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3534 Brown St.,

Anderson, IN 46013

(765) 529-3479


Skills Copy writing

Adobe InDesign, Photoshop,
Social media management

Website management
Event management

Microsoft Oce Suite

Research, data collection

Project management
AP Style

Experience Marketing/Community Relations Coordinator; The Jane Pauley Community Health Centers

Develop, execute, draft all copy for marketing campaigns (including company blog, social media
platforms and outgoing emails to sta volunteers and key stakeholders); write, send press
releases; coordinate with managers and sta on marketing needs; plan and implement all internal
events; create and maintain community partnerships and serve as organizational liaison to the

Account Manager; Fifth Street Communications


Edited news articles for my four associates; managed, facilitated work flow, special projects and
task calendar; pitched quality news ideas to client (Anderson University Director of

Public Relations Student Assistant; Anderson University


Wrote digital and printed articles, press releases and web copy; assisted with annual event details
and preparation; other duties as assigned.

Associate; Fifth Street Communications


Conducted source interviews for news articles; wrote articles for the Anderson University website
(8 written, 5 published); acquired newsworthy article pitches pertaining to Anderson University.

Education Anderson University B.A. in Communications, Public Relations Concentration

Deans List

President, Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)

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