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Invent, math.

79, 567-588 (1985) Inventiones

9 Springer-Verlag 1985

Pluricanonical systems on minimal algebraic varieties

Y. K a w a m a t a
Department of Mathematics, University of Tokyo, Hongo, Tokyo 1! 3, Japan

Table of contents

Introduction ................................... 567

1. Notation and statement of the main result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568
2. Nef and good divisors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
3. J. Koll~tr's vanishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572
4. Generalized normal crossing varieties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574
5. Non-vanishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578
6. Semi-ampleness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
7, Remarks and open problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584

A m i n i m a l algebraic variety X is a n o r m a l projective variety having only

canonical singularities whose canonical divisor K x is nef. It is called good if
its K o d a i r a dimension is equal to the numerical K o d a i r a dimension (for the
precise definition see Sect. 1). The main result of this paper is the following:
F o r a good minimal algebraic variety X defined over an algebraically closed
field of characteristic zero, m-canonical system I m K x l is base point free for
some positive integer m ( T h e o r e m 1.I). If K x is big, then this was already
proved in Benveniste [1] and K a w a m a t a [12] in case dim X = 3 and in Shoku-
roy [19] generally (see also K a w a m a t a [13]). Instead of using a modified
version of the K o d a i r a vanishing theorem as in [1, 12, 13] and [19], we m a k e
use of J. Koll~r's vanishing t h e o r e m [15] to prove our result. The p r o o f is
almost parallel to that of [13, T h e o r e m 2.6].
The construction of this p a p e r is as follows. In Sect. 1 we fix our no-
tation and state the main result. It is shown in Sect. 2 that nef and good
divisors are essentially the pull-backs of nef and big divisors, We give J.
Kollgr's vanishing t h e o r e m in a slightly generalized form in Sect. 3. Section 4
obtains some elementary properties of generalized n o r m a l crossing varieties.
After proving a technically key lemma, the non-vanishing of H ~ in Sect. 5, we
give a p r o o f of the main result in Sect. 6 in a generalized version, T h e last
Sect, 7 is added for further development,
In this p a p e r we always assume that the ground field k is algebraically
closed and of characteristic zero,
568 Y. Kawamata

Section 1. Notation and statement of the main result

Let X be a complete algebraic scheme of pure dimension d defined over an

algebraically closed field k of characteristic zero. We denote
Za_ l ( X ) = t h e group of Weil divisors on X,
D i v ( X ) = the group of Cartier divisors on X,
P i c ( X ) - the group of line bundles on X,
(This notation is different from that in [133). We have natural homomorphisms

Div(X)---~ Zd_ I(X ) and Div(X)-+Pic(X),

where the first one is injective if X is normal. Q-Weil divisors, Q-Cartier

divisors and Q-line bundles are elements of Za_I(X)| Div(X)| and of
Pic(X)| respectively. Let D=~ai Di~Zd_ I(X)QQ, where the ai are rational
numbers and the Di are mutually distinct prime divisors on X. Then we define
[D] = ~ [al] Di: the integral part, the round down,
rD1 = - - [ - - D ] : the round up,
{D} = D - [D] : the fractional part.
We denote
: the linear equivalence (the identity in Pic(X)),
~: the Q-linear equivalence (the identity in Pic(X)| Q).

Thus DI~D 2 (resp. DI~D2) if and only if (9x(D1)~(gx(D2) (resp. Cx(mD1)

"=(.gx(mD2) for some positive integer m), where D~,D2eDiv(X ) (resp.
D~,D2~Div(X)@Q). For a morphism f: X ~ Y , we can always define the pull-
back homomorphism

f * : Pic(Y) @Q ~ P i c ( X ) |
whereas we can define
f * : Div(Y) | |

if f is a generically surjective morphism of algebraic varieties or satisfies

certain other conditions.
L~Div(X)| is called semi-ample if (gx(mL) is generated by global sec-
tions for some positive integer m with mLeDiv(X). Let D~ .... ,D,EDiv(X) | Q.
D 1 ... D r is called numerically equivalent to zero and written as

D1 ... DrY0
if (D 1 ... Dr-S)=0 for all subvarieties S of dimension r on X. D E D i v ( X ) | is
called nef if (D. C) > 0 for all integral curves C on X. For example, semi-ample
Q-Cartier divisors are nef.
Let X be a complete normal algebraic variety and let D e D i v ( X ) |
with pDeDiv(X) for a positive integer p. Let
r : X - - - le dimlptD[
Pluricanonical systems on minimal algebraic varieties 569

be rational mappings given by linear systems LptDL for positive integers t. We

define Iitaka's D-dimension (Iitaka [83, see also Ueno [20])

t>O dim (])lptDl(X), if ]ptD] + 0 for some t,

- or, otherwise.

Thus lc(X,D) can take values among - o o, 0 .... ,d. We note here that ~c(X,D)
does not depend on the choice of p. In case D is nef, we can also define the
numerical D-dimension
v(X,D)=max{e; De ~0}.
Thus O<v(X,D)<d. It is easy to see that

to(X, D) < v(X, D)

(Proposition 2.2). If the equality holds in the above then D is called good. D is
said to be big if v(X,D)=d. It is well known that D is big if and only if (X,D)
= d (Kawamata [11, Lemma 3]). Thus D is automatically good if ~(X,D)=d or
The canonical divisor K x on a normal complete algebraic variety X is a
Weil divisor such that (gxro,(Kx)- -C2 dxr~. The canonical sheaf COx=;,ut~162 is
the reflexive sheaf corresponding to K x (cf. Reid [16, Appendix to Sect. 1]). If
X is non-singular then we define the Kodaira dimension of X by ~c(X)
= ~:(X, Kx). It is known that ~:(X) is a birational invariant of X. Hence we can
also define ~(X) for an arbitrary algebraic variety by taking its non-singular
model (Iitaka [8], see also Ueno [20]).
A normal algebraic variety X is said to have only canonical (resp. terminal)
singularities if the following conditions are satisfied.
(i) The canonical divisor Kx is Q-Cartier, i.e., it is in the image of Div(X)
| z,~_ I(x)|
(ii) For a resolution of singularities/~: Y ~ X we have

Kr=12* Kx + ~~ai Ei
with a i > 0 (resp. a i > 0) for all i, where the E i run through all the prime divisors
on Y which are exceptional with respect to/a.
Let A e Z a _ I ( X ) Q Q . The pair (X,A) is said to have only log-terminal
singularities if the following conditions are satisfied.
(i) [A] =0.
(ii) K x + A is Q-Cartier.
(iii) For a resolution of singularities ~: Y---,X such that the union E of the
exceptional locus of # and the inverse image of the support of A is a divisor
with only normal crossings on Y,, we have

K r = l~*(Kx + A) + ~ ai Ei
with a i> - 1 for all i, where the E~ run through all the irreducible components
of E.
570 Y. Kawamata

We note that this definition is slightly different from that in [13], i.e.,
we do not assume that K x is itself Q-Cartier.
A minimal algebraic variety is a normal projective variety having only
canonical singularities whose canonical divisor is nef. It is conjectured that an
arbitrary algebraic variety has a birational model which is minimal (cf. Reid
[17] and Kawamata [13]). A minimal algebraic variety is called good if its
canonical divisor is good. It is also expected that all the minimal algebraic
varieties are good. Now we state our main result.
Theorem 1.1. Let X be a good minimal algebraic variety. Then the canonical
divisor K x is semi-ample.

Section 2. Nef and good divisors

Proposition 2.1. Let X be a complete normal algebraic variety and let DeDiv(X)
| ff~ be nef and good. Then there exists a diagram of algebraic varieties


which satisfies the following conditions.

(i) Y and Z are non-singular and projective.
(ii) /~ is a birational morphism and f is a surjective morphism having connect-
ed fibers.
(iii) There is a nef and big Q-divisor D O on Z such that

p* D ~Qf* D o.
Proof. Fix a positive integer m such that mD~Div(X) and such that the linear
system ImD] gives a rational mapping
g: X - - - ~ Zo c lP dimlmD[

with dim Zo=K(X, D)= v(X, D). By the Stein factorization, resolutions of singu-
larities, a flattening of a morphism (by using the Hilbert scheme), and by a
normalization, we obtain the following commutative diagram

X .o y1,.1 y2 .2 y3 .3 r


Zo ~o Z1 ~ ~1 Z , = Z ~ Z

which satisfies the following conditions.

Pluricanonical systems on minimal algebraic varieties 571

(1) All the varieties in the diagram are projective except X.

(2) Y,, Y,,Z, and Z are non-singular, and Y3 is normal.
(3) #o,#1,#2,#3 and n I are birational morphisms, f , , f z , f 3 and f are
surjective morphisms having connected fibers, and n o is a generically finite
surjective morphism.
(4) f2 is flat, #2 is finite, and f3 is equi-dimensional.
(5) /~: Y 3 ~ X being a composite of morphisms, we have

Im ~* D[ = ILl + F

where ]L[ is base point free and F is the fixed Cartier divisor on I13-
(6) L = f * L o for a nef and big divisor L o on Z.
Denoting 1~= K(X, D) = v(X, D), we calculate

0 ~ m ~+a fi* D ~+1 ~ ( L + F ) ~+1

~ m ~ F . f i , D~+m ~- l L.F.~t,D~--1 +... + m I 2 - 1 . F . f t , D + I Y . F + K + x .
Let H be an ample divisor on I13. Then since/5" D and L are nef and since F is
effective, we have

IJ,.F.ft*D'~-i. Hd-r-l=O for 0_<i_<K,

where d = d i m X . On the other hand, since ILl is base point free, L~.F is
represented by an effective ( d - K - 1 ) - c y c l e on Y3, and hence is zero. Thus no
irreducible components of F are mapped onto Z by f3.
We set d = d i m X and ~c=dimZ. We may assume that ~c>1 and d-~c__>l.
Let E be the maximal II~-divisor on Z such that

O<f3*E<=F in Z n - , ( Y 3 ) |
Let A and B be very ample divisors on Y3 and Z, respectively, and we take
general members

A 1..... A a ~ lelA[ and B 1..... BK- 1fflB].

We set
K-1 d--K--1
C = ~ Bj and S= ('] A/~f31(C).
j=l j=l

Then C is a non-singular projective curve and S is a projective surface which is

non-singular in codimension 1. The induced morphism

f3[s: S--*C
is surjective and has connected fibers. For a general fiber F of f31s we have

We have also
572 Y. Kawamata

for an arbitrary curve F' on S such that f3(F') is a point on C. Since (L + f ) [ s

is nef and since Fls is effective, we conclude that

(f31s)* E = FIs.
since fa is equi-dimensional. Combining the above, we have

m ~* D ~ L + F= f*(Lo + E ).
This completes the proof of the proposition. Q.E.D.
In the course of the above proof we showed that /2 + 1 ~ 0 if D ~ 1 ~0. Thus we
have the following.
Proposition 2.2. A nef Ilk-Cartier divisor D on a complete normal algebraic
variety X satisfies
~c(x, D)_<_v (X, D).

Proposition 2.3. In the situation of Proposition 2.1, let D' be another q-Cartier
divisor on X which is nef. Assume that

v(X,D+D')=v(X,D) and ~(X,D+D')>=O.

Then the following condition (iv) is also satisfied.

(iv) There is a nef q-divisor D o on Z such that

I~* D' ~ f * D'o.

Proof. Since D and D' are nef and since (D + D')~ + 1 ~ 0,

D'. D ~ O .

Thus for a general fiber F of J3 we have

~* D'lr ~ O.
We have also
~* Dlr~O.
Since ~(X,D+D')>=O and since D+D' is nef, we deduce that there is a Q-
Cartier divisor L 1 on Z such that

fi*(D + D') ~ f a * L1

by the same argument as in Proposition 2.1. Q.E.D.

Section 3. J. Kollhr's vanishing

L e m m a 3.1. Let X be a non-singular projective variety and let A be a q-divisor

on X such that the support of {A} has only normal crossings. Then there is a
Pluricanonical systems on minimal algebraic varieties 573

ramified finite Galois cover ~: Y ~ X from a non-singular projective variety Y

which satisfies the following properties.
(1) n * A e D i v ( Y ) and G = G a l ( Y / X ) acts n-equivariantly on (gr0z*A).
(2) ~z induces isomorphisms

(gx([A]) ~ 0z, (grOz*A)) G,

(9x(rA1 + Kx) -= > (n, (gr(~*A + Kr)) G.

Proof (1) is just K a w a m a t a [9, Theorem 17]. We note here that 7z: Y + X can
be taken as a K u m m e r extension. Since n is flat, ~,(gr(~z*A ) and n,(grOz*A
+ K y ) are locally free (gx| of rank 1. Hence we have to verify
(2) only in codimension 1, and it is trivial. Q.E.D.
We generalize slightly vanishing theorems in Kotlfir [15].
Theorem 3.2. Let X be a non-singular projective variety, L a semi-ample if)-
divisor on X such that {L} has a support with only normal crossings, and let D
be an effective divisor on X. Assume that there is an effective divisor D' such that
D + D ' e l m L I for some positive integer m with m L e D i v ( X ) . Then homomor-
phisms induced by multiplying D

i . H i ( x , (9x(rL1 + Kx)) ~ H i ( X , (gx(rLq + D + Kx) )

are injective for all i.
Proof We have a commutative diagram

Hi(X ' (gx(rL1 + Kx)) +b+D , HI(X ' (gx(rL 1 + D + D' + Kx) )

< / Hi(X, (gx(r L 1 + D + K x)).

If q~D+D'
i is injective, then q~ is also. Thus we may assume that DelmLI in the
following. By L e m m a 3.1, we construct a Galois cover ~: X ' ~ X from a non-
singular projective variety X' such that ~* LeDiv(X'). Then

Hi(X,(,gx(FL 1 + Kx)) -- >(Hi(X',(gx,(Tz*L + Kx,))) G

Hi(X,(gx(rL 1 + D+ Kx)) -~ , (Hi(X',(gx,(n*(L + D)+ Kx,))) ~.

Thus our theorem is reduced to the case where L~Div(X). This is just Koll~r
[15, T h e o r e m 2.2]. Q.E.D.
Theorem 3.3. With the same assumption as in Theorem 3.2, let f: X ~ Z be the
morphism given by a base point free linear system ]nL] for some positive integer n
with n L e D i v ( X ) . Then
(1) Ri f , (gx(rL1 + Kx) is torsion free for all i, and
(2) HJ(Z, R i f , (gx(rL 1 + K x ) ) = 0 for all i and j>= 1.
574 Y. Kawamata

Proof (1) As in the proof of Theorem 3.2, we take a Galois cover ~: X ' - , X .
Let f ' : X ' ~ Z ' be the morphism given by [nit*L{. We have a commutative
X ' ----~ X

t ~o

where lro:Z'--,Z is finite. If R Z f , ( g x . ( n * L + K x ,) is torsion flee, then

rco, R i f , ( g x . ( ~ * L + K x , ) = R i f . n,(_gx,(rc*L+Kx ,) is, and hence Rif,(gx(rL q
+ K x ) is also by Lemma 3.1-(2). Thus our theorem is reduced to the case
where LeDiv(X). We take general members s o ..... s a of H~ such
that their divisors Li=div(si) are non-singular and cross normally, where d
= d i m X . In particular, 0 L~=0. Let a : X " ~ X be the Kummer extension
obtained by taking n-th roots of the si, i.e., X " = X o x x . . . x x X a , where X~
=Spec @ ( g x ( - p L ) and the (gx-algebra structures on the (gx, are given by the
s i. Then the linear system ]a'L] is itself base point flee. Thus our theorem
follows from Kollfir [15, Theorem 2.10) ]. (2) is similarly reduced to [loc. cit.
Theorem 2.1(iii)]. Q.E.D.

Section 4. Generalized normal crossing varieties

A reduced equi-dimensional projective scheme X is called a generalized normal

crossing variety if complete local rings of X at the points x on X are isomor-
phic to

kEExo, ..... Xo,o]] ~ ~ k E[x,1 .... , xi,,]]/(x~, ... X,r,),


where integers t and the r i depend on x. If t < 1 for all x, then X is called a
normal crossing variety. A generalized normal crossing variety X is locally
complete intersection, and hence has an invertible dualizing sheaf COx. We
denote by K x the corresponding line bundle. Let X o be the normalization of X
and let X. be a simplicial scheme given by

A,~--~X,=X o x x ... x x X o (n+ 1 factors).

The projection e.: X . ~ X gives a hypercovering in the sense of Deligne [2].

Note that the X, are non-singular.
The unions B, on the X, of the images of lower dimensional irreducible
components of the X,, for n ' > n form divisors with only normal crossings on
the X,. A Cartier divisor D on X is called permissible if it induces Cartier
divisors D, on the X , when pulled back by e,: X , ~ X . It is equivalent to saying
Pluricanonical systems on minimal algebraic varieties 575

that the support of D does not contain any stratum of X locally. We denote by
Divo(X ) the group of permissible Cartier divisors. A generalized normal cross-
ing divisor D on X is a permissible Cartier divisor such that the unions D , u B .
are reduced divisors with only normal crossings on the X,. This condition
holds if and only if the local equation of D at x e X is given by

X O 1 "" 9 X O s o = 0

for some s o < r o. It is easy to see that D becomes also a generalized normal
crossing variety. Let D be an element of Divo(X)| ~ whose support is a
generalized normal crossing divisor. Then we can define a permissible Cartier
divisor rD1 by the system of divisors rD 0 on the X,.
A birational morphism #: Y--*X of generalized normal crossing varieties is
called permissible if it induces birational morphisms from the Y, to the X,. Let
C be a non-singular subvariety of X and let D be a generalized normal
crossing divisor on X. The blowing-up of X at the center C is called permis-
sible with respect to D if
(a) C induces non-singular subschemes C, on the X,,
(b) an arbitrary irreducible component of the C, does not coincide with a
whole irreducible component of the X,, and if
(c) the centers C, on the X, are permissible with respect to the D , w B , in
the sense of Hironaka [7].
A permissible blowing-up gives a permissible birational morphism of gener-
alized normal crossing varieties, and the union of the inverse image of C and
the strict transform of D is again a generalized normal crossing divisor. By
Hironaka [7], an arbitrary permissible birational morphism can be dominated
by a morphism which is obtained as a succession of permissible blowing-ups.
Proposition 4.1.Let X be a generalized normal crossing variety and let 5., (9x. be
the cochain complex whose coboundaries are given by alternate sums o f f ace
operators. Then 5. induces a quasi-isomorphism

(fix ~ , 5., ~x."

Proof It is enough to check this proposition at complete local ring level. If t

= 1, then this is just Du Bois-Jarraud [3, Lemma 2]. In the general case, the
right hand side is the cochain complex given by the semi-simplicial complex
of the simplex

with coefficient algebras given by

[(hl 1..... h,~)..... (hip ..... htv)]w--~k[[xol ..... xlj .... , x t J ] ,

where we delete the xlj if j=hiq for some l < q < p . We have a homotopy

[1, i_~1r/],---~ li=~1 [1, ri]

576 Y. Kawamata

given by
[(h, .... , h,)] ~-+([hx] ..... [h,]),

and our coefficient system coincides with the pull back of the system given by

([hi, ..... h, p,] ..... [h,, .... , htp,])~---~k [[Xo, ..... X o J ]


k[[x,, .... .... ..., x,,,]].


Thus the cohomology groups of the given complex are calculated by the
Ktinneth formula and our proposition is reduced to the case t = 1. Q.E.D.
Corrolary 4.2. Let D be an effective permissible Cartier divisor on a generalized
narmal crossing variety X and let D, be the pull backs of D on the X,. Then we
have a quasi-isomorphism
(gD- ~ <, (9o..
Proof By the proposition we have quasi-isomorphisms

(gx--~-~ e., (gx. and (gx(-D) =-,<,(gx.(-D.).

F r o m exact sequences
0 ~ (_gx(- D) ~ (.gx~ (gD~ 0
O~(gX,(--D,)~(gX ~(gD ~O,
we obtain our corollary. Q.E.D.
Theorem 4.3. Let X be a generalized normal crossing variety, L~Divo(X)|
and D~Divo(X ). Assume that L is semi-ample, the support of L is a generalized
normal crossing divisor, D is effective, and assume that there is an effective
D'~Divo(X ) such that D+D'e[mL] for some positive integer m with
m L e D i v o ( X ). Then homomorphisms induced by multiplying D

q9io 9. Hi(x, (_gx(rL-1q_Kx)).__~Hi(X, (gx(rL1 q_D + Kx) )

are injective for all i.
Proof. By duality it is enough to show that

Hi(X, (gx(- rL1 - O ) ) ~ Hi(x, (gx(- rL1))

are surjective, and this in turn is equivalent to saying that

Hi(X, Cx ( - rL1))~ ni(D, (90( - rL1))

are zero for all i. By Corollary 4.2, we have a commutative diagram of spectral
'E~ '~ = nq(xe, (9x.(- rL1)) ~ uP+q( X, (fix(- rE1)
,,E~,q = Hq(D), (gD~(- rL1)) =:. Hp+q(D!(gD( - rL1).
Pluricanonical systems on minimal algebraic varieties 577

H q ( x v, (gxv(- rL1))~Hq(Dv, cgv~(- rLT))

are zero for all p and q by Theorem 3.2, we obtain the desired result. Q.E.D.
Theorem 4,4. With the same assumption as in Theorem 4.3, let f: X ~ Z be the
morphism given by H~ for some positive integer n such that
n L e D i v o ( X ) and such that Cx(nL ) is generated by global sections. Assume that
Z is irreducible. Then

HP(Z, R~ f . (gx(rL1 + Kx) ) = 0

for all q and p > 1.
Proof. This follows from Theorem 4.3 by a very similar argument as in Koll~tr
[15, Step 4]. We proceed by induction on d - d i m Z . We may assume that Z is
normal. Let L o be an ample Cartier divisor on Z such that f * L o ~ n L . We take
a general member D o of ImLo[ for a positive integer m so that the pull-back D
= f * D 0 is a generalized normal crossing divisor on X. We consider a com-
mutative diagram of spectral sequences

'EP2,q= Hv(Z, Rq f , (fix(rL1 + Kx)) ~ uP+q(x, Cx(rL 1 + Kx))

"Eg"q = HP(Z, Rq f , (gx(r Ln + K x + D)) ~ H p+q(X, (gx(r L1 + K x + D)).

By Theorem 4.3, ~@ is injective. Since the h o m o m o r p h i s m 'E~'~ 1 is in-

jective, ~o~'~ ,,-1,Or:
2 __,,,Fl.Or,
2 is also injective. If m is chosen large enough, then
tq~'l,0 __ (I
~2 - v , and hence
On the other hand, if m is large and D o is general, we have an exact sequence

O--*f , Cx(rL n + K x ) ~ f , Cx(rL 1 + K x + D ) ~ f , Co(rL 7 + Ko)~O,

and hence an isomorphism

HP(Do,f, co(rL 7 + KD))--->Hp+ l ( Z , f , (gx(rL1 + Kx)).

By the induction hypothesis, we obtain

'E~'~ for p>2.

Then we have an injective h o m o m o r p h i s m 'E~'~--+H 2, and thus 'E~,~--0 as

above. Continuing this process, we get the desired result. Q.E.D.
Theorem 4.5. In addition to the assumptions in Theorem 4.4, assume that the pull-
back by f induces a homomorphism

Div (Z)--+Divo(X).

Then Ri f , (gx(rL 1 + Kx) are torsion free for all i.

578 Y. Kawamata

Proof Let H o be an ample Cartier divisor on Z such that R i f , (gx(rL1 + K x )

| (9z(Ho) is generated by global sections. If R i f , (gx(rL1 + Kx) has torsion, then
there is a Cartier divisor D o on Z such that

H ~ (Z, R ' f , (Px(rL1 + Kx) | (gz(Ho))~H ~ (Z, R ' f , (gx(rL1 + Kx) | (gz(H o + Do) )
is not injective. This contradicts Theorems 4.3 and 4.4. Q.E.D.
The additional assumption in Theorem 4.5 is equivalent to saying that the
morphisms f o e , induce a surjective morphism from each irreducible com-
ponent of the X, onto Z.

Section 5. Non-vanishing

Theorem 5.1. Let X be a generalized normal crossing variety, Z a projective

variety, f : X - ~ Z a morphism, H~Divo(X), A ~ D i v o ( X ) | and let q be a
positive integer. Assume the following conditions.
(i) f induces a surjective morphism from each irreducible component of the X n
onto Z.
(ii) The support of A is a generalized normal crossing divisor on X and rA1 is
(iii) There is a nef Cartier divisor H o on Z such that

(Px(qH)= f*(~z(Ho).
(iv) There is an ample Cartier divisor L o on Z such that

(gx( q (H + A - K x) ) = f * (_9z (Lo),

where q A ~ D i v o ( X ).
Then there is a positive integer p such that

H ~(X, (9x (p tH + rA1)) :t: O,

for all t e Z with t>>O.

Proof This is parallel to Shokurov [19] and Kawamata [13, Proposition 2.1].
We may assume that Z is normal. We proceed by induction on d = d i m Z .
First, assume that H 0 ~ 0 . Since t H + A - K x is semi-ample for all t~Z, we have

H~(Z,f, (gx(tH + r A n ) ) : 0

for all j ~ 1 by Theorem 4.4. On the other hand,

)~(Z,f, r 1) | (gz(tHo))

is a constant on t. Hence

dim H ~(X, (gx( q t H + rA1)) = dim H ~(X, (gx(rA1)) 4: 0.

Pluricanonical systems on minimal algebraic varieties 579

Next, we assume that H o ~ 0 . Let us fix a point z on Z such that Z is

smooth at z and such that some irreducible component of f - l ( z ) is not
contained in the support of A and has codimension d in X. By Shokurov [19,
L e m m a 1.3] (see also K a w a m a t a [13, Lemmas 2.3 and 2.4]), there is a member

M~lml (m3 Ho + L0)l

such that
multi(M) =>(d+ 1)m t q

for some positive integers m 1 and m 3. We note here that it is not necessary to
assume that Z is non-singular. By Hironaka's resolution and by using con-
dition (i), we construct a permissible birational morphism Ft: Y ~ X from a
generalized normal crossing variety Y which satisfies the following conditions.
(a) There is a generalized normal crossing divisor F on Y with the decom-
position into irreducible components


(b) K y - I ~ * K x + # * A = ~ b i F i with the bi~tl~.

(c) # * f ' m = ~ r / F / w i t h non-negative integers ri.
We note that ( f o # ) ( F 3 ~ Z if r~.0. We note also that ~b~F~Divo(Y)| and
~r/F/~Divo(Y ). We set m
i~I c = min (b i + 1)/rv

As in the proof of [13, Proposition 2.1], we have bi> - 1 for all i, and hence
c > 0 . There is a component F 1 over z ~ Z such that b l = d - 1 and q > ( d
+ 1)m 1 q. Hence
cm~ q < d/(d + 1).
We set
I o= {i~1; b i + l =cr/}.

N o w we investigate the variation of I o when we further blow up Y at a

permissible center C with respect to F. Let Y' be the resulting generalized
normal crossing variety and E the inverse image of C. We define I', the F[, the
b'~, and the r{ similarly. We regard I as a subset of I'.
L e m m a 5.2. I f F/ c E is pulled back to a divisor on an irreducible component W'
of I7o and if the pull-back of the center C on the corresponding irreducible
component W of Yo is contained in Fi,, .... Fiu, then

b ' i + l > ~ (b~j+ 1)



580 Y. Kawamata

In particular, I'o=Iow{i;Fi' ~E} if C is an intersection of some of the Fi with

i~Io, and =I0 otherwise.
Proof. We have only to show this lemma locally, and then it is trivial. Q.E.D.
Let {Z~} be the collection of subvarieties of Z which are images of the F~
with i d 0 or their non-empty intersections by #of. We pick a minimal element
Z1 with respect to the inclusion relation. We choose a member

M, Elm2(m3 Ho + Lo)[

for some positive integer m 2 such that Z ~ = M 1 and Z~r for ct~l. By a
succession of permissible blowing-ups, we obtain a permissible birational mor-
phism a: Y ' ~ Y w h i c h satisfies the following conditions.
(a') There is a generalized normal crossing divisor F' on Y' with the
decomposition into irreducible components

F'= Y'~'.

(b') K r - a * p * K x + a * # * A = ~ b~Fi' with the b ~ Q .


(c') a * # * f * M = ~r/F{ and a * # * f * M l = ~s~F/ with non-negative integers

i~I" i~l"
r{ and s'r
By Lemma 5.2,
min(b'i + 1)/r" = c.
We put
I'o= (ieI' ; b'i + 1 =cr'i}.
For a rational number 3 with 0 < 6 ~ 1, we set

c ' = min(b; + 1)/(r~'+ 6s'i)

I'1 = {iat' ; b'~+ 1 =c'(r~ + bs~)}.

If 6 is chosen small enough, then I~ ~ I~ and c'(m I + 6m2)q < 1. By construction,

the F/ with ieI'~ and their intersections are mapped surjectively onto Z x by
f o # o a. We set

A'= ~, (-c'(r[ +6s'i)+b'i)Fi'

iel" \ l i


Note that B becomes a generalized normal crossing variety, A'lnaDivo(B ) |

and that the support of A'IB is a generalized normal crossing divisor on B.
Pluricanonical systems on minimal algebraic varieties 581

We consider a tl~-divisor on Y'

N=ma*I~*H + A ' - B - K y ,
~ ~(m - (m3 + l )) tr* p* H + ( 1 - c' (ml + 3m2) q) a* #* (m3 H + H + A - K x)

for positive integers m such that m =>m 3 + 1. Then N is semi-ample and there is
a non-zero homomorphism Cr,(B)~(gy,(nN ) for some positive integer n. Thus

H 1(y', Cr,(ma*l~*H+ rA'I _B))--.H 1(y', (gr,(ma*#*H+ rA'I))

is injective by Theorem 4.3, and hence

H~ ', (_gr,(ma*p* H + r A'q))--. H~ (B, OB(ma* #* H + r A'l))

is surjective. On the other hand, f : B ~ Z 1, a*P*HIB, and A'IB satisfy conditions

(i) through (iv). By induction hypothesis, there is a positive integer p such that

H ~(B, (gB(p t a* ft* H + CA'l)) # 0

for all t e Z with t>>O. Combining the above, we complete the proof. Q.E.D.

Section 6. Semi-ampleness

We prove our main result in a slightly generalized form.

Theorem 6.1. Let X be a normal complete algebraic variety of dimension d,
A ~Za_ 1(X) | Q, and let H~Div (X) | ~ . Assume the following conditions.
(i) (X, A) has only log-terminal singularities.
(ii) H is nef
(iii) H - ( K x + A) is nef and good.
(iv) v(X, a l l - (K x + A)) = v(X, H - (K x + A)) and ~c(X,a l l - (K x + A)) >=0 for
some a 6 ~ with a> 1.
7hen H is semi-ample.
Remark, In order to obtain Theorem 1.1 from Theorem 6.1, we set A = 0 and H
= 2 K x.
Proof This is parallel to Reid [18] and Kawamata [13], By Propositions 2.1
and 2.3 we have a diagram

32 Z

which satisfies the following conditions.

(1) Y and Z are non-singular and projective.
(2) /~ is a birational morphism and f is a surjective morphism having
connected fibers.
582 Y. Kawamata

(3) There is a nef and big Q-divisor M o on Z such that

I~*(H - (K x + A)) ~Qf* M o.

(4) There is a nef Q-divisor H o on Z such that

#* H ,,~~f* H o.
Thus we may assume that H o e D i v ( Z ) and H e D i v ( X ) in the following. By
Kawamata [11, Lemmas 3 and 4], there is an effective Q-divisor M 1 on Z such
M o- 6 M 1
is ample for all rational numbers 6 with 0 < 3 ~ 1. By resolution of singularities,
we replace Y by its blowing-up so that the following conditions are also
(5) There is a divisor F with only normal crossings on Y with the decom-
position into irreducible components


(6) Kr=#*(Kx+A)+~aiF~ with the ai> - 1 .

(7) T * M I = ~ b ~ F ~with the bi>0.
We set
A 1 = K r - # * ( K x + A ) - f f * M 1.
Then f : Y ~ Z , p*H and A 1 satisfy the hypothesis of Theorem 5.1 if 6 is chosen
small enough. Hence there is a positive integer PI such that

H~ (gr(pl t#*H+ gAla))+0

for all t~>0. Since rAil>__0 and p , r A l l = 0 , we have

/-/~(X, Ox(p~ tn))+O

for those t. Since 1~*(gx(H)~-f*(gz(Ho) and since f has connected fibers, we

have natural isomorphisms

H~ (gx(mH)) ~ ~H~ (gr(mp* H ) ) ~ - H~ (gz(mHo))

for all integers m.

Let A(m) denote the base locus of the linear system [mH[ on X if it is non-
empty for positive integers m. We have to show that A(m)=O for some m. We
fix a positive integer t 1 with A(pl h)+O. By blowing up Y further, we may
assume that
(8) lz*lp~tlHl=[L[+~riFi, where ILl is base point free and ~ r i F i is the
i~I ieI
fixed part of the linear system.
Pluricanonical systems on minimal algebraic varieties 583

By Proposition 2.3, there is a Q-divisor L o on Z such that

f * L o ~QL.
We note that
A(p, tO= ( U F,).
We set
c = min (al + 1 - 6bi)/r i.

If 6 is small enough, then c > 0. Let

I o = {i~I; ai+ 1-6bi=cri}.

As in the p r o o f of T h e o r e m 5.1, we choose a m e m b e r

for a positive integer q with q ( M o - 6 M 1 ) ~ D i v ( Z ) so that the following con-
ditions (9) and (10) are also satisfied if we replace Yby its blowing-up.
(9) f * M 2 = ~ s i F i with the si>=O.
We set
c' = min (ai + 1 - 3 bi)/(ri + 3' si),

Io= {i~I ; ai + 1 -6bi=c'(ri +(i' si)},

A= y' (-c'(ri+6'si)+ai-bbi)F i,
ieI "-. 10

B=FF .

(10) f : B--*f(B) satisfies the condition (i) of T h e o r e m 5.1.

We consider a Q-divisor on Y

N=m#*H+A-B-K r
~ c ' f * L o + ( m - ( c ' Pl t 1 + 1))/~* n + (1 - c ' 3 ' q ) f * ( M o - 6 M 1 )

for positive integers m with m>=c'p, t I + 1. Then N is semi-ample and there is a

non-zero h o m o m o r p h i s m (gr(B)~(gy(nN) for some positive integer n with
n N e D i v ( Y ) if ~' is chosen small enough. Thus
H 1 (Y, (9r (m#* H + rA1 -- B ) ) ~ H 1(Y, (9 r(m/~* H + rA1))

is injective by T h e o r e m 3.2, and hence

H ~(Y, Cr(m I~*H + rA1))~ H ~ (B, (9,(m #* H + rA~))

is surjective. On the other hand, there is a positive integer p: such that

H~ C n(p2 tl~* H + rA1)) :# 0

584 Y. Kawamata

for t>>0 by Theorem 5.1. Since # , r A l = 0 , we have an isomorphism

H~ (.0r(m/~*H+ rA1)) -- , H~ Ox(mH)).

Combining the above, we obtain

#(B)r for t>>0.

A(Pl tl P2 t2)~ A(Pl q)
for some positive integer t 2. Continuing this process, we find a positive integer
m such that A(m)=O by noetherian induction. This completes the proof of the
theorem. Q.E.D.

Section 7. Remarks and open problems

We state conjectures on minimal models.

Conjecture 7.1. Let X be an algebraic variety. Then there exists a projective
variety X,,i, having only terminal singularities which is birationally equivalent to
X and satisfies one of the following conditions.
(i) Kxmin is nef, i.e., Xmi n is minimal.
(ii) There is a surjective morphism having connected fibers q): X m i , ~ Z with
d i m Z < d i m X such that -gxmln is relatively ample for q) (cf. Reid [17] and
also Kawamata [13]).
We note that ~c(X)= ~:(Xm~,)= --Oe in the case (ii). We write v(X) instead of
v(X, Kx) for minimal X.
Conjecture 7.2. Let X be a minimal algebraic variety. Then
~:(x) = v ( x ) ,

i.e., a minimal model is always good.

We know that Conjecture 7.2 is automatically true if v ( X ) = d i m X . In case
v(X)=0, it is also true (Kawamata [14, Theorem 8.2]).
Theorem 7.3. Assume Conjecture 7.1 and the following statement: X being a
minimal algebraic variety,

Kxr162 implies ~c(X)>0.

Then Conjecture 7.2 is true.
Proof. By Iitaka [8, Theorem 5] (see also Ueno [20, Theorem 5.10]), we have
the following diagram

/\ Z

which satisfies the following conditions.

Pluricanonical systems on minimal algebraic varieties 585

(a) Y and Z are non-singular projective varieties.

(b) # is a birational morphism and f is a surjective morphism with connect-
ed fibers
(c) ~c(W)=0 for a general fiber W = Yz o f f
This f is called the Iitaka fibration of X. Let Wmin be a minimal model of
W. By the assumption,

Kwm~ ~ 0 .

By replacing Y by its blowing-up, if necessary, we may assume that there is a

morphism o: W--* Wmi". Thus we can write

Kr ~ P * K x + ~ r i F i
K w ~Q ~ s j Gj
for non-negative rational numbers r~ and s j, where the F~ and Gj are excep-
tional divisors of # and o, respectively. By the adjunction formula,

Kw ~ ~#* Kxlw + ~,,ri Filw.

*Kxlw sjOj-Zr, Flw.
) i

By cancelling redundant components, we have

p*Kx[ w ~ E + - E ,
where E+ and E are effective Q-divisors on W which have no c o m m o n
irreducible components.
Supposing that E+ . 0 , we shall derive a contradiction. Let e = d i m W and
let A be a very ample Cartier divisor on Wmin. We take general members

A 1..... Ae_26IA[
and set
S = ('] a-l(Ai).

Since E+ is exceptional with respect to or,


by the Hodge index theorem. Also we have

E+ .E .S>=O.

On the other hand, since #*Kxl w is nef,

E+'(E+-E )'S>_-0,
586 Y. K a w a m a t a

a contradiction. Hence E + = 0 . Since tt*Kx[ w is nef, we have also E =0.

i~* Kxl w ~ 0 .
This implies the following: There are ample divisors L 1 and L 2 on Z and a
member DE[mI~*Kx+f*Lll for a positive integer m such that O < D < f * L 2.
v( X) = v ( Y, p* K x) < dim Z = ~c(X).
This completes the proof of the proposition. Q.E.D.
Let X be a non-singular complete algebraic variety with ~c(X)>0. We
define the canonical ring R(X) of X by

R ( X ) = @ H~ (fix(mKx)).

Since R(X) is a birational invariant of X, we can also define the canonical ring
for an arbitrary algebraic variety by taking its non-singular model. If R(X) is a
finitely generated algebra over the base field k, then we define the canonical
Xc, . = Proj R(X).

For example, if X has a good minimal model, then we can define X~a..
Conjeeture 7.4. Let X ~ , be a canonical model of an algebraic variety. Then there
is a ~-Weil divisor Aca n on Xca n such that the pair (X .... Acan) has only log-
terminal singularities.
Let Z be a normal algebraic variety such that (Z,0) has only log-terminal
singularities and let/z: Y--*Z be a resolution of singularities whose exceptional
locus E is a divisor with only normal crossings on Y. Let H e D i v ( Z ) and let
seH~ for a positive integer m with m K z e D i v ( Z ). We con-
struct an m-sheeted covering of Z
Z ' = S p e c @ co[z-il@(gz(-iH),

where CO~z -q denotes the double dual of COz ~ - i and an (gz-algebra structure on
(9z, is given by s. Let D be the zero divisor of s.
Proposition 7.5. In the above situation, if #* D is non-singular and intersects E
transversally, then Z' is Gorenstein and has only canonical singularities.
Proof(cf. Reid [16] and also K a w a m a t a [13, Proposition 1.7]). Since D is non-
singular on Reg (Z) (the non-singular part of Z = Z \ Sing (Z)), Z' x z Reg (Z) is
non-singular. Since the ~O(z -~1 are reflexive, (gz,=l.(gZ, where ~ ' Z '
x z R e g ( Z ) ~ Z ' is the embedding. Thus Z' is normal. Let a:Z'--,Z be the
projection. By Hartshorne [6, p. 165],

a , 02z, ~ Hom~z (a , (gz,, COz)~- eO[z

ml | (-gz((m- 1) H) | or, (fiz',
Pluricanonical systems on minimal algebraic varieties 587

hencecoz, is invertible and K z , ~ a * ( m K z + ( m - 1 ) H ). We can write

a*D=mD' for some reduced Weil divisor D' on Z' which is Q-Cartier. Thus

a*(Kz + D)= Kz, + D'.

Let p': Y'--,Z' be a birational morphism which satisfies the following con-
(i) The exceptional locus E' of #' is a divisor with only normal crossings on
Y' and intersects transversally the strict transform D" of D' by #.
(ii) #' is an isomorphism outside of a - 1(Sing (Z)).
(iii) There is a commutative diagram of morphisms
y' P ,y

Z' ~ ,Z.

By the logarithmic ramification formula ([14, Lemma 1.6]),

K r + E' + D"= p*(Ky + E + I~*D)+ R

for some effective divisor R with p , R = 0 . On the other hand,

Kr=p*Kz+~riE i with the ~ > - 1 ,


where the E~ run through all the irreducible components of E. We have also

p'*D'=D"+A with A > 0 and g,A=0.

We write
Kr,=#'* Kz,+ ~ sjE'j

for the irreducible components E~ of E'. Combining the above, we obtain

Z(sj+ I)E~=p* Z(rI+ I)Ei+ A + R.

j i
Therefore, s j > - 1 for all j. Since the sj are integers, we have sj>0, hence Z'
has only canonical singularities, By Elkik [4], Z' is Cohen-Macaulay, and
hence Gorenstein. Q.E.D.
Corollary 7.6. Let Z be a normal projective variety and assume that (Z,O) has
only log-terminal singularities. Then there exists an algebraic variety X such that
Xca. ~ Z.
Proof. Let H 0 be an ample Cartier divisor on Z and we take H = t H o for a
large integer t. Then for a general member s~H~ Cz(m(Kz+H)), the above
constructed Z' is Gorenstein and has only canonical singularities. If t is chosen
large enough, then ~:(Z')= dim Z ' = dim Z. For some elliptic curve E we let

588 Y. Kawamata

The Galois group G= Gal(Z'/Z)~Z/(m) acts o n X ' by

go: (z', e)~--,(g,,(z'), e+a~) for a67Z/(m),

w h e r e ~ is a t o r s i o n p o i n t of o r d e r m o n E. W e set X = X'/G. S i n c e this a c t i o n
is etale, K ( X ) = ~ c ( X ' ) = d i m Z. T h u s this is the d e s i r e d v a r i e t y . Q . E . D .

I n the a b o v e e x a m p l e , we c a n also define Ac, n w h i c h c o m e s f r o m m u l t i p l e

fibers o f X - ~ X . . . . i.e., Aca n - D. It is e x p e c t e d t h a t the f a c t o r f r o m
l o c a l m o n o d r o m i e s also c o n t r i b u t e s to A . . . . w h e r e a s the m o d u l i f a c t o r is s e m i -
a m p l e (cf. F u j i t a [5] a n d K a w a m a t a [10]).


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Oblatum 2-VII-1984

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