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ROLL NO: 1360
BATCH: 2017

I am pleased to present my final report on my first INDUSTRY INTERNSHIP. This report is
about my work with Trizone entertainment Pvt. Ltd (advertising agency) It was an individual
project wherein I had to assist Mr. Sanjay Iyengar (senior manager client servicing), and Ms.
Shivangi Singh (manager client servicing) in several projects as well as gain exposure and learning
about the advertising field. The Internship required my contribution of work from April 25th till
June 3rd, 2016. The first two week I worked with the client servicing department under Mr. Sanjay
Iyengar and Ms Shivangi Singh. The next two week I worked with Creative department under Mr.
Raes (Art director) and Mr Amit (editor) and the last two weeks I worked on different projects
with creatives as well as client servicing department.

This internship gave me a lot of exposure in terms of advertising as a communication tool and gave
me insights that would be with me forever.
Certificate of completion
To completion of this undertaking could not have been possible
without the participation and assistance of so many people
whose names may not all be enumerated. Their contribution is
sincerely appreciated and gratefully acknowledged.
I wish to express my gratitude to Ms. Meenal Padhiar (HR,Trizone),
Mr. Neeraj Updhayay (Founder,Trizone), Ms Shivangi Singh (Manager,
client servicing) , Mr. Sanjay Iyengar (Senior manager client servicing), Mr. Amit
Vasava (editor), Mr. Dhairya Shah (head digital marketing), Mr. Daniyal
Saiyed, Mr. Dilip, Ms. Dheera Gurnani, Ms. Lavanya iyer, Mr.
Dhairya Shah and other senior colleagues for their endless
guidance, encouragement, support, kind and understanding
spirit during the whole journey.
I sincerely thank SIU, SCMC, Mr. Anupam Siddhartha (Director,
SCMC) and Mr. Ananya Mehta and other officials for providing
me this opportunity and knowledge and guidance related to the
field and making me capable to be a part of this industry.
I thank you all.
The internship report is broad-spectrum contains five chapters
in which I try to explain my 6weeks internship experience with
Trizone entertainment Pvt. Ltd. The content of all chapters are
broadly explained.
In the opening chapter I give a small introduction that included
my internship objectives, expectations and how I used my skills
and the knowledge gained from SCMC.
The second chapter I give details about the company
background including mission, vision, organization structure,
culture, internal and external communication along with a
SWOC analysis.
The third chapter explains my overall internship familiarity in
the last successive weeks. This chapter is the main chapter and
I record on it the overall work/responsibilities undertaken and
executed by me. It highlights what I have done and main works
of the advertising agency.
After all those chapters explained above, I go to the third
chapter and explain the main benefits of the internship class in
terms of different aspects and areas. It is obvious the internship
has plus points in terms of improving skills and different
abilities as a whole. The advantages and gains of the internship
in terms of professional learning, academics learning and
personal learning explained in short.
The final chapter explains about the winding up and concluding
by sharing my first industry internship experience.
Table of content
Topic Page no.
Introduction 8
About the organization 10
Internship responsibility 12
Reflection/learning 15
Conclusion 17
The main objective of this industry internship for me, was to
get an overall exposure about the advertising industry. I wasnt
really sure about the department that I would want to work
under in future, whether I want to serve the client or use my
creativity to make their product look glamorous. But, after
6weeks of experiencing both the departments I found my
route, client servicing is good.
My expectations were really high I wanted to learn more and
more about every single corner even the deepest corner of the
industry, the internship took me on an overall learning-ride of
an ad agency. I didnt want to work under or for a particular
department or a specific department project, I wanted to be
part of every project and give my inputs indifferent to what it
may be creatives or strategizing.
Well, I learnt what I wanted to learn for my future knowledge in
this field, I was part of all the projects that were undertaken, I
gave my suggestions and inputs in every possible way in each
department. Simultaneously, I learnt how both the department
coordinates with each other, so this way I learnt a lot rather
than just sticking up to one department, and learning only few
particular things.
As mentioned, I was confused between creatives and client
servicing, I found both fascinating, I love to be creative as well
as I love to strategize things, I used my Photoshop skills and
other software that were taught to us by the college, for the
creative departments, to share/convey my idea. And in turn I
learnt more complex software skills, which in turn helped me
improve my Photoshop to really good level.
The assignments that were given to us by the college has been
proved really useful to me, as it made me quick to think of new
and innovative ideas, which can be brought down and can be
made feasible. It really improved my thought processing and
made the procedure of creating a campaign very easy, which
was appreciated by my senior colleagues as well.
About the organization
Based out of Vadodara, Gujarat,Trizone is an absolute
amalgamation of Entertainment, Media & Communications, is
an established name in the industry. They serve clients with
services encompassing Advertising and Branding, Events and
Activations including Sports Management, MICE and Wedding
Management and its other expertise.
Trizone is biased to an open culture with principle on the
forefront and integrity to the core. With a generous blend of
marketing mix into creativity and transforming it into a brand,
the scenario today is a total paradigm shift from the
conventional tactics. They promise customized concepts, full
visibility, mileage and impact for the client.
The vision and mission of the agency is to be the complete
solution provider in the sphere of entertainment,
communications & media internationally, to brands & people
by which they can create long-term sustainable Brand
Properties and to create and build lasting association with all
our clients, vendors, partners, associates & team.
The best part of the agency is that it provides a 360-degree
solution to the problems offered by the client and everything
works with a perfect coordination in a rhythm.
The environment at the organization was very friendly and
warm. I had a great time working with them, I never felt
restricted. I was always free to share my opinions. On the very
first day, they were so warm, that in these 6weeks I felt that I
dont belong here I was free to work when I want to and when
I want to relax.
Meenal Padhiar, is one of the best HR I would have ever met,
she along with other seniors, were very supportive throughout
my journey. They taught me everything that I wanted to learn,
and also always appreciated my ideas even if they needed
changes, and also told me where I am going wrong.
I warmly appreciate them for being so genuine and warm and
supportive throughout these 6weeks.
Organization Chart

Niraj Upadhyay
founder and
creative head

Rajesh Shah
Meenal Padhiar
Head- Finance &

Mr. Sanjay Iyengar Ms. Shivangi Singh Mr. Dhairya

Mr Raes Ms Fontina
senior manager Manager client Digital marketing
client servicing Art director Copywriting head
servicing head

Cleint servicing
Designers and Copywrites and
subordinates and
interns interns
Internship Responsibilities.
Meetings: For first 4 days I attended around 4-5 meetings,
I learnt how to pitch in, how to understand the client, I
understood how to propose a budget to a client.
During one of these meeting I met the Radio Mirchis city
head and TOIs city head.
Research- Whenever a new project was initiated by the
agency, I was supposed to do some basic research for the
campaigns that are going to be on board by Trizone. I was
required to
o research and study about the clients company,
o any previous promotional activities done by the
o What kind of promotional activities can be done,
using what medium
o Checking out similar campaigns/ marketing activities
And thus, gathering all the information and research to
draft a report.
Planning campaigns: after gathering information and
drafting a report, I was asked to create a campaign, none
of my campaign as a whole got selected but they did
appreciate a lot of ideas and used them in their projects
for their clients.
Though, I wanted at least one of my campaigns to go on
board without a slightest change, but I learnt, whatever
you plan has to be feasible too. Not, every amazing or out
of the box can be implemented. So, during my experience I
learnt to be feasible too.
Monitoring social media marketing of the clients: Trizone,
handles a lot of digital platforms for their clients, I was in
charge to monitor those Facebook accounts every day, and
make note on
o how are post updated, frequently? Or once in a blue
o Whether, its been done as planned or not
o Check out the engagement, if the engagement is less,
I was required to find out the reason behind it and
give it solution.
o Is the information mentioned on the page fully
appropriate and correct or not?
So, after monitoring all the accounts and finding out the
problems I made a list of feasible ideas, what can be done to
attract more users, and increase engagement, for this I studied
the current trends, took helps from what activities other similar
accounts are doing.
Planning loyalty programs: I had to give ideas for loyalty
programs for our client The HUB a premium retail store.
For which I again took help from learning what other
brands are doing, and made up some new fresh ideas.
o Did for two clients Njoy cabs & The Hub
Website design ideas for Trizone: For this project I worked
directly under Mr. Niraj Updhayay co- founder of Trizone,
o For this project I was asked plan how to present the
website, Trizone was planning to come out with a
new different website.
o I had to design the presentation, takin reference of
some hatke unique & creative websites.
o I took help and created two three plans, which were
appreciated and are being implemented on the new
website thats under construction.
Planning a CSR campaign for Trizone #pehleaap: In the
last week along with me joined 3 more intern at Trizone all
of us were given to plan a CSR campaign that Trizone was
planning to initiate.
o The objective of campaign is to spread awareness
regarding the road traffic sense in India.
o Couldnt really work on it, because it was my last
week. All I could do was give inputs and ideas which
can be used.
Here I would first like to thank SCMC, for all the knowledge it
gave me to fit in this industry and strike hard to be the best.
As an intern at Trizone, I worked as hard as I worked for the
assignments given to us by the college, and it helped me a lot I
was quick to get new and outstanding ideas, I felt confident
when appointed to make a campaign or think of ideas. Apart
from learning all the theoretical aspects, I used the opportunity
and learnt about the deepest side of an advertising agency, the
practicality. It helped me enhance more of my practical
knowledge about advertising as a tool for communication, plus
it made me more confident about approaching my goals
towards the industry and striking hard to fulfill these goals.
I learnt how to pitch in clients, write a client brief for the
creatives, coordinate with the creative department as well as
coordinate to client servicing department from the creatives.
Also, it helped me remove my confusion about whether to be a
part of client servicing or creatives, and made the direction
more focused and direct.
I have become more goal oriented, punctual, hardworking and
little more serious about achieving aims in life and also
responsible towards taking work seriously.
This internship has made me mature, not that I was immature,
but sure has giving me aims and willingness to achieve those
aims in life.
I think I am pretty set for making a strong career in the field of
I have started loving advertising more after working in an
agency professionally.
I love attending meeting and pitching in clients.
The start in the industry has been good.
The experience with Trizone was amazing, it was my first
industry experience, and now I cant really wait to start working
as a professional.
Officials at Trizone were really warm in welcoming me, they
never made me feel out of the place, or underestimated me.
They gave me work without hesitating, I felt like I was working
with my friends and not seniors.
They corrected me and showed me the right route if I went
wrong anywhere.
Working with Trizone was great, I have got an all-round
exposure of the field,
When I first went there I didnt know where I wanted to work
client servicing or creatives, they took this challenge and gave
me the finest exposure and learning about both departments
equally, they gave me opportunities to work in various different
projects. Which helped built confident.
In short the overall experience was brilliant! I loved working
with them.
Cant wait to get started!!!

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