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Mara Beln Quezada Cornejo

Teaching Experience III

Ms. Astrid Guerra


MDD Standard

The teacher candidate makes adjustments to the lesson plans based on

assessment data and pupils engagement, communicating the analysis
and conclusions regarding the impact of instruction.

1. Student Response to Lesson 1 and 2:

Firstly, at the beginning of the lesson, the students understood the vocabulary,
but they did not feel confident, for this reason, they did not participate actively in
the activities. Thus, I decided to talk about environmental issues in their
neighborhoods. After the group discussion, the students felt more confident and
participated actively. Furthermore, the students were working and discussing with
their respective groups. Although during the class there was a blackout and the
students wanted to go home, I was able to return to the old school using the
whiteboard to write the instructions and some vocabulary words. We also played
the burned man and everyone participated and had fun.

1.2 Adjustments for Lesson 1 and 2:

First of all, I need to use more CCQs, since the students need to understand the
instructions and participate in class. Besides, the CCQs are useful for check if
they are paying attention to the lesson or not.

1.3 Analysis of Learning Results:

1.3.1 Whole Class.

Students worked very actively during the lesson, they disused with the
classmates and asked for help when they had doubts. On the other hand, the
students spent more time than expected in the task, since I noticed that they lost
the concentration quickly.

1.3.2 Individuals.
The first student has a high level of proficiency in the English language. She
worked alone and brought all the materials that were requested. Besides, she
paid attention to the instructions and participated actively throughout the class.
On the other hand, during the task, she did not ask questions, and on occasions
she made me believe that she had difficulties. This student was the only one who
finished the task in the established time regardless of she was working alone. In
fact, she was the only one that presented her poster in front of the class.

The second student, despite of his a high level of English, he had a bad attitude
during the class. At first, he did not want to do anything, he sat in the corner of
the room and began to laugh loudly interrupting the class. Also, he refused to
work in groups.

1.4 Impact of your instruction on Student Learning:

1.4.1 Identify what you believe to be the instructional strategies and

activities that contributed most to student learning.

In my opinion, the instructions were clear, and they understood the task since I
presented an example of the poster. Nevertheless, I did not do any extra activity
such as a worksheet that I had planned because they were very excited to start
working on their Three Rs poster with their groups.

1.4.2 Explain how your teaching behaviors affected student learning.

Consider student response to explaining, giving directions, modeling,
organizing activities, leading discussions, the pacing of the lesson,
and the overall organization of the lesson.

Before teaching the class I felt a little nervous and anxious at the same time, but
later I felt more confident when I realized that I knew the topic of the class and
the students understood what I was saying. Moreover, the guide teacher helped
me to control some students who were misbehaving.

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