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001F17 MEMS I / Chem Bio Sensors

HW 1- Homework #1
Part I: Problems
1) Please answer the following questions raised in the introduction slides:
a) Can you name a few devices that need micro-scale dimensions to operate correctly? (5 Pts)
The first and by far the most successful application of MEMS are MEMS pressure sensors, which have
been in use for several decades. Other examples are Inductors and tunable capacitors, micro mechanical
switch, resonators as mechanical filters for communication circuits, Inertial Sensing, MEMS retinal
prosthesis, Micromirrors, Gear Trains, Miniature robots, Fluid pumps, Microdroplet generators, optical
scanners, Probes (neural, surface).
b) In the MEMS field, is it always beneficial to have a smaller length scale? Please give at least one example
that the miniaturization was not taken to its extreme (or a bigger size device structure can be beneficial)? (5
In inertial sensors, a big inertial test mass is more useful because at low sizes the inertial forces become
less efficient. Using larger weight can improve the noise signal floor and sensitivity.
Devices using electromagnetic force to operate in the macroscale world, dont work in the microscale
world. Instead, they need to adapt to the physical laws of micro sizes (i.e., Electrostatic forces play a
significant role, and magnetic forces decrease in importance). An example of these devices are the

2) Read the classical review papers from 1982 by Petersen and a recent review by Bryzek et al. (Note: both
papers are made available via Canvas course website) and answer the following questions:
a) How does the MEMS fabrication processes advance with time (5 Pts)?
MEMS technology was first developed in the 1970s and early 1980s and was initially called silicon
micromachining. The MEMS label was created in the 90s when the U.S. Department of Defense began
actively investing in the technology. The first commercial application of MEMS technology was in the
automobile and medical markets. After those initial discoveries, the automotive and medical industries
adapted this version of MEMS technology to commercial purposes.
Over the following decades, the MEMS industry created new versions of the miniaturized technology
for use in a wide range of different sectors. These days there are a massive number of commercial
applications for MEMS in markets, such as automotive, healthcare, defense, aeronautics, and industrial
b) Mention the applications highlighted in these papers (5 Pts)?
1982: Ink Jet Nozzles, Miniature Circuit Boards, Optical Benches, Gas Chromatograph on a Wafer,
Miniature Coolers, Pressure Transducers, Silicon Torsional Mirror, Resonant Gate Transistor,
Micromechanical Light Modulator Arrays, Integrated Accelerometers, Electromechanical Switches.
2006: Gyroscope, Microphones, Spectrometers, Gas chromatography, Chemical sensors, Integrated
mirror, Integrated comb drives, Ink-jet printers, Rf mems, Energy scavengers

c) How do applications in the two papers differ and is this difference reflected in manufacturing processes (5
The main differences between the applications over the ages is the materials involved in the fabrication.
New materials require new manufacturing methods due to size reduction and physical properties. In the
early stages of MEMS, most of the production techniques were inherit from IC fabrication. However, as
the applications evolved, the MEMS environment developed new techniques in packaging, wafer
processing, and front-end level. Two examples that illustrate this statement are RF mems and energy
d) In your opinion, what is the most promising application for MEMS in 2015-2020 (5 Pts)?
In my opinion, the most promising application of MEMS will be the internet of things. The new sensor
requirements will vary considerably between industries as diverse as agriculture, urban planning and
automotive. The market of reconfigurable components to fit several applications into a single fab.

By Jonas Mendoza / U2188-4097

EEE6276.001F17 MEMS I / Chem Bio Sensors
3) Using your favorite search engine, find at least three estimates for the global MEMS market size today.
a) Comment on the discrepancy between the estimates concerning the distribution of the market share of the
major categories of commercial MEMS products (5 Pts).

By Jonas Mendoza / U2188-4097

EEE6276.001F17 MEMS I / Chem Bio Sensors
The market forecast for MEMS coincides in the growing of the MEMS market. Also, indicate that the market
is entering a commodity stage where the market growth in some application is reaching an annual steady state.
For example, inkjet heads, oscillators, and microbolometers are applications reaching a steady state. Other
applications are losing the market. Some examples of a decaying market are accelerometers, gyroscopes, digital
compass and data processing.
More important, according to Yole Dveloppement (Yole), HIS and speakers presenting at SEMICON West
in July 2016 coincide that as consumer inertial sensor business slow its market presence, RF filters, MEMS
microphones, and emerging MEMS will perceive robust growths. They also explain that MEMS markets are
growing slowly in contrast to previous years due to dropping the demand for smartphones and other portable
devices, which have been big volume growth actors. However, several emerging market segments could spur
growth over the next several years. These segments are the wearable electronics and Internet of Things (IoT)
applications. IoT looks promising, although volumes are not high yet.

b) What is the most promising emerging niche area in the field of MEMS and why? (5 Pts).
The Internet of Things (IoT) applications looks promising, although volumes are not high yet. Building
automation will generate the largest amounts for MEMS and other types of sensors in the industrial IoT market.
IoT segment will drive demand for large volumes of MEMS sensors, once the prices compete with actual
location service provider circuits. In addition to RF applications, audio MEMS are becoming an attractive

4) Using your favorite search engine, find an estimate of the worldwide market size for integrated circuits (ICs) and
compare it to the MEMS market size. Knowing that silicon integrated circuits and silicon micro sensors were
invented around the same time in the 1960s (piezo resistive effect, etc.), think of reasons that could explain the
difference in the market size. (10 Points)

The estimation of YOLE for 2016 was a solid 2.5% of compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2015
and 2020. In comparison, according to the same analyst, the MEMS market has a CAGR of 13.4%. Under this
circumstances, the reader can quickly conclude that the market gap between the two technologies will decrease.
In the next figures, the lecturer can observe the market forecast as 2016.

The IC market forecast for 2018 is 325(Billion $) and MEMS market forecast for the same year is 17(Billion
$). This big gap is due to consumer challenges like size reduction, 3D integration, wafer bonding, new
fabrication techniques, price pressure, no standard process of production, detection principles and MEMS
development process take time (Around 27 years from R%D to commercialization).

By Jonas Mendoza / U2188-4097

EEE6276.001F17 MEMS I / Chem Bio Sensors

However, other events need to be triggered to achieve that statement in the coming years. In fact, the company IC
Insights has revised its outlook and analysis of the IC industry and presented its new findings in the Mid-Year Update
to The McClean Report 2017 published in January 2017. According to IC Insights, the IC market will grow 16% in
2017. Mostly due to exceptional growth in the DRAM and NAND flash memory markets.

By Jonas Mendoza / U2188-4097

EEE6276.001F17 MEMS I / Chem Bio Sensors

In conclusion, the MEMS industry is making steps in the right direction (IoT), however, requires more effort and
research in the most profitable segments of the market. The more promising sector to compete consistently and
efficiently against the IC technologies is the IoT in the customer market.

By Jonas Mendoza / U2188-4097

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