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2009 2008
1) Current Ratio = current Assets = 5,679,157 = 1.71 6,179,581 = 1.49
Current Liabilities 3,328,902 4,146,004

2) Acid Test Ratio = Liquid Assets = 3,586,256 = 1.08 4,535,646 = 1.09

Current Liabilities 3,328,902 4,146,004

fiancial leveerage ratio

1) debt-to-equity Ratio = T.debt = 3,411,957 = 1.012197 4,228,917 = 1.391604

S.H.E 3,370,843 3,038,879

2) deby-to-Total Assets = T.Debt = 3,411,957 = 0.503031 4,228,917 = 0.581871

T.Assets 6,782,800 7,267,792

Long Term to Total Capitalization:

3) = Long Term Debt = 83,055 = 0.02 82,913 = 0.03

S.H.E. + L.T.D 3,453,898 3,121,792

Income Statement/Balance Sheet Ratios:

Coverage Ratios:

2009 2008
1) Intrest Coverage Ratio = EBIT = 1,792,156 = 45 1,141,135 = 54.35
Interest Charges 39,824 20,996

2) Dividend Coverage Ratio = EAT = 1,215,120 = 1.46 810,458 = 1.77

Dividend 834,093 459,179

Activity Ratios:

2009 2008
1) A/R Turnover Ratio = Credit Sales = 15,910,619 = 138 11,174,014 = 59.03
Avg. A/R 114,935 189,306

2) A/R Turnover in Days = No.of Days in Year = 365 = 2.64 365 = 3.35
A/R Turnover 138 109

3) A/P Tournover Ratio = Credit Purchase = 13,328,081 = 18 9,825,771 = 13.46

Avg. Creditors 745,951 729,776

4) A/P Turnover in Days = No.of Days in Year = 365 = 20.44 365 = 27.12
A/P Turnover 18 13

5) Inventory Turnover Ratio = CGS = 13,501,499 = 7 9,701,298 = 5.93

Avg. Inventory 1,856,587 1,636,153

6) Inventory Turnover in Days = No.of Days in Year = 365 = 50.21 365 = 61.55
Inventory Turnover Ratio 7.27 5.93

7) Total Assets Turnover Ratio = Total Sales = 15,910,619 = 2.35 11,174,014 = 1.54
Total Assets 6,782,800 7,267,796

Profitability Ratios:

2009 2008
1) Gross Profit Ratio = Gross Profit = 2,409,120 = 0 1,472,716 = 0.13
Total Sales 15,910,619 11,174,014

2) Operating Profit Ratio = Operating Profit = 1,792,156 = 0.11 1,141,135 = 0.10

Total Sales 15,910,619 11,174,014

3) Net Profit Ratio = Profit After Tax = 1,215,120 = 0 810,458 = 0.07

Total Sales 15,910,619 11,174,014

Investment Ratios:

2009 2008
1) Return on Investment = NPAT = 1,215,120 = 0 810,458 = 0.11
Total Assets 6,782,800 7,267,796

2) Return on Equity = NPAT = 1,215,120 = 0 810,458 = 0.27

Total Shareholders Equity 3,370,843 3,038,879

3) Return on Capital Employed = EBIT = 1,792,156 = 1 1,141,135 = 0.37

Long Term Debt+S.H.E. 3,453,898 3,121,792

Market Ratios:

2009 2008
1) Earning Per Shares = PAT = 1,215,120 = 52 810,458 = 34.59
No. Of Share 23,427 23,427

2) Dividend Per Share = Dividend = 1,054,286 = 45.00 609,114 = 32.50

No. Of Share 23,427 18,742

3) Dividend Payout Ratio = Dividend Per Share = 46 = 1 33 = 0.94

EPS 52 35

4) Price Earning Rario = Market Price = 279 = 5.38 266 = 7.69

EPS 52 35

5) Dividend Yield = Dividend Per Share = 46 = 0 33 = 0.12

Market Price 279 266

6) Earning Yield = EPS = 52 = 0.19 35 = 0.13

Market Price 279 266

7) Break up Value Per Share = S.H.E. = 3,370,843 = 143.88 3,038,879 = 129.71

No. Of Share 23,427 23,427
Market Ratios:

2009 2008
1) Liquidity Ratio:

Current Ratio 1.7 1.5

Acid Test Ratio 1.08 1.09

2) Financial Leverage Ratio

T. Debt to Equity Ratio 1.012 1.391

T. Debt to TotalAsset Ratio 0.503 0.581

3) Coverage Ratio

Interest Coverage Ratio 45 Times 54.35

Dividend Coverage Ratio 1.45 1.76

4) Activity Ratio

A/R Turn over Ratio 138.43 59.85 Times

A/R Turn over in day 2.64 days 6.35 days
A/P Turn over Ratio 17.86 Times 13.46 Times
A/P Turn over in day 20.43 days 27 days
Inventory Turn over Ratio 7.27 Times 5.93 Times
Inventory Turn over in days 50 days 62 days

5) Total Assets Turnover Ratio 2.35 Times 1.54 Times

6) Profitability Ratio

Gross Profit Ratio 0.15 0.13

Operating Profit Ratio 0.11 0.10
Net Profit Ratio 0.076 0.073

7) Investment Ratio

Return on Investment 0.18 0.11

Return on Equity 0.36 0.27
Return on capital employed 0.520 0.370

8) Market Ratio
Earning Per Share 51.87 34.59
Dividend per Share 45 32.50
Dividend payment Ratio 0.86 0.93
Price Earning Ratio 5.38 7.69
Dividend Yield 0.16 0.12
Earning Yield 0.18 0.13
Breakup Value per Share 143.88 129.71
2008 2007 2006 2005

1.6 1.4 1.4

1.07 0.90 0.84

1.33 2.12 2.20

0.57 0.67 0.68

53.52 352.86 275.37

1.54 2.34 2.51

50.27 66.34 65.70

7.26 days 5.5 days 5.56 days
- - -
- - -
4.68 Times 3.67 Times 3.92 Times
78 days 99 days 93 days

1.75 Times 1.31 Times 1.32 Times

0.10 0.13 0.11

0.076 0.11 0.084
0.058 0.075 0.054

0.10 0.098 0.072

0.24 0.30 0.23
0.31 0.41 0.33
33.98 38.98 37.78
22 20 15
0.64 0.51 0.40
9.75 8.26 5.50
0.067 0.062 0.072
0.10 0.12 0.18
143.88 153.24 164.40

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