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Injury, Int. J.

Care Injured 47 (2016) 11621169

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Whats new in the management of complex tibial plateau fractures?

Zinon T. Kokkalis, Ilias D. Iliopoulos, Constantinos Pantazis, Elias Panagiotopoulos *
University of Patras, School of Medicine, University Hospital of Patras, Department of Orthopaedics, Papanikolaou 1, 26504 Rio-Patras, Greece


Keywords: The management of complex tibial plateau fractures is ever evolving. The severity of the injury to the
Tibial plateau fracture surrounding soft tissues inuences the timing and the method of xation. Minimal invasive techniques
Augmentation continue to dominate our philosophy of reduction and reconstruction whereas augmentation of
Minimal invasive technique depressed intra-articular fragments remains an accepted strategy to maintain reduction and prevent
Locking plates
secondary collapse. Locking plates, conventional plates and ne wire xators all have been used
successfully with satisfactory outcomes. In this article we report on the latest advances made in the
management of these complex injuries.
2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1162
Denition and classication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1163
Incidence and presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1163
Treatment options and clinical results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1163
Temporary external xation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1163
Open reduction and internal xation (ORIF) evidence for approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1164
Arthroscopically-assisted reduction and internal xation (ARIF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1165
External xators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1165
ORIF vs. Ex-Fx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1166
Latest data and innovative techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1166
Recommendations conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1166
Conict of interest statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1166
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1167

Introduction degree of bone comminution reects the energy transmitted to the

bone and incline to unfortunate prognosis [1,2].
Complex bicondylar fractures of the tibial plateau remain a In these severe cases the goal of treatment is the recovery of the
challenge to even the most experienced surgeons. The anatomy of articular surface and the reduction of the anatomic alignment of
the tibial plateau, combined with high energy trauma, produce the lower extremity. However, what is crucial in deciding the time
complicated injury patterns with involvement of metaphyseal and modus of the surgical intervention is the status of local soft
and articular comminution and frequently with loss of integrity of tissues.
the soft-tissue envelope. The severity of soft tissue injury and the Modern operating techniques focus on the maintenance of the
integrity and vascularity of the injured soft tissue and it seems that
biologic approach of these intrarticular fractures achieves to lessen
their morbidity [3,4].
* Corresponding author at: Orthopaedic Department, Patras University Hospital,
We discuss current treatment options and results reported in
26504, Rio, Patras, Greece. Tel.: +30 2613603555; fax: +30 2610994657.
E-mail addresses: (Z.T. Kokkalis), the literature, in an attempt to shed some light in the demanding (E. Panagiotopoulos). procedure of complex tibial plateau fractures management.
00201383/ 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Z.T. Kokkalis et al. / Injury, Int. J. Care Injured 47 (2016) 11621169 1163

Denition and classication preoperative planning, while 3D reconstructions provide an

estimation of metaphysical bone loss, of articular comminution
Schatzker et al. in 1979, classied tibial plateau fractures into and joint depression.
six groups, each representing similar injury mechanism and The importance of CT evaluation was best demonstrated
fracture pattern, resulting in similar management difculties [5]. through the identication of postero-medial and postero-lateral
Complex fractures, most of the authors regard as AO type C or shear fractures as a distinct subtype of complex bicondylar tibial
Schatzker type V and VI, can be dened as intra-articular lesions, fracture prone to be missed by AP radiograph [13,24]. Higgins
involving osseous compromise of more than one distinct et al. in his 2007 comparison of lateral LCP xation to dual plate
anatomical areas of the proximal tibia, with a variable degree of xation and Luos three-column approach, highlighted the clinical
comminution and soft-tissue damage. Type V fractures are importance of identifying these posterior coronal fracture
bicondylar, occurring as a result of an axial thrust in knee patterns while Barei et al. in 2008 showed a postero-medial
extension, with varying degrees of metaphyseal comminution and fracture component to exist in nearly one third of the bicondylar
usually no depression of the articular surface [6]. Type VI fractures plateau fractures [11,13,25].
are characterised by meta-diaphyseal extension of the fracture line However, controversy exists in the literature, as to whether
separating metaphysis from diaphysis presented with various routine CT evaluation can provide greater concordance regarding
degrees of articular and metaphyseal comminution [6]. Schatzkers classication and contribute towards changes in
However, both Schatzker and AO classication, as AP radio- preoperative planning in comparison with plain radiographs
graph-based systems, somewhat fail to adequately identify and [2632]. Both Chan et al. in 1997 and Markhardt et al. in 2009,
describe posterior shearing fracture patterns, which subsequently concluded that the addition of CT scan signicantly increasesin-
leads to poor clinical relevance with a negative impact on terobserver and intraobserver agreement on treatment plan,
treatment plan [7,8]. Incidence and distinct clinical characteristics while Te Stroet et al. in his 2011 study, disputed former evidence
of these high-energy related fractures have been gaining attention reporting no signicant advantages over the use of CT scan and
over the last years, due to their highlighted poor compliance to concluded against its routine use [26,27,29]. In accordance with
conventional treatment methods and surgical approach [912]. Stoets results, latest research from de Lima Lopes et al. in 2014
With his recent research, Luo et al. introduced the Three reported no greater concordance regarding Schatzker classica-
Column Classication, based on CT axial view and 3D reconstruc- tion and only moderate effect on Luos three-column classication
tion as a supplement to the Schatzker classication, dividing the concluding that larger studies are needed to decide on routine
tibial plateau in three columns each dened according to anatomic use [7,33].
location and corresponding surgical approach achieving high Similarly, the formerly suggested capability of an early MRI
therapeutic correlation [7,13]. scan to identify ligamentous or meniscus lesions and affect
concordance is questionable by latest research [17,18,34,35].
Incidence and presentation
Treatment options and clinical results
Tibial plateau fractures account for 12% of all fractures and
8%of fractures in the elderly [14]. Albuquerque et al. in 2013 study of All kinds of stabilisation, from non-operative treatment, to
239 tibial plateau fractures surgically treated in a level I trauma modern staged and combined management with temporary
hospital, reported a 36% incidence of Schatzker V and VI type, external xators, prior to conventional or angular stable plating,
associated with high-energy injury mechanism involving car/ ne-wire devices or even arthroscopically assisted procedures and
motorcycle accidents or high altitude falls [15]. They also demon- nailing for selected cases have been recommended in the literature
strated a male to female predominance of approximately 7030%, for complex tibial plateau fractures [5,3642]. Adequate xation
with a mean occurrence age of 43.7 years. and early motion are important for a good prognosis and satisfying
These severe-trauma related injuries produce comminuted postoperative functioning [43,44]. In the era before ORIF,
fractures with signicant soft tissue damage, as well as disruption Rasmussen back in 70s presented acceptable results with
of primary and secondary knee stabilisers [16,17]. In a 2010 study, conservative treatment but recognised increased incidence of
Stannard et al. reported an incidence of torn ligaments following posttraumatic arthropathies and malunions, while non-operative
tibial plateau fractures, as high as 85% and 79% in type V and VI management remained a supported option till several years later
respectively [17]. However, this type of injury is also becoming regarding complex injuries [36,37,45]. Targets of denitive
more and more prevalent in the elderly, as consequence of low treatment should be from one hand restoration of the articular
energy falls and osteoporosis [18]. In such cases, soft tissue damage surface and from the other hand the restoration of tibial length and
arises from the delicacy of the skin. The dissociation of the alignment, by rebuilding metaphyseo-diaphyseal comminution.
metaphyseal are from the diaphyseal columns and the status of The basic principles for all articular fractures imply rigid xation
the soft tissue envelope, can typically represent the severity of the for the articular block and indirect reduction with relative stability
energy imparted to the bone [5,19,20]. for the metaphysic foundation of the knee joint [46].
Schatzker V and VI fractures have a notoriously high incidence However, what is crucial in deciding the time and modus of the
of compartment syndrome that can reach 30.4% for type VI in some intervention is the status of local soft-tissues which, along with
studies [21,22]. Compartment syndrome may develop several patients co-morbidities, lead the time of denitive xation since
hours or more after the injury and post-operatively. Pallor, early incisions through compromised skin could become disas-
pulselessness, paresthesiae are late signs of compartment syn- trous.
drome, but patients should be treated with fasciotomy prior to
developing these [23]. Temporary external xation
Radiographic evaluation of these fractures involves four views:
anteroposterior (AP), lateral, internal oblique and external Casts, splints, traction, and braces are some options for initial
oblique. It is useful a 108 craniocaudal angle in AP view in order damage control treatment for severe cases, nevertheless, the
to represent normal proximal tibias posterior slope. Computed optimal temporising treatment is spanning external xation
tomography (CT) is of great value for determining the location and [38,47,48]. Staged management with standardised protocol is
magnitude of the joint depression, enabling greater precision of evaluated by Egol, reporting low rate of wound infections (5%) and

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1164 Z.T. Kokkalis et al. / Injury, Int. J. Care Injured 47 (2016) 11621169

relative low rates of complications, with a possible downside of treatment for managing bicondylar tibial fractures, since the
residual knee stiffness [49]. Spanning external xators reduce initial recommendation by Schatzker back in 1979 [5,19,50,51].
fracture fragments via ligamentotaxis, along with providing pain However, subsequent high rates of soft-tissue complications and
relief and a stable environment for soft tissue healing, as well as nonunion reported in the literature, involving wound dissociation
early mobilisation of the patient. Antero-lateral pin positioning for and deep infection up to 88%, gave birth to an ongoing debate
the femur has been found to combine convenience when lying in concerning surgical approach and different implant constructs in
bed, along with minimal quadriceps muscle damage, and is an attempt for a biomechanically adequate but more biological
suggested even at the expense of a somewhat less stable osteosynthesis [20,50,5254].
biomechanical construct, whereas tibial half-pins should be placed Over the next years, several authors adopted the double incision
in accordance with future incisions and plate positioning [38]. technique (postero-medial/antero-lateral) for dual plating, report-
ing lower wound complication rate and less adverse effects [18,55
Open reduction and internal xation (ORIF) evidence for approach 59]. Barei et al. in his 2004 study of 83 complex bicondylar tibial
fractures treated with dual plating using 2 separate incisions,
Dual plating (Fig. 1) of both medial and lateral compartments reported an 8.4% of deep infection while for Jiang et al. in 2008 (84
with buttressing conventional plates through a single midline patients) and Zhang et al. in 2012 (79 patients) the percentages
incision, can achieve rigid anatomic xation for the articular were 4.7% and 3.8% respectively showing a distinct decrease in
components and has been considered the gold standard of infection rates to the previously reported with single incision
procedures [55,56,58].
However, latest studies attempt to revise the current concept
over single midline incisions effect on soft-tissue envelope
compromise regarding complex tibial plateau fractures and dual
plating. Both Cho et al. and Hassankhani et al. in their recent 2013
case series, suggest single anterior incision for ORIF of Schatzker V
and VI fractures, in order to exploit the advantages of unobscured
exposure of the fracture site and compatibility with a possible
later salvage arthroplasty, reporting zero nonunion incidence and
no infection for Chos 10 patients and a 9% rate for Hassankhanis
22 cases, conrming in a way the previously mentioned value of
delicate handling of tissues and staged management [60,61].
Apart from approach-related technique improvements, the
introduction of angular-stable plates including Less Invasive
Stabilisation System (LISS) and locking compression plates (LCPs)
along with MIPO technique, offered the potential for a low
implant-prole xation able to provide adequate stability in a
severely comminuted or osteoporotic environment [62]. These bio-
friendly implants have been used in various combinations with
conventional plates or screws to achieve proper xation, with the
hybrid lateral-LCP/medial-buttress dual plating and the more
daring single-lateral LISS/LCP with or without lag screw xation
more widely adopted.
In terms of construct stability and reduction loss, it has been
proven that there is no signicant difference between LCP/buttress
and conventional double buttress xation [63,64]. Regarding dual
plating, either hybrid or conventional, satisfying results have been
reported in the literature over the last years with postoperative
malreduction and nonunion rarely reported and a reduction loss
rate of 4.6513.3% in recent studies [58,6365]. Interestingly, a late
retrospective study of 2015 by Rufolo et al. presenting 140
bicondylar tibial plateau fractures under staged treatment protocol
with dual plates through double incision, gives less optimistic
numbers, reporting an overall major complication rate of 27.9%,
including deep infection in 23.6% and 10% nonunion [66].
The use of a single lateral LCP/LISS plate, xing the lateral
condyle and aiming the secure capture of the opposite condyle
without medial buttressing through a single lateral incision has
been producing some mixed results [3,49,58,6769]. Egol et al. in
2004 reported 95% union in 38 patients with complex tibial plateau
fractures treated with unilateral LISS xation, concluding in favour
of the system and Ikuta et al. in 2007 reported 75%/25% excellent/
good functional outcome for 12 Schatzker V and VI fractures with
no complications, but only a 12-month follow-up [49,68].
Fig. 1. A 31 year-old male with a displaced bicondylar tibial plateau fracture On the other hand Gosling et al. in his study of 68 patients with
(Schatzker V) treated in our institution according to staged-management protocol 69 AO 41-C fractures concluded that unilateral LISS xation can be
principles, initially with a spanning Ex-Fx. (A) Primary X-ray evaluation (AP and
lateral views), (B) 2 weeks after the spanning Ex-Fx he was treated with a double
a good alternative, but commented that reduction technique for
incision/double buttress plating plus screws, achieving good alignment and exact alignment is demanding, reporting 23.5% of immediate
articular reduction. Postoperative Images 3 months after the injury. postoperative malreduction and 9% of loss of reduction [67].

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Z.T. Kokkalis et al. / Injury, Int. J. Care Injured 47 (2016) 11621169 1165

Indeed, Barei et al. in 2008 identied a postero-medial fragment in equivalent fracture types, clearly identies complex tibial
1/3 of the bicondylar fractures evaluated, commenting on possible plateau fractures as contraindications due to high danger of
implications when trying a single lateral xation using angular- iatrogenic compartment syndrome from uid extravasation,
stable implants and Weaver et al. in 2012 reported signicant loss even though its actual occurrence is reported extremely rarely in
of reduction and subsidence for the single-plate xation group the literature [79,81,82].
when a medial coronal fracture line was present [10,11]. However, there is evidence in the literature to support the
However, literature still remains unclear over the matter and safety of the method along with good results when performed by
contradicting results are being published. Ehlinger et al. in 2012, experienced surgeons [8385]. Chan et al. and Chiu et al. reported
studied 20 patients with complex tibial plateau fractures, on 18 and 20 patients with Schatzker V or VI fractures respectively
including medial component, treated with a single lateral LCP each showing approximately 90% (8992%) good or excellent
and found the osteosynthesis adequately stable, supporting the results and no complications [83,84]. In a most recent systematic
effectiveness of this type of xation [70]. On the contrary, Lee et al. review by Chen et al. in 2015, the authors nd this treatment
in 2013, reported a 6.7% malreduction and 20% loss of xation in a option to be safe and with fewer complications regarding
retrospective study of 15 patients with AO 41-C fractures, bicondylar fractures, whereas concerning ARIF vs. ORIF compari-
commenting on possible limitations of the method in regard to son the former shows lower incidence of infection but based on
certain fracture patterns and suggesting he use of a medial limited data [86].
buttressing plate in the presence of medial component [71].
Unusual morphological characteristics of the posterior coronal External xators
fracture pattern may lead to single lateral xation implications,
but also, pose difculties in reducing through conventional 2- Fine wire external xation (Fig. 2), using circular or hybrid
incision technique and has thus opted several authors to come up frames, gained popularity as it allows for early and adequate initial
with different ideas [13,24,7275]. Lobenhoffer et al. in 1997, weight bearing without limitations related to skin condition and is
presented a postero-lateral approach with bula osteotomy with considered the ideal method of treatment for cases where
adequate exposure and satisfying results and Frosch et al. in 2010, extensive dissection and internal xation are contraindicated
presented a modied less traumatic version with preservation of due to trauma of the soft tissue envelope, deciency of bone stock,
the bula with good results [73,74]. In 2010 Luo et al. introduced and bony comminution [87]. Hybrid xators like Taylor frame and
the CT-based three-column xation concept using an inverted Ilizarov circular xator have been used effectively for denitive
L-shaped posterior approach combined with an anterior-lateral treatment of complex plateau fractures but with some concern
approach to safely x all three columns and was followed by over the associated elevation of pin tract infection risk and
other authors describing slight modications based on the same inadequate reduction [88,89]. Moreover, external xators must be
concept [13,24,75]. maintained until sufcient healing has occurred, which makes
patients acceptance and compliance difcult.
Arthroscopically-assisted reduction and internal xation (ARIF) In his retrospective evaluation of 15 open comminuted tibial
plateau fractures treated with a circular xator in 2007 study,
In an attempt to address high soft-tissue related morbidity in Subasi et al. reported acceptable results but noted insufcient
complex tibial plateau fractures, avoiding arthrotomy and exces- anatomical reduction and loss of reduction in comminuted
sive dissection while maintaining adequate visualisation, arthros- posterior wall fractures in the coronal plane [89]. To address
copically-assisted reduction combined with either conventional reduction issues, several authors reported good results using a
plating or MIPO techniques has been introduced. hybrid or circular frame combined with minimal open reduction
ARIF has been widely accepted as a safe method for the and percutaneous screw xation, femoral frame extension or even
treatment of Schatzker IIV fractures also providing direct grafting, through a small skin incision in cases with severe
diagnosis and treatment of meniscal and ligamentous injuries comminution and metaphyseal osseous gap [9094].
and removal of loose fragments, but still remains controversial Complication rates related to surgical site infection in the form
regarding V and VI injuries for several authors [42,7680]. Herbort of pin tract or deep infection vary in the literature. Hutson et al. in
et al. in a recent 2014 study of ARIF outcome on Schatzker I-IV his meta-analysis of 16 studies including 568 patients gave a 10%

Fig. 2. 63 year-old male with a complex tibial plateau fracture (Sch. V) and severe soft tissue trauma after motorcycle accident. (A) Initial AP and lateral views, (B) immediate
postoperative views after treatment with combined lateral mini arthrotomy and xation under uoroscopy with 2 lag screws + mixed autologous/synthetic graft and
application of an Ilizarov device with 1 full circular ring distally and 2 semi-circular (5/8 conguration) proximally/3 wires each (olive wire through head of the bula).

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1166 Z.T. Kokkalis et al. / Injury, Int. J. Care Injured 47 (2016) 11621169

pin tract infection rate for tibial plateau fractures and similar highly experienced trauma surgeons and in selected cases. A
results were reported by Babis et al. (9.1%) and Kataria et al. (13.2%) variety of surgical approaches have been used previously for the
in their studies of 33 patients including 5 open fractures and 38 open reduction and internal xation of the fractures of lateral and
patients including 4 open fractures respectively [91,95,96]. When posterolateral tibial plateau. However, the commonly used lateral
only open complex tibial plateau fractures are examined in 2013s approach does not provide adequate exposure and access to the
study, Ali et al. reported a 20% rate of pin tract infection and 1 case posterolateral aspect of the lateral tibial plateau. Lately, a number
of deep infection in 25 patients treated with a circular xator [97]. of different approaches for the management of tibial plateau
fractures have been described. Approach selection should be based
ORIF vs. Ex-Fx on fracture pattern, the surrounding soft tissue envelope, and the
patients overall clinical conditions. Osteotomies that have been
Several studies have been presented in the literature over the described for posterior lateral fracture patterns include the lateral
past years comparing internal xation methods to external hybrid femoral epicondyle osteotomy, bular head resection osteotomy,
or circular frames in relation to different outcome aspects with no and a novel digastric bular osteotomy. A posterior reversed
clear results. In a 2002 biomechanical study, Watson showed that 4 L-shaped approach (PRLA) has also been used with good results of
tensioned olive wires across the fractured tibial plateau can fractures involving the posterior column facilitating excellent
provide better stability than dual plating, while Ali et al. in 2003 in visualisation of the medial and posterior tibial plateau [110112].
a sawbones study produced similar results comparing failure load With regard to depressed articular impaction injuries, there is
between dual plating and two-ring hybrid xator with lag screws sufcient evidence supporting the use of bone graft substitutes for
[98,99]. In 2008, Mahadeva in his a review article comparing ORIF maintenance of reduction and prevention of secondary fracture
vs. Hybrid xation in Schatzker VI tibial plateau fractures, cannot collapse [113]. Recently, the use of minimal invasive techniques
establish statistical superiority of the hybrid frame since residual using balloon ination and cement augmentation has become
deformities remain high and functional outcome poor in both popular with very good radiological and functional results [114].
groups [100].
On the theoretical advantage of respect of soft tissue envelope, a Recommendations conclusion
circular external xator can correlate to lower infection rates, less
intraoperative blood loss, shorter hospital stay and less unplanned What seems obvious through this attempt to synopsise on the
revision surgical interventions in comparison with dual plating as current literature evidence, regarding the treatment of complex
shown in 2009 by Halls RCT study [101]. However, when it comes tibial plateau fractures, is the high degree of controversy still
to functional outcome, Halls results, in accordance with the more remaining in different aspects of the management procedure.
recent Chan et al. and Ahearn et al. research including both Most authors agree, that functional outcome of complex tibial
conventional and angular stable plating, fail to produce signicant plateau fractures is primarily dependent on quality of articular
differences [102,103]. reduction and fracture type can be considered as an independent
predictor [65,115123]. However, fracture patterns of such
Latest data and innovative techniques complexity and variability, combined with different severity
soft-tissue trauma and patient or institute related issues, along
Latest research concerning the ORIFEx-Fix comparison still with the vast selection of available xation methods, makes it
fails to enlighten surgeons in terms of functional outcome. Yu et al. rather difcult to homogenously group these lesions and produce
in their 2015 review, show increased correlation to malunions, reliable results in the form of golden standard of treatment.
knee instability and post-traumatic arthritis for the Ex-Fx group in It is the authors belief, as trauma centre professionals, that the
contrast to increased valgus deformity, heterotopic ossication key to successful surgical treatment in such severe cases, is a well-
and higher local irritation risk of the plating group with no designed surgical scheme tailored on the specic fracture type
differences on mean union time, range of motion and rate of and soft tissue condition, combined with a high level of surgical
reoperation [104]. The authors also report less than 90% good/ skill and experience. In any case, soft-tissue healing has to be the
excellent results for high-energy fracture series, independently of rst priority, from the admission of the patient and early damage
the assessment tool used, while Huang et al. in 2015 study, control, while best possible anatomical reduction of the intra-
proposes the use of 3D printing and digital technology in order to articular fragments should be the second priority to delicate
enhance preoperative planning of ORIF procedures, concluding successful outcomes.
that this method can improve the effects of internal xation [105]. We strongly recommend staged-management procedures and
An alternative option in the treatment of specic fractures in careful selection of the time of the denitive intervention. For the
osteoporotic patients is tibial nailing. The technique is described by denitive xation, both ORIF with dual plating and Ex-Fx with
Garnavos et al. and could offer an optimal treatment option in the circular xators have been proven more than adequate in clinical
management of complex intra-articular fractures of the proximal practice, but in the hands of experienced trauma surgeons. For
tibia without signicant impaction that occur in fragile patients ORIF, the traditional and the newly suggested approaches allow
[41]. Garnavos describes good results in low demand patients and xation of posterior medial, posterior lateral and true posterior
advantages in terms of a minimally invasive procedure that can fracture patterns. Single lateral LCP/LISS xation is to be
allow rapid mobilisation of the knee joint. Further support was recommended in cases of osteoporotic bone, but in complex
added by 2013s biomechanical studies of Lasanianos et al. and fracture patterns, the authors feel that CT evaluation of the medial
Hogel et al. reporting resemblance to single lateral locking plate component is necessary to rule out a coronal fracture line which
xation and similar or even increase in the implant-bone construct could compromise reduction and xation stability necessitating
stiffness [106,107]. Furthermore, with his 2014 study Garnavos additional xation of the posterior medial fracture component.
et al. proposed retropatellar approach, to address intra-operative
problems of visualisation and reduction maintenance related to Conict of interest statement
free-hanging position previously described [108,109].
However further research comparing retropatellar nailing with All authors disclose any nancial and personal relationships
compression bolts to conventional treatment options is needed with other people or organisations that could inappropriately
and for the time being this method remains an option only for inuence our work. There are no potential conicts of interest

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