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Shukla Trayodashi is the name for the 13th Tithi (lunar day). It's the 13th Tithi of Shuklapaksha.

nature is Jaya Prada, which can be interpreted as "one that brings victory". It's good for following
works: Alankar, Pratishta, Agnayadhan, marriage, travelling, entering, clothes; war.
all Manglik (auspicious) works except Upanayana.
According to most classical texts (Muhurta Chintamani, Poorva Kalamrita, Brihat Samhita, Vasishta
Samhita etc.) Kama is Devata which rules Trayodashi, who's is responsible for forming friendships,
sensual pleasures and gratification, sexual desire and its fulfillment. Kamadeva is also responsible
for human's desires, wishes, passions, pleasure of the senses, the aesthetic enjoyment of life,
affection, love and other.
Being Jaya (that can be translated as "victory", "advancement") and ruled by Mangala (Mars),
13th Tithi is suitable for following works: war, weapon making, training in army, collection of army,
actions or matters related to power / strength, travelling, festival, medicine, trades, houses, flags &
According to Sjiva Swarodaya Shastra, a treatise on mindfulness of breathing on 13th Lunar day of
bright fortnight the SWARA flows from the left side of nostril(IDA) at the time of rising where as on
13th Lunar day of dark fortnight the SWARA flows from right side of nostril(PINGALA).

During the vedic month Jyaishtha Shukla Trayodashi becomes Maasa Shoonya Tithi, which is
considered inauspicious in succeeding in works started during this Tithi. Lagna (ascendant or rising
sign) during Shukla Trayodashi also becomes TithiShoonya (Lagna which is ruined by Tithi) for
times when it is Meena (Pisces) or Vrishabha (Taurus). Sometimes instead
of Meena Mesha (Aries) is mentioned. Chitra and Swati Nakshatras also becomes Tithi Shoonya if
they fall on Shukla Trayodashi. It's considered that all auspicious works done during Tithi
Shoonya periods will be destroyed.

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