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Direct Instruction


Teacher(s): Bryan Kinsman, Claudia Subject: The Art of Flopping,

Tapia, Alexander Smith English, 11th Grade
Standard(s): Common Core, Arizona Career and College Ready Standards, ISTE Standards apply to
this lesson
d. Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives; synthesize comments, claims, and
evidence made on all sides of an issue; resolve contradictions when possible; and
determine what additional information or research is required to deepen the
investigation or complete the task.
Using a variety of genres, analyze how the narrative point of view impacts the implicit
and explicit meanings in a text

Objectives (Explicit): Use Blooms verbiage and formula

Students will explain what it means to flop by using real-life examples and presenting
them to the class

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable): An actual product /Include an explanation of how you are going
to grade/grading tool? (rubric, checklist, etc.)
Literal Flopping
NBA Flops Video
Unsuccessful Performance
Resting or sleeping in a specified place
Political Memes
Is this a flop?
Trump vs. Trump Video

Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex): Content and Language objectives
action verbs such as write, list, highlight, etc.)
Make sure to review the concept of hyperboles, have students write a short 5-7 sentence
paragraph that has examples of exaggeration.
Have students write in their journals at least one real life example that relates to The
Art of Flopping.
Materials/Technology Resources to be Used:
Key vocabulary: Peardeck
1. Flopping: the art of The presentation will be given to students
exaggerating contact from through this platform.
another player. Google Forms
2. Hyperbole: an extreme This platform will allow students to participate
exaggeration in a poll inquiring about their informational
3. Political Flopping: Saying one gain throughout the lesson.
thing and then doing the Google Slides
opposite, or changing an This resource was used to create the slides that
opinion to the complete were imported into Peardeck
antonym of the original Copy Paper
viewpoint. This is used for an activity following the
lesson, and can be used (optionally) as an exit
ticket for students.
Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make RELEVENT to real life)
ENGAGE/ hook the students
The art of flopping can be connected to the literary device of exaggeration. An example
of this could be the text The Boy Who Called Wolf.
Teacher Will: Explain
Student Will: Listen to the teacher
what flopping is to
and follow along on their laptops
Instructional Input students through the use
(or other technology) on the
of a Pear Deck
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation How will your
instruction look different for those students who need
differentiation or accommodations during your instructional

Understanding: Flopping is a form of ART, and students

should strive to understand it and not take it lightly.

Remembering: Students should take notes throughout the

presentation as well as note the multiple examples that will be

Applying: Students will apply their knowledge during the

instructional time period through the short assessment
activities, as well as the Google Poll activity.

Teacher Will: Have Student will: Get into pairs with

Guided Practice students create examples one of their peers. This will not be
of The art of flopping assigned by the teacher, the
with one of their students shall pick their own
classmates. I will make partner. Together students will
sure to walk around and converse and create an example of
ask students what they The Art of Flopping. After 3-4
may be brainstorming minutes students will then share
about. After 3-4 minutes out the ideas that they created.
I will have the students
share out their examples
that they have created.

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation/Check for

Understandinghow are you going to know if EACH student
is ready to move onto independent practice? And how are
you going to differentiate if they do not understand?

Analyzing: The teacher will know when the students are ready
to move on when they hear more than half of the class having
conversations that develop their critical, and creative, thinking
about The Art of Flopping.

Evaluating: If Students do not seem ready to move on, we can

go over the material once more with guided worksheets that
the students can fill in as we go through the the definitions of
our vocabulary terms and the concept of flopping as a

Teacher Will: Call for

students get into pairs Student Will: Get up in front of the
Independent Practice for a demonstration class and demonstrate a proper flop
inclusive of everyone in to the class.
the class.
Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation How will your
instruction look different for those students who need
differentiation or accommodations?
Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections: What connections will students make to their real
lives? What essential questions will they reflect on in their closure of the lesson?
Creating: Students will make connections to their real life by creating exaggerated statements that
have to pertain to areas of their lives. Some essential question that can be asked as closure for the
lesson are; What are some examples that you can create on your own that are related to The Art of
Flopping? How can you see these examples in your day-to-day life? Can exaggerating cause
problems in peoples lives? If yes, explain how so.

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