Learning Outcomes Weebly

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Learning Outcome Example Course

Written Communication Clear expression of ideas in writing including grammar, structure, and proper English 106
knowledge of conventions
Work on several types of writing assignments such as short essays to full length
research papers
Information Literacy Being able to understand and comprehend a variety of written information Statistics 301
Learn to read and interpret many different types of presented data and
evaluate the information
Oral Communication Develop strong methods of speech communication to be able to convey an idea Communications 114
or thought successfully
Write and give varying types of speeches to a live audience
Science Explain and have knowledge of basic scientific principles Biology 110
Study a wide variety of biological processes from the cellular to the organism
Science, Technology, and Understand how basic scientific principles are used in daily life and Chemistry 115
Society technological advances
Running and testing simple experiments during class of products used daily
Mathematics/Quantitative Knowledge of basic math skills and being able to understand and interpret Math 16010
Reasoning groups of data in graphs or diagrams
Learn and apply basic algebra and calculus skills
Human Cultures: Humanities Be able to recognize ones own culture as well as appreciate and understand History 104
Get a brief insight into the modern day world in terms of our own countrys
culture and ideals versus others around the world
Human Cultures: Behavioral Have a general knowledge of history and government as well as some Communication 224
& Social Sciences background in economics nationally and globally
Learn about multiple cultures and how they are similar and different in terms of

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