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Brief description of:

A Smoke Detector Circuit


A Bulb, Light Detecting Resistor, a Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT), Variable and non-
variable resistors, capacitors, a power amplifier, a buzzer, etc.


The circuit relies on the smoke that is produced in the event of a fire. When the smoke passes
between a bulb and a Light Detecting Resistor (LDR), the amount of light falling on the LDR
decreases. This causes an increase in the resistance of LDR.

In case of smoke, the light falling on the LDR is reduced. This causes a decrease in the
resistance of LDR and an increase in the flow of current. The increased current is sensed by the
base of BJT, and hence, the BJT triggers the power amplifier which responsible of turn on the

Note: variation in distance between the bulb and the LDR varies the sensitivity of the circuit.

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