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Piaget's period of concept development

Name: Fatima Yousif
ID: H00354152
Definition of constructivism:

That people produce knowledge and form

meaning based upon their experiences.
The sensorimotor period (from birth to 2 years):
Children use their sensory abilities and growing motor abilities to start learning about the

Representational thought :they can solve a problem.

Language development.

By the end of this period children have developed the concept of object permanence and
also they develop the ability of object recognition.
The preoperational period (2 to 7 years):
Language continues to undergo fast growth.

Children start to use concept terms.

They will start to have symbolic behaviors and conservation.

Concrete operations ( 7 to 11 years ):
Children are becoming conserve.

Children are ready to deal with abstract symbolic activities.

Children gain the abilities of conservation.

Formal operations (11 through adulthood):
Children can use the scientific method independently.

Children can use logic to solve problems.

Children can imagine solutions before trying them.

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