continue if there are fewer than
natural and artificial material throughout the representative logos or emblems of FIFA, seven players in either team. capacity
whole field is permitted. confederations, member associations, 3.5: Extra persons on the field of play After being named on the team list
leagues, clubs or other bodies is forbidden New text and before kick-off may be replaced
status of sent off player
on the field of play, the goal nets and the A match may not start or continue if by a named substitute (who can not
1.2: Competitions may determine either team has fewer than seven players. Old text
areas they enclose, the goals, the flagposts Anyone not indicated on the team list be replaced)
length of boundary lines and their flags during playing time. After the kick-off can not be replaced
Explanation as a player, substitute or team official is
(within Law 1 parameters)
New text The IFAB recommendation of the deemed to be an outside agent, as is a
Additional text Explanation
The reproduction, whether real or virtual, minimum number of players for a player who has been sent off.
Competitions may determine the length Clarifies whether a sent off player can be
of representative logos or emblems of match to continue becomes Law. This
of the goal line and touchline within the New text replaced.
FIFA, confederations, national football is consistent with the minimum to start
above dimensions. the match. Anyone not named on the team list as
associations, competitions, clubs or a player, substitute or team official is
Explanation other bodies is forbidden on the field of 3.8: Impact of substitute/team official
deemed to be an outside agent. outside agent touching a ball which is
Clarifies that competitions have the play, the goal nets and the areas they 3.3: Restarts by substitutes going into the goal
authority to determine the length of enclose, the goals, and the flagposts Explanation
the touchlines and goal lines for their Old text It is more logical to treat a sent off player Old text
during playing time. They are permitted
matches within the dimensions of Law 1. A substitute who has not completed the like a substitute so that a player who In the situations outlined in 3.6 above,
on the flags on the flagposts.
substitution procedure by entering the returns to the field (having been sent off) the referee must stop play if the intruder
Explanation field of play cannot restart play by taking is penalised with a free-kick. interferes with play or touches the ball. If
1.3: The technical area 'National Football Associations' replaces a throw-in or corner kick. an outside agent enters the field of play:
Technical Area information moved from Member Associations, 'competitions' New text
3.6: Infringements by substitutes and The referee must stop play (although
end of Laws section. replaces 'leagues' as cup competitions are Substitutes can take any restart provided
team officials not immediately if the outside agent
not covered by the current wording. These they first enter the field of play.
Old text does not interfere with play) >>
logos are already widely used and allowing
1.4: Goal Line Technology (GLT) them on the flags is consistent with Law 2, Explanation If a substitute or substituted player enters
GLT information moved from Law 10 which permits them on the ball. Clarifies that a substitute who steps onto the field of play without the referees
the field of play can then take any restart, permission:

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Law Changes for 2016/17 explained


New text The referee must report the incident 4.2: Loss of footwear and shinguard 4.4: Caps
If a ball is going into the goal and to the appropriate authorities. Old text Old text
the interference does not prevent a Explanation If a player loses his footwear accidentally Non-dangerous protective equipment
defending player playing the ball, the goal Incorporates principle outlined in and immediately plays the ball and/or is permitted, as are sports spectacles.
is awarded if the ball enters the goal (even 3.8 (above) scores a goal, the goal is awarded.
if contact was made with the ball) unless New text
the ball enters the opponents goal. Clarifies how to restart if a goal is scored New text Non-dangerous protective equipment is
when there is an extra person on the A player whose footwear or shinguard is permitted, as are Goalkeeper caps and
Explanation field and play has not restarted. accidentally lost must replace it as soon sports spectacles.
This fair play change means that if an as possible and no later than when the
Clarifies that if a goal was scored when Explanation
attempt to stop a goal is unsuccessful the ball next goes out of play; if before doing
there was an extra person on the field Reference to caps included so their use
referee can award the goal (see 3.9). so, the player plays the ball and/or scores
and play has restarted the referee has is permitted within the Laws.
to allow the game to continue and a goal, the goal is awarded.
3.9: Goal scored with an extra person cannot disallow the goal or nullify Explanation
on the field of play the period between the goal and the It is clearer to specify that footwear 4.5: Electronic communication with
Old text discovery of the extra person. must be replaced quickly and no later players (including substitutes)
If, after a goal is scored, the referee than when the ball next goes out of play. Old text
realises, before play restarts, that there 3.10: Reference to team captain It is logical to apply the principle The use of any form of electronic
was an extra person on the field of play (from Law 12) to shinguards. communication systems between
when the goal was scored: players and/or technical staff is not
Additional text Law 4.4: Protective Caps
The referee must disallow the goal if: permitted.
The team captain has no special status 4.3: Colour of undergarments
T  he extra person was an outside
or privileges but has a degree of Old text New text
agent and he interfered with play
responsibility for the behaviour of The basic compulsory equipment The use of any form of electronic
The extra person was a player, Only re-enter with the referees Explanation
the team. of a player comprises the following communication between players
substitute, substituted player or (including substitutes/substituted and permission (which may be given Throughout the Laws there is reference
team official associated with the Explanation separate items:
sent off players) and/or technical staff during play) to in the opinion of the referee and at the
team that scored the goal More logical to have this statement in A jersey or shirt with sleeves if discretion of the referee so this statement
undergarments are worn, the colour is not permitted. Explanation
Law 3 rather than Law 12 removes the need to use in the opinion
New text of the sleeve must be the same main Explanation Law was unclear about whether a player
If, after a goal is scored, the referee of/at the discretion of regularly. The
colour as the sleeve of the jersey Clarifies that electronic communication who chooses to leave the field of play
realises, before play restarts, that there concept of the spirit of the game now
or shirt with substitutes is not permitted (e.g. to change boots) can return during
was an extra person(s) on the field of LAW 4: The players equipment appears in the Laws.
Shorts if undershorts or tights are play. New wording allows the fourth
play when the goal was scored: 4.1: Tape/material on/covering socks official/other match officials to check the
worn, they must be of the same main
The referee must disallow the goal if 4.6: Player returning after changing/ equipment and, regardless of the reason 5.2: Decisions of the referee
Old text colour as the shorts
the extra person was: correcting equipment for leaving the field, the player is treated when decisions cannot be changed
The compulsory equipment of a player
An outside agent and they interfered New text Old text the same as if returning after an injury.
comprises the following: Old text
with play unless a goal results as The compulsory equipment of a player In the event of any infringement of This is better for the game and reduces
Stockings if tape or similar material is The referee may only change a decision
outlined above in extra persons on comprises the following separate items: this Law: conflict/irritation.
applied externally it must be the same on realising that it is incorrect or, at his
the field of play A shirt with sleeves Any player required to leave the field
colour as that part of the stocking it is discretion, on the advice of the other
Shorts of play to correct his equipment must
A player, substitute, substituted applied to. match official or the fourth official,
Undershirts must be the same colour not re-enter without the referees
player, sent off player or team official New text as the main colour of the shirts sleeves;
LAW 5: THE REFEREE provided that he has not restarted play
of the team that scored the goal permission or terminated the match.
Socks tape or any material applied undershorts/tights must be the same 5.1: Decisions of the referee
Play is restarted with a goal kick or a or worn externally must be the same colour as the main colour of the shorts or The referee checks that the players opinion and discretion New text
corner kick colour as that part of the sock it is the lowest part of the shorts - players of the equipment is correct before allowing The referee may not change a decision
If, after a goal is scored and play has applied to or covers. him to re-enter the field of play Additional text on realising that it is incorrect or on the
same team must wear the same colour.
restarted, the referee realises an extra Decisions will be made to the best of the advice of another match official, if play
Explanation Explanation The player is only allowed to re-enter referees ability according to the Laws
person was on the field of play when Clarifies that non-tape material must be the field of play when the ball is out has restarted or the referee has signalled
the goal was scored, the goal cannot be Undershirts replaces undergarments. of the Game and the spirit of the game the end of the first or second half
the same colour as the sock it covers of play and will be based on the opinion of the
disallowed. If the extra person is still on Manufacturers now make shorts with (including extra time) and left the field
as some players wear ankle socks (or referee who has the discretion to take
the field the referee must: similar) which are a different in colour
a different coloured lower part (hem). New text or terminated the match. >>
Stop play Law change allows the undershorts/ A player who leaves the field of play to appropriate action within the framework
to the sock. of the Laws of the Game.
Have the extra person removed tights to be the same colour as the correct or change equipment must:
Restart with a dropped ball or indirect shorts or the hem but the team must Have the equipment checked by a match
free-kick as appropriate all wear the same colour. official before being allowed to re-enter

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Law Changes for 2016/17 explained


Explanation 5.6: Player may have quick on-field Explanation prevent a defending player playing the Explanation
Clarifies that once the referee signals assessment/treatment after It is widely seen as unfair that a player ball, the goal is awarded if the ball enters Emphasises the referees leadership role.
the end of a half and leaves the field a YC/RC offence who is injured by a serious foul and the the goal (even if contact was made
decision can not be changed even if Old text trainer/doctor comes on, the player has with the ball) unless the ball enters the
information then comes to light to leave the field giving the offending opponents goal 6.3: Assistance given to the referee by
The referee stops the match if, in his
e.g. during the half-time interval. team gains a numerical benefit. This is other match officials
opinion, a player is seriously injured and Explanation
ensures that the player is removed from consistent with other fair play changes Additional text
This makes Law 5 consistent with the
the field of play. An injured player may (see Practical Guidelines). The match officials assist the referee
5.3: Several offences committed change in Law 3 (see 3.8).
not be treated on the field and may only with inspecting the field of play, the
at the same time
return after the match has restarted. balls and players equipment (including
Old text 5.7: Impact of an outside agent
Exceptions to the requirement to leave 5.8: Referees equipment if problems have been resolved) and
Punishes the more serious offence touching a ball that is going into
the field are only when: Additional text maintaining records of time, goals,
when a player (or players from the the goal
A goalkeeper is injured Compulsory equipment misconduct and so on...
same team) commits more than one Old text
A goalkeeper and an outfield player Whistle(s) Explanation
offence at the same time An extra ball, other object or animal
The current Law 12 wording relates to have collided and need immediate Watch(es) Statement early in the Law of the
 Offences committed by players from enters the field of play during the match,
when there was no pre-match warming up, attention Red and yellow cards usual assistance given to the referee
different teams: the referee must stop the referee must:
teams did not enter the field together etc. Players from the same team have Notebook (or other means of keeping avoids repetition in sections on each
play and restart it with a dropped ball Stop play only if it interferes with play.
It is logical that if, for example, two players collided and need immediate attention a record of the match) match official.
New text Play restarts with a dropped ball
fight in the tunnel, or in the pre-match A severe injury has occurred Other equipment
Punishes the more serious offence, in warm up, they can not be allowed to play New text Referees may be permitted to use:
terms of sanction, physical severity and Addition text An extra ball, other object or animal Equipment for communicating with 6.4: Procedure if an official is unable
as this would risk match control and not be to officiate
tactical impact, when more than one A player is injured as the result of enters the field of play during the match, other match officials buzzer/bleep
good for the image of the game. During his
offence occurs at the same time a physical offence for which the the referee must: flags, headsets etc Old text
inspection of the field of play the referee
opponent is cautioned or sent off Stop play (and restarted with a EPTS or other fitness monitoring Prior to the start of the competition,
Explanation can have the markings changed etc. so it
(for example, reckless or serious dropped ball) only if it interferes with equipment the organiser states clearly whether,
It should not matter if it is one or several is logical that this is when the authority to
foul challenge), if the assessment/ play unless the ball is going into the Referees and other match officials are if the referee is unable to continue, the
players or from which team(s) as the most send off a player starts. Non-sending-off
treatment is completed quickly goal and if the interference does not prohibited from wearing jewellery or any fourth official takes over as the referee
serious offence should be penalised. offences will be reported so yellow cards
cannot be issued prior to the match or other electronic equipment. or whether the senior assistant referee
Same change included in Law 14.
carried into the match. (See also 12.8). or senior additional assistant referee
takes over as referee with the fourth
5.4: Authority to take disciplinary Moved from Law 4. Wording clarifies what
official becoming an assistant referee.
action from pre-match inspection of equipment a match official is or may be
5.5: Authority to show red and New text
the field (see 12.8) permitted to use.
yellow cards Competition rules must state clearly
Old text Old text who replaces a match official who is
The referee has the authority to take The referee has the power to show yellow unable to start or continue and any
LAW 6 : The other match officials
disciplinary sanctions from the moment or red cards during the half-time interval associated changes. In particular, it must
he enters the field of play until he leaves and after the match has finished as well 6.1: Title change be clear whether, if the referee is unable
the field of play after the final whistle. as during extra time and kicks from the Old title to continue, the fourth official or the
New text penalty mark, since the match remains The Assistant Referees. other match officials takes over.
The referee has the authority to take under his jurisdiction at these times.
New title Explanation
disciplinary action from entering the field New text The Other Match Officials. Wording simplified so each scenario does
of play for the pre-match inspection until The referee has the power to show
Explanation not need to be listed. >>
leaving the field of play after the match yellow or red cards from entering the
ends (including kicks from the penalty The duties of all the other match officials
field of play at the start of the match until
mark). If, before entering the field of play (assistant referees, fourth official, additional
after the match has ended, including
at the start of the match, a player commits assistant referees and reserve assistant
during the half-time interval, extra time
a sending-off offence, the referee has the referee) are now included in this Law.
and kicks from the penalty mark.
authority to prevent the player taking part
in the match (See Law 3.6); the referee will Explanation
6.2: Referees authority over other
report any other misconduct. Clarifies (in light of 5.4) that the referee
match officials
may only use red and yellow cards
Explanation from entering the field at the start of Additional text
New wording identifies exactly when the the match. The match officials operate under the
referees authority to take action starts. Law 5.6: On field assessment
direction of the referee.

26 27
Law Changes for 2016/17 explained


6.5: Duties of the fourth official drinks breaks have been added so that 8.3: Kick-off ball must clearly move to LAW 10: Determining the outcome Explanation
Additional text they have validity in the Laws. be in play; can be kicked in any direction of a match Clarifies that a player temporarily off
A fourth official [...] assists the referee at Old text the field legitimately (injury, changing
LAW 8: The start and restart of play 10.1: Title change equipment etc.) can take part, as can a
all times: The ball is in play when it is kicked
Checking a players/substitutes 8.1: Inclusion of reference to and moves forward Old title substitute who replaces a goalkeeper.
equipment all restarts The Method of Scoring.
New text
Indicating the minimum amount of Additional text New title
The ball is in play when it is kicked 10.2.3: Naming and order of
additional time the referee intends to Free-kicks (direct or indirect), penalty Determining the Outcome of a Match
and clearly moves penalty takers
play at the end of each half (including kicks, throw-ins, goal kicks and corner
extra time) Explanation Explanation Old text
kicks are other restarts (see Laws 13-17). Each team is responsible for selecting the
Not requiring the ball to go forward at the Kicks from the Penalty Mark, Away goals,
Explanation Explanation etc. now included in this Law. players from those on the field of play
kick-off means an attacker does not need
Tasks usually performed by fourth officials Illogical (especially to non-referees) that Law 6.5: Duties of the fourth official at the end of the match and the order in
to stand in the opponents half (which is
have been added. the Law about restarts only includes the which they will take the kicks.
not permitted) to receive the ball. As with
kick-off and dropped ball so reference to other Laws the ball must clearly move to 10.2.1: Choosing the goal for the kicks
8.6: Dropped ball kicked directly from the penalty mark New text
other restarts of play has been added. stop the practice of a player just touching Each team is responsible for selecting
LAW 7 : The duration of the match into the goal Old text
the ball and then unsportingly pretending from the eligible players the order in
7.1: Additional time the kick has not been taken. Old text The referee chooses the goal at which the
8.2: Infringements when the ball is which they will take the kicks. The referee
If the ball enters the goal directly. kicks will be taken. The penalty area where
Additional text not in play is not informed of the order.
New text the kicks from the penalty marks are taking
Allowance is made by the referee in each Additional text 8.4: Dropped ball position place may be changed only if the goal or the Explanation
half for all time lost in that half through: If a dropped ball enters the goal without
If an infringement occurs when the ball playing surface becomes unusable. Clarifies that the names and/or the order
Assessment and/or removal from the Addition text touching at least two players.
is not in play this does not change how of kickers do not have to be given to the
field of play of injured players The referee drops the ball at the New text
play is restarted. Explanation referee (some incorrectly ask for the
Stoppages for drinks or other position where it was when play was Unless there are other considerations (e.g.
Replacing directly with without touching names and stop the order being changed).
medical reasons permitted by Explanation stopped, unless play was stopped inside ground conditions, safety etc.) the referee
at least two players is clearer and
competition rules Clarifies that the restart is not changed the goal area in which case the ball is tosses a coin to decide the goal at which
consistent with wording in other Laws.
for an incident when the ball is not in play dropped on the goal area line which the kicks will be taken, which may only be 10.2.4: Same number of players
Explanation e.g. holding before a corner kick; violent is parallel to the goal line at the point changed for safety reasons or if the goal or
These frequent causes of additional time Old text
conduct after a free-kick is awarded etc. nearest to where the ball was when play playing surface becomes unusable.
have been added. In particular, approved LAW 9: The ball in and out of play If at the end of the match and before
was stopped.
Explanation kicks start to be taken from the penalty
Explanation 9.1: Ball rebounding off a match official mark one team has a greater number of
Referees find it difficult to decide which
Clear statement here removes the Old text goal to use with home supporters at one players than its opponents, it must reduce
many other times this appears in the The ball is in play at all other times, end and away supporters at the other its numbers to equate with that of its
current Laws. including when: end. Subject to over-riding considerations opponents and the captain must inform
It rebounds off a goalpost, crossbar or (security, condition of the field etc) the the referee of the name and number of
corner flagpost and remains in the field fairest method is to toss a coin. each player excluded.
8.5: Referee cannot determine the of play
drop ball contest It rebounds off the referee or an New text
Old text assistant referee when they are on the 10.2.2: Eligible players (including If at the end of the match and before or
Clarifies that the referee should not field of play those temporarily off the field) during the kicks one team has a greater
manufacture dropped ball situations. Old text number of players than its opponents,
New text it must reduce its numbers to the same
With the exception of the foregoing case,
New text The ball is in play at all other times,
only players who are on the field of play at number as its opponents and the referee
Any number of players may contest including when: must be informed of the name and
the end of the match, which includes extra
a dropped ball (including the It rebounds off a match official, number of each player excluded.
time where appropriate, are eligible to take
goalkeepers); the referee cannot decide goalpost, crossbar or corner flagpost
kicks from the penalty mark.
who may contest the dropped ball or and remains in the field of play Explanation
its outcome. New text This applies the fair play principle at the
With the exception of a substitute for an start of kicks from the penalty mark, i.e. one
Explanation Change confirms that the ball is still in
injured goalkeeper, only players who are team should not benefit from having fewer
Clarifies that referees should not play if it rebounds off an official who is
on the field of play or are temporarily off kickers than their opponents, as this could
manufacture dropped ball situations. just off the field of play (other match
the field (injury, adjusting equipment mean their best kicker taking a second kick
officials) and the ball does not wholly
etc) at the end of the match are eligible against the opponents last/worst kicker. >>
pass over the line.
Law 10.2.1: Choosing the goal for the kicks from the penalty mark to take kicks from the penalty mark.

28 29
Law Changes for 2016/17 explained


11.4: Offence following a 11.6: Defending player off the field

rebound or save Old text
Old text Any defending player leaving the field of
Gaining an advantage by being in that play for any reason without the referees
position by playing a ball: permission shall be considered to be on his
That rebounds or is deflected to own goal line or touch line for the purposes
him off the goalpost, crossbar or of offside until the next stoppage in play. If
an opponent the player left the field of play deliberately,
From a deliberate save by any he must be cautioned when the ball is next
opponent out of play.
New text
New text
A defending player who leaves the field
Gaining an advantage by being in that
of play without the referees permission
position by playing the ball or interfering
shall be considered to be on the goal line
with an opponent when it has:
or touchline for the purposes of offside
Rebounded or been deflected off the
until the next stoppage in play or until
goalpost, crossbar or an opponent
the defending team has played the ball
Been deliberately saved by any
Law 11.5: Position of free kick towards the halfway line and it is outside
their penalty area. If the player left the field
Explanation of play deliberately, the player must be
10.2.5: Goalkeeper unable to continue Explanation It is important to stop this potentially Explanation Clarifies that interfering with an cautioned when the ball is next out of play.
Old text Clarifies when a referee should decide a unfair conduct (instructions from the Clarifies that the hands and arms of opponent after a rebound, deflection or Explanation
A goalkeeper who is injured while kicks are kick is over (see also 14.3). coach, deliberate delay, match fixing, etc). defenders, attackers and goalkeepers save is an offside offence. It is unfair that an injured defending player
being taken from the penalty mark and is are not included when judging offside. off the field plays everyone onside until
unable to continue as goalkeeper may be 11.5: Position of free-kick play stops. The new wording defines
10.2.7: Sequence of kickers
replaced by a named substitute provided LAW 11: Offside the end of the phase of play when the
11.3: Position not offence judged at Old texts
his team has not used the maximum Additional text defender is no longer considered to be on
11.1: Status of halfway line the moment the ball is played P. 36 In the event of an offside offence,
number of substitutes permitted under Each kick is taken by a different player the field for the purposes of offside.
Old text Old text the referee awards an indirect free-kick to
the competition rules. and all eligible players must take a kick
A player is not in an offside position if: A player in an offside position is only the opposing team to be taken from the
New text before any player can take a second kick place where the infringement occurred;
He is in his own half of the field penalised if, at the moment the ball 11.7: Attacking player off the field
A goalkeeper who is unable to continue The above principle continues for any
of play touches or is played by one of his team, P. 111 When an offside offence occurs, Old text
before or during the kicks and whose subsequent sequence of kicks but a
New text he is, in the opinion of the referee, the referee awards an indirect free-kick It is not an offence in itself for a player
team has not used its maximum team may change the order of kickers
A player is in an offside position if: involved in active play by to be taken from the position of the who is in an offside position to step off the
permitted number of substitutes, may Explanation offending player when the ball was last
Any part of the head, body or feet is New text field of play to show the referee that he is
be replaced by a named substitute, or a Clarifies that all team members must take played to him by a team-mate.
in the opponents half excluding A player in an offside position at the not involved in active play. However, if the
player excluded to equalise the number the same number of kicks before a player the halfway line moment the ball is played or touched New text referee considers that he has left the field
of players, but the goalkeeper takes no can take another kick; the order can be
by a team-mate is only penalised on If an offside offence occurs, the referee of play for tactical reasons and has gained
further part and may not take a kick. changed for new round of kicks. Explanation
becoming involved in active play by awards an indirect free-kick where the an unfair advantage by re-entering the
Clarifies that the halfway line is neutral
Explanation offence occurred, including if it is in the field of play, the player must be cautioned
for offside, i.e. a player must have part of Explanation
Clarifies that a goalkeeper can be players own half of the field of play. for unsporting behaviour. The player
10.2.8: Player leaving the field the body in the opponents half to be in an
replaced at any time by a substitute (or Clarifies that it is the players (offside) position needs to ask for the referees permission
Additional text offside position.
by a player excluded to make the number that is judged when the ball is played. The Explanation to re-enter the field of play.
equal) but may not take a kick. Kicks from the penalty mark must not be offence occurs after the ball is played (for The current Law and the interpretation are
delayed for a player who leaves the field example, an offside player who scores after New text
11.2: Status of players arms contradictory. Throughout the Laws, the
of play. The players kick will be forfeited a save by a goalkeeper commits the offence general principle is that a free-kick is awarded An attacking player may step or stay off
10.2.6: When penalty is completed New text the field of play not to be involved in active
(not scored) if the player does not return after the ball was played. where an offence occurs, so this now
(see 14.3) A player is in an offside position if: play. If the player re-enters from the goal
in time to take a kick. applies to offside. A quick free-kick can be
Any part of the head, body or feet is line and becomes involved in play before
Additional text Explanation nearer to the opponents goal line than awarded in a players own half if the player
moves from being in an offside position in the next stoppage in play or the defending
The kick is completed when the ball Clarifies that the referee must not delay both the ball and the second-last team has played the ball towards the
stops moving, goes out of play or the kicks from the penalty mark when a player opponent. The hands and arms of all the opponents half to commit an offside
offence in the players own other half. halfway line and it is outside their penalty
referee stops play for any infringement leaves the field of play; if the player is not players, including the goalkeepers, are area, the player shall be considered to >>
of the Laws. back in time the kick is missed (forfeited). not included.

30 31
Law Changes for 2016/17 explained


be positioned on the goal line point for 12.2: Direct free-kick 12.5: Serious foul play New text
the purposes of offside. A player who add challenges removal of far from definition The referee has the authority to take
deliberately leaves the field of play and Old text Old text disciplinary action from entering the
re-enters without the referees permission A direct free-kick is awarded to the Using excessive force means that the field of play for the pre-match inspection
and is not penalised for offside and gains an opposing team if a player commits any of player has far exceeded the necessary until leaving the field of play after the
advantage, must be cautioned. the following seven offences in a manner use of force and is in danger of injuring his match ends (including kicks from the
considered by the referee to be careless, opponent [] must be sent off. penalty mark). If, before entering the
Explanation field of play at the start of the match, a
Clarifies how to deal with an attacking reckless or using excessive force
New text player commits a sending-off offence,
player who leaves or stays off the field Tackles an opponent Using excessive force is when a player the referee has the authority to prevent
of play and then returns. New text exceeds the necessary use of force and the player taking part in the match (See
A direct free-kick is awarded if a player endangers the safety of an opponent Law 3.6); the referee will report any
11.8: Attacking player in the goal commits any of the following offences and must be sent off. other misconduct.
Old text in a manner considered by the referee Explanation Explanation
If an attacking player remains stationary to be careless, reckless or using There were legal concerns about the Same change as outlined and explained
between the goalposts and inside the excessive force meaning /relevance of far. in Law 5 (see 5.4).
goal net as the ball enters the goal, a Tackles or challenges
goal must be awarded. However, if the Explanation 12.6: Direct free-kick
attacking player distracts an opponent, 12.9: Advantage played for a red
Tackles implies a challenge with the add impedes an opponent with contact card offence and player then
the goal must be disallowed, the player foot but some challenges can be with
cautioned for unsporting behaviour and Additional text becomes involved
other parts of the body (e.g. knee) and A direct free-kick is awarded if a player
play restarted with a dropped ball. technically were not covered. Additional text
commits any of the following offences: Advantage should not be applied in
New text Impedes an opponent with contact
If an attacking player remains stationary situations involving serious foul play,
12.3: Contact means direct free-kick Explanation violent conduct or a second cautionable
between the goalposts and inside the
goal as the ball enters the goal, a goal Additional text Confirmation that impeding an opponent offence unless there is a clear Law 12.10: Handball
must be awarded unless the player If an offence involves contact it is with contact it is a direct free-kick. opportunity to score a goal. The referee
commits an offside offence or Law 12 penalised by a direct free-kick or must send off the player when the ball
is next out of play but if the player plays away from the ball or preventing the a promising attack (as with other
offence in which case the goal must be penalty kick. 12.7: Impeding without contact the ball or challenges/interferes with opponent from getting to the ball offences which have the same effect).
disallowed and play restarted with an means indirect free-kick
Explanation an opponent, the referee will stop play, Handles the ball to prevent an Clarifies that a player who tries
indirect or direct free-kick.
Clarifies that a direct free-kick must be Old text send off the player and restart with an opponent gaining possession or unsuccessfully to handle the ball to
Explanation awarded if an offence involves contact. An indirect free-kick is also awarded to the indirect free-kick. developing an attack stop a goal being scored should receive
Consistent with updated offside wording opposing team if [] a player impedes the Handles the ball in an attempt to score a yellow card.
(i.e. removal of distracts) and the ability progress of an opponent. Explanation
Clarifies that on the rare occasion that a a goal (irrespective of whether or not
to penalise an offence off the field with a 12.4: Reckless
New text referee plays advantage for a red card the attempt is successful)
free-kick when the ball is in play. removal of complete from definition 12.11: Denial of an obvious goal-
An indirect free-kick is awarded if [] offence (only if a goal-scoring opportunity New text scoring opportunity in the penalty area
Old text a player impedes the progress of an is imminent) if the red card player then There are different circumstances when a
Reckless means that the player has acted opponent without any contact Additional text
becomes involved in play, the game must player must be cautioned for unsporting
LAW 12 : Fouls and misconduct with complete disregard to the danger being made. be stopped as it would be against fair play Where a player denies the opposing
to, or consequences for, his opponent [] behaviour. For example, if a player:
if the player scored, contributed to a goal team a goal or an obvious goal-scoring
12.1: Infringements when the ball is must be cautioned. Commits a foul or handles the ball to
Explanation or stopped the opponents scoring. opportunity by a deliberate handball
not in play interfere with or stop a promising attack
New text Confirmation that impeding an opponent offence the player is sent off wherever
Additional text without contact is an indirect free-kick. Handles the ball in an attempt to score
Reckless is when a player acts with the offence occurs.
Direct and indirect free-kicks and penalty 12.10: Cautions for handball a goal (whether or not the attempt
disregard to the danger to, or Where a player commits an offence
kicks can only be awarded for offences is successful) or in an unsuccessful
consequences for, an opponent 12.8: Authority to take disciplinary Old texts against an opponent within their own
and infringements committed whilst the attempt to prevent a goal
and must be cautioned. action from pre-match inspection of There are different circumstances penalty area that denies an
ball is in play. the field (see 5.4) when a player must be cautioned for Explanation opponent an obvious goal-scoring
Explanation unsporting behaviour, e.g. if a player: Preventing an opponent gaining opportunity and the referee awards
Explanation Old text
There were legal concerns about the Commits a foul for the tactical purpose possession is removed as a yellow card a penalty kick, the offending player
A definitive statement (from the The referee has the authority to take
meaning/relevance of complete.
disciplinary sanctions from the moment of interfering with or breaking up a offence as it causes some referees to is cautioned unless: >>
interpretations section) that the ball must
he enters the field of play until he leaves promising attack yellow card every handball.
be in play for misconduct to be penalised
the field of play after the final whistle. Holds an opponent for the tactical Handling is included as a yellow card
with a free-kick or penalty kick.
purpose of pulling the opponent offence when it stops/interferes with

32 33
Law Changes for 2016/17 explained


The offence is holding, pulling or New text Against another person, play is restarted other off the field, a free-kick should be an offence against another player, play
pushing or Violent conduct is when a player uses with a dropped ball from the position of awarded. No one would understand if the is restarted with a free-kick taken on
The offending player does not attempt or attempts to use excessive force or the ball when play was stopped, unless referee gave a red card/yellow card and the boundary line nearest to where the
to play the ball or there is no possibility brutality against an opponent when play was stopped inside the goal area, in restarted with a dropped ball (or indirect offence occurred; for direct free-kick
for the player making the challenge to not challenging for the ball, or against a which case the referee drops the ball on free-kick). The free-kick is awarded on the offences, if this is within the offenders
play the ball or team-mate, team official, match official, the goal area line parallel to the goal line touchline/goal line nearest to where the penalty area, a penalty kick is awarded.
The offence is one which is punishable spectator or any other person, regardless at the point nearest to where the ball foul occurred; if this is in the offenders
by a red card wherever it occurs on of whether contact is made. was located when play was stopped penalty area a penalty is awarded.
Consistent with change outlined in
the field of play (e.g. serious foul play,
Explanation New text 12.16 and 14.1.
violent conduct etc.)
Clarifies that attempted violence is If the ball is in play and a player
In all the above circumstances the player LAW 13: Free-kicks
punished by a red card even if unsuccessful. commits an offence inside the field
is sent off. 13.4: Ball must clearly move to be
of play against: 13.1: Free-kicks are awarded to the
Explanation An opponent - indirect or direct in play
12.14: Violent Conduct opposing team
When a denial of goal scoring free-kick or penalty kick Old text
opportunity offence is committed by contact with the head/face A team-mate, substitute, substituted Old text The ball is in play when it is kicked
a defender in the penalty area, the Additional text player, team official or a match Free-kicks are direct or indirect. and moves.
penalty kick effectively restores the In addition, a player who, when not official a direct free-kick or New text New text LAW 14: The penalty kick
goal-scoring opportunity, so the challenging for the ball, deliberately penalty kick Direct and indirect free-kicks are The ball is in play when it is kicked 14.1: Penalty for foul off the field
punishment for the player should be strikes an opponent or any other person Any other person - a dropped ball awarded to the opposing team and clearly moves. of play (see 12.16 and 13.3)
less strong (a yellow card) than when on the head or face with the hand or arm, of a player guilty of an offence or
Explanation Explanation Old text
the offence is committed outside the is guilty of violent conduct unless the infringement.
The punishment for an offence against Change consistent with kick-off (8.3), A penalty kick is awarded against a team
penalty area. However, where the force used was negligible. another participant reflects the Explanation penalty kick (14.2) and corner kick (17.2). that commits one of the ten offences for
offence is handball or clearly not a
Explanation seriousness of such an action e.g. football Stating that a free-kick is awarded to the which a direct free-kick is awarded inside
genuine attempt to play or challenge
Clarifies that a player who deliberately sends out a weak/poor message if an opposing team at the start of the Law his own penalty area.
for the ball (as defined in the wording) 13.5: Stopping/intercepting free-kicks
hits/strikes an opponent on the head/ offence against a match official is only allows the removal of the many uses of
the player will be sent off. Old text New text
face (when not challenging for the ball) an indirect free-kick. the phrase to the opposing team.
If a player decides to take a free-kick A penalty kick is awarded if a player
should be sent off (unless negligible force).
quickly and an opponent who is near commits a direct free-kick offence
12.12: Serious foul play 12.16: Fouls off the field of play inside their penalty area or off the field as
inclusion of challenge 13.2: Position of free-kicks the ball deliberately prevents him taking
12.15: Offences against substitutes, (see 13.3 and 14.1) the kick, the referee must caution the part of play as outlined in Laws 12 and 13.
Old texts team officials, match officials etc.. Addition text
Old text player for delaying the restart of play. Explanation
A tackle that endangers the safety of an All free-kicks are taken from the place
Old text If the ball is in play and the offence If a player decides to take a free-kick Repeat of Law 12 and 13 changes that
opponent must be sanctioned as serious where the infringement occurred except:
If the ball is in play and a player commits occurred outside the field of play quickly and an opponent who is less a penalty is awarded for an offence by
foul play. Explanation
an offence inside the field of play: If the player leaves the field of play to than 9.15 m (10 yds) from the ball a defender off the field of play with the ball
New text Against an opponent, play is restarted commit the offence, play is restarted with Clear statement at start of this Law intercepts it, the referee must allow in play if the nearest point to the offence is
A tackle or challenge that endangers with a direct free-kick from the position an indirect free-kick from the position of allows the removal of specific reference play to continue. inside their own penalty area.
the safety of an opponent must be where the offence occurred (see Law the ball when play was stopped (see to the position of the free-kick in many
New text
sanctioned as serious foul play. 13 Position of free-kick) or a penalty Law 13 Position of free-kick). of the Laws.
If a player takes a free-kick quickly and
kick (if inside the offending players 14.2: Stationary position and
Explanation New text an opponent who is less than 9.15 m
own penalty area) movement of the ball
Same change as in 12.2 - challenge If the ball is in play and the offence 13.3: Fouls off the field of play (10 yds) from the ball intercepts it, the
includes offences with the arms, Against a team-mate, play is restarted referee allows play to continue. Old text
occurred outside the field of play Old text
elbows etc with an indirect free-kick from the However an opponent who deliberately The ball:
However, if a player leaves the field of Free-kicks awarded for offences involving
position where the offence occurred prevents a free-kick being taken must Must be placed on the penalty mark
play as part of play and commits an a player entering, re-entering or leaving
(see Law 13 Position of free-kick) be cautioned for delaying the restart The ball is in play when it is kicked
12.13: Violent Conduct offence against another player, play is the field of play without permission are
Against a substitute or substituted of play. and moves
no contact restarted with a free-kick taken on the taken from the position of the ball when
player, play is restarted with an indirect
boundary line nearest to where the play was stopped. Explanation New text
Old texts free-kick from the position of the ball
offence occurred; for direct free-kick- Paragraphs reversed; clearer distinction The ball must be stationary on the
A player is guilty of violent conduct if he when play was stopped (see Law 13 New text
offences within the offenders penalty between preventing a free-kick being penalty mark
uses excessive force or brutality against Position of free-kick) Free-kicks for offences involving a player
area a penalty kick is awarded. taken and intercepting a quick free-kick The ball is in play when it is kicked
an opponent when not challenging for Against the referee or other match entering, re-entering or leaving the field
the ball or excessive force or brutality official, play is restarted with an Explanation of play without permission are taken from after it has been taken. and clearly moves
against a team-mate, spectator, match indirect free-kick from the position Law is changed as football would expect the position of the ball when play was Explanation
official or any other person. where the offence occurred (see Law that if two players leave the field as stopped except where a player leaves the Consistent with other changes. >>
13 Position of free-kick) part of normal action and one fouls the field of play as part of play and commits

34 35
Law Changes for 2016/17 explained


14.3: When penalty is completed New text New text touch line or on the ground outside Explanation another player has touched it so that
(see 10.2.6) Once the referee has signalled for a A player of both teams infringes the Laws the touch line Clarifies that not respecting the 2m the player does not gain an advantage
Additional text penalty kick to be taken, the kick must of the Game the kick is retaken unless a Throws the ball with both hands from (2 yds) distance is considered unfairly from having not left the penalty area as
The penalty kick is completed when the be taken. If, before the ball is in play, player commits a more serious offence behind and over the head distracting or impeding and an indirect required by Law.
ball stops moving, goes out of play or the one of the following occurs: (e.g. illegal feinting). Delivers the ball from the point where free-kick is the restart if the throw-in
referee stops play for any infringement The player taking the penalty kick or it left the field of play has been taken.
of the Laws. one of his team mates infringes the
Repeat of change in Law 5 where the more Explanation LAW 17: The corner kick
Laws of the Game:
Explanation serious offence is penalised (See 5.3). Throws is a more logical word to use
if the ball enters the goal, the kick 17.1: Corner kick if kicked directly into
Clarifies when a penalty kick is over. than delivers LAW 16: The goal kick
is retaken own goal
if the ball does not enter the goal, the Combining bullet points 3 and 4 16.1: Corner kick if kicked directly
Additional text
14.4: Some offences are always referee stops play and restarts with an LAW 15: The throw-in emphasises that the one handed into own goal
foul throw (ball thrown with one A goal may be scored directly from
punished with an indirect free-kick indirect free-kick 15.1: Ball is thrown with both hands Additional text a corner kick but only against the
Except for the following, when play hand and guided with the other) is
Old text Old text not permitted. A goal may be scored directly from a opposing team; if the ball directly
will be stopped and restarted with an goal kick but only against the opposing enters the kickers goal a corner kick
If the referee gives the signal for a penalty At the moment of delivering the ball,
indirect free-kick regardless of whether team; if the ball directly enters the is awarded to the opponents
kick to be taken and, before the ball is in the thrower:
or not a goal is scored: kickers goal a corner kick is awarded
play, one of the following occurs: Faces the field of play 15.2: Encroaching within 2m (2 yds)
A penalty kick is kicked backwards to the opponents if the ball left the Explanation
The player taking the penalty kick Has part of each foot either on the Old text
A team-mate of the identified kicker penalty area. Clarifies correct restart if a player
infringes the Laws of the Game: touch line or on the ground outside If an opponent unfairly distracts or
takes the kick; the referee cautions the scores an own goal directly from
The referee allows the kick to be taken the touch line impedes the thrower Explanation
player who took the kick a corner kick.
If the ball enters the goal, the kick is Holds the ball with both hands He is cautioned for unsporting Clarifies the correct restart if a player
Feinting to kick the ball once the kicker
retaken Delivers the ball from behind and behaviour scores an own goal directly from a goal
has completed the run-up (feinting in
If the ball does not enter the goal, over his head kick (e.g. in strong wind). 17.2: Ball must be stationary and then
the run-up is permitted); the referee New text
the referee stops play and the Delivers the ball from the point clearly move to be in play
cautions the kicker An opponent who unfairly distracts or
match is restarted with an indirect where it left the field of play
impedes the thrower (including moving Old text
Explanation 16.2: Ball must be stationary
free-kick to the defending team from New text At the moment of delivering the ball,
Emphasises that the standard re-take/ closer than 2m (2 yds) from the place
the place where the infringement At the moment of delivering the ball, Old text the thrower:
goal/indirect free-kick decision does not where the throw-in is to be taken) is
occurred the goalkeeper infringes the thrower: The ball is kicked from any point
apply to these situations, especially the cautioned for unsporting behaviour The ball must be placed in the
the Laws of the Game: Faces the field of play within the goal area by a player of
wrong player taking the kick or illegal and if the throw-in has been taken an corner arc
The referee allows the kick to Has part of each foot either on the the defending team.
feinting that are deliberate acts of indirect free-kick is awarded. The ball must be kicked by a player
be taken New text of the attacking team
unsporting behaviour.
If the ball enters the goal, a goal is The ball must be stationary and is The ball is in play when it is kicked
awarded kicked from any point within the and moves
If the ball does not enter the goal, the 14.5: Offences by the goalkeeper goal area by a player of the
kick is retaken defending team New text
Additional text
A team-mate of the player taking the The ball must be placed in the
If the ball does not enter the goal the kick Explanation
kick infringes the Laws of the Game: corner area
is retaken; the goalkeeper is cautioned if Clarifies that the ball must be stationary as The ball must be stationary and is
The referee allows the kick to be taken responsible for the infringement. this was not in the old wording. kicked by a player of the attacking
If the ball enters the goal, the kick is Explanation team
retaken As the Law has been changed to deal more The ball is in play when it is kicked
if the ball does not enter the goal, 16.3: Opponent in the penalty area
strongly with a penalty kicker who illegally and clearly moves
the referee stops play and the match when goal kick taken
feints, it is consistent that a goalkeeper
is restarted with an indirect free-kick who infringes the Law causing a retake Additional text Explanation
to the defending team from the place is cautioned. This should encourage If an opponent who is in the penalty Area replaces arc
where the infringement occurred a goalkeepers not to infringe this Law. area when the goal kick is taken touches Clarifies that the ball must be
team-mate of the goalkeeper infringes or challenges for the ball before it has stationary
the Laws of the Game: touched another player, the goal kick Reflects changes to other Laws, but
The referee allows the kick to be taken 14.6: Several offences committed is retaken. which is especially important for
If the ball enters the goal, a goal is at the same time corner kicks to stop a player just
awarded Old text Explanation touching the ball then unsportingly
A player of both the defending team and Clarifies that any opponent(s) in the pretending that the corner has not
If the ball does not enter the goal,
the kick is retaken the attacking team infringes the Laws of Law 16.2: Ball must be stationary
penalty area when the goal kick is taken been taken. /
the Game the kick is retaken. cannot touch/challenge for the ball until

36 37
Law Changes for 2016/17 explained


Law 12 is changing. The 130th AGM of The IFAB in Cardiff on The offence is holding, pulling or Summary
5 March 2016 approved a major revision pushing or The change in the DOGSO wording in Law 12 does not
The IFAB have agreed of the Laws of Game to take effect from The offending player does not attempt mean that every DOGSO offence in the penalty area is
new wording for denial 1 June 2016. One important change to play the ball or there is no possibility sanctioned with a caution (yellow card).
relates to the disciplinary sanction for for the player making the challenge to
of an obvious goal-scoring The reduction from sending-off (red card) to caution
some denial of an obvious goal-scoring play the ball or (yellow card) is only intended for DOGSO offences in the
opportunity (DOGSO) offences
opportunity (DOGSO) committed in the penalty area.
The offence is one which is punishable penalty area which the referee decides are a clear attempt
by a red card wherever it occurs on the to play the ball or challenge an opponent for the ball.
offences in the penalty The main reason for the change is that a field of play (e.g. serious foul play,
Where this is not the case (and especially for the offences
area. David Elleray penalty kick is an excellent opportunity to violent conduct etc...)
mentioned) the sanction remains a sending-off (red card).
score a goal. So when a penalty kick is In all the above circumstances, the player
explains what its awarded, it restores the goal-scoring is sent off. All DOGSO offences outside the penalty area are
all about. opportunity that was lost. sanctioned with a sending-off (red card) as there is no
In practical terms, what does change in the Law for these offences. /
Therefore, the punishment of the player
should not be as severe as the this mean?
punishment for a DOGSO committed Handball
outside the penalty area. The red card is For all handball DOGSO offences, there Chelseas Thibaut Courtois was sent off
deserved for DOGSO outside the penalty is no change. for this DOGSO challenge on Manchester
area as a free kick is not as good a scoring Citys Fernandinho. Next season, similar
Deliberate handling of the ball is not challenges might mean only a caution if it
opportunity as a penalty. part of a normal attempt to challenge is deemed a clear attempt of the ball.
This means, Law 12 has been changed. an opponent for the ball so for all
As a result, DOGSO offences in the DOGSO handball offences (inside and
penalty area where the defender is outside the penalty area) the player
penalised for an offence which was an will be sent off (red card).
attempt to play the ball or challenge Holding, pulling and pushing
the opponent for the ball, will lead to
the player being cautioned (yellow An offence where the defending player is
card) rather than sent off (red card). penalised for holding, pulling or pushing will
still be sanctioned with a sending-off (red
However, The IFAB does not want to card) as these offences are not part of a fair
encourage unfair play. So for DOGSO challenge of an opponent for the ball.
offences inside the penalty area which
are not an attempt to play the ball or Not attempting to play the ball and
challenge the opponent for the ball, No possibility to play the ball.
the offending player will still be sent An offence where the defending player
off (red card). is penalised by the referee for an
offence where:
The new wording for DOGSO It was clear that the player did not
offences is: attempt to play the ball or
Where a player denies the opposing It was clear that the player did not have
team a goal or an obvious goal-scoring the chance/possibility to play the ball will
opportunity by a deliberate handball still be sanctioned with a sending-off (red
offence the player is sent off wherever card) as these offences are not a fair
the offence occurs. challenge of an opponent for the ball.
Where a player commits an offence Non-DOGSO offences
against an opponent within their Offences such as serious foul play and
own penalty area which denies an violent conduct must still be sanctioned
opponent an obvious goal-scoring with a sending-off (red card) in the
opportunity and the referee awards penalty area as they are not affected by
a penalty kick, the offending player is the change in the DOGSO wording. >>
cautioned unless:

38 39

In our daily work at Wembley Stadium, St. Georges Park and As such, initiatives like those outlined in this strategy become
across the country, we have set ambitious targets as part of ever more important. We need to ensure an environment that
a positive plan to rebuild The FA as a world-class organisation. attracts new referees from all backgrounds and equally is mindful
of the need to retain the dedicated individuals we already have.
In many ways, refereeing at the elite end of the game is one
Tailored coaching and development is fundamental.
area where we can safely say we regularly hit those standards
of high performance. As with all aspects of our work, we will combine this strategy with
constant monitoring and evaluation to ensure we can best meet the
At home, the game is faster than it has ever been but our
needs of referees and match officials in these ever-changing times.
officials demonstrate time and time again that they are rising
to the challenge and keeping pace. Abroad, English refereeing Over the coming months and years we will doubtless hear a lot
teams gain a disproportionate share of appointments for more about the potential and push for video technology but you
tournaments and handed duties at showpiece matches. can rest assured our first thought and our priority will always
That is to the immense credit of all involved. be to support those dedicated men and women in the middle.
However, this is not to say we are complacent when it comes
Martin Glenn, CEO
to refereeing in this country. We know we have to maintain
such progress and with every professional game particularly
those with high camera coverage the officials are under
intense scrutiny from all quarters.
More and more the spotlight is being turned on to the
grassroots as well. The success of the Respect programme
over recent years has intensified focus on behaviours, from
participants and spectators alike, and as we grow different
forms of the game, so the demands on those prepared to
take charge increase.

National Referee Strategy

The FAs restructuring has created an
opportunity to review and improve the
recruitment, retention and especially
the development of referees at all levels
in England.
In simple terms, there are two broad groups
of referees in England:

The Majority
Referees who provide a consistent service
to football at all levels of the game. They are
happy where they are and have little or no
desire for promotion. These are often the
forgotten referees who should be offered the
opportunity to improve, which will increase
their enjoyment (and improve retention)
and benefit the football they referee.

The Ambitious
Referees who would like to progress to higher
levels not all have the potential, but there
should be development opportunities to
maximise their potential.

42 43
National Referee Strategy


Unite the Game, To grow, enhance and Progressive

Inspire the Nation maintain high standards Respectful
across all areas of refereeing
throughout the game




Match OfficialsObservers Training

Tutors Education Development
Administrators Support
It will be important to change the mind-set of active match officials and those who Mentors FA CORE International
are developing match officials, so that better learning environments are created not Coaches Exchange
only through a greater use of modern education mediums but also in the relationship
between the teacher and the learner. This is especially true of the assessor: Referee RDO's
relationship. Crucial to all success will be that referees and educators are receptive
to constructive criticism and learning.
Having started the consultation process, the aim is to introduce much of the change
(especially the outline frameworks and structures) for Season 2016/17 with some
further changes for Season 2017/18. These changes represent important and PARTICIPATION GOVERNANCE
effective upgrading and modernisation and will lead to improvements in all
aspects of refereeing in England, with concomitant benefits to all levels of football.
Recruitment Appointments Registration
David Elleray
Chairman FA Referees Committee Retention Discipline
Neale Barry Female Referee Liaison
FA Head of Refereeing BAME Assessment Scheme
Coverage International

44 45
National Referee Strategy

Refereeing at all levels will benefit from a National Referee
Strategy consisting of eight strands:
The DNA of English refereeing

The Structure of English refereeing

National Referee Curriculum (NRC)

Recruitment and Retention

Participation and Coverage Development

Pathways and Opportunities

Governance and Administration

Raising the profile ofEnglish refereeing


The DNA of English refereeing consists of seven core values
which underpin all aspects of English refereeing and are all
required for success to be achieved, on and off the field:


 or further details, see additional document

The DNA of English refereeing'.

4646 47
National Referee Strategy

The following proposed classification pathway is being discussed

for season 2017/18 onwards:

Level 1 National List Referee Unchanged

Level 2a Panel Select Referee Unchanged

Level 2b Panel Referee Unchanged

Level 3 Contributory League Referee Unchanged

Level 4 Supply League Referee Unchanged

* Youth and Trainee referee levels
re-named as they are not part of
Level 5 County Referee Former Levels 5, 6, 7 the pathway.
** Level 10 will be renamed and all
Level Y Youth Referee * Former Level 8 FA/CFA observers, mentors, coaches
and tutors will be required to register
(without charge) annually with their
Level T Trainee Referee* Former Level 9
CFA to ensure appropriate
safeguarding checks, and so they
Level D Referee Developer ** Former Level 10 can have access to CPD opportunities.


ENGLISH REFEREEING There are arguments for extending the specialist assistant FA and CFA referee assessors will be renamed observers
referee pathway below Level 3. This proposal will be (in line with FIFA, UEFA, PGMOL) to change the perception
Having reviewed the current structure and classification CFAs will, naturally, have unofficial grading within Level 5, revisited in the future, but is not an immediate priority. of this important role from fault finding to developmental.
of referees, it is proposed that: but this change will allow CFAs greater flexibility for This will increase appreciation of the observers work and
appointments. There will be a minimum number of games improve relationships between referees and observers.
There are separate classification pathways for the
that must be completed at Level 5 for promotion to Level 4.
different types of football, namely: Men, Women, Futsal, Consideration will be given to creating a developmental
A major benefit is that CFA observers/assessors will focus
Small Sided, Disability. pathway for observers to motivate and encourage them
on developing referees, rather than the narrow, less
Referees can be on more than one pathway and will be beneficial role of whether a referee is ready for promotion. to strive for ever higher levels of performance.
classified (and promoted) based on their ability/ This will make the observer a developer/coach, who should
performance on each pathway. There will be no direct be more appreciated, by improving relationships and
comparison of, or transferability from, one pathway hopefully, persuading more referees to become observers
to another. when they retire.
The current Mens football pathway has too many levels.
This inhibits progress and restricts the ability of County
Football Associations (CFAs) to give promising referees
higher levels of matches without it being clear that a
lower level referee is being used. It is proposed that Levels 5,
6 and 7 are combined as Level 5 (County Referee).

4848 49
National Referee Strategy


The design and implementation of a National Referee Referee recruitment has been very successful in recent
Curriculum (NRC) will tackle the problems caused by years in terms of overall numbers, and while this must
different methods of education being delivered in be maintained, there are three areas which need
different parts of the country. The NRC will improve specific focus:
the quality of refereeing at all levels, ensure greater
Referees from BAME backgrounds
consistency, and offer clear educational support,
dependant on the referees level. Female referees
The content of the curriculum will be determined Encouraging players in to refereeing through a viable
following consultation by The FA refereeing department, exit/entry strategy and involving them in refereeing
but it is anticipated that key elements will include: whilst they are still playing (especially younger
players and those towards the end of their careers)
Different content for The Majority and
The Ambitious, with the latter having more detailed  major priority for each individual CFA will be to meet
and challenging content. BAME, Female and Disability targets by 2020.
Using the refereeing magazine as a major Consideration should be given to recruiting referees via
delivery tool. national league system, clubs/community clubs, along
the lines of the Scandinavian model, where clubs have to
Filming referees at all levels of the game to ensure
produce referees. This could become part of the Charter
clips used for education are up-to-date and relevant
Standard requirement.
to the referees level.

5050 51
National Referee Strategy


Maintaining high referee numbers and coverage Crucial to the future of refereeing (and football) in England Referees with potential (regardless of location, age,
levels will remain a priority and, in time, the focus is the identification and development of referees with background etc...) will have opportunities to realise their
should be to enable more competitions to have the potential to perform at higher levels. The current potential. This is a critical area of focus if The FA is to
neutral assistant referees, which will benefit those development pathways (YRDP, NRDP; FADG) will be continue to produce high quality referees at all levels,
competitions and the development of referees combined to create The FA Centre of Refereeing Excellence and especially at PL/FL and UEFA/FIFA, where our current
and assistants. (FA CORE), a development pathway based on the UEFA reputation is envied worldwide.
model which is used by many countries worldwide.
More significantly, we now have the opportunity A pyramidal CORE structure is outlined below, and
(primarily by using online learning) to raise all The focus will be on potential, as opposed to talent: regional centres will form an important part of the
referees knowledge and skill levels, which should a misleading and unhelpful label. structure, as will selection days:
mean that they will give a better service to football
and will enjoy their refereeing more. This should lead
to high retention rates and more referees wanting
to become observers, tutors, coaches or mentors
when they retire.
An exit strategy will be designed to ensure that FA CORE 5
referees who are approaching the end of their Level 2B Referees
active careers have options and development
opportunities to stay in refereeing through coaching,
observing, tutoring etc. In this way, the skills of FA CORE 4
experienced referees will be retained, and should
Level 3 Referees
not be lost, they should be retained and used to
benefit other referees.
Level 4 Referees

Level 5
2-3 years minimum experience

Level 7/6
2-4 years minimum experience

Level 7
1-2 years minimum experience

The CORE concept focuses on both on-field technical performance (including player and event management)
and off-field behaviours and attitudes.

5252 53
National Referee Strategy


The Referees Association (The RA) and the RAFA Professional Game Match Officials Limited (PGMOL) is
Youth Council (RAFAYC) will play an important role in pleased to support the introduction of the NRS, which
the National Referee Strategy. This is because their will benefit the development of refereeing in the years
nationwide structure will allow them to supplement ahead. The NRS creates a pathway for referee education
The FAs development work and, mainly through local and training, from first taking up a whistle or flag through
RA groups, will provide important support, guidance to the very highest levels of the game. Through to the
and mentoring (both formal and informal). Their work provision of high quality training and coaching support,
is especially important for new referees, young referees the NRS will create the opportunities for referees and
and all referees operating at grassroots. assistants at all levels to maximise their potential. We
look forward to working closely with The FA on this
exciting initiative, which will result in more opportunities
for top quality match officials to progress from the FA
CORE programme into the PGMOL Professional Referee
Development Programme.
Mike Riley, General Manager


Integrity must underpin everything that relates A proactive communication strategy will be developed
to refereeing. This means that governance and to create a positive perception of refereeing. This will
administration by all those involved with refereeing publicise, in particular:
(active or non-active) must be of the highest order.
English refereeing success (at all levels)
Career opportunities available within refereeing
(notably professional refereeing opportunities)
Important life skills that come from refereeing,
in e.g man management, conflict resolution

5454 55
National Referee Strategy


David Elleray & FA Referees' Committee

Chairman of the FA Referees' Committee

Neale Barry Laurence Jones SUMMARY

Head of Head of League These are very exciting times and the response
Refeering & Club Services from everyone so far has been excellent. It is clear
there is a real desire for this controlled evolution
building on what is already good and raising the
quality of every area of English refereeing.

Gemma Richard
Chris Wildey Peter Elsworth Daniel Meeson Gale-Watts Glynne-Jones
Contrib. League Senior Referee NRM NRM Recruitment NRM
Admin Officer Admin Manager Development & Retention Workforce

The FA Group Postal address St. Georges Park

Newborough Road
Chris Kay Adam Kenton Mark Mayor Sarah Levy Farai Hallam Wembley Stadium Wembley Stadium
Wembley PO Box 1966
London London
Contrib. League Contrib. League Referee Referee Referee DE13 9PD
Appointments (N) Appointments (S) Co-ordinator Co-ordinator Project Officer

5656 57
History of the eve of the final rally

Without the controversy of the 1913 FA Cup Final The origins of the Eve of Final
surrounding referee Arthur Adams, the Eve of Final Rally Rally can be traced back to the
may never have existed. Paul Field, RA Chairman, 1913 FA Cup final.
tells the story.

The first mention were suspended from taking part in the a cup tie I should accept on one condition the play and its incidents, was the worst In April that year, The Referees Union
of the Eve of Final following seasons Charity Shield. only that I was to be the referee and not conducted since the institution of the meeting in conjunction with London
rally in the Referees the FA Council sitting in the pavilion 150 competition, the statement of discredit Referees, recorded: Readers of this column

More significantly, for the refereeing
Union official yards away. is a myth. who propose to assist at the final tie, an
world, Arthur Adams, the Cup Final referee
records was in annual meeting will be held at the Holborn
from Nottingham was also suspended The story rumbled on. In October 1913, He concluded: If there are members
1914. Interestingly, Restaurant at 7.30 on Friday evening, April
for allowing seventeen minutes for the Referees Union passed a resolution of the union who have failed in their duty
its origins can be 24th you are cordially invited this will
stoppage time. of support for Arthur Adams and cited by observing this fiction they act wisely
traced back to the be a most interesting night and the list
In September 1913, Charles Sutcliffe 11 points. These included: if they discontinue the practice. This
1913 FA Cup final between Aston Villa and of speakers will include C. Sutcliffe of the
wrote: That the first publication of 'The tone continued for many months.
Sunderland. Staged at Crystal Palace (with It was the FA Council who appointed Football League, J. Catton President of the

an impressive attendance of 121,919), the Football Referee' was not ill-timed, I Mr Adams In January 1914, Referees Union, and a wealth of talent
1913 Cup Final made history for two reasons: maintained that the FA Council has been He received approval from the The Referees Union including unions from France, Belgium,
guilty of the biggest blunder it has ever national press reported that: Holland and Germany. The union vow

Charlie Wallace missed a penalty been guilty of. The union is saddened that The Football never again will a union member go
(something that would not happen Arthur Adam has resigned and stands by The unwritten rule that The FA should
Association flatly without a medal.
until 1988) his resignation. The union honours him never be discredited in the eyes of the
declined to award
Seventeen minutes of stoppage time and public opinion is decidedly with Mr elite to those who are not conversant So began the Eve of the Final Rally. The
medals to the
were played. Adams. There is no appeal, and now there with the game and football law. first one was for Herbert Bamlett from
referee who is
is only one appeal: and that is an appeal
Main image: 1914 FA Cup final in progress Gateshead, who was 32 years old when
There was a history of trouble between The FA thought the resolution was placed in charge of the final tie of the
to the public.
between Burnley and Liverpool at Crystal he refereed the FA Cup final between
Sunderlands Charlie Thomson and Villas couched in unwarrantable terms. Mr F. Palace. Burnley won 1-0. Association Cup. The Union urges the FA
Liverpool v Burnley. The rest, as they say,
Harry Hampton. This feud led to both Charles Sutcliffe continued: I am not J. Wall, at the time Secretary of the FA, to reconsider their decision not to award
Above: Liverpool supporters on their way to is history.
players being suspended for a month at the countenancing neither a strike nor a replied: There was general consensus of Crystal Palace in the back of a horse-drawn Arthur Adams a gold medal. The Union
start of the following season. Sunderland mutiny, but if the FA ask me to referee the opinion that the last final tie, as regards bus for 1914 The FA Cup Final. calls on the FA to award a medal.

58 59


The FA is committed to providing all participants in the game, including Match
Officials, with the relevant education and advice to guard against the risk that
match fixing presents.

The fixing of football matches in What does an approach look like? What games are more at risk of fixing? Whether youre a fan of Facebook, a member of the Twitterati or a Snapchat superstar,
England is rare. This article is written Soft Approach Gambling operators are offering ever-
with the intention of: Fixers could approach Match Officials in a increasing markets on football matches. It
as a referee it pays to tread carefully on social media. Neale Barry, FA Head of Senior
Raising awareness of match-fixing number of ways: is the biggest sport gambled on globally, Referee Development, explains why.
Demonstrating what an approach to A direct approach through social media especially in Asia.
become involved in match-fixing may An approach in a hotel in the build-up to Asian betting operators offer many football
look like a game matches every day to their customers. A
Identifying which games have an An approach from somebody theyve game that may seem insignificant or low If its posted, its public
increased risk of being fixed known in football circles for some time. level in England may attract a large-betting
Clarifying what a Match Official market in Asia purely due to the time/day
Any approach would come with the offer of the week it kicks off, especially if there are
should do if they are approached.
of financial inducement. The bottom line few games being played at the same time
The FA operates a bespoke intelligence is that even if you are not sure if it is a around the world.
system that gathers information from genuine approach, you should report it to
global sources to identify individuals The FA to protect yourself. Matches which are offered with in play
who pose a risk to the game. They may betting are significantly more at risk. Football
Threat As a referee you need to understand It seems theres always someone
be operating within The FAs jurisdiction. matches in the Southern League, Isthmian
You may be threatened directly or a that every comment, or opinion posted prepared to forward critical comments to
The risk is real. In several countries, League and Northern Premier league are
member of family is threatened. on social network sites instantly enters the football authorities. The motive isnt
those seeking to fix football games regularly offered with in play betting.
These days, social networks are a part of the public domain. In other words, what always clear, but the consequences are.
have approached Match Officials in an What to do? Premier League U18 and U21 games as everyday life for billions of people across you post on social is no different from
attempt to corrupt them. Contact The FA or police. Trained staff are As a Match Official at any level of the
well as Womens Super League games are the planet. Of course, it is an individuals comments published in a newspaper or
available to manage these situation with game, you have a responsibility to
With the global and indigenous increase also offered for live in play betting. right to use such sites as they wish, within quotes reported on television or radio.
law enforcement. conduct yourself in a professional
in the amount of money that is gambled the bounds of legal acceptability.
If you place potentially sensitive or critical manner, on and off the field of play.
on football, coupled with the cultural Blackmail What if youre concerned by a game
However, where football and refereeing comments about colleagues, players or Inappropriate use of any social media
acceptance of gambling within our If youre in trouble with gambling debts, youre officiating?
matters are concerned, there are clubs on social media (or e-mail for that site (or email service) could leave you
society, the risk of fixing has increased caught in a compromising situation or If the behaviour of anyone, including reasonable expectations associated matter), you essentially lose control of open to criticism, comment, ridicule
significantly in recent years. vulnerable in any other way, a fixer may another match official or someone with your position and standing within where it goes or who might see it. or even a disciplinary charge.
seek to blackmail you. If youre in this from either of the teams/clubs involved the game as a Match Official.
situation, do not attempt to deal with it arouses your suspicions, please contact Almost every time The FA contacts a The message is simple: enjoy social
alone. You must report it in confidence. And The FA. Your information could be You might be surprised to read that The referee about an inappropriate social media, but always use it wisely. Think
you can rest assured, you will be dealt with valuable intelligence and help us protect FA has to regularly take disciplinary action media comment, the response is: carefully before posting on any social
in a sensitive and confidential manner. the integrity of the sport. against referees from all levels of the network site.The FA doesnt want you
game. The reason? Referees using social It was only a playful chat with friends. to jeopardise your position as a
If in doubt, always report FA Integrity media to criticise, insult and even abuse It wasnt meant to become public. Match Official by a moment of social
Reporting Line: 0208 795 9640 other referees, clubs, managers, players, Take note: if its posted, its public. media madness. It happens. Dont let
Or email : assessors and County FA officials. This means its out there. it happen to you.

6060 61
Keep Calm and Manage workshop

Join us for an inspiring weekend of training and
development. This is your chance to learn new skills,
gain greater insight as you strive to contribute to

the beautiful game. With new elements, a stellar line-up
of guests and quality sessions, 2016s gathering will

be amazing and rewarding.
The FA and the PGMOL,
including senior coaches and
Select Group match officials,
will again be supporting the PRACTICAL TRAINING THE NEW RA QUIZ
event and delivering content
over the weekend. The Referees SESSIONS This new, free-to-attend event sees


Association will also be working in teams of up to six compete in a round-
The ever-popular outdoor practical
partnership with the RA-FA Youth table-style format. With a host of
workshops return with the aim of assisting
Council to deliver a weekend of interactive rounds on a range of football
your management of football matches.

DEVELOPMENT FROM THE interactive and engaging content topics, not just refereeing, can your team
Several of the countrys top referees win the inaugural title? Attendance is
for members of The Referees
and tutors will deliver the sessions

Association. free and partners are welcome. This
designed to enhance your refereeing. light-hearted event will bring together
They seamlessly link with the sessions and attendees and offer a fun, relaxing way
content delivered during the Referees to learn and develop.
Association Conference on Sunday.

16 - 17 JULY 2016 This year the event returns to Leicester

Road Football Club, just ten minutes
from the Hinckley Island Hotel. If you
LEICESTER ROAD STADIUM HINCKLEY wish to attend this event as a spectator
This is an evening that celebrates the
and not participate, you are more than
& THE HINKLEY ISLAND HOTEL welcome. Youll have the opportunity
to learn from some of the best on
achievements of our match officials and
workforce. Theyll be awards For on-field

the field.
appointments, development projects and
best practice. The bill also features a
high-quality guest speaker who will offer
first-hand insight around the theme of
Keep Calm and Manage. With added
entertainment and dinner, you wont
want to miss out. >>

62 63
Keep Calm and Manage workshop

We asked three Referees

SUNDAY 17 JULY '16 PROGRAMME Association members to
share their experiences
2016 REFEREES' ASSOCIATION of previous events:
Keep Calm and Manage is the theme for this years event. The emphasis To learn from
is on match control and managing football matches. With some of the your colleagues and
countrys finest tutors delivering workshops, alongside FIFA and Premier to be able use their
League match officials offering insight and knowledge, you will leave with
a wealth of ideas to take into your games.
experience is invaluable. I
learnt so much from the more
There will be an important update on the extensively revised Laws of the
Game and a keynote address. This event also offers a fantastic opportunity senior referees at my RA. As
to network with colleagues from across the country and develop your own a result, I was well equipped
refereeing and the refereeing of others. to cope with all manner of
This year, all attendees will attend workshops on the same topics, ensuring a refereeing challenges.
collective learning experience. But dont worry, were tailoring workshops around
the level at which you referee or that your workforce role is associated with.
John Brooks, FIFA Assistant Were also proud to be working with
Referee and 2A Referee, The RA for the third successive year in
This event is FREE for Referees Association members. delivering the RA Conference.
The 2016 Conference weekend is
Ive attended the last packed with learning and development.
We look forward to seeing you there.
two RA Conferences and
B both have been hugely This time of year is The last few months have been
hugely successful for our Referee
Youll find a full breakdown of what the
weekend offers, and how you can book
& ACCOMMODATION beneficial to me. Its a great a busy time for the Development Fund. your place, elsewhere in this issue.
opportunity for young referees RA-FA Youth Council, Many applicants have had their project Finally, June brings our annual
For all the weekends events: in particular because youre with a number of plan accepted and funding agreed. County Youth Council (CYC) National being tutored by some of the Whats more, there are many more Development Conference.
Once youve completed your booking, well send you a best officials in the country. key programmes projects in the pipeline. The day offers young people who are
confirmation email setting out your booking and the culminating in end- And heres some exciting news: its not members of Youth Councils the chance
information youve provided. James Naisbett, Cheshire too late to apply. You can submit your to take part in interactive, informative
of-season events. application up until 31 May. Visit sessions where they can network with
If you have any questions, please contact us on social media Attending the RA to find out more. colleagues from across the country. Go
or email the Referees Association Head Office at: conference is a to page 57 for more information about great opportunity how Youth Councils can secure their
places at the Conference.
to meet fellow referees
from across the country
Keep up-to-date with and to share experiences. You can obtain regular updates
from the RA-FA Youth Council
all the latest news Also, meeting referees at at our website
about the event the top of the pyramid or on Twitter @RAFAYthCouncil
through social media: #KeepCalmandManage inspires you upwards. Its a If you prefer, email us at:
The Referees Association fun and informative event
where everyone learns from
everyone else. The people
RA-FA Youth Council and organisers are friendly Highlights

and approachable.
from the 2015 RA
@RAFAYthCouncil Conference, which
Paul Botterill, Suffolk the RA-FA Youth
Council will once
again support in

64 65
FA news


EVE OF FINAL RALLY 2016 Its almost time for RA-FA Youth Council to hold its annual County
Youth Council (CYC) National Conference. This year it takes place An update on RA-FA Youth Council
Referee Development Fund.
on Sunday 26 June at St. Georges Park.
Were immensely proud to support
The RA-FA Youth Council and The RA Representatives from Youth Councils They provide the perfect environment many County FAs, Referees
are delighted to announce the details and Young Referees Groups from to learn and network with other Associations and County Youth
across the country will descend upon young people. Councils with projects and schemes
of the 2016 Eve of Final Rally. the hub of English football for a day that are supporting referees
Following the success of last years
of fun and interactive sessions. throughout the country. To date,
conference, we plan to deliver even
weve invested over 3,000 in projects
The CYC National Conference forms more relevant and topical content.
to support referees.
part of the framework of the RA-FA This will help your county to engage
Youth Councils CYC Development with and develop the refereeing For 2015/16, weve already received ten
Programme. Its designed to empower workforce. high-quality applications for assistance
young people by providing high- from the Referee Development Fund.
quality continuous development for These range from development days
Booking for the 2016 CYC National to mentoring schemes.
delegates to apply to Youth Council
Conference is now open.
activities within their county. 2015/16 applicants:
Your county can book its delegates
If you come along, youll benefit from at: AFA & Lonsar
the superb St. Georges Park facilities. Bromsgrove RA
English Colleges FA
Gloucestershire FA
Kent FA
Leicestershire FA Youth Council
London Referee Academy
North Riding FA
Wirral RA
Worcestershire FA
2016 FA
Cup Final For the first time,
the Referee
Refereeing Development
Team Fund is open to
local Referees
This is an evening like no other. It gives A key feature of the night will be an Associations.
referees the chance to meet The FA Cup interactive development opportunity
Final 2016 match officials. Remember, this with several of the countrys finest The Eve of Final Rally will HOW DIFFERENT PROJECTS
is the night before the biggest game of match officials. Do not miss it. honour the team who ARE USING THEIR FUNDING
their domestic careers. Expect excitement will this year officiate the
This year, the Eve of Final Rally 2016 Bromsgrove RA
and anticipation all the way. world's biggest domestic
is FREE to all RA members One of the many successful
The years event looks every bit a winner. (15 to non-members). cup final. applications has been the mentoring
It takes place on: programme run by the Bromsgrove
You can also pick up the famous Match
Friday 20 May, 6:15pm, Referee: Mark Clattenburg Referees Association. This will help
Day programme signed by the match
1 Great George Street, London. referees at Level 9 and Level 7 to
officials for just 1.
Henry Winter, the Chief Football Assistant Referees: John Brooks receive mentoring support from their
Writer of The Times, will be the events local Association.
and Andy Halliday
guest speaker. The aim is to help retain these referees
Get your tickets today by emailing:
For over 100 years, the Eve of Final Rally has Fourth Official: Neil Swarbrick and support more referees to be
played a pivotal role in the Cup Final officials nominated to be part of the County
But hurry, they will go fast.
build-up to the game. Its an occasion Reserve Assistant Referee: Development Groups. Bromsgrove RA
where they look ahead to the next day and You can also read all the latest news will also work to upskill and qualify
Michael Salisbury
celebrate their prestigious appointment in the build-up to the big night at: members as FA Mentors to ensure
with colleagues, family and friends. And, it @RAFAYthCouncil and support and guidance is offered in line
also gives you an unforgettable chance to @RefsAssociation on Twitter. The CYC Conference is ideal for any young referee who wants to learn with current best practice guidelines.
be part of their big weekend. and network with other young people.

6666 67
FA news



For a number of years, Aldershot lacked a support network for its 350 referees after Aldershot As referees, we improve through practice. We also organise development nights
RA disbanded due to dwindling numbers. Following an event held by Hampshire FA in November At Aldershot RA, we supplement our visiting local grassroots and supply-
theory-based sessions with practical league football matches, watching our
2011, the need for local referees to meet up and discuss refereeing was identified. As a result, Aldershot development. How can you learn to colleagues in action. It can be easier to
RA was reborn from the ashes in April 2012. Four years have passed since a small group of referees communicate effectively with players referee from the touchline.
decided to embark on their journey. if you only ever watch PowerPoint
Focusing on specific areas of strength
and development helps develop our
Aldershot RA was built We decided to organise regular practical own skills as a match official.
around three key words:
1 DEVELOPMENT development sessions focusing on
various difficulties that members face
positioning in open play, dealing with
conflict, effective assistant refereeing

and selling decisions.


LOCAL RA SUCCESS Initially we struggled to connect for talented, aspiring young referees
with young referees. We realised in the Aldershot area to refine their
we needed to develop a product skills and hopefully progress through
For us, this is exactly what a local RA In April 2015, we held our biggest meeting of refereeing including dedication, goal that appealed to everyone. Holding the County and National Academy
should be about. to date, where over 65 referees heard setting and skills that good match officials specific Youth RA sessions before the structures. Open to all referees under
Kevin Friend give a thought-provoking possess. Meetings such as this are vital for main monthly focus has been a great 25, the Academy will provide one-to-
It shouldnt obsess about tablecloth
presentation to an audience packed Aldershot RA. They set out how a referee success. Theyve played a pivotal role one coaching and development.
colours for a top table or how much
with our own members, first timers and can progress up the officiating ladder. in developing our young referees,
money is in the bank account. Weve These ambitious referees receive
members from neighbouring RAs. The This keeps local referees motivated discussing issues relating to them,
worked hard to put bulletins together practical monthly training on areas
presentation focused on important values and driven for success. whether this is mini-soccer or their first
before monthly sessions. This means of concern, structured mentoring on
members are kept up-to-date with the steps into open-age football. Using all
challenging games, and the opportunity
committees work and upcoming forms of social media helps us engage
to referee at international youth football
events, which leaves more time to with our referees emails are all too
tournaments in the UK. Young referees
discuss and debate the one thing we easily deleted, ignored or forgotten
are the future of our game.
have in common the love of in an age of digital technology.
Sometimes going back to basics by It is crucial we support them to achieve
the game.
picking up the phone (or texting) is their potential.
We want to help our members to improve the right approach.
as referees. Making monthly sessions
relevant and interesting assists this. We We also want to provide our young
mix development sessions run by FA referees with the support to achieve
Level 2 tutors with some excellent guest their potential. The Aldershot RA
speakers, including local contributory Academy is being launched this season
league referees, Ray Olivier, Liam Slack
and three Premier League referees in as
many years.

68 69
FA news


We also feel its our duty to develop in various scenarios covering signals, Our membership has grown The RA Board recently or she loves as soon as possible
and educate referees beyond our movement, making a decision as a team every year. commissioned a review of insurance. should an incident occur.
membership. What better way to and communication. We benchmarked against other
We put this down to the blank You will be delighted to know
introduce future members to Aldershot competitive products and
Just as people were getting used to the canvas we started with. It helped we have delivered on both these
RA than by helping with local discovered that our purchasing
idea that the football season was about us attract referees into a secure, areas. Referees equipment is being
refereeing events? power is significant.
to kick off, the Aldershot RA Development welcoming environment. When increased to 350 as will Personal
The Aldershot RA Development Team, Team rolled out the Aldershot District we launched, we had 12 referees Working with our brokers we are Effects. Physio is extended to include
supported by the Hampshire FA RDO, led referees pre-season meetings. As a break at that first meeting. We now have determined to increase benefits, injuries while refereeing, where
the Aldershot District Match Official Cup from the norm, we decided to pool the a membership of 53 referees and while maintaining the same cost previously a valid temporary
Final evenings, held in two parts. First experience in one room and conduct counting. Encouragingly, over half base. The policy has to encompass disablement claim needed to
we ran two indoor workshops, split into joint youth and adult events. This created of our members are under the age all members of the RA, from local applicable.
youth league and adults. a good balance for the main session of 25. parks to Wembley Stadium.
Without the hard work of the RA
presented by Development Officer, Steve
The successful officials not only Without the loyal support of Things have certainly evolved over Board and the feedback of the
Scott. The theme was Getting It Right a
received their appointments but also a Hampshire FA, other local RAs the years from the first insurance members, nothing would evolve or
grand title, but in essence it was all about
development session on co-operation and the dedication of our core policy to what is now the 2016/17 progress. To that end, we welcome
setting goals and achieving them to Click on the image (above)
and responsibilities. This included the members, we would not have revamp of member benefits. Several all feedback to help us make things
constantly improve. The blend of youth to view a larger version of
responsibilities of the Cup Final officials, achieved what we have today. But key areas were identified such as better for our members.
and experience led to valuable exchange the members benefits table.
building the team ethos and dealing with what next for Aldershot RA? The referees equipment and physio.
of ideas.
issues that they may face. fact is were only reaching a small Basically our thought process was to
Both these events led to members proportion of our local referees. We get any referee back doing what he
The second part, held on a wet evening
joining the RA. This is a testament to the need to continue listening to our
in April, was a practical development
quality of training provided and the focus members as we strive
session for all youth league Cup Final
on development, education and support. to grow our membership.
officials. Based around duties of an
assistant and teamwork, the match We also want to see those young
officials were put through their paces referees who join our Academy
achieve their potential to become
highly regarded Premier League
referees. Above all, we will continue
to develop, educate and support our
referees because we never stop
learning from each other.

Aldershot RA meets on the second

Thursday of the month at: Aldershot
Conservative Club, GU11 1PE
Visit for more information:
Or follow on Twitter: @aldershotra
You can also email our Secretary,
Richard Honey:

7070 71
Paul Field reports


We recently caught up What made you get involved with Has the recent history been

Courtesy RWT Photography

the RA? damaging to The RA?
with Paul Field, Chairman
I became a member 22 years ago The short answer is yes. Some poor
of the RA, on the agenda: when I first qualified as a referee in decision-making has not helped the
The organisations recent Worcestershire. The RAs been a constant Association. Lets be under no illusion
source of valuable help and support to me that the actions that had to be taken in
history and his vision for over the years. As a result my experience 2012 distracted the organisation. In some
the future. has always been universally positive. Ive ways, it was our FIFA moment.
made many friends. Of course, when you
Every organisation has the need for Whats difficult?
study the RAs history, it wasnt without
a business correction at some stage.
Success has many fathers, but
its problems. Three things come to mind. Balancing
At previous AGMs, people have asked
me when will the Board stop blaming work life with being a volunteer. Having failure is an orphan!
Who have been your main previous regimes. That culture stopped a vision and communicating this to those
influences in the RA? in July 2015, once all the issues had been of different eras. This is an issue that
dealt with. impacts on football as a whole.
My earliest refereeing influence was a
work colleague called Ernie Thompson. Finally, balancing modernisation and July and a revitalised Eve of Final Rally Where do you see The RA 10 years
He was a qualified match official who had Youve been connected to the progressive thinking so that these in May. We also launched membership from now?
refereed me the previous Sunday. To be RA Board for almost five years. aspects reflect the present-day enhancements, including members-
A great question. As a membership
honest he had a bit of a nightmare. The What gives you satisfaction? wishes of the majority against any only discounts from the RA shop and
next day I gave him some feedback, only traditional views. organisation we have to respect the
improved insurance cover.
I can reflect on a few issues with some wishes of our members, but I do have
for him to return with an application form
pride. What do they say? Success has The next 12 months will be critical to the benefit of a rounded perspective.
for me to go on a Referees Course. The What is The RA planning over the
many fathers, but failure is an orphan. the organisation, particularly regarding
rest is history. next 12 months? The next few years are critical. The RA
the development of our brand-new
First, working with others to reshape and must maintain a Quality Management
From an RA aspect, Arthur Smith We held a highly successful County RA training and education portal. Take a
build a sustainable platform. This has System, support the Development Fund,
(ex-RA Secretary) and Alan Poulain meeting in which we shared our thinking look at the recent poll (result below).
now ensured that the RAs immediate offer free events to members, introduce
(ex-RA Chairman) first encouraged me for the future. This was a positive event There is huge support throughout our
future is secure. enhanced member benefits, supply
to get involved nationally. Its proved during which we launched Project membership for our goal of delivering
a roller-coaster experience. Ultimately Second, the RA-FA Youth Council. This is a 'meeting' material via DVDs and memory
Sutcliffe, plus, amongst other initiatives, on-line training that has something
I feel a responsibility towards those strong partnership with The FA, providing sticks, and deliver training via a portal. Our
a restructured Conference weekend in for everyone.
whove helped me on this journey a positive engagement with an important delivery too must meet the expectations
to ensure that the progress of the past group of talented young people. In my of our members, whilst also enjoying the
108 years continues into the view, the future of our organisation is in benefit of our efforts and progress being
next generation. their hands. Any failure to engage will correctly perceived and recognised.
ultimately impact that future. My view is that within the next 10 years
More recently, Albert Astbury, David
Elleray and David Crick have been a Third, QUEST. To me its critical to the the RA will need to have one central
great source of advice. They have a long-term success of this Association. membership set-up. This should be
wealth of historical knowledge and Its vital that we deliver a Quality Online poll supported by QUEST-accredited LRAs
understanding of our stakeholder Product and Experience to all our
results in delivering practical training and CPD
favour of
interfaces. The current RA Board current members and all our future a training events as part of the FAs designated
has a diversity that keeps me members, based on sound governance and programmes for the development of
in check. and a holistic view of our development.
eductional match officials.

7272 73
The Referees Association
1b Bagshaw Close
Ryton on Dunsmore

T +44 (0) 2476 420 360

F +44 (0) 2476 601556


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