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Assignment (Kinetics of Particles), Version 1

Student Name: ____________________________________

16.10.2017 04:07 PM

1. Chapter 3, Practice Problem 3/050 (detailed solution attached)

The slotted arm OA rotates about a horizontal axis through point O. The 0.17-kg slider P moves with negligible friction

in the slot and is controlled by the inextensible cable BP. For the instant under consideration, ,

rad/s, , and m. Determine the corresponding values of the tension T in cable BP

and the force reaction R perpendicular to the slot. The force R is positive if the contact comes from the lower edge of
the slot and negative if the contact comes from the top edge.


T= N
R= N

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2. Chapter 3, Problem 3/093

A small object is released from rest at A and slides with friction down the circular path. If the coefficient of friction is
0.29, determine the velocity of the object as it passes B. (Hint: Write the equations of motion in the n- and
t-directions, eliminate N, and substitute v dv = atr d. The resulting equation is a linear nonhomogeneous differential
equation of the form dy/dx + f(x)y = g(x), the solution of which is well known.

Answer: vB = m/s
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Assignment (Kinetics of Particles), Version 1
Student Name: ____________________________________
16.10.2017 04:07 PM

3. Chapter 3, Practice Problem 3/052

The small cart of mass m is nudged with negligible velocity from its horizontal position at A onto the parabolic path,
which lies in a vertical plane. Neglect friction and show that the cart maintains contact with the path for all values of
k. Then calculate the normal force N under the cart if m = 3.0 kg, k = 3.8 m-1, and x = 3.0 m.

Answer: N = N

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4. Chapter 3, Problem 3/045

The rod of the fixed hydraulic cylinder is moving to the left with a speed of 109 mm/s and this speed is momentarily
increasing at a rate of 360 mm/s each second at the instant when sA = 360 mm. Determine the tension in the cord at
that instant. The mass of slider B is 0.46 kg, the length of the cord is 1024 mm, and the effects of the radius and
friction of the small pulley at A are negligible. Find results for cases (a) negligible friction at slider B and (b) k = 0.34
at slider B. The action is in a vertical plane.


(a) Negligible friction: T= N
(b) k = 0.34: T= N

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