Annotated Bibliography

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Drew Langdon


Dr. Mitchell

20 September 2017

Annotated Bibliography

Burnett, Amy L, et al. Cyberbullying: A Brief Review. 2013,

My first source that I have found is a publication by three authors that are a part of

pediatric faculty at the university of Kentucky. This publication is about cyberbullying found in

adolescence. This source is mainly to give me an overview of cyberbullying and it gives

definitions of cyberbullying, intervention, prevention, as well as facts and statistics about

cyberbullying. This source doesnt really have a point of view because it is a research paper so

there isnt bias within the source. In the introduction of the source it talks about how many

adolescents have cell phones, how many of those kids use social media, how many text messages

they send on average, as well as how much time they spend on their phones a day. Then the

source gives a definition of cyberbullying which is the willful and repeated harm inflicted

through the medium of electronic text. Cyberbullying is becoming more relevant in todays

society because of the access everyone gets from cell phones. Also, it states in the source that

16.2% of students in the United States reported being cyberbullied through email, texting, social

media, etc. also it showed that females are twice as likely to be cyberbullied. Cyberbullying is

becoming a popular type of bullying because of the bully being allowed to remain anonymous

and the lack of supervision from adults. Also, the researchers have found that this type of

bullying is worse than traditional bullying because the victims will not have a sense of safety
when they are at home because they can be bullied at any time and at any place. It also gets into

how to prevent cyberbullying, studies have suggested that parents should be educated in

cyberbullying to be able to notice when their child is being bullied over technology. The authors

of the article are faculty members at the University of Kentucky, I believe that this source works

well for my project because in a sense it gives me a foundation of cyberbullying. It was a

scholarly article from a University so I found it reliable, the audience they are trying to address is

pretty much everyone from teenagers to parents to get a better understanding of cyberbullying.

Dreifus, Claudia. Why We Cant Look Away From Our Screens. The New York Times, The

New York Times, 6 Mar. 2017,


My second source is a New York Times news article about technology addiction and

how people can become addicted to cell phones. First it goes in depth about addiction and gives a

definition of addiction and what people usually think of when they hear addiction, they think

addiction coincides with drugs. The definition that the author gave for addiction is something

you enjoy doing in the short term, that undermines your well-being in the long-term. I liked that

definition because you can see this in cell phone usage, when someone gets a notification they

get aroused and cannot look away from the notification and thus causing them to get on their

phone again. It is basically a negative feedback loop because when someone gets a notification

they look at it and respond then they want more and more to satisfy themselves. Also, it talks

about how companies feed into the mix of phone addictions. When a company creates a video

game they want users to play their game so they use ways to create a game where it becomes so

addicting to the user they cannot get enough of it. Thus, this leads to less face-to-face interaction

and phones lead to less initiative to communicate face-to-face because with communicating with
a phone it is easier to communicate, it doesnt take up much effort. The news article was written

by Claudia Dreifus who wrote about a conversation she had with Dr. Alter who is an associate

professor at the Stern School of Business at New York University who researches psychology

and marketing. This source may not be as reliable as scholarly articles because of the fact it

could have bias because of the fact that it is a news article. I liked this source because it gives a

different perspective on technology and how companies feed into peoples phone addictions. I

found this source to be useful because it gives me a different scope of how face-to-face

communication is hindered through cell-phones. I will discuss this in my project because it

allows me to discuss another reason that companies in the phone business create ways to get the

users addicted to their phone.

Aspa. Effects of Bullying., Department of Health and Human Services, 29

Feb. 2012,

My third source is a government website where it goes over bullying as a whole. This

website is about bullying so I got to look through it and gain knowledge about bullying in

general and how bullying leads to cyberbullying, I got to see which kind of groups of people are

affected more than others. I learned that bullying can affect bystanders as well as the victim.

Bullying puts a psychological toll on the victims but also a psychological toll on bystanders. The

bystanders who witness bullying are more likely to abuse drugs, they could develop mental

health problems. I really liked this website because it gave me different angles of bullying so I

could take the knowledge gained through this website and be able to relate this information to

my other sources so I could tie my sources together. This source is reliable because of the fact

that it is a government website. I found it useful because of all of the information packed into

one website, it was an easy website to navigate and had valuable information regarding my topic.
Drago, Emily. The Effect of Technology on Face-to-Face Communication. Strategic


My fourth source is a scholarly article about face-to-face communication and also a small

study from a professor at the Elon University. The study was about a survey given to 100

students, the survey consisted of eleven questions about their technology use, habits, and

perceptions. The survey was given in highly populated areas on campus. They then gave the

findings of the survey that I can use for my project if I need to discuss the similarities with

technology use and how it affects people. The source is credible because it was a scholarly

article about face-to-face communication. At the end of the article it showed the responses for

each of the questions asked in the survey. I can sample these questions and discuss how this

small-scale experiment of phone usage may correlate with a bigger scale survey. I found that I

could use this in my project because I want to be able to discuss how phones hinder face-to-face

communication and showing this survey I would be able to convey that face-to-face

communication is becoming harder and harder to due phones.

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