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Professor: Ibarra
Steven Davis
September 7, 2017
Five Articles Review
The Open Neurology Jourrnal
Medical Marijuana: Clearing Away the Smoke
By: Ingor Grant, J.Hampton Atkinson, Ben Gouaux, and Brath Wilsey

This article has so much information in it. It talks about the use of cannabis and how it can be
useful for medical purposes. This article was published back in 2012 and even since then we
have seen an up tick in the acceptance of the potential benefits that marijuana can provide as
medicine. This article starts by looking at past research and some of the things that they found
out about cannabis. It then looks at some of the more resent studies and talks about how
improvement of extracts and isolation compounds that can separate the different compounds
and make it easer for us to determine the effects a specific chemical and how it effects our
mind and body.

Works Cited
Igor Grant, J. Hampton Atkinson, Ben Gouaux, Barth Wilsey. Medical Marijuana: Clearing Away
the Smoke. 4 May 2012. 26 September 2017.

US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

An Evidence Based Review of Acute and Long-Term Effect of Cannabis Used on Execitive
Cognitive Functions
By: Rebecca D. Crean, Natania A. Crane, and Barbara J. Mason

This article was also published before recreational marijuana was in effect. Also at the time only
15 states had medical marijuana for use. This article goes into detail on the acute and long-term
effects cannabis can have on cognitive functions. We know that use of cannabis can have
effects on our perception of time, reaction time, and also effect out way of thinking. This looks
at the decisional process of people who are not using cannabis and the people who use
cannabis. It also compares reaction times and working memory.

Works Cited
Rebecca D. Crean, Natania A. Crane, Barbara J. Mason. An Evidence Based Review of Acute and
Long-Term Effects of Cannabis Use on Executive Cognitive Functions. 1 March 2011. 25
September 2017. <>.
Science Direct Journal
Effects of tetrahydrocannabinol content on marijuana smoking behavior, subjective reports,
and performance.
By: Stephen J. Heishman, Maxine L. Stitzer, John E. Yingling
This article talks about the smoking topography of marijuana and its effect on heart rate and
cognitive/psychomotor task performance. It looks at the THC levels from small doses to larger
doses and how it effects each person at different levels.

Works Cited

Stephen J. Heisman, Maxine L. Stitzer, John E. Yingling. Effects of tetrahydrocannabinol content

on marijuana smoking behavior, subjective reports, and performance. 1 September
1989. 28 September 2017. <Science Direct>.

Neurology/ The Official Journal of the American Academy of Neurology

Dose-related neurocognitive effects of marijuana use
By: K.I. Bola, K. Brown, D. Eldreth, K. Tate, and J.L. Cadet
This article talks about dose related neurocognitive effects of cannabis. They use joints to
determine the dosage. They increase the dosage every week for 28 days and test the groups
speed and manual dexterity.

Works Cited

K.I. Bolla, K. Brown D. Eldreth, K. Tate, J.L. Cadet. Dose-related neurocognitive effects of
marijuana use. 12 November 2002. 28 September 2017.

NIH: National Institute on Drug Abuse

By: Johnston, OMalley, Miech R, Bachman, and J, Schulenberg
This is a good overview of marijuana and covers a wide range of effects and what it does to the
human body.
Works Cited

Johnston, OMalley, Miech R, Bachman, and J, Schulenberg. Marijuana. 1 August 2017. 28

September 2017. <>.

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