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Ministerial Conference
Plans made for world-wide expansion. Another win-
ister ordained. And, at last, local churches to be started
in the Deep South!
by Roderick C . Meredith

HEY came by plane, train and auto- tising in mass-circulation magazines, planned.
T mobile. Gods ministers from all
over America-and some from overseas.
foreign broadcasting plans, the over-all
organization of Gods Church and col-
Dr. Benjamin Rea, Principal, or
Dean, of the college in Britain, reported
It was a happy occasion. Deep love, leges-these were just some of the ma- that there are now two Ambassador
joy and spiritual UNITY seemed to jor topics covered! Clubs there and that many very good
pervade the atmosphere as close friends Ideas for improving the Spokesman spcakcrs are coming along. He said thc
and former roommates and college Clubs, the local Church newspapers, and college is coming along very well, and
buddies-now the very ministers of for improving the economy and e f i - that there are about sixty-five enrolled
the Liuing Christ-joyfully greeted one ciency of our field ministry were set this term.
another as the Ministerial Conference forth and discussed by Gods ministers. Reporting on Australia, Mr. Gerald
began. Very inspiring reports were given by Waterhouse said that there are now
Mr. Raymond McNair and Dr. Ben- the directors of Gods work in overseas about one hundred fifteen in attendance
jamin Rea had flown across the Atlan- areas. Mr. Raymond McNair, evangelist in the Sydney Church. There are fifty-
tic from England for these conferences. in charge of Gods work in the British five in regular attendance at the newer
Mr. Gerald Waterhouse and Mr. Tony Isles, reported that there are now ooer church in Melbourne, Australia. And,
Hammer had come from Australia. two hundred people attending the Lon- about fifty now attend a bi-monthly
With these men from overseas gonc don Church. There are around eighty- Bible study just recently started in Bris-
for years at a time, and with the Feasts five in attendance in Birmingham, sev- bane.
even here in America now divided, it enty in Manchester, and forty in Bristol. Mr. Waterhouse reminded us that we
was good to see everyone together Mr. McNair reminded US-as Mr. are on thirty radio stations in Australia
again. It was ulnzost like old times. Armstrong has announced-that we are which provide an excellent coverage of
But a sober note of urgency reminded going on Radio Luxembourg at 7:OO that continent. There are now 2100 on
us that TIME IS R U N N I N G OUT. p.m. twice a week starting April 1. This our mailing list-and it is constantly
There zodl not be many inore years will be a wonderful boost since our time growing. The W O R L D T O M O R R O W
in which to hold these conferences! until now has been 11:3O until mid- is beginning to have a TERRIFIC im-
World events are speeding 7 ~ p .Gods night. Also, a new station on board a pact upon the Australian people!
work must nznte d h n d hefore it is ship in the Thames Estuary -called
TOO LATE! Radio Slough -will soon begin broad- Report on U. S . Churches
casting The W O R L D T O M O R R O W After these overseas reports, Mr.
What Was Discussed? program every night! This should reach Armstrong called upon the recently ap-
Vitally important matters involving the southern third or half of Britain and pointed District Sgfierintendents of each
the world-wide expansion of Gods work perhaps later the entire British Isles major area in the United States for a
were discussed. Future big-space adver- if the station increases its power as (Please continue on Page 3 )
-3 The GOOD NEWS February, 1962

Letters to the Editor

Rheumatic Fever Healed Need Supplied !
Dear Mr. Armstrong: Dear Sirs:
My son had rheumatic fever and my I had a letter from you telling how International magazine of
six-year-old girl had a bad heart, thought you gave up looking to man for money THE CHURCH OF GOD
to be symptoms of rheumatic fever. I to carry on your broadcasts, and just ministering t o its members
wrote to you and help came. Since that looked to God. This stirred me very scattered abroad
time these two children have been much, for I have been going through
healed. I praise God for this. Some time hard financial problems. I am a widow VOL. XI NO. 2
after that I took the boy to the doctor. on pension, and I needed $600 to pay
This is the doctors reply as I remember, up some back bills. I said if God will Published monthly at Pasadena, California.
supply this need, I will send Mr. Arm- 0 1962, by Radio Church of God.
This boy has nothing wrong with him
and if he ever had rheumatic fever it strong the tithes from that amount for
opening my eyes to what God will do EDITOR
doesnt show up. He went on to say he
probably never had i t , but he had been when we trust Him. I received the HERBERT
doctored over a year and all kinds of amount I asked for, and was ablc to pay
tests made to determine he did have it. up my bills, so I am enclosing a check EXECUTIVE EDITOR
Woman from Ada, Oklahonia for $60.
Woman from Tonawanda, New York Garner Ted Armstrong
0 If this generation lacks any two MANAGING EDITOR
things, it is faith and gratefulness. May- Pay Check Nearly Doubled
I am sending my tithes. Its amazing Herman L. Hoeh
be the gratitude expressed in the letter
explains why this womans family has wllat God has c k ~ n efoi us since 1 began SENIOR EDITOR
been healed. to give to God that which belongs to
Him. My husband immediately began Roderick C. Meredith
No More Arthritic Pain working full days with quite often over- Assoczale EditorJ
time. His pay check for some weeks
Dear Mr. Armstrong: was nearly doubled. Once we worried Albert J . Portune David Jon Hill
I received the anointed handkerchief where the money would come from to
for the healing of my arthritis. which I Contributing Editors
meet all thc bills. Now wc have money
have had for more than 20 years, It has left from week to week. This is one bill Robert C. Boraker Bryce G. Clark
deformed and crooked five of my fingers. I pay with great joy. C. Wayne Cole Raymond C. Cole
My right shoulder was getting almost Charles V. Dorothy Jack R. Elliott
Woman from Florida Selmer Hegvold Ronald Kelly
s s times, a d of late has ached
~ i ~ c l r at
Raymond F. McNair Ernest L. Martin
and pained day and night, interfering 0 This family learned God does richly C. Paul Meredith L. Leroy Neff
with sleep and rest. When I got your bless those who faithfully pay their Benjamin L. Rea Lynn E. Torrance
anointed handkerchief, I applied it as tithes. Be sure you have read last Basil Wolverton Clint C . Zimmerman
you instructed. The pain eased off, and months lead article in The Good News
subsided so quickly that I was amazed. about handling your finances.
I have had no pain since. Foods Consaltants
Man from Auburn, Washington Amazed at Programs Growth Velma Van der Veer
I have been listening to your broad- Mary E. Hegvold Isabel1 F. Hoeh
0 W e receive many encouraging letters
casts and receiving The PLAIN TRUTH
claily telling of miraculous healings.
cvcr sincc you first started to broadcast
back in Eugene. I used to hear you over Editorial and Production A r rrstmts
Potential Suicide XEG but the reception was very poor. James W . Robinson
Dear Mr. Armstrong: I was delighted when you started to Donald G. McDonald
Frankly, until I received my first broadcast over station W O W Omaha. It
copy of The PLAIN TRUTH and your is only 60 miles from Tecumseh and it
ocher booklets I had started to withdraw comes in nice and clear. It is amazing BUSINESS MANAGER
my allegiance from the Church and Gos- how thc program has grown to such Vern R. Mattson
pel too, for I had lost all faith in my fel- magnitudes in :uch a short time. You
low creatures A N D I N L I F E ITSELF. I was are truly the prophet God has called to
Iicding for the suicide brigade. So to thunder His warning all over the world.
y\,ti I can truly say, thanks for saving Woman from Tecumseh, Nebraska Box 11 1 , Pasadena, California.
my life. I would like t o open my heart Canadian members should address Post Otfce Box
as it were, but 1 should probably bore Eyes Opened t o Truth 44, Station A, Vancouver 1 , B. C., Canada.
Our members in United Kingdom EuroDe and
y u i i >tiff. So I will close w i d i ihe request God ha> opcried m y eye5 and re- Africa should address the Editor, Ambassado; Col-
for the booklet entitled, What do Y o u vealed His marvelous truth to me. I have lege. Bricket Wood, St. Albans, H e r s . , England.
Members in Australia, the Philippines, Southeast
Mean Salvation? and my enrollment for been a Seventh-day Adventist for several Asia should address the Editor, Box 345, North
The Bible Correspondence Course-that years, and there was a great deal of error Sydney, N . S. W., Australia.
is if you do not think I am too old to be ironed out, which it took some BE SURE T O N O T I F Y US IMMEDIATELY of any
change in your address. Please inclose both old
at 69. time for me to see through. Since I have and new address. IMPORTANT !
Man from Warwickshire, England (Please continue o n page 12)
February, 1962 The GOOD NEWS 3

MINISTERS WHO ATTENDED CONFERENCE - Blockwell. Albert J. Portune, Basil Wolverton, Antion, Roger Foster, Dale Hampton, Ronald
Seated left to right: Messrs. Norman A. Smith, Clint C. Zimmermon, Benjamin L. Rea, Kenneth Kelly, David Jon Hill, Carl McNair, Richard Prince,
Raymond C. Cole, Herman L. Hoeh, Garner Ted R. Swisher; Third row left to right: R. Carlton Jr., H. Burk McNair; Top r o w left to right: Billy
Armstrong, Herbert W. Armstrong, C. Paul Mere- Smith, Bill L. McDowell, John David Hammer, l r l Glover, A l Dennis, Selmer Hegvold, Alton
dith, Roderick C. Meredith, Raymond F. McNair; Hal W. Boird, Jimmy L. Friddle, George Meeker, Billingsley, Sidney Hegvold, A. Ray Jantzen,
Second r o w left to right: Gerald Waterhouse, Jr., Leslie L. McCullough, Allen D. Manteufel, James F. Kunz, Harold Jackson, Wilbur A. Berg,
Bryce G. Clark, Charles V. Dorothy, Dean C. L. Leroy Neff; Fourth r o w left to right: David l e e Frank McCrady, Lester McColrn.

the Milwaukee Church, 360 in Chicago

Ministerial Conference now that it is divided, 250 in the La
Grange Church (formerly attending at
(Contimed from f- l a- p 3) Chicago), 250 in the new church in
report on the churches under their juris- new Bible study now being conducted South Bend, Indiana, 220 in St. Louis,
diction. As some of you may know, the in Vancouver, British Columbia, al- 110 in Bloomington, 275 in Kansas
direction of the churches in the field ready has an attendance of around 50 City, 225 in Springfield, 120 in Wich-
has now been placed in the charge of persons. He said that the attendance of ita and 50 in Garden City.
an entire stag of men at Gods Head- all the churches in his area was con- Mr. Blackwell certainly indicated that
quarters in Pasadena as the multitudi- stantly growing with about 270 in Se- his area was growing also and men-
nous reports. details and correlation of attle, 154 in Tacoma, 340 in Portland, tioned several cities wherc additional
financial expenditures made this deci- 125 in Salem, and 250 in Eugene. churches are needed within a few
sion imperative. To help guide and ad- Mr. Cole voiced the hope that we months, if possible!
vise the local ministers in a personal would be able to establish a church be- Next, Mr. Carlton Smith reported on
way, District Superintendents have now fore too many months in the Medford- the church area over which he is Super-
been designated to be in charge over Grants Pass area, and turn the Bible intendent, the Northeastern section of
the churches in each major area of the study in Vancouver into a full church the U.S. He stated that the church in
United States. with regular Sabbath services. These Akron, Ohio, now has about 185 in reg-
First to report was the senior Super- plans are certainly something to con- ular attendance, with 350 in Pittsburgh,
intendent and evangelist, Mr. Raymond sider and Pray about, brethren. Pennsylvania, and 375 in New York
Cole, from Eugene, Oregon. Mr. Cole is Mr. Dean Blackwell, Superintendent City!
Superintendent over all of the churches over the churches in the northern Mid- Mr. Smith stated that he was receiv-
in the Pacific Northwest and British west, reported next. He stated that there ing almost 10 letters a week from new
Columbia. Mr. Cole reported that the were now about 100 in attendance in people in his area asking about attend-
4 T h e GOOD NEWS February, 1962

MINISTERS WIVES - First row left to right: Mrs. Blackwell, Mrs. Bill 1. McDowell, Mrs. Albert J. L. Leroy Neff, Mrs. Lester McColm; T~~ row left
Clint C. Zimrnerman, Mrs. David Lee Antion, Mrs. Portune, Mrs. Jimmy 1. Friddle, Mrs. George to right: Mrs. Billy Irl Glover, Mrs. ~1 ~ ~ ~
Norman A. Smith, Mrs. Garner Ted Armstrong, Mcekcr, Jr., Mrs. Allen D. Manteufel, Mrs. K e n M r s . Sclmcr Hegvold, Mrr. Alto,, Billing51ey, M ~ ~ .
Mrs. Herbert W. Armstrong, Mrs. C. Paul Mere- neth R. Swisher; Third row left to right: Mrs. Sidney Hegvold, Mrs. lomes F. Kunz, Mrs. Wilbur
dith, Mrs. Roderick C. Meredith, Mrs. Raymond Bryce G. Clark, Mrs. Roger Foster, Mrs. Ronald A. Berg, Mrs. H. Burk McNair. Several of the
F. McNair; Second row left to right: Mrs. R. Carl- 1. Dart, Mrs. David Jon Hill, Mrs. Ronald Kelly, ministers wives were not available for this
ton Smith, Mrs. Charles V. Dorothy, Mrs. Dean C. Mrs. Carl McNair, Mrs. Leslie 1. McCullough, Mrs. picture.

ing one of Gods churches! H e also in attendance at the Feast of Taber-

stated his desire to start a new church Report on the Negro Brethren and nacles last year, but .rcore.r of baptized
in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and ic the Member Visiting Tour Negro members did not attend because
now appears that a church can bc After the District Superintendents of the lack of zeal, finances and under-
started there within the near future! So finished their reports, Mr. Harold Jack- standing.
this area in the northeast is destined to sori+mly Negro elder in Gods Church Mr. Jackson reported that o u r two
expand greatly. so far-was asked to give a report on Negro deacons in the Chicago area, Mr.
Mr. Ken Swisher, District Superin- his tour last stmmer visiting our scat- Crim and Mi-. Mars, are both doing a
tendent over the churches in the South- tered Negro brethren and a summariza- very fine job. H e stated that 16 Negro
central states and Texas, reported con- tion of the problems faced by these brethren in this area are attending n
stant growth in his area. H e stated that scattered brethren and those with whom remedial English class which he is con-
the new churches in Little Rock and he works in the Chicago and New York ducting. And there is an Epistles of Paul
Memphis had firrally stabilized at abour churches. class which he conducts each Friday
100 members for Little Rock and 1 1 3 Mr. Jackson reported that he felt his night with about 22 adult Negro breth-
in attendance at Memphis, the Houston tour last summer was a great success and ren in attendance.
Church now has 230 in attendance. tremendous help to the Negro brethren. Mr. Clarence Bass. Jr., formerly f r o m
there are 235 people attending in Dal- He stated that the current racial tension the Houston area, has moved to Chicago
las, 130 in Tulsa, 220 in Oklahoma in the South has hindered many from to assist Mr. Jackson in the work among
City, 90 in Corpus Christi, 110 in San furthering their education-and this has the Negroes in Gods Church there.
Antonio, 120 in Minclen, and about 360 been a clrawback to marly in wcting on Many more cldcrs and deacons arc
attend the Sabbath services held on our the truth they know. In the United needed to properly f e e d our Negro
own grounds near Gladewater. States alone, we had approximately 435 f Pleuse coiztiaw 011 puge 1 1 )
The answer is astounding, yet clearly proved in you^
OZNZBible. I t is a wccrnivzg wid exurriple ~ O Yus today!
by L. Leroy Neff

3 apostle warned Christians

i r ~ i ithe
shortly after A.D. 70 to earnestly
contend for the faith once delivered to
was a Gentile. He had a gift of proph
ecy. On occasions God talked directly
to Balaam.
the children of Israel.
Balak was not satisfied with Balaam s
answer. H e sent more princes to Balaam
the saints. For certain men had crept By having such communication with to entreat him 011ce again to come and
into Gods Church unawares as fifth col- God, he had knowledge of who God curse Israel. Let nothing hinder you
umnists! Woe unto them! for they blessed and who He cursed. Therefore, from coming to me; for I will surely
have gone in the way of Cain, and ran he knew those nations on which God d o you great honor, and whatever you
greedily after the error of Balaam pronounced a curse were cursed, and say to me I will do; come, curse this peo-
(Jude 11). those on which God pronounced bless- ple for me (Numbers 22:17 RSV).
W h o was Balaam? What was his ter- ings, were blessed. In response to this second appeal,
rible error? What does it have to d o He was a man of renown and of note Balaam again asked his guests LO remain
with us today? all over the Middle East. Even the five for the night while he sought God,
Balaams error was so dangerous that kings of Midian knew about him. counsel. And God came to Balaam at
it is mentioned three times in your New The children of Israel had come out night and said to him, If the men have
Testaiiierit! It is important for us to un- of Egypt about 40 years before Balaarn come to call you, rise, go with the men
derstand today so that we will not make is introduced into the Bible account. but only what I bid you, that shall you
the same mistake. God had been with them, had per- do (Numbers 22 :20).
formed stupendous miracles in protect- Notice, God allowed Balaam to go.
Who Was Balaam? ing, guiding, and helping the children W e will understand why in a moment!
The book of Numbers devotes several of Israel. These things were known by The next morning Balaam arose and
chapters to the little-known account of all the nations round about. God had went with the princes of Moab on the
Balaani. But, even aftei iracliiig the given rhem victory over their enemies. long journey to the land of Moab. Along
account in Numbers, most people do not At the beginning of the story the the way a remarkable thing occurred.
see the great, the awful sin of Balaam. children of Israel were encamped in the An angel of the Lord appeared to the
The New Testament account con- plains of Moab beyond the Jordan River ass o n which Balaam rode. At first
demns this man in most serious words. near Jericho. Balaam could not see the angel, and
However, to many worldly scholars the struck the ass three times. Then, the ass
Old Testament account does not appear Come and Curse Israel was given the power of speech to speak
at first glance to speak so unfavorably Balak, King of Moab, had seen w h a t to Balaam. Only after this was Balaam
of him. Many Biblical scholars have puz- Israel had done to the great nation of able to see the angel of the Lord and to
zled over this question. Some theolo- the Amorites. As a result, he and his see that he had almost been killed by
gians have thought that the New Testa- people were jealous and in great fear of the angel. The angel wid, Behold I
ment writers grossly misunderstood poor Israel. They knew that if they started a come to withstand you, because your
Balaam! war against Israel their nation would be way is perverse before me (Numbers
The very noted Bible commentator of completely destroyed-unless supernat- 22:32).
the last century, Adam Clarke, has given ural means were taken to rid them of Balaar~iacknowledged his sin (verse
the following naive comment cmcern- Israel. 3 4 ) . But what was the si?z?
ing Balaam. Balak knew of the fame of Balaam. Let us go back briefly. At the first
The badness of this mans character H e knew that He whom you (Balaam) visit of the Moabites Balaam asked God
has been rery far overrated: and that it bless is blessed, and he whom you curse whether he should go and curse the chil-
does not appear that he was a hypocrite, is cursed (Numbers 22:6 RSV). So dren of Israel. God told him NO! Then
false prophet, or a sorcerer in the corn- Balak sent his emissaries to have Balaam the princes came again the second time.
mon acceptance of the term, and that he come and curse Israel. After their jour- Balaam already had his answer from
risked even life itself in following and ney of 350 miles to the north they ex- God. H e knew what Gods will was.
fulfilling the will of the Lord! Clarkes plained their mission to Balaam. Yet, he was like an impudent child who
Commentary, volume I . Now notice what Balaam did! In- wanted to have his own way. H e did
Dr. Adam Clarke did not understand stead of refusing to see them he invited not take Gods Word the first time-he
the scripture! the emissaries to stay for the night. In wanted God co change His mind. There-
Rut to get to the root of the problem. the meantime he would pray to God to fore, as punishment, God let Balaam
W h o was Balaani? W h e r e did he come see if he might get God to change His have his way by permitting him tu go.
from? And what do the scriptures reveal mind and curse Israel. God spoke to Sometimes God permits us to have
about him personally? Balaam and Balaam explained the mis- our own way just as He did Balaam.
He was a man from Pethor, a city in sion of the elders of Midian. God said However, our ways end up in death,
Mesopotamia, located by the Euphrates to Balaam, You shall not go with them; just as Balaams was to end in death.
River. you shall not curse the people, for they When shown his error, Balaam did ad-
This town was located about 350 are blessed (Numbers 22: 12 RSV). mit that he had sinned. H e knew what
miles north of Jericho. It was near the In the morning Ralaam told the he was doing! But this knowing dis-
present border of Turkey. Since he lived princes to return to their own land since obedience is not the sin of Balaam that
in a Gentile land apart from Israel he God ordered him not to go or to curse is recorded in the New Testament! W e
6 ?he GOOD NEWS February, 1962

still have not seen what that great sin block before the children of Israel. In Here is the way that you can cause
was! other words Balaam taught Balak how them to sin. Take your most beautiful
Balaain went on to the city of Moab to cause the children of Israel to curse women and cause them to seduce the
to meet Balak and said, Lo I have come themselves. Balaam knew that Israel was young Israelite men. After these Israel-
to you! Have I now any power at all to blessed if they continucd to obcy God. ites are hooked, have yuui W O I I I ~ I IIcad
speak anything? The word that God puts H e also knew that if they would Jin, these men into following your religious
in my mouth that must I speak (Num- they would come under a curse of sin. practices. These young women can then
bers 22:38). So Balaam cleverly told Balak how to subtly influence their new husbands
cause Israel to bring curses upon them- into following their religion. Get them
Balaams Prophecies selves by sins! to believing each one is entitled to his
Chapter 2 3 records the blessings con- What sin did Balaam teach Balak? own religion -that God understands
cerning Israel that God revealed through To eat things sacrificed to idols, and to if they disobcy Him so long as they
Balaain. Balak was very distressed and commit fornication (same verse). keep peace and harmony in the home.
angry. He asked Balaam to come a sec- This same account is also recorded in By doing this they will think they are
ond t i m e to a different place and curse the book of Peter. Peter records that in free and can really enjoy life! After all,
Israel. Again, Balaam wanted God to apostolic days there were going to be Balak, doesnt the whole nation of Moab
change His mind, but Balaam again false prophets just as in ancient times. enjoy these religious practices? This is
realized God had blessed Israel and These false prophets were sensual, lust- something that is acceptable and right!
would not change. Ralaam was afraid to ful and beguiled unstable souls. They Everyone does it! It is popular and thc
say anything else! have forsaken t h e right way, and have accepted thing.
A third t i m e Balak tried to get gone astray, following the way of Ba- This is exactly what the Bible says
Balaain to speak against Israel (Chap- laam the son of Bosor, who loved the Balaam did-read it again in Revela-
ter 2 4 ) . Again Balaain blessed Israel. wages of unrzghteousness (11 Peter tion, Peter and Jude!
At the end of his prophecy about Israel 2:15). It is the old story of permissiveness
he stated: Blessed be everyone that This verse gives more information to deceive people into believing that
hlesws yoii (Israel) and cursed be about the sin of Balaam. Balaam forsook they can have pormissiom to disobey
everyone who curses YOU (Numbers the right way and loved the wages God, and get away with it. That it is
24:9). This made Balak even more of unrighteoasness. Unrighteousness is not necessary to obey God. God does
angry since he was trying to bring a breaking Gods commandments (Psa. not see or know, and anyway Jesus
curse upon Israel. 119: 172, Deut. 6 : 2 5 1. Christ lived a good life for us. There-
After this conversation Balaam again Balaam showed Balak how to cause fore we can live as we think best. We
prophesied. This remarkable prophecy the people of Israel to disobey Gods need not obey God since Jesus Christ
concerned the latter days, meaning our c o m m a n d m m r s T h e specific command- lived that perfect life for us. It is the
time today, and into the World Tomor- ments that they disobeyed concerned same siren song of destruction that is
row. He prophesied of Jesus Christ idolatry and fornication. being preached in most of the pulpits
(verse 17), and showed that H e would Lets go back to Jude 11. At the be- of our own land today!
crush or destroy the very same people ginning of this article only part of this
who were now trying to bring a curse verse was quoted. Now read the whole The Account of Jasephus
upon Israel. verse. Woe unto them! for they have There is even an historical account
After this prophecy concerning Israel gone in the way of Cain and ran greed- beside the Bible of jiist what did hap-
we read: Balaain arose, and went back ily after the error of Balaam for reward pen. It is found in the works of the his-
to his place; and Balak also went his and perished in the gainsaying of Core. torian Flavius Josephus who lived dur-
way (Numbers 2 4 : 2 5 ) . But this is not Balaam was greedy for money, for a re- ing the time of the Apostles.
the end of the story! ward, and because of that he committed But Balak being very angry that the
All scripture is given by inspiration great sin and led others to sin also. Israelites were not cursed, sent away Ba-
of God and any particular scripture can- laam without thinking him worthy of
not be privately understood (I1 Peter How Balaam Taught Balak any honor. Whereupon, when he (Ba-
1:20). The Bible is written here a lit- The details of how this came about laam) was just upon his journey, in
tle and there a little (Isaiah 28: 10, 13). are clearly given in the Bible. This is order to pass the Euphrates, he sent for
what Balaam probably told Balak: I Balak, and for the princes of the Mid-
New Testament Key cannot curse the Children of Israel, since ianites, and spake thus to them: 0
In the message of Jesus Christ to the God has commanded me not to curse Balak, and you Midianites that are here
seven eras of Gods Church, we find a them. But, there is a way that they can present (for I am obliged even without
special warning to the church at Per- bring curses upon themselves. There is the i d 1 of G o d t o gratifjf y o u ) , it is
gamos. This church was not perfect be- a way that will bring retribution, pun- true no entire destruction can seize upon
fore God. ishment, and the absolute displeasure of the nation of the Hebrews, neither by
But I have a few things against thee, God upon them. Seduce them to disobey war, nor by plague, nor by scarcity of
because t h o u hast there them that hold their God and His commands. If they the fruits of the earth, nor can any other
the doctrine of Balaarn, who taught Ba- desert the true God, and follow your unexpected accident be their entire
lak to cast a stumbling block before the religious practices they will bring this ruin; for the providence of God is con-
children of Israel (Rev. 2 : 1 4 ) . God curse upon themselves. Y o u must be cerned to preserve them from such a
told this church to repent (verse 16) or subtle in causing them to follow your misfortune; nor will it permit any such
he would come and fight against the re- religion. They have been warned before- calamity to come upon them whereby
bellious who held such doctrines. What hand that they are not to learn the ways they may all perish; birlt some s m d l mis-
was this doctrine of h l a a m ? Par1 of the of the hcathen about them-that they fortunes, and those for u .short timc.
answer is in this very verse. Notice, are not to learn how the other nations whereby they r i r q appeur to be brozght
Balaain taught Balak to cast a stumbling serve their gods and then do likewise. ~ , still befull thenz: but after that
l o i ~nmjf
February, 1962 The GOOD NEWS 7

they will flourish again, to the terror of Thiq great sin had become so com- come. They condonc and permit adul-
those that brought those mischiefs upon mon in Israel that a man of Israel tery and fornication in their congrega-
them. So that if you have a mind t o brazenly brought a Midianite woman tions. They even try to join in marriage
gain a victory over th em for a short to his tent in the sight of Moses. One people who are already married to
~ eLime, you will obtain it by fol-
~ p a uf of the Levitical priests followed the two others.
lowing nay directions; Do you therefore into an inner room and pierced through Some ministers are even suggesting
set out the handsomest of szcch o f yoar both of them with a spear. These two that it is all right to commit fornication
DAUGHTERS AS ARE MOST EMINENT were slain in the very act of defying the before marriage. They teach thc people
FOR BEAUTY, and proper to force and Living God by disobeying His com- that it is all right to commit idolatry,
conquer the modesty of those that be- mands against fornication. though they do not call the false pictures
hold them, and these decked and The story continues in chapter 31. of their Jesus that. They teach the peo-
trimmed to the highest degree you are The children of Israel warred against ple that it is all right to commit spzrit-
able. Then do you send them to be near Midian. The five kings of the Midian- ual fornication. Spiritual fornication is
the Israelites camp, and give them in ites were slain; however, some of the an illicit affair with the pagan practices
charge, that when the young men of the women were permitted to live Moses of the heathen. These pagan practices of
Hebrews desire their company, they said to them, Have you let all the the heathen have come down to us un-
allow it them; and when they see that women live? Behold, the;e caused the der different names. Today the pagan
they are enamoured of them, let them people, by the counsel of Balaam, to act Brumalia is called Christmas. The pagan
take thcir lcaves; and if they entreat treaLberozcdy against the Lord in the rites of fertility of the ancient goddess
them to stay, let t h e m not give their matter of Peor, and so the plague came Astarte now masquerades under the
consent till they have persuaded th em among the congregation of the Lord name of Easter. The devilish and satanic
to Leave o f their obedience to their own (Numbers 31:15-16). teachings concerning unclean spirits and
laws and the worship of that God who witchcraft are carried down today in our
established them, and t o worship the Balaams Lack of Character Halloween.
gods of the Mididniter and Moabites; Notice the retrogression of character Our people have learned the ways of
FOR BY THIS h l E A N S GOD WILL DE in Balaam. At first he listened to sug- the heathen. They have found how the
ANGRY AT THEM. Accordingly, when gestions that he knew were wrong, then other pagan nations have served their
Balaain had suggested this counsel to he weakened, and asked God a second gods and they have done likewise.
them, he went his way (Antiqzcities of time if he might go with the princes of Thir i r rpivitulzl fornication nnd idola
the Jews, Book IV, Chapter 6). Moab. H e knew he sinned, but went try!
Josephus continued in the same chap- along anyway. H e was still afraid of Today the ministers are giving peo-
ter to show what followed. So the God enough that he said Gods words, ple license to disobey God. These ter-
women, as soon as they perceived they yet hc tried to get mound God. He rible heinous sins, which seem right to
had made t he m their slaves and had obeyed in the letter but did not obey a man, lead to death, just like the per-
caught them with their conversation be- in the spirit! Finally, he rebelled com- sonal sin of Balaam led to his death.
gan to speak thus to t h e m . . . (Section pletely and deliberately told them how Here is an example of just how these
7 ) . Then continues the suggestion by they could ensnare Israel. ministers are cawing the people of our
these young women to cause them to This man, who knew Gods will, land to disobey God. A world-famous
commit fornication and to take part in ended up by being destroyed by the minister and evangelist was asked:
the pagan idolatrous rites of the Moab- very people hc onc time blessed. And Where did the idea of Santa Claus
ites. they also slew Balaam the son of Peor originate? W e have decided we are not
Many other details of this same event with a sword (Numbers 3 1:8 ) . going to tell our children about him
are also recorded in this same chapter Wherefore let him that thinketh he this year, because we have been told
of J osephus. standeth take heed lest he fall ( I Cor. that it is wrong. What was the min-
10:1 2 ) . isters answer? The matter of telling
Bible Account of Israels Sin your children about Santa Claus is one
In the Bible account of Numbers, the Beware of Modern Balaams that you must decide in your own con-
story appears to close at the end of There is another important lesson science before God. The Scripture
Chapter 24. W e have now seen that the from this account which we should un- teaches that in these matters, we have
story did not end there. Notice, now, derstand. Balaam taught Balak how to great liberty. This principle is taught
Numbers, chapter 25, where the story cause Israel to sin and disobey God. H e in Romans 14.
is continued: While Israel dwelt in showed Balak how to deceive them into There is no Santa Claus. The story of
Shittim the people began to play the thinking that they had freedom or li- Santa Claus is a LIE! This minister
harlot with the daughters o f Moah. cemc to disobey God, that it was per- knows that it is. Yet he says that we
These invited the people to the sacri- missible to disobey God. That is the may decide in our own conscience
fices of their gods and the people ate, same sin that most of the ministers of whether or not to lie to our children.
and bowed down to their gods. So our land are following today. He states that Romans fourteen gives us
Israel yoked themselves to Baal of Peor. The ministers are telling the people liberty to LIE to our own children! The
AND THE ANGER OF THE LORD WAS that it is all right to sin. They have per- fourteenth chapter of Romans does not
KINDLED AGAINST ISRAEL (Numbers mission to sin, to disobey God and His give us liberty to LIE and he knows it.
25.1-3). commands. They may not say so in thcsc This is a way that seems right to a
As a result of this terrible sin, those exact terms, possibly, but that is what man but it ends in death (Prov. 14:22;
who had yoked themselves to these it amounts to. They tell people that they 16:25). The way of permissiveness, or
pagan idolatrous rites were killed. God may have freedom in disobeying God. license, to disobey Gods commands is
also brought plagues against the Israel- The ministers, for hire (just like Ba- the chief way that seems reasonable and
ites and twenty-four thousand of them laam), are telling the people to break right to man but leads to death. Dont
died altogether (verse 9 ) . Gods commands and no harm will let it deceive yo%.
8 The GOOD NEWS February, 1962

rivris when it conies to keeping her

home in order.

Question Box The booklet on the resurrection

shows that Christ rose late Sabbath
afternoon, but cant this be more
Your questions answered in these columns! Your opportunity t o have easily proved from Matthew 28:1?
discassed those problems pertaining directly to m e m h e r r nf Gods Church. Plain Scriptures, such as Matthew 12:
40, prove that Christ rose late on the
Sabbath, exactly three days and three
You mentioned a decent w a g e who is exceptionally profitable to his nights after His crucifixion and burial.
for a decent days work. How can employer is worthy of a bonus (Prov. But the exact time of the resurrection
one tell when he is giving a decent 27: 18). cannot be proved from Matthew 2 8 : l .
days work and receiving a decent
In the end of the Sabbath is not a
M y wife is a very poor house- proper translation.
keeper. What can I do to encourage The Greek word opse, here translated
A decent wage would vary according and correct her? In the end of, occurs only three times
to varying living costs in different areas, in the New Testament. Other Greek lit-
and according to training and skills re- Everyone of you has stepped into a erature of Christs time shows that this
quired in varying types of work. home where you felt that everything was word can mean either late in the day
The one weakness of most workers is pleasant, comfortable, and under control. or after. (See A Greek-Eizglish Lexi-
their unwillingness to improve them- You would not have felt that way if the con of t h e N e w Testament and Other
selves, either on the job, or at night home had not bccn clean, orderly and Early Christian Literature, by Arndt and
school, etc. Too many just stagnate and well arranged. Gingrich. )
dont care ,to learn any new skills. If you O n the other hand, you have probably But the real key to this verse lies in
are a day laborer, improve yourself, be- also been in a home where the messy the Greek word mistranslated Sabbath.
come semi-skilled or skilled. Drive your- surroundings made you feel uneasy and The inspired Greek word is plikral, as
self; dont just assume you cannot learn inconvenienced-having to clean a place you can verify in Ferrar Fentons trans-
anything new. There is no excuse for to set your things, watching to see that lation, After the Sabbath. Fenton ex-
y o u dont sit on any spilled jelly, etc. plains that the Greek original is in the
t.ariiiiig uiily tlie iiiiiiiiiiiiin Iiatioiial
wage. Your wife should have learned frcin plural in a footnote. It was impossible
A man who is a profitable servant and her mother how much more pleasant to be in the end of two different Sab-
gives his employer a decent days work and convenient it would be if every- baths (Thursday and Sariirday) a r the
must work hard all day at whatever his thing were clean and in order. Before same time that week, but it was possible
boss gives him to do, and should go e v e n you can correct your wife, you should to be after two Sabbaths that week!
farther t h a n is reqzdired, and give his see that faults are not greater in yourself Matthew was referring to the two
employer euem m o r e thalz he is paying (Matt. 7:1-5). Some men are the cause Sa6balb~ mentioned in Luke 2 3 : 54-56.
for (Luke 17:lO). of their wives disorderliness. They ex- That was a Preparation day, and a Sab-
pect their wives to pick up after them! bath was approaching.. . And returning,
Even that man who has an overbear- Is your workshop or den well organ-
ing employer should serve him with all they prepared aromatics and myrrhs; but
ized? Ale y o ~ ikeeping tliiiip tliat areiit they rested upon the actual Sabbath, in
his m i g h t , as if he were working for worth saving? Are your personal items
Christ-and then look to Christ for his accordance with the command (Fenton
as orderly as you would like your wife translation).
reward ( I Pet. 2:18; Col. 1:22-24). to keep the rest of the house? Have y o u
Each employee should also LISC his mind Marks account proves that the women
provided your wife with enough &aver purchased the spices after the annual
to learn his job better and i m p r o v e his space to store her things? Do you pro-
ability, so he will become increasingly Sabbath, and then came to the tomb
vide her with new items when the old early Sunday morning at the rising of
more useful to his employer and to him- ones wear out? Worn-out items can
self. If there is no opportunity for ad- the sun (Mark 16:2). They certainly
easily discourage women. Y o u must set did not come during the Sabbath, the
vancement, find a job that will pro- the example. But setting the right exam-
vide it. day of rest, as some have assumed from
ple is not all there is to it. a misinterpretation of Matthew 28: 1.
A dcccnt wage for an industrious em- You must also command the respect The correct translation of Mat. 28: 1
ployee is a wage that will adequately of your wife and show her that you love should read, After the Sabbaths.. . Mary
feed, clothe, and house his family ( I her. Correction without love is nagging,
Tim. 6:7-8; Prov. 12 : 11 ) and provide Magdalene and the other Mary came to
and can only build resentment. See to see the tomb. This proves there were
a little saving if he uses his money your example and love first, and then two Sabbath days between the cruci-
wisely (Prov. 13:11, 2 2 ) . But a decent you are ready to show your wife how
wage will not suffice when one tries to fixion and the resurrection, but doesnt
you would like the house to be kept, by indicate the exact time when Christ rose
live beyond his means (Prov. 22:7; explaining the right habits and keep- from the dead. For that one must turn
23:21). ing your own things in order. If you to Matthew 12:40.
Every good worker is worthy of a really love your wife, she will love you * * :
decent living ( I Tim. 5: 18). But a man in return-and one of rhr wnys she will IMPORTANT NOTICE: About a year
who has willingly worked hqrd and has do it is by taking correction when you ago our readers were cautioned against
trained himself to handle increasingly point out the changes that should be using Knox Gelatin. Additional infor-
greuter skills and higher responsibilities made, and she will feel that an orderly mation supplied by the company since
should receivc a highcr wagc than the IIULIX ib worth the effort. Every con- then has indicated that Knox Gelatin is
person who works hard but does not verted woman ought also to realize it is derived entirely from beef materials and
improve himself as diligently. A worker her duty to obey her husbands adnioni- therefore acceptable for our use.
IS JUDAISM the Law of MoJeJ?
Jesus said: The scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses seat: what-
soever they bid you, that do! What did Jesus mean? What was
Moses seat? What was its authority?-and what about that
authority today ?
by Ernest Martin

c HRIST said: The scribes and the

Pharisees sit in Moses seat: all
therefore whatsoever they bid you ob-
What, then, did Christ mean?
The important point to note in Mat-
thew 2 3 is that Christ told His disci-
Din-which means in English the
Great House of Religious Judgment.
This was the religious Supreme Court
serve, that obserze and do.. . (Matthew ples to obey everything the scribes and of the land, while the Sanhedrin was
23:2,3). Pharisccs issued FROM MOSES SEAT! primarily the civil Supreme Court.
These laymen had seated themselves on There was a major difference between
Scribes and Pharisees Sat on Moses seat of authority in place of the the two. In the Sanhedrin there were
Moses Seat Levites. Even so, they were to be represented both Sadducees and Phari-
What did Jesus mean? obeyed when acting in that capacity. sees, but the Great Beth Din was com-
This command has perplexed many There was a difference between the or- posed orzly of the scribes-the authori-
people. The example Jesus gave while dinary independent teachings of the tative copiers of the Bible-and Phari-
o n earth was clearly dgdinst the tradition Pharisees which varied from timc to sees - the most eminent of religious
and commandments of the Pharisees. time -and were often contradictory leaders, the Doctors of the Law. (See
Christ OPe72ly repudiated not a few of with one another -and the commands Herford, Judaism in t h e N e w Testument
them, claiming them as nothing more which came f r o m Moses Seat. The cotn- Period, pp. 153, 154.)
than the commandments of men (Mark mands from Moses Seat did not entail The Great Beth D i n . . . was entirely
7:7). matters of opinion among differing Pharisaic and composed of doctors of
H e rejected, for example, the Phari- Pharisees, but rather they involved de- the law (ibid., p. 153 ) .
saic commandments when He healed cisions of community importance which There were minor civil and religiuub
on the Sabbath (Mark 3:l-6). When affected the whole of the Jewish nation. courts among the Jews throughout the
H e and His disciples got some handfuls The commands from Moses Seat were land; but in Jerusalem were the Sanhe-
of grain to eat on the Sabbath day, the not enacted exclusively for the Phari- drin-the civil Supreme Court, and the
P1rarist.t-b rold Hiin He broke their law sees, as were the Pharisaic commands. Great Beth Din-the religious Supreme
(Luke 6 :1-2 ) . Christ also rejected the They were f o r all Jeuis. Christ is not Court. Both these organizations were of
traditions of the elders which required telling His disciples to obey the ordi- national importance to all Jews every-
the ritualistic washing of the hands be- nary teachings of the Pharisees, hilt He where (ibid.,pp. 153, 1 5 4 ) .
fore meals (Luke 11: 37,.38). Christ and is commanding them t o obey every com- The Great Beth Din, as the final
His disciples did not fast each Monday mand that came from Moses Seat. court of appeal, was undoubtedly a body
and Thursday according to the laws of of experts, the most eminent and expe-
thc Pharisccs (Matt. 9:14 and Luke What Was Moses Seat? rienced teachers of the time (ibid., p.
18:12). In New Testament times there were 157).
Does this mean that in some parts of two organizations under the Romans The scribes and Pharisees who sat in
Scripture, Christ taught His disciples, which were governing the Jews. One this religioiis Supreme Court -the
by example and by commandments, not was called the Sanhedrin. This body of Great Beth Din -were the religious
to acknowledge the traditions of the men has already been mentioned. The judges over the entire nation of the
Pharisees, and then in Matthew 2 3 : 2 , 3 Sanhedrin was the successor to the Great Jews. When they issued a decision in
He commands them to observe thcm Assembly, thc govcrning body among their official capacity as members of the
all? Does this mean that the teachings the Jews in the days of Ezra and Nehe- Great Beth Din, that decision was man-
of Christ are inconsistent? Not at all! miah. The Great Assembly was corn- datory o n all Jews. Thus it was the
The KEY is to understand the diffev- posed only of priests, but the Sanhe- scribes and Pharisees who werr mem-
ence between the Jewish traditions and drin, which was established after the bers of the Great Beth Din W H O SAT
the authority vested in certain leaders period of religious anarchy, was coin- I N MOSES SEAT !
when they sat on Moses seat. posed of laymen and priests alike. The Only very few Pharisees sat in this
functions of the Sanhedrin wcrc simi- religious Supreme Court; the majority
What Did Christ Mean in lar in many ways to the older Great of the Pharisees had nothing to do with
Matthew 23? Assembly, but there was one main dif- its function. This was the organization
The teachings of Christ are complete- ference in New Testament times. The to which Christ was referring when H e
ly consistent! He was not commanding Sanhedrin had gravitated to being more commanded His disciples to observe all
His disciples to reject Jewish traditions or less a civil Supreme Court among the they commanded even if their com-
in one breath and then to obey them in Jews, while the Great Assembly had mandments were burdensome and hard
another. Even 9 0 , tn obey every single been both civil and religious. to bcar. He said to obey all the com-
teaching issued by the Pharisees would That brings us to the second organi- mands issued from Moses Seat!
have been impossible of fulfillment! zation arnon the Jews in Christs time.
Conceive trying to observe one teaching This oranization was attached to the Only Those in Great Beth Din
from rhe School of Hillel and another Sanhedrin, at least in principle, but did Sat in Moses Seat !
completely opposite teaching from the not form an integral part of the Sanhe- We have clear proof from the Jewish
School of Shammai. drin. This was called the Great Beth history, in Rosh Hashanah 25a, 25b,
10 The GOOD NEWS February, 1962

that only mPmhers of the Great Reth people, rulers of thousands, rulers of which they shall shew thce, to rlie righr
Din were sitting in Moses chair of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of hand nor to the left.
authority. What was commanded from tens. And they judged [in courts) the Notice the striking similarity of the
the Great Beth Din was, in the Old people at all seasons: t h e hard cases they language used by Christ in Matthew
Testament congregation, of the same brougbt unto Moses, but every small 23:2, 3. Following the pattern of Deu-
authority as Moses. And, when we un- matter they judged themselves (Exo. teronomy, H e said the scribes and Phar-
derstand what kind of decision ema- 18:24-26). isees sit in Moses seat: all therefore
nated from this religious Supreme This was exactly the same manner in whatsoeuer thcy bid you observe,
Court, we can easily perceive why such which the Jews were being judged in T H A T O B S E R V E A N D D O . . . Christ
authority was given to it. the time of Christ. There were the is paraphrasing Deuteronomy 17: 10, ll!
One of the major tasks of the Great lower courts of judgment for minor Yes, as long as the decisions of the
Beth Din was to proclaim each year the questions and also the Supreme Court scribes and Pharisees were issued from
proper time for the beginning of the -Moses Seat! Moses Seat-in the capacity of religious
calendar year. The Great Beth Din had As long as Moses was alive, he sat, judges, making decisions for the whole
to give their learned and authoritative under God, in the highest chair in the of the people-all those decisions HAD
approval before the calendar year could Supreme Court. It was he, and the other T O BE OBEYED!
officially begin. The mathematical cal- few leaders of Israel, who anciently de- If Christ had told the multitudes and
culations used to determine when the termined when the calendar years would His disciples to disobey the decisions of
year began were understood by many, begin. He and the others in the Supreme the religious Supreme Court established
but the authoritative pronouncement of Court also judged what the will of God by God, H e would have violated a fun-
its beginning had to come officially would be in the hardest cases of dis- damental teaching of Scripture. There-
from the Great Beth Din-from Moses agreement among the people. fore, Christ commanded the people to
Seat. The Supreme Court did not cease with respect in every way the decisions
It [the Great Beth Din} had entire Moses. Moses was the first to sit in that which came from Moses Seat-all of
charge of the calendar system, and highest seat of authority in the Supreme them!
hence became the religious and imrioiial Court. Bu[ after him were to come While Moses was still living, he and
center not only of Palestine, but also of others who would assume the same the other elders of Israel formed the
the Diaspora [the dispersed Jews) authority-+xhers who were to sit in Supreme Court, but the command of
( J e w i s h Encyclopedia, vol. 111, p. 114). Moses Seat. God said that the decisions of the
The Great Beth Din also determined Just before his death, Moses ordained judges in those days-at later times-
the settlement of religious matters that that the Supreme Court be perpetuated were also to be observed just as the
were too dificult f o r individuals to as- in Israel. In Deuteronomy 17:s-13 you Israelites had obeyed the decisions of
certain o n their own. It was to this or- will norice ilie express commands of Moses. God said that no Israelite was
ganization. the Supreme Court -those God, issued through Moses, concerning to decline either to the left or to the
in Moses Seat-that Christ was refer- the duties of the judges of Israel who right from observing the decisions of
ring when H e told His disciples and were to sit in the place of Moses after Moses Sear.
the multitudes to observe all they com- his death. They were to carry on the The next ruler of the Supreme Court
manded. same form of organization set up by after Moses was Joshua. H e was or-
How plain! The decisions of the Moses, and the people of Israel were to dained to sit in the same chair of au-
Great Beth Din affected all the Jews, obey explicitly whatsoever was issued thority as Moses (Deut. 3 4 : 9 ) . Many
and were unlike those varying and con- from the Supreme Court as though it others followed Joshua on down to Ezra
flicting teachings issued by the various were from Moses himself. Notice the and Nehemiah ( R o s h Hushanah, 25a,
Pharisaical Schools which were designed instructions to the Israelites as recorded 25b). And, in the days of Christ, there
mainly for the Pharisees only to observe. in Deuteronomy 17 :8-11. were some of the eminent leaders of
If there arise a matter too hard for the Jews also sitting in Moses Seat such
Why the Expression: Moses thee in. judgment, between blood and as Gamaliel who instructed Paul.
Seat ? blood, between plca and plea, and be-
The organization of the Supreme tween stroke and stroke, being matters Decisions of the Great Beth Din
Court of Israel goes back to Moses. H e of controversy within thy gates [within The decisions of the religious Su-
was the first ruler, under God, of a Great Israel): then shalt thou arise, and get preme Court were not the command-
Beth Din. Notice Exodus 18:13-26. In thee up into the place which the Lord ments of men enacted by the Pharisaic
this section of Scripture we find that thy God shall choose; and thou shalt Schools. The Pharisaic commandments
inany of the Israelites were coming to come unto the priests the Levites, and were mainly intended for the Pharisees
Moses with their various problems. They UNTO THE JUDGE T H A T SlIALL themselves 01 those who desired to fol-
were completely overburdening Moses BE IN THOSE DAYS, and enquire; low their ways. But, the decisions of the
with their many problems-wanting to and they shew thee the sentence of Great Beth Din affected all the Jews.
understand the will of God in partic- judgment: and thou shalt do according The Zealots, Herodians, Sadducees, and
ular matters. Jethro, the father-in-law of to the sentence, which they of that other sects were to follow the decisions
Moses, told Moses that the proper thing place which the Lord shall choose shall issued by the Great Beth Din.
to do was to ordain local judges (local shew thee; A N D THOU SHALT OB- As long as Jewish Christians attended
Beth Dins) over t h e people and that S E R V E T O DO ACCORDING T O sabbath services in synagogues and were
only the most difficult cases should be ALL T H A T THEY INFORM THEE: thus part of the religious Jewish com-
brought to Moses. according to t h e sentence of t h e law munity, they had to obey the Great
So Moses hearkened to the voice of which they shall teach thee, and accord- House of Judgment-the Beth Din.
his father in law and did all that he had ing to the judgment which they shall This ceased when Jewish Christians
said. And Moses chose able men out of tell thee, T H O U SHALT DO: thou were forced to flee Jerusalem after Ces-
all Israel, and made them heads over the shalt not decline from the sentence (Please continue on page 16)
February, 1962 The GOOD NEWS 11

Syria be WARNED of what lies ahead,

Ministerial Conference and that those individuals within Ger-
many who are called will have oppor-
(Contrnzced f r o m page 4) tunity to come nut of t h a t system and
brethren. Yo we should all PKAY very Radio Europe No. 1, but response was serve the Living Christ instead.
much about this-and REJOICE in the not great at first because of not having Brethren, your PRAYERS should con-
wonderful progress being made so far! ;I local address. The French people have tinually back the German broadcast,
Next, Mr. Carl McNair was called to write England, and, of course, writ- Mr. Hueh as rhe over-all Director of the
upon to report on the Member Visiting ing a foreign country would slow down German work, Mr. Erhard Klammer,
Tour which he and his wife had taken any great response. the speaker on the German broadcast,
this past fall. They covered the states of More recently, we went on Radio and the entire staff. W e need to really
Tennessee and Kentucky and visited a Martinique for a few months, reaching reach Germany with Gods message of
total of 147 people in 12 weeks. They the entire island of 250,000 population. what lies ahead-and its meaning-
took their time in each case, and often Yet, in spite of its highly Catholic lean- before it is t o o late!
returned for an additional visit where ing, the broadcast there brought 20 let- Dr. Benjamin Rea was called on to
extra help seemed necessary or desirable. ters a week of great interest! report on the Spanish broadcast. H e
hfr. McNair reported that some of W e now have many hundreds of peo- stated that although the program had
our scattered members are doing very ple on our French mailing list, 32 book- been on the air on small South Ameri-
well but thai a goodly purtiori are sim- lets and reprint articles have now been can stations for three or four years the
ply WEAK and desperately need local translated and printed in French, and 12 response has been rather small because
churches in order to feed them regularly lessons of the Correspondence Course of the lack of Bibles, education among
from Gods Word. Many are having have been translated and printed. Vol- the people, and even financial ability to
financial troubles, health problems, and ume I of the Bible Story is now in print write all the way to America or Britain
others are simply weak in faith and zeal. in French, and Volume I1 is now in the in response to broadcasts. However,
Overall, it certainly appears that in process of being translated. there are now over 1000 on our Span-
addition to having niorc local churches, Remnnbei, brethren, that France is ish mailing list, and it is constantly
regular MenLbep Visiting Tours are a Rezlben in Bible prophecy and was the growing.
necessary and growing need in Gods firstborn of Israel. Therefore, God will As in Germany, some of the popular
work today. Many of you scattered certainly want us to effectively REACH booklets are Why Were You Born?,
brethren reading this should join with this nation with His truth before the Does God Exist?, and, in these Cath-
us in earnest PRAYER that God would Great Tribulation begins. So remember olic countries, Immortality of the
provide the ministers for such churches to PRAY earnestly for Mr. Apartian, Soul? is also very popular.
and such tours. We NEED more dedi the othcr dcdicatcd pcople in the Fieiirh Dr. Rea mentioned that as a result of
cared, consecrated, properly trained serv- broadcast, and that God will bless and the broadcast one Catholic priest had
ants of Christ to do the work that lies gzlide in getting this message to His already renounced the Catholic Church
before us! people Reuben! and completely lrft it! He said that the
impact of the broadcast is primarily in
Foreign Broadcast Reports The German and Spanish the cities where people have radios and
During the course of the conferences,
Broadcasts that a huge problem in reaching the
we also heard reports on cach of the Next, MI. Heriiiaii Eoeli reported on South American and Spanish peoples
foreign language broadcasts. the German broadcast. W e started on with A N Y message is their lack of edu-
Mr. Dibar Apartian, Director and Radio Luxembourg in German in Jan- cation, and radio and television facili-
speaker on the French broadcast, spoke uary, 1960. We average 80 letters a ties.
first. Mr. Apartian, as many of you week for each 15-minute broadcast! Mr. Brethren, you can all see that this is
know, came to Ambassador College as Hoeh reported that there is exceptional another facet of Gods work to remem-
the Professor of French in 1955. He interest even behind the Iron Curtain, ber in your earnest PRAYERS. God is
grew up in Switzerland, and spent many although all r c 1i g i o u s literature is conceriied with these people every bit
years in France as well. Mr. Apartian stamped Anti-Democratic Literature. as much as with you and me. Although
was formerly with the United States It is allowed to go through the mails God may not purpose to call as many
Embassy in Bern, Switzerland, during nevertheless. of these Gentile peoples at this time,
the second world war. After the war, he There is a great deal of interest nevertheless they must receive the mes-
immigrated to the United States and throughout Europe for such booklets as sage of Gods Kingdom as a WITNESS.
has since become an American citizen, Does God Exist?, Why Were You So lets get behind the Spanish work
and, more recently, a member of Gods Born?, and Why Must Mcn Suffer? with otir interest arid our earnest
Church and a direct serirant of Jesus Y o u can see that the people of Europe prayers.
Christ. have SUFFERED-especially the Ger-
Mr. Apartian reported that the mans-and that they are interested to
Another Minister Ordained
French broadcast started October 9, really K N O W and understand the basic One of the highlights of the entire
1960, on one tiny station in St. Jer- truths of Gods existence and purpose conference was the ordination-during
mone, Quebec Province, Canada, about here below. one of the regular conference meetings
50 inilrs frnm Mnntreal. Then, on April As you should all know, God identi- -of Mr. Lcs McCullough to the uffice
3 , 1761, i t started on Radio Luxem- fies Germany in the Bible as the de- of Preaching Elder in Gods Church.
bourg once a week at 5:40 in the scendant of ancient Assyria-the nation This took place in one of the meetings
morning. Yet, in spite of these poor that originally attacked ancient Israel when all of the wives were present-
times, about 80 letters a week are now and will give a REPEAT PERFORM- so a goodly number of people were
coming in from the French broadcast! ANCE within a few years! So Almighty there to witness this impressive service.
On October 3 , 1961, we went on God certainly intends that modern As- We had just finished having a photo-
12 The GOOD NEWS February, 1962.

graph taken of all the ministers, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. be easy f o r a n y o f 11s to grow discour-
then one of the ministers wives. Then, To add to the enjoyment of the min- aged without regular fellowship. So re-
as soon as the photographers were out isters and their wives during the con- member this tour in your earnest
of the room, Mr. Armstrong came to ferences, Mr. and Mrs. Scott graciously prayers, and REJOICE again that God
the podium. He remarked with a warm invited all of LLS uver to their home one is making possible this added help to
but half-humorous smile that there was evening for food and fellowship. It was H i s children in this age.
one among us in the conferences and in certainly an enjoyable occasion, and the As the conferences closed, all of us
the photograph who was not really a breathtaking view of the sparkling realized the ringing CHALLENGE to
minister! H e said: Were going to lights of Hollywood and Los Angeles finish this work of God faithfully t o t h c
have to do something about that! spread out in the valleys below their end. W e may have only ten more years
Then he called for Mr. Les McCul- home was certainly inspiring. Many of to go!
lough and thc cvangclists to come for- us were taken 011 tours through the And, as Mr. Armstrong has stated, it
ward. Immediately, everyone smiled and home, and several of the ministers gath- ?rzuj NOT be that long!
realized what was going to happen. ered around the piano for a song fest
led by none other than Mr. Ted Arm- Someday, perhaps another book like
Then we laid our hands upon Mr. Mc-
strong! As many of you brethren know, the book of Acts may be inspired of
Cullough and, as Mr. Armstrong led in
he is one person who would about as God to be added to His written Word.
prayer, ordained him as a full minister
soon sing as eat! A brief record of these conferences may
of Jesus Christ. he put in this book like the conference
To introduce Mr. McCullough to you O n the final night of the conferences,
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Armstrong had mentioned in Acts 15. The labors of
brethren who may not know him yet,
all of the ministers and their wives as Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Armstrong up
he came to us as a married man older
guests in their home for a buffet dinner. and down the Willamette Valley in
than the normal college age. H e had
It was a most enjoyable occasion, and Oregon, later throughout the entire
formerly been in business and, among
after everyone finished eating, Mr. Arm- United States and finally to the entire
other things, was assistant manager of
strong personally selected and played world, may be recorded in this book.
a Kress store for some time. Becoming
vitally interested in The WORLD for LIS a number of outstanding record- Perhaps the faithful luboren arid Co-
TOMORROW broadcast and in Gods ings in stereophonic sound. Certainly Workers such as Aquilla and Priscilla
work, he gave up his business career the warmth and fellowship among in the book of Acts may be mentioned
and came to Ambassador College to Gods ministers and their wives was in this book.
prepare for service. H e and his wife heightened during this final evening as Will YOUR name be there? How
now have three children-two girls and all of us realized that we might not be would such a book describe YOUR con-
a boy. together again in this same way for at tributions to this end-time work of God
Mr. McCullough graduated from Am- least another yeai--;lid it rnight be sev- preparing the way for the second com-
bassador College last spring, and since eral years for many who would be sent ing of Christ?
that time has been acting as an adminis- overseas. Let us press on, brethren, and put our
trative assistant to Mr. Garner Ted whole BEINGS into getting out this
Armstrong and Mr. Albert Portune. Final Discussions message to a dying world! And let us
Also, he has acted, until recently, as Next day, the final conference was do it with jog and zeal knowing the
Pastor of the Temple City Church of held and a number of doctrinal points blessings we have in being called at
God. Then, just a few weeks ago, a were covered which will be explained this time to a better resurrection!
switch was made and he has now be- to you brethren in the future by your
come Pastor of the Santa Barbara local ministers or in articles coming in
Church of God to which he drives and The GOOD NEWS.
ministers each weekend. Mr. McCul- During these final meetings, it was
definitely decided for Mr. Gerald Water-
Letters to Editor
lough is a man of many talents, thor
oughly dedicated, and a p o w e r f LI i house and Mr. Carn Catherwood to go Contiizned f r o m page 2)
speaker. to the statc of Alabama and raise up been taking the Bible Study Course, and
All of you brethren should REJOICE two churches-ne in Birmingham and listening to your daily broadcast over
with us that God continues to add such one in Montgomery, Alabama! This WKYB, I have learned that what I
men of this caliber to His ministry in will put two of G o d s churches in the thought to be the truth was truly error.
these end times! very center of the Deep South-the
Woman from Paducah, Kentucky
only major area in the United States
Two Unforgettable Evenings! where we have not as yet had local
churchcs. Be sure to PRAY foc the suc-
It Makes Sense
Two of the social highlights of the
conference were the evenings that the cess of these new churches, brethren, My husband and I have become very
ministers and their wives spent at the and REJOICE that God has made this interested in your program on KGO. It
homes of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Scott and possible! makes more sense to us than anything
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Armstrong. Also, it was decided that Mr. Carl we have heard for a long time. W e have
Mr. Scott is our American advertising McNair and his wife-after a brief gotten so discouraged with man-made
representative, placing all United States period in the churches in Little Rock movements and silly little negative ser-
broadcasting for T h e WORLD TO- and Memphis - will ContinLie their mons that both of 11s gave up gvirig to
MORROW program. H e and his wife Member Visiting Tour wherein they church and became just a little bitter.
and family have lived in the Hollywood visit the scattered members of Gods But we have gained a new hope and in-
and Beverly Hills area for many years Church throughout the United States. terest now and thank God for your cour-
and now own a beautiful home in Bev- As we have already mentioned-these age and honesty in the way you set forth
erly Hills formerly occupied by James s c a t t e r e d members without local Gospel truth.
Roosevelt -son of former President churches really NEED HELP! It w o u l ~ ~ Couple froni Redwood City, California
Recipes for the SABBATH
This fifth installment ow the long-awaited subject of
Subbatb meal plavzvziulg is u r e d eye-opener! You will
liwd dozens of helpful hints prepared by our staff.
Sabbath is rest.
day of physical
On same time in any temperature up t o 400 F. orily do n o t place
be large.
do not
they do need to inciudc the basic foods needed for health.
is at ;I
rhem on the top grate or they may brown too much. A temper-
ature lower than 350 F., ot course, will not make any ditfer-
Too often the Sxbbath menu is a repetition of such foods as ence except that they will need to bake longer.
potato salad, bakcd beans i l l i d cookies or of cold roas: and To increase the food value, y3 cup of powdered milk may
leftowrs. With the variety o f foods available, this ought nor be. be beaten into the egg-milk mixture.
If y o u do not have custard cups, semi-porcelain china cups
He Prepared in Advance will serve just as well. The mixcurc may also be baked in one
H u t it takes a little forethought and effort to get out of :I large baking dish. Just be sure to set i t in a larger pan con-
rut. The going will become easier as your stock ot recipes in- taining water.
creases. Hence the.rc, menus and recipes-intended as examp!es
of what can be done towwd making the mealtimes on the Fresh fruit dishes are inore easily found. Indeed, a fresh
Sabbath pleasant f o r all. ;~pple.a piece of muskmelon, or any other fruit in season can-
Where church services are held in the afternoon. inany faiii- not be improved upon by recipes, but sometimes a combina-
ilies have only two rneals o n the Sabbath. But for t h e benetit t i o n o f flavors has more rasre appeal. This Orange-Coconut
of those who may need to have three meals as on other days, Ambrosia enhanced with a wine-flavored custard offers such a
we are including special suggestions useful for planning break- combination.
Eggs are a favorite mainstay food for breakfast. H u t egg Orange-Coconut Ambrosia
dishes that can be prepared the day before are hard to find. 6 to 8 medium oranges
However. the following recipe answers that requirement and I I/, cups grated fresh coconut or flaked coconut
is easy to make, too. Sherry Cusiaicl Sauce
Peel and section the oranges, being sure to remove any
Cheese-Egg Timbales stringy tibers. Put them in a bowl, cover, and refrigerate until
These egg timbales would be enjoyed while warm any day tiine to serve.
o f tht. wt-ck, bur [hey are also good cold, and for that reason If fresh coconut is being used, grate it and refrigerate in a
the recipe is included here. They furnish adequate protein for covered jar or bowl also.
either breakfast or lunch. This may be served either in a single bowl or individual
i nicdiiini cggs dishes. Place a chin layer of the custard sauce in first, then a
2 cups inilk layer of orange sections, then coconut. Repeat custard sauce,
,! teaspoon salt oranges and coconut. Makes 6 to 8 servings.
92 teaspoon powdered basil Sherry Custard Sauce
1. i cup shredded cheddar or swiss cheese 1 cup milk
2 tablespoons minced onion or green onion 1 cup heavy cream
Fi1.e large custard cups holding v 3 cup each or 6 smaller 3 - 4 tablespoons honey
custard cups will accommodate this recipe. They do not need 4 egg yolks
t o be buttered unless yoii wish t o turn the custards out onto
2 tablespoons flour
a plate or other dish. L/4 teaspoon salt
Set the custard cups in one or two large shallow p i s s o r h x t 3 tablespoons sherry or I teaspoon vanilla
water may be poured around them. Put the milk, honey and /3 cup of the cream into the top
Break the eggs into a one-quart bowl and beat until yolks part of a double boiler. Place over boiling water in the lower
and whites are thoroughly mixed. Add the milk and salt and part and heat.
mix well. In a small bowl, beat the egg yolks slightly. Add a table-
<:onibine the ingredients which remain and place a small spoon of the remaining 1/3 cup of cream and blend. Add the
; m o u n t o f the mixture in the bottom of each custard cup. Pour flour and salt and beat smooth. Stir in the rest of the cream.
t h e egginilk mixture into the cups. Add this mixture to the heated milk and cream, stirring as
Pour hot, not boiling, water around the cups to a depth of yoii pour. Cook until about the thickness of cream. Remove
about one inch. Set them in a medium hot oven (350 F . ) from over hot water and set in a pan of cold water to cool.
and bake until slightly puffed and lightly browned on top. Stir occasionally.
Do not overbake or the egg will become tough and the CLIS- When cooled, add the sherry or vanilla and pour into a jar
tards will be full of tiny bubbles. Take them from the oven and cover. Chill until ready to use.
when they still appear a little soft in the center. This can be This is a rather large recipe. If fewer servings are needed,
seen by tilting o r shaking one of the custards. The rnixrure reduce the number of oranges and the amount of coconut and
will become firm as the timbales cool. Set them o u t of the use only as much of the custard sauce as required. Whatever
pans as soon as they have been taken from the oven. remains can be used another time, perhaps on other fruits.
The baking time may be considerably shortened by warming Other fruits which combine well with this custard saucc arc
the milk before adding it to the eggs. drained canned pears, drained canned peaches, a combination
If you wish to bake something else which calls for a different of strawberries and oranges, a combination of bananas and
temperature, these timbales may just as easily be baked at thc oranges.
14 The GOOD NEWS February, 1962

With modern stoves and appliances which are operated And, of course, bread and spreads with a beverage, but these
with the twist of a knob or the flick of a switch, it is no prob- items will not be written in the menus since they are staple
lem to make hot bread for a Sabbath breakfast if preparaticn foods usually included in most meals anyway.
has been made the day before.
Two particulur types of hot b r a d lend thcmselves to such Beef Filled Potato Shell
preparation-waffles and muffins. On Friday, measure and sift
the dry ingredients-flour, sugar, leavening and salt. Beat the To vary the way you serve mashed potatoes, try dressing
egg (or eggs) in another bowl, add the oil or melted butter them up with grated cheese and an egg. Then use the potato
and beat until well mixed. Gradually stir in the milk or what- mixture as the crust for a tasty ground beef filling.
ever liquid is called for. Set this liquid mixture in a refriger- Glozmd Beef Filling
ator or other cold place until time to bake. In the case of niuf-
fins, oil or butter the pans. Only the bottoms of the cups need $5 Ib. lean ground beei
oiling; the sides may easily be loosened with a table knife. I tablespoon vegetable oil
If oil is used, the cups should also be floured to prevent v2 cup diced celery
sticking. % cup finely chopped onion
'The next morning all that needs to be done is add the sifted $2 cup finely chopped green pepper
dry ingredients to the prepared liquid mixture and stir lightly 2 tablespoons butter
to mix. Place muffin dough in pan and set to bake in a pre- 2 tablespoons whole wheat o r unbleached
heated oven, or in the case of waffles bakr thcAm qnickly on an white flour
electric iron. Y3 cup dried milk
These oats muffins are well adapted t o this method. L teaspoon salt
1 cup water
Oats Breakfast Muffins Put the tablespoon of oil into a hot skillet, then spread thc
cups rolled oats ground meat over the bottom of the skillet.
cups sour milk When meat is browned on the under side, stir in the
egg, beaten chopped vegetables and cover the skillet. Turn heat to low
tablespoon oil and let the mixture steam until vegetables are tender. Remove
tablespoons butter, melted from heat and cool immediately.
tablespoon honey, molasses o r sugar Make a cream sauce from the remaining ingrcdicnts as
teaspoon salt follows :
cup sifted whole wheat flour Melt the butter over lou, heat in a smali saucepan. Mix the
teaspoon soda flour, dried milk and salt. Gradually add the water to the flour
teasDoon cream of tartar mixture to make a smooth paste. Add the liquid mixture to
Beat [he egg with the oil and melted burter. If honey o r the melted butter. Cook over 1021' heat, stirring constantly un-
molasses is used, add it also. Stir in the milk, then the oars. til the mixture thickens. Remove from heat. Cool immediately
Set away as directed above. by setting in cold or ice water.
Sift the flour, measure and sift with the salt, soda and cream When both the meat and cream sauce are cool, blend and
of tartar, also sugar, if that is used. refrigerate in a covered saucepan in which the mixture can
The next morning set the oven temperature at 425" F. be reheated.
Mix the liquid and dry ingredients, place in prepared muffin
tins and bake 25 to 30 minutes in the heated oven. Makes 18 Mashed Potato Shell
to 24 muffins. 2 cups hot mashed potatoes
These recipes can then be used as the basis for a menu as 2 tablespoons potato water
follows: 1J4 cup grated natural cheddar cheese
EGG-CHEESE 1/2 teaspoon salt, or to taste
OATS BREAKFAST 2 tablespoons minced parsley, if desired
BUTTER HONEY Blend all ingredients. Butter a nine-inch pie dish. Line bot-
COFFEEOR MILK BEVERAGE tom and sides of dish with the potato mixture. Allow to cool
and then refrigerate.
These items require a minimum of last-minute preparation When ready to prepare this main dish for serving, place the
and furnish all the elements of a good breakfast. cold potato crust in a cold oven. Turn the oven on or heat to
The muffins may be replaced by biscuits. They may be 350" F. Allow the crust to stay in the oven till heated thor-
mixed and placed on pans ready for baking if double-acting oughly or lightly brown on the edges. Place the saucepan with
baking powder is used. Keep the pans of unbaked biscuits in the meat mixture over low heat and allow to come to boiling
the refrigerator until time to bake them. point; then simmer over low heat for ten minutes. Pour into
Menus for Main Meals heated potato crust. Serve. Four servings.
When you want to make the above recipe to serve soon
Three types of main-dish foods have been used-beef, tuna after preparing, do not cool. Combine the meat and cream
fish and dried beans. The first menu reads like this: mixture while hot. Simmer over low heat for ten minutes.
BEEF FILLEDPOTATO SHELL Bake the potato crust by placing in a heated 350" F. oven and
baking about fifteen minutes. Remove from oven. Pour the
hot meat mixture into the crust and serve.
PEARS I N W I N E The cabbage for the Cole slaw should be shredded just
OZ before serving and moistened with one of the dressings given
February, 1962 The GOOD NEWS 15

This oil-haw dressing is an old standby. Being tart, a little Leave the dish in the oven a few minutes until the sauce
goes a long way so use only enough to moisten the cabbage. thickens, then remove and cover with a waxed paper or a lid
It keeps one or two weeks in the refrigerator. left ajar while the pears cool.
Set the dish in refrigerator or other cold place until serving
Tart Cole Slaw Dressing time. Serves 6.
If the core is objectionable, cut the baked pears in half and
/i teaspoon salt carefully remove the core and connecting fibers. Serve with
v4 teaspoon celery salt some of the sauce pourcd around each pear arid a spoonful
/8 teaspoon pepper of whipped cream on top.
yz teaspoon dry mustard
/2 teaspoon celery seed
2 tablespoons sugar or honey Rhubarb most often appears on the table as sauce or in pie.
As a change from these old favorites, try Rhubarb in Wine.
Mix the above ingredients in a small bowl or jar. (If honey You may decide to class it among your new favorites!
is used, mix it with the lemon juice-and-vinegar mixture.)
Put the juice of 5 lemon into a one-third cup measure.
Add vinegar-cicter, malt, or wine-to fill the measure. Stir Rhubarb in Wine
this into the above ingredients. Then add the following: 3 % cups rhubarb, cut into 1-inch pieces
1 cup water
94 cup minced green pepper
2 cups red table wine
1 tablespoon chopped pimiento, if desired
/z teaspoon grated onion 3 thin slices of lemon
3 tablespoons salad oil $4 teaspoon grated nutmeg
vi teaspoon ground mace
Shake and chill. 1 2-inch cinnamon stick
2 tablespoons cornstarch
A simple sour cream dressing is easily made and good on $5 cup honey
either shredded cabbage o r sliced cucumbers. A tablespoon of Pur the water into a 1-quart saucepan and place over heat.
finely chopped p-irsley o r a sprinkle of black pepper improves Wash and cut the rhubarb. When the water boils, add the
it when used on cucumbers. rhubarb, cover, and cook 5 to 10 minutes. The time will
depend on the tenderness of the rhuharh
Sour Cream Dressing When the rhubarb can be easily pierced with a knife-point,
2 teaspoons vinegar add 1% cups of the wine, lemon slices and spices. Heat to
teaspoon salt simmering. Stir the remaining 5/4 cup of wine into the corn-
1 tab!espoon sugar or honey starch and quickly btir this into the simmering rhubarb mix-
/3 cup sour cream ture. When thickened, take it from the heat and add the
Dissolve the sugar or honey in the vinegar. Add this and Pour into a bowl or jar and chill. Makes about 4N cups
the salt to the sour cream and mix well. When serving, top each serving with a spoonful of whipped
One-eighth teaspoon prepared mustard may also be added cream. Makes 6 to 8 servings.
when the dressin2 is t o be used on cabbage. A sprinkling of
diced pimiento would also create color appeal.
The next menu features a main dish made of two economy
foods-canned tuna and macaroni.
Now for dessert, either one of the following recipes would
be appetizing. The Pears Baked in Wine would fit a winter- GREENBEAN-TUNACASSEROLE
time menu while the Rhubarb in Wine would be for an CARROT-RAISIN-APPLE
early spring meal. BUTTERMILK
For an unusual and delicious dessert, try winter pears baked
in a wine sauce. These improve in flavor for two or three In the following recipe, tuna and green beans are combined
days after being made, so baking them ahead of time is an in a celery sauce and poured over cooked macaroni to provide
advantage. the main portion of the meal.
Pear6 Baked in Wine Green Bean-Tuna Casserole
0 winter pears 3 cups cooked macaroni (preferably wholc
Il/r cups hot water wheat or soy-wheat macaroni)
I uips red port wine 1 !, cups celery sauce (may use a can of cream
I,r cup honey of celery soup instead, if desired)
6 whole cloves 2 6%- or 7-ounce cans solid pack tuna, chilled
2 or 3 thin slices of lemon 1 cup cream style cottage cheese, chilled
Wash the pears (use firm late autumn or winter pears) % cup sour cream, chilled
and cut out any bruised or rough spots. Leave whole and do 2 tablespoons lemon juice
not peel. Place them in a baking dish of suitable size. 1 teaspoon salt
Set the oven temperature a t 325 F. 1 package frozen green beans, cooRed (or 2 cups
Combine the remaining ingredients. Pour this over the canned or cooked green beans) and cooled
pears and set the dish in the oven. Let bake until the pears 1/2 cup fine bread crumbs, if desired
are tender when pierced with a knife point. Dont overbake There is little gained as far as food value is concerned if
or they will become mushy. you cook whole wheat spaghetti or macaroni by the old
Mix 2 or 3 teaspocns of cornstarch with 3 or 4 tablespoons method. By pouring off the excess water, you are losing a
of water and stir this quickly into the liquid around the pears. large share of the vitamins, and taste values as well.
16 The GOOD NEWS February, 1062

Try cooking it this way for added flavor and food value. 350" F. oven for about 30 minutes. About 6 savings.
For this casserole recipe, put 4 % cups of water and one
For a salad that may be prepared ahead of time, one made
teaspoon of salt into a large pot. Place it over high heat and
from carrots, apples, and raisins is practical and appcaling.
let the water come to a rolling boil. Add 1% cups of maca-
roni gradually so as not to cool the water too much. Stir Carrot-Apple-Raisin Salad
the contents, cover the pot and let the macaroni come to a
boil again. Stay near and watch it until it does boil as it may 2 medium carrots ( o r 4 small)
cook over before ynii nntice it. 1 large apple ( o r 2 small)
When it has again reached the boil, stir the macaroni. Re-
!,3 cup raisins
1 tablespoon orange or lemon juice ( t o keep
place the lid, leaving it considerably ajar so that steam escapes
the apple from turning dark)
as the cooking continues. Turn the heat low and let cook
1 tablespoon inayuiiiiaise or enough to moisten
about 2 0 minutes. Stir two or three times during this period.
A sniall amoiint of oil or butter added will keep the pieces Grate the carrots and apples and sprinkle with orange or
separate. One or two teaspoonfuls is enough. lcmon juice. W-ash raisins, it needed, and drain. Add to grated
At rhc cnd of this time, the macaroni should be tender with cai~rutsand apple. Add mayonnaise. Cover and set in the re-
little or no excess water remaining. If more water than is frigerator until serving time.
wanted remains, remove the lid and let it steam uncovered
This custard is a less-sweet version of an old recipe. More
a few minutes. sugar may be added, if desired, but try it this way before you
The general rule for cooking macaroni or spaghetti this way decide.
is 5 '/z cups of water and 1% teaspoons salt to 8 ounces (about
2 cups) of uncooked spaghetti or macaroni. This method is Buttermilk Lemon Custard
inost satisfactory when cheese, tomato or other sauce is mixed
3 tablespoons sifted whole wheat pastry floiir
with the cooked product.
or white flour
Place the cooked macaroni in buttered 7 x 11x 2 inch bak- 2 tablespoons raw or brown sugar, packed
ing dish o r a 2q11a1-t casserole baking dish. Cool. Place in 3 large or 4 medium eggs
refrigerator. $4 cup heavy sweet cream
Make the celery sauce as follows: 3 - 4 tablespoons hot water to wash rind off grater
2 tablespoons lemon jiiicca
cup finely chopped celery $5 cup honey
2 tablespoons butter 1 5 2 cups buttermilk or sour milk
2 tablespoons whole wheat Hour or unbleached
white flour Mix the flour and sugar.
b.3 cup dried milk Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites, placing them
$5 teaspoon salt in separate bowls. Beat the egg yolks until creamy. Add the
The cooking liquor drained from cooked celery cream, then the sugar-flour mixture. Stir smooth.
with enough water to make ly4 cups. Grate the lemon rind into the mixture and pour the hot
water over the grater while holding it over the bowl to rinse
Cook the celery in one inch of water for 10 minutes. Pour off whatever rind sticks to the grater. Add the lemon juice
liquid off into a cup. Add enough water to make 1% cups and stir. Add the honey and beat until blended. Add butter-
Ilquid. milk or sour milk and mix.
Blend flour, dried milk and salt. Add liquid to make a Butter 8 custard cups or a 1-quart baking dish.
smooth paste. Add butter to the celery in pan in which it was Set oven to heat to 325" F.
cooked. Place over low heat to melt the butter. Add the flour Beat egg whites until they form peaks, but not until they
mixture to the melted butter and celery. Cook over lour heat, arc dry or they will not fold in smoothly. Fold them gently
stirring constantly until the mixture thickens. Remove from into the milk mixture.
heat. Cool immediately in .cold or ice water. Ladle the mixture into the prepared custard cups or pour
When all ingredients for the casserole are cool combine the inco a baking dish. Set the cups or dish in a larger pan and
celery sauce, tuna, cottage cheese, sour cream, lemon juice, salt pour in hot water to a depth of about one inch. Place in the
and green beans. Pour over the chilled macaroni. Sprinkle with Iieated oven and bake until lightly browned on top and an
buttered bread crumbs, if desiied. inserted knife comes cut clean, about 45 minutes for the cups,
Place in refrigerator until ready to heat for serving. To heat one hour for a single dish.
f o r serving, place the cold casserole in an unheated oven. Turn This custard forms a cake-like layer on top. Keep in a cool
oven t o 350" F. Heat casserole thoroughly. Serve. place until ready to serve or if the weather is hot, refrigerate it.
To prepare this dish for serving right after it is made. do If sour milk is used, it may be clabbered but should not be
not chill the ingredients after preparation. Combine the hcc so soiir that the curd and whey have noticeably begun to
ingredients with other items called for. Placed in heated separate.
(To be continued n e x t issue)

from their Jewish neighbors. T h e only authority o f chc Grcar Berh

JUDAISM These facts of history show that the Din today is in the matter of the son-
tinual preservation of the written Word
authority of the Great Beth Din always
(Continued from 9uge 1 0 ) exceeded that of the Pharisaic Schools of God-the Bible-in Hebrew. God has
tias' Roman army surrounded the city alone. The independent teachings of the committed this responsibility to them as
in 66 A.D. Thereafter, Christians in Pharisees were never issued from Moses' leaders of the Jewish community.
Judaea were forced to live separate Seat. (To be continued n e x t issue)

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