3 Jits CBL

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Republic of the Philippines


General Santos City
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics




We, the Information Technology Students, conscious of our responsibilities to God, country and to
our Alma Mater, determined to institute a student society that will work for our welfare, uphold
the lofty ideals of Mindanao State University, affirm our belief in quality education, promote
dedicated services to the society, develop the imperative wholesome citizenry, and provide
opportunities for leadership in the art of democratic self-government towards the cause of our
nation building, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution and By-Laws.

Article I

The society shall be officially called Junior Information Technology Society (JITS) of Mindanao
State University General Santos City.

Article II

Sec. 1. To adopt any necessary measure in uplifting social and academic welfare of the
information technology students and their knowledge in the field of computers, and
information technology;
Sec. 2. To act collectively in seeking unity, justice, and equality;
Sec. 3. To help members familiarize themselves with the nature and activities related to their
field of expertise under the Department of Mathematics, Physics and IT;
Sec. 4. To develop civic consciousness and discipline among the members;
Sec. 5. To render services to fellow IT students.

Article III

Sec. 1. This society shall serve as a training ground for every members of JITS to motivate
within them the sense of true constructive, democratic, and dynamic leadership and shall
provide opportunities for participation in the art of self-government;
Sec. 2. The society shall ensure that it promotes financial and administrative autonomy from
individuals, groups, institutions outside of JITS;
Sec. 3. The society shall help an enriched campus life for the academic pursuit as well as the
promotion of greater student participation in every phase of campus activity to each and every
Sec. 4. It shall uphold social justice and equality to all members;
Sec. 5. It shall create a proper atmosphere for the development of the strong sense of
understanding and unity among members of the society.
Sec. 6. It shall promote greener innovation in relation to the community and environment.
Sec. 7. The society shall conduct a Do Day for the improvement and maintenance of domain
under the society.

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Republic of the Philippines
General Santos City
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics



Sec. 8. It shall promote healthy lifestyle among the members of the society through food and
activity choices.
Sec. 9. The society shall provide financial assistance for the welfare of the members.
Sec. 10. The society shall provide leadership training for the benefit of all members.
Sec. 11. The society shall provide support to the members in the area of sports, literature and
academic activities.
Sec. 12. The society shall engage in economic activities/ventures that will help the society in
merchandising and income.
Sec. 13. The society shall initiate action to develop the students skills in their field of expertise.
Sec. 14. The society shall give consideration on grievances and concerns of the members.
Sec. 15. It shall provide seminars regarding career guidance and job placement.

Article IV

Sec. 1. All registered MSU-General Santos student taking up the course Bachelor of Science in
Information Technology, regardless of the majors, shall automatically be a member of this
Sec. 2. This shall have jurisdiction over members who are officially enrolled in MSU-General
Santos taking up Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, regardless of the majors, duly
certified by the registrar of this unit.

Article V

Sec. 1. Every member of this society has the right to suffrage, be elected and appointed to any
office positions in this society provided that he or she is qualified as stated in the Article;
Sec. 2. Every member has the right to participate and initiate actions in the policy making of the
Sec. 3. Every member has the right to participate and to be informed of every activity of the
Sec. 4. Every member has the privilege to conduct educational research, present findings and
recommendations freely for the purpose of academic advancement;
Sec. 5. Every member has the right to know the resolutions and decisions of the governing
bodies of society.
Sec. 6. Every member has the right to constructively and objectively oppose policies and
procedures done by the society provided that is formally filed as petition.
Sec. 7. Every member has the right to avail of the property of this society duly authorized by
the officers.

Article VI

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Republic of the Philippines
General Santos City
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics



Sec. 1. It shall be the prime duty of every member to preserve this society and every member is
obliged to support every activity of the society designed to materialize its noble objective;
Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of every member to promote and maintain peace and order of the
society and exert efforts to attain harmonious relationship among members;
Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of every member to uphold the academic integrity of the organization;
Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of every member to abide the rules and regulations governing this
academic responsibility and campus activity;
Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of every member to take care of the properties of the society and
shall be held responsible to any losses and or any damages;
Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of every member to uphold the constitution, to be loyal to the society
and to contribute to its development and well-being;

Article VII

Sec. 1. The officers shall be the governing and policy making body of the society. It shall be
composed of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, six (6) Councilors Public
Information Officer, two (2) Business Managers, one (1) representative in every year level.
Sec. 2. Office of the President
a. The president shall be the chief executive of the society;
b. Shall be the presiding officer in every regular and special meeting of the officers and
of the general assembly.
c. Shall prepare and submit to the governing body programs or any other resolutions
that deems necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of the society;
d. Shall represent the society between the School administration, the Organization of
the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Students, and any other entities and sign all
contract or agreement for and in behalf of the society provided, that has been agreed by
the body;
e. Shall be one of two (2) major categories of the bank account of the societys fund as
stated in Article XII.
f. Shall accept or revoke the registration of any of the elected officers;
g. Shall appoint any person in replacement of any vacant position with the approval of
the governing body;
h. Shall create AD-HOC committees when the need arises;
i. Shall be the overall manager of every major activity of the society;
j. Shall delegate any officers to follow-up transactions and on behalf of the organization.

Sec. 3. Office of the Vice-President

a. The vice-President shall assume the duties and functions of the president in the
absence of the latter;
b. Shall assume the office of the president in case of resignation;

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Republic of the Philippines
General Santos City
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics



c. Shall be the chief operations officer next to the president that is in-charged in every
major activity of society;
d. Shall perform other duties and functions assigned to him by the president.

Sec. 4. Office of the Secretary

a. The Secretary shall be the Executive Secretary of the society;
b. Shall be responsible in keeping the records of the society and in making reports for
every meeting and activities performed;
c. Receives and records all communication addressed to the society;
d. Shall have authority to sign in behalf of the president any transaction that is not
monetary in nature;
e. Shall prepare written agenda and take the minutes of every regular and special
meeting of the society;
f. Shall prepare a written document of every resolution, and legislation presented by an
officer to the governing body;

Sec. 5. Office of the Treasurer

a. The Treasurer should be the Chief Budget and Finance Officer of the society;
b. Shall be one of two (2) major signatories of the bank account of the societys fund as
stated in Article XII.
c. Shall keep all records of the accounts and collection of the society;
d. Shall collect membership fee, charge and other fees prescribed by the society, must
deposit all collected funds in a bank chosen by the body, and to exercise functions and
duties assigned by the latter.
e. Shall submit a monthly statement of account and present a report of the accounts
with the respect of the societys fund every General Assembly.

Sec. 6. Office of the Auditor

a. Shall be responsible in monitoring the finances and the flow of cash of the societys
b. Shall submit a monthly report to the President regarding finances.
c. Shall confirm any financial transaction if legal, oral and justifiable.

Sec. 7. Office of the Public Information Officer

a. Shall be responsible for the information dissemination of the societys activity, like
posting in the Science Building, Mathematics, and other designated areas;
b. Shall be responsible for the booking of venues, places and the like.

Sec. 8. Office of the Business Managers

a. Shall be responsible for the canvassing of the cost of materials needed by the society
and presentation of budget to the body;
b. Shall be responsible for purchasing materials needed by the society.

Sec. 7. Office of the Councilors

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Republic of the Philippines
General Santos City
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics



a. Each councilor shall be assigned in the following committees:

i. Committee on Budget and Finance
ii. Committee on Communication and Information Dissemination
iii. Committee on Internal and External Affairs
iv. Committee on Sports and Skills Development
v. Committee on Student Support
vi. Committee on Transportation

Sec. 9. Office of the Representatives

a. Shall represent their respective year levels in the plan or activity of the society in the
pursuit of its common goal and objective.

Article VIII

Sec. 1. Election of officers shall be done hand in hand with the last General Assembly which
shall be on the second week of May and such. The outgoing body shall fix the date.
Sec. 2. Candidates can either be from formal nomination of a member of the General Assembly
or through formal declaration of candidacy.
Sec. 3. a. In General Assembly, majority of votes cast by members through conventional hand-
raising is sufficient to elect the officers of the society.
b. In election of only one candidate for a certain position, one vote from the General
Assembly is sufficient to proclaim him as a winner.
Sec. 4. There shall be a formal turnover of office two weeks after the election.
Sec. 5. All the officers of the society shall hold their office for a term of one (1) academic year
and terminate until the successors have been elected.
Sec. 6. Elected officers of the society holding major positions shall not hold major positions in
the other organizations. The major positions are as follows: President, Vice-President,
Secretary and Treasurer.
Sec. 7. Impeachment
a. Any officer may be impeached by the majority vote of the officers on the following
1. Culpable violation of any of the provision of this constitution and by-laws;
2. Negligence of duties;
3. Graft and Corruption;
4. Grave misconduct or immorality;
5. Three (3) consecutive absences of special or regular meetings.
6. Two (2) consecutive absences of major activities of society.
b. The decision shall be made valid in incurring two-thirds (2/3) votes of all the officers
of the society.

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Republic of the Philippines
General Santos City
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics



Article IX

Sec. 1. A candidate for any office must be a member of the Junior Information Technology
Society with a good moral character.
Sec. 2. A candidate for President must at least be a junior student (3rd year) or has at least two
(2) years residency in the course Bachelor of Science in Information Technology;
Sec. 3. A candidate for Treasurer and Auditor must at least passed Accounting 1 or Economics 1,
prior to the election.
Sec. 4. A candidate for Councilor must have at least two (2) years residency in the course
Bachelor of Science in information Technology.
Sec. 5. Year-level Representatives are exclusive on their respective year levels.
Sec. 6. Other positions are open to every member.

Article X

Sec. 1. There shall be at least one assembly of all members every semester and the date shall be
fixed by the officers;
Sec. 2. There shall be a regular session of the officers every other week and the day shall be
fixed by the officers;
Sec. 3. Majority of the officers constitutes a quorum (50% + 1).
Sec. 4. The President in case of matters of importance shall call special meeting the immediate
approval of the governing body.

Article XI
Sec. 1. Adviser
a. The President together with the officers shall a have the power to select two (2)
advisers for the society.
b. An adviser must be a faculty of the Department of Mathematics and Information
Technology under the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
Sec. 2. Any officer can represent and deliberate a resolution to the body;
Sec. 3. All properties of the society must have a deed of donation and must never be sold by any
preceding administration, unless the property has an accumulated depreciation value of more
than 50% its original price and proceeds must go to the JITS trust fund.

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Republic of the Philippines
General Santos City
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics



Article XII

Sec. 1. There shall be a membership fee of fifty pesos only (Php 50.00), every semester
compulsory to every member of the society.
Sec. 2. Officers shall propose necessary additional fees to the General Assembly prior to every
semestral enrollment.
Sec. 3. There shall be fines imposed among the members as agreed by the officers with a
minimum of five pesos more than the jeep fare from General Santos City Proper to the
Mindanao State University campus for every absence in any activity of the society, which
requires the active participation of its members.
Sec. 4. Upon completion of the enrollment of its members, the collected amount shall be
deposited to a bank agreed by the body;
Sec. 5. The bank account of the society requires three (3) signatures on every withdrawal. One
signature must be done by either the Dean of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
or the adviser of the society and the other signatures must be done by the President and
Treasurer of the society.
Article XIII

Sec. 1. This Constitutional and By-Laws shall be amended in the meeting of one-third (1/3) of
the members present in general assembly.
Sec. 2. The members of the Constitutional Commission shall compose of outgoing officers and
five (5) members chosen by the President.
Sec. 3. The Constitutional Convention shall only take a maximum of two (2) working days, and
all expenses incurred from its documentation, program and lunch of all members of the
commission shall be shouldered by the society from its trust fund.

Article XIV

Sec. 1. This Constitution and By-Laws is done on June27, 2015 @ 9:30 AM until 3:00 PM and
shall take effect upon ratification by two-thirds (2/3) votes cast by the members of the society.

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