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My Hobby-Reading

My hobby is reading books .Whenever I gets free time, I read books and I enjoy it. My
teacher always tells us that reading is very important for children as we gain lot of
knowledge through it. My parents also buys books for me and now there is a small library in
my home. There are lots of books about freedom fighters, warriors, kings, etc. available
there. Last time when I won the school proficiency, my aunty gifted me a full collection of
great fairy tales. My favorite books are Mahabharata and 5001 fantastic facts. Reading also
helps me to gain confidence and prepare for school quiz competitions.

Short essay for kids on Mango

Mango requires an average temperature of 10C-28C and average annual rainfall of 75 cm- 250 cm.
Rain, fog or cloudy weather at the time of flowering affect the yield and encourage the incidence of
pests and diseases. It is grown on a number of soils, although clayey loams are the best suited. Both
desi and grafted varieties are popular.

The desi variety raised from seeds takes longer time (5-7 years) to bear fruits. In grafted variety the
plant starts bearing fruits in three to four years. Here fruits are of comparatively better quality. Seeds
are sown in June-July and when the plant is of one-year old attaining the height of 45 cm it is grafted
with full grown tree and transplanted in the orchard.

The tree continues to bear fruits for 30-40 years after which the yield starts declining. The flowering
starts in January and the fruits ripen in June-July.

Uttar Pradesh is the leading producer of mango in the country contributing about 33.2 per cent of
the total area of mango in the country. Other important producers include Bihar (13.3%), Andhra
Pradesh (13.4%), West Bengal, Orissa, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Madhya
Pradesh, Kamataka, Tripura, Punjab, Assam, Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan.

About 1000 varieties of mango are found in the country of which only 30 are of commercial
importance. Some important varieties include dasahari, langra, safeda, safeda-Lucknow, Malihabadi,
Mumbai green, Mumbai yellow, fazli, chausa, gopalbhog, rataul, sirauli, malda, hushnara, baramasia
and sinduria etc in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana; hemsagar, maldah, fazli, Calcutta and
Murshidabadi in West Bengal; alphonso, aman dasahari, gulab-khas, langra, Krishnabhogandaman
abbasi in Bihar; alphonso, pairi, rajapuri and kesar in Maharashtra; suvarnarekha, nagulapalli,
kottapalli, jahangir, kabari, desavathi in Andhra Pradesh; alphonso, mundappa, neelum,
alourbeganpali, dhuful and khudabad in Tamil Nadu, and Kamataka; and alphonso, mankurad and
Fernandes in Goa.

Major part of the produce is consumed locally for eating purposes and for making squashes, pickles,
chutneys and murabba etc. Some mangoes are exported to the U.K. and Gulf countries. Mango
products are exported to Canada, the U.S.A. and European countries. In 1972-73 Indiaexported 1,873
tonnes of fresh mangoes (value: Rs. 8 lakhs) and 15,000 tonnes of mango-products.

Cachar, Nagaon, Sibsagar and Lakhimpur districts); Madhya Pradesh (East Nimar district), Orissa
(Puri, Cuttack and Balasore districts), Bihar (Vaishali, Champaran, Saran, Muzaffarpur, Darbhanga,
Bhagalpur districts), Meghalaya,
(Table 1 l.XXIV). The production duriag the same period has recorded still higher increase of 10.5
per cent per annum (124.25 lakh tonnes in 1998-99). Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Andhra
Pradesh together account for about 50 per cent of the total area and over two-third of the total
production of banana in the country.

Tamil Nadu with 16.67 per cent of the total area and 26.23 per cent of the total production of banana
in the country comes on the second place. Here Thanjavur,Madurai,Coimbatore, Salem,
Kanniyakumari and Tiruchchirappalli districts are the main producers.

Maharashtra (area 18.92%, production 28.5%) occupies first place in banana production (Table 11
.XXV). Jalgaon district alone supplies 80% of the state's output. Other important producers include
Akola, Amravati and Buldhana districts. Gujarat (area 4.05 per cent; output 9.76 per cent) is the
third largest producer of banana in the country whose bulk of the supply is derived from Surat,
Vadodara and Kheda districts. Andhra Pradesh provides 10.13 per cent of the total area and 8.58 per
cent of the total production of banana in the country. Here bulk of the supply comes from Krishna,
Vishakhapatnam, East and West Godavari districts.

Short essay for kids on computers

An early calculating device called abacus was developed more than 2000 years ago. It is still in use in
some countries. Several matherhaticians and scientists have worked during the last three centuries
to develop computer.

The early electronic computers, called the first generation computers were based on vacuum tubes.
The second generation was based on transistors, and the third generation computers were based on
ICs. The fourth generation computers are based on LSI and VLSI ICs.

One of the most commonly used classifications of computers is based on its size. Here, the
computers are divided into three categories-Large (mainframe), mini and micro. The PCs that you
use fall in the micro category. Large companies, banks, airlines, etc. normally use large (main frame)
computers. The mini computers fall between the mainframes and micro computers.

Computers are also be classified as analog and digital. PC is a digital computer. The computers used
in offices and homes are generally digital. Digital computer operates directly on numbers that are
expressed as digits. Digital computers are more accurate than analog computers. They can be used
for data processing as well as for scientific, engineering and industrial applications. On the other
hand, analog computers that are normally used in the process industry or in instruments can directly
measure physical parameters, such as voltage, current pressure, temperature, length, weight, flow
etc. However, now-a-days, digital computers are also being used for industrial applications.

Short essay for kids on Computer

We are living in Computer age. Most of our day-to-day jobs are being influenced by the use of
computer. In some areas such as science and technology improvements cannot be achieved without
the use of computer. Hence it has become necessary for each and every one of us to have a basic
knowledge of computers.

Many people are aware that a computer is a machine that can perform arithmetic operations. But
they fail to understand that it is also a machine that can choose, copy, move, compare and perform
other non-arithmetic operations on many alphabetic, numeric and other symbols that we use to
represent things.

The four characteristics of computers, which make them very useful tools, are speed, storage
capacity, consistency and accuracy.

In addition to being fast, computers are also very accurate. However it has to be remembered that
the computer is only capable of doing what it is instructed to do. Hence, errors may occur only due to
inaccurate program ( a series of step-by-step instructions that provide a problem, solution and tells
the computer exactly what to do) or data.

Unlike human beings, computers are very consistent and are not bored or tired when performing
many thousands of calculations. They are ideal machines for carrying out works of a highly repetitive
nature. They can also store large amounts of data. Once recorded, a piece of information can never
be forgotten and can be retrieved within a fraction of a second.

The first computers were built to manipulate number in order to solve arithmetic problems. But soon
computer scientists invented methods to manipulate symbols and data.

Computers are electronic devices that can store, transmit and manipulate data and information. To
process data it requires instructions to be given. The instructions are input through an input device
called keyboard, which is then processed, and the output is viewed on an output device such as a

Computers may be broadly classified into following categories:

1. Based on the operating principle

a) Analog Computers: - An Analog Computer basically sets up a model of the problem that is to be
solved. They operate by measuring. Variations in voltage are used to represent different aspects of
the problem.

b) Digital Computers: - In Digital Computers, the quantities are expressed as discrete digits or
numbers. They are very useful for arithmetic expressions.

c) Hybrid Computers: - A Hybrid Computer is a combination of analog and digital types. The
computers that are manufactured today are hybrid computers.

2. Based on the size

a) Super Computer: - It is mainly used for scientific purpose to perform large mathematical
calculation. The first super computer was developed in India by CDAC (Center for Development and

Advanced Computing) called Param 2000. The biggest Super Computer Division in Asia is at IISc,
Bangalore (Indian Institute of Science).

b) Mainframe Computer: - It is used to process large volume of data. Mainly used by commercial
establishments such as banks and other financial organisations.

c) Mini Computers: - It is used to process medium volume of data. This can be used for networking
(LAN and WAN).

d) Micro Computers: - Also called as personal computers. It is very widely used by individuals. It is
used to process low volume of data. This can be used as a standalone computer and also in the
network environment.
3. Based on the application

a) General Purpose Computers: - General purpose computers are those computers used for any
commercial purpose such as banking, inventory, production, sales and marketing, etc.

b) Special Purpose Computers :- These machines are used for specific purpose such as launching of
satellites, Weather forecasting, remote sensing etc.

Merits and demerits

1. Speed. The speed of carrying out the given instructions either numerical, logical or sorting is
incomparable between a computer and a human being. A computer can carry out an instruction in
less than millionth of a second. The speed of the computer is specified in terms of nanosecond and in
2. Storage: A man's brain can store a piece of information to some limitation of numbers and up to
some extent of time only. Computer can store more data internally as well as externally.
3. Accuracy: Computer calculates accurately, but we often hear about false results of a computer. The
computers never do mistakes. The mistake of the human data entry operations and poorly designed
programs only lead to a computer output, which provides incorrect results.
4. Automaticity: A computer performs automatically particularly in user friendly and menu driven
programs. Electronic equipments like tape recorder, television, VCR, calculator etc, can be operated
just with a knowledge of their basic operations. In the same way with some basic know-how
techniques computer can be operated.
5. Versatality : It is versatile. The computer was so far mistakenly understood as a calculating
machine only. But, it can also carry out logical operations. Any job can be computerised with
appropriate software. A limited set of instructions are enough to carry out a computer processing.
6. Compactness'. The present day computers are table top computers, which do not occupy much
space. Moreover the personal computers need only dust free room and so air conditioning
expenditure is avoided.
7. Reliability: Computers have long life if maintained properly, the latest microprocessors are
guaranteed for several years.
8. Repetitiveness: A computer can be used repetitively to process information. It will not get mental
fatigue as seen in the case of the human beings or will not lose its speed.
9. Diligence: A computer does not suffer from human traits of lack of concentration, so the results
will be continuously of the same standard.
1. Common sense lacking: Computer is only a tool, it cannot think. If we provide an incorrect data, it
will not have the common sense to question the correctness of the data.
2. Memory without brain: Computer can store data in its memory but if a wrong data or instructions
is provided it dose not have a brain to correct it.
3. Slavery : A computer is a slave, unless instructed by itself, it cannot generate any information.
4. Costly : - Computers in rural India is still a luxury. People are not able to afford a personal
5. Hacking: There is a threat for the personal computer that is used. It could be attacked with viruses
that can affect data residing in the system. It is difficult to guard data against different kinds of
Write a Essay on Diwali - Essay for Kids
The word 'Diwali' is an incorrect form of the world Deepavali or Deepali, which means a collection of
lighted lamps with which the houses and temples are decorated on the occasion of the festival
Deepanvita. The festival falls every year on the day of the new-moon in the month of Kartikeya
(October), when Goddess Kali is worshipped and the dwelling houses and temples and also public
places belonging to the Hindus are beautifully illumined with hundreds of rows of lighted lamps.
The Diwali illumination signifies the rays of hope and prospect for a higher life lit in millions of
hearts of the Hindus. Diwali symbolizes the aspiration noticed in the Brihadaranyaka Upanisadic

Tamaso ma Jyotirgamaya

(Lead me from darkness to light).

Mrityor ma Amtitamagamaya

(Lead me from death to immortality).

Thus the festival of Diwali is not merely a festival of merriment, but it is a pointer to higher life. The
origin of Diwali is mixed with various myths and legends, such as killing of the demon called
Narakasura by Sri Krishna, or the destruction of Ravana by Sri Ramachandra. The inner meaning of
Diwali is the overcoming of the Evil by the Good, the advancement of evolution of mankind to the
supreme goal.

On the occasion, the Hindus exchange good wishes and greetings, and distribute sweetmeats, various
presents and new clothes amongst their friends and relatives as a gesture of love and affection.

Diwali festival is observed all over India mainly by 1 Hindus who are sometimes found to send
greetings and presents to their friends belonging even to the other communities as a matter of
courtesy or formality. It is, no doubt, a joyful festival that is observed by the Hindus along with their
near and dear ones.

A Visit to a Museum - Essay for Kids

For a long time, I had an ardent desire to visit the Indian Museum which is situated in Calcutta. One
day the opportunity came to me almost suddenly.

My cousin called Ratan came from Luknow to stay with us in Calcutta for a fortnight during the
summer vacation. He has not seen the Indian Museum. So my elder brother was asked by my father
to take me and Ratan to the Museum.

We entered the palatial building of the museum. On the ground floor, there were large halls where
there were numerous skeletons of huge animals, maybe of the pre-historic age. There were captions
indicating the details of the specimens.

Apart from the large skeletons of various animals, there were peculiar costumes and deadly weapons
of kings, soldiers, or tribal people of different ages, which were preserved with great care inside glass

The steps led us to the upper floors of the Museum building, where we saw various types of stones,
minerals, and strange carvings on stones with images of ancient Indian gods and goddesses. The
palm-leaf manuscripts wrapped with red cloth and inscribed with writings in Sanskrit or Dravidian
languages could also be seen.

The floors of the Museum were kept clean. The guards were alert about the safety of the preserved
articles. The visitors were silent and disciplined who moved slowly almost in a queue in the Museum

We came out of the Museum at about 4 P.M. Our heart was filled with joy. It was really a remarkable
experience at gained within a few hours of my teen-aged life.
My Class Teacher
I am a student of Class VI in Pakistan Steel Cadet College. There are seven teachers in our school.
One of them is our class teacher. He takes the first period in our class.

Name and Qualifications

The name of our class teacher is Mr. Naveed Chana. He is a trained graduate. He knows English and
History quite well. He is very regular in his work. His voice is clear. He writes a good hand.

Physique and Dress

Mr. Naveed has a tall figure. He is about five feet tall. He has fair colour. He is about fifty-five now.
He wears a suit of pant and coat. He puts on shoes and stockings. He does not use neck tie.

His duty as a class teacher

Mr. Naveed comes to my class every day in the first period. He makes the roll-call. He marked us
present. The absentees are marked absent. The latecomers are marked late. On the fee-collection day
he takes the school fees, instead, he gives us receipts. He looks to the general well-being of the class.
He knows each of us by name, as a class teacher, he does his duties regularly. Besides, he takes a
subject in our class. He teaches us English. On every Saturday we have a debating class. He presides
over our meetings for the debate.


As a class-teacher, Mr. Naveed is quite good. He is never rude to us. He never gets angry. He never
loses his temper. He is liked by everyone in our class.

My School
School is a temple of learning, where we all grow up and become the good future citizens of the
country. It is a place where children learn basic things like manners, discipline, punctuality and
many more things with studies.

The name of my school is Basavarajeshwari Public School and College (BPSC). The name of our
school has come from our great leader Basavarajeshwari who was the deputy minister and member
of legislative council, she won the Bellary lokh sabha seat three times in a row and she was a union
minister of state for women and child development, in the PV. Narsimarao ministry. She was
survived by four sons and four daughters.

Our school is situated in Patel nagar, Rajkumar road, Bellary, Karnataka. It is a place where there is a
pleasant atmosphere. As we enter the school campus first comes the Rajarajeshwari temple, from
there as we go four steps ahead from the temple to our right will be our play ground and as we will go
straight there is a place where buses are parked.
Our school is from kindergarten to class 11. Timings for kindergarten is 9.00 am to 1.30 pm, for class
1-10 it is 9.00am to 3.30 pm and for class 11 from 8.00am to 5.30pm.

Our school is two stored building and is divided into two wings that are right wing and left wing. In
the right wing there are twenty one class rooms, two audio visual halls, one seminar hall, one office
room and principal room. In the left wing there are twenty eight classrooms, library and three staff

In our school there are about one thousand and seven hundred students and seventy teachers. Ours
school is according to ICSE syllabus and we have eight periods, forty five minutes of each period. We
have a short break and a lunch break. We have a canteen in our school where we get all types of
snacks and are kept very hygienic.

We have a library period once a week there are lot of books in our library. Educational films are
shown in A.V hall twice a week. We have PT period twice a week, where we play different types of
games like Kho-kho, volley ball, throw ball hand ball, foot ball, chess, carom, tennis, long jump and
high jump. We have a club period once a week; the club period includes singing, drama, karate,
western dance and classical dance.

In our school we have a science laboratory which includes Physics, Chemistry and Biology laboratory
which is well equipped .We also have computer laboratory.

We celebrate annual day, sports day, national festivals, rangoli, cooking, drawing, inter house,
painting, elocution, essay writing, fancy dress, dance, singing competitions and we have educational
field trips twice a year.

Yearly we have four exams first term, midterm, second term and annual exams. The students of my
school are very well disciplined, studious, as well as competitive. They show brilliant performance in
all the exams.

I am proud to be in BPSC School. I like my school and my teachers. I feel that my school is the best
school in our city.

Short Speech on My Favourite Singer Sonu Nigam

Respected teacher and my dear friends. Today, I Kabir Ahmed, is standing before u all to speak a few

Everyone must be having some favourites...even I have..I want to know who's your favourite?mine is
Sonu Nigam.


Everyone is familiar with the name of Sonu Nigam,one of the best male singer of India.The singing
sensation was born on 30th july,1973 in Faridabad,India.He began singing at the age of 3 and is
continuing till date.
His first movie song as playback singer was Janam,which was never officially released.His initial
years proved to be a struggle but he never gave up and became a role model for emerging vocal talent
in India.He has created a unique style and is now recognized for his singing of romantic,rock,sad and
patriotic songs.

Besides singing,he tried his luck in the film industry as well as in the dubbing industry.He is the best
versatile singer I have ever heard to.Sometimes I feel like I am addicted to his songs.

I can not even imagine a day without listening to his songs.He sings from his heart,and that is why it
reaches to our hearts.

Because of his incredible qualities,he is my idol and my inspiration. And these qualities have made
me his biggest fan.

Before I end up,I would like to sing few lines of his song-"soniyo,o soniyo...tumhe dekhta hu to
sochta hu bas yahi, tum jo mera sath do, sare gam bhula du, jeelu muskurake zinadagi."

Short Essay for Kids on Childhood Memories

Memories are of many types, some harsh and some soft like feathers. We love to remind good
memories because they sooth our minds.

One such memory is of childhood, which does not ripe immediately they affect our matured life so our
childhood has to be nurtured properly. Some peoples take welfare of poor children by giving them
harsh works to do which are beyond their capability and strength.

Children are innocent, they do not know bad or good, they do not believe in divisions and
demarcations. They find their happiness in toys, mud, rain, marbles etc.

When our childhood gets some injury it affects our whole matured personality n life. Childhood has to
be nurtured of both children poor and rich.

Poor children suffer a lot; they are getting oppressed by high load of industrial, construction work
laden on their little shoulders.

We must take actions of this matter; government can do nothing until we come forward and change
our mind.

Short essay for kids on Electricity

Electricity is a secondary energy derived from water, coal, mineral oil, natural gas and atomic
minerals. It has become part of modern civilization owing to its multifarious uses in industries,
transport, agriculture and home.

Electricity is mainly cheap, transportable, pollution free and renewable and hence its popularity is
increasing day by day. So much so that per capita consumption of electricity is taken as an index to
measure the level of material progress of a society. The per capita consumption of electricity in India
though increased considerably from 16 km in 1950-51, to 102 km in 1970-71, 1 km in 1980-81 and 313
km in 1990-91 but it is s very low in comparison to developed countries like I U.S.A. 6550 km,
Sweden 6434 km and U.K. 34811 km.
Depending upon its source of origin electricity is of four type, viz., (a) thermal electricity, (b) hydro
electricity, (c) atomic electricity, and (d) gas and diesel electricity. Electricity can also be generated
through wind energy, solar energy, bio- gas, sea waves, geothermal energy and dry batteries. Bui
from commercial point of view only thermal, hydro and nuclear power are more important. Of the
total installed capacity of electricity 47.82% was thermo and 26.09% was hydro in 1950-51.

During 1970-71 the percentage share was 39.26, 48.47 and 2.4J through hydro, thermal and nuclear
sources respectively. During 2003-04 the contribution of hydro, thermal and nuclear sources in the
total install capacity of electricity was 22.45%, 61.26% 2.05% respectively. Same year thermal
sources accounted for 74.55% of the electricity generated followed by hydro (11.87%) and nuclear
(2.81% ).

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