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MATERIAL NAME: Bacillus Subtilis As a seed treatment BACILLUS SUBTI- OMRI Listed Product: ACTIVATE 1005
MATERIAL TYPE: Microbial. LUS gives protection against disease Bacillus subtilis mixed with other Bacil-
USDA-NOP: Is considered non- pathogens through three distinct modes lus: Activate PMSLA, NRGs Jump Start.
synthetic, allowed. Preventive, cultural, of action: Non OMRI listed Products: Activate
mechanical and physical methods must 1. Colonies of B. subtilis take up space 2004, Activate 2005, Activate SP, and
be first choice for pest control, and con- on the roots, leaving less area or Slap.
ditions for use of a biological material source for occupation by disease
must be documented in the organic sys- pathogens. Reentry interval (REI) and pre-harvest
tem plan. 2. Feeds off plant exudates, which interval (PHI): The EPA Workers Pro-
also serve as a food source of dis- tection Standard requires a minimum of
MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ease pathogens. Because it con- 4 hours before reentering a treated
Bacillus subtilis is a ubiquitous naturally sumes exudates, it deprives disease field. PHI (days to harvest) is zero.
occurring saprophytic bacterium that is pathogens of a major food source, Effect on the environment: The mi-
commonly recovered from soil, water, thereby inhibiting their ability to crobes used in these products are not
air and decomposing plant material. thrive and reproduce. genetically modified, and this combina-
Under most conditions, however, it is not 3. Combats pathogenic fungi through tion has been used in the past by farm-
biologically active and is present in the the production of a chemical that ers with no reports of negative impacts
spore form. Different strains of B. sub- inhibits the pathogens growth . on crops. B. subtilis is non-toxic to birds
tilis can be used as biological control or insects and no aquatic exposures are
agents under different situations. There TYPES OF PESTS IT CONTROLS: anticipated. No adverse effects to fish
are two general categories of B. sub- or wildlife resources are likely through
Iturins are reportedly active against the labeled use of this product and no im-
tilis strains; those that are applied to fungus Sclerotinia fruticola, which causes
the foliage of a plant, and those ap- pact to groundwater is anticipated.
rots of harvested stone fruit. B subtilis Effect on human health: in terms of
plied to the soil or transplant mix when has been used in conjuction with Strep-
seeding. The B. subtilis is a naturally human health, reviewers found the B.
tomyces gramicfaciens for control of subtilis bacteria to be relatively benign.
occurring strain that was isolated from root rot in cucumber, corky rot of to-
soil and is applied either as a foliar, It is not a known pathogen or disease
mato and carnation wilt. It also sup- causing agent. B. subtilis produces the
seed treatment or directly to soil and is presses diseases caused by Fusarium
not considered a genetically modified enzyme subtilisn, which has been re-
spp. and Rhizoctonia spp. ported to cause dermal allergic or hy-
organism. Formulations application guidelines:
How it works: B. subtilis bacteria pro- persensitivity reactions in individuals
The labels require use of personal pro- repeatedly exposed to this enzyme in
duce a class of lipopeptide antibiotics tective equipment (long-sleeved shirt
including iturins. Iturins help B. subtilis industrial settings.
and long pants, gloves, shoes plus
bacteria out compete other microor- socks, dust/mist filtering respirator) to References: Backman, PA, M. Wilson and J. F.
ganisms by either killing them or reduc- mitigate the risk of dermal sensitivity Murphy. 1997. Bacteria for Biological Control
ing their growth rate. B. subtilis are and possible allergic reactions. of Plant Diseases un Rechigl and Rechigl, eds.,
made for many uses. For plant disease Environmentally Safe Approaches to Crop
control, these include foliar application Disease Control. Pp. 95-109, CRC Press.
and products applied to the root zone, NOP. 2000. National Organic Program
compost, or seed. When applied di- Regulators, 7CFR 205, 206 (e) http://
rectly to seeds, the bacteria colonize NY DEC. 2000, M.
Serafini. NY State Dept. of Environmental
the developing root system, competing Conservation.
with disease organisms that attack root profiles/fing-nhemat-aceticacid-etridazole/
systems. B. subtilis inhibits plant patho- bacillus_subtilis/Bacillus_subtilis_900.html. NY
gen spore germination, disrupts germ DEC. 2001. M Serafini, NY State Dept. of
tube growth, and interferes with the Environmental Conservation. http://
Natural Resources Group, Inc.
attachment of the pathogen to the
34284-B Road 196 aceticacid-etridazole/bacillus_subtilis/
plant. It is also reported to induce sys-
Woodlake, CA 93286 bacillus_label 401.html
temic acquired resistance (SAR) against
bacterial pathogens.
559.564.1238 Fax

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