DR B.R.Ambedkar Open Ijnryers : Recognition To Programmes

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E-mail: registrar@braou.ac.

in Phi040 23548270
Web: www.braou.ac.in Fax1 04023548433


Prof G Ram Reddy Marg,Road No 46, ub ee H Is,Hyderabad-500033(AP)


Recognition to BRAOU Programmes

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU) Hyderabad initially known as

Andhra Pradesh Open University was established through an Act of A.P'
State Legislature (APOU Act, 1 982).

was inaugurated by the then President of lndia, Late Sri Gyani Zail Singh

onAugust26, 1982. Subsequently, the University was renamed as "Dr. B.R'

Ambedkar Open University" by the Government of Andhra Pradesh during
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Centenary celebrations in the year 1991 .

The University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi also admitted this
University for assistance under Section 12-B of the U.G.C.Act, vide UGC
Letter No. F. 5-7182 (CPP), Dt. 12-05-1986.

Further, based on the recommendations of the Expert Committee Mde Lr No'

DEC/Dr. BMOU t Hyd AP tO9t7 45 Dt. 1 8-05-2009, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Open
University received post-facto Recognition from Distance Education Bureau
(DEB), UGC, NewDelhi.

The University is also a Member of the Association of lndian Universities,

Asian Association of Open Universities, Association of Commonwealth
Universities, and lntemational Councilfor Open and Distance Education



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DCsO(5 6 Os He:p Desk S 3` 6 a r66 DCstt
eaF D6 26S 6 HClp Dcsk o C Study Centre

66n Help Desk Numbersco6 6 6

1 Candidates should note that the admissions are made 'Online'. The University will
not supply Application Form in physical format, instead, the candidate has to visit
BRAOU portal (www.braouonline.in) to access the Application Form for online
regi stration.

The university has decided to follow the "Choice Based Credit System" (CBCS)
from this academic year (2017- 18). In this system, students will select optional
subjects in first year itself.

The print out of filled-in Application Form along with copies ofcertificates shall
be submitted in the study centre where he / she wishes to seek admission.

4 The information furnished and certificates submitted as proof of qualification,

date of birth, caste etc., are final and which cannot be changed till the student is
graduated from the university. Finally, this information will also appear in the
certificates to be issued by the University. The women candidates, even after
their marriage, shall write their surname and father's name as shown in
SSC memo or school TC or affidavit. In no case they shall write either the
surname of husband or the name of husband in place of father.
5 Candidates shall make all their payments either through TS /AP Online Centre or
through Debit Card / Credit Card. No payment shall be made in cash to any
person in any study centre. University is not responsible forsuch transactions.

6 No changes will be EFFECTED in the certificates with regard to caste and date of
birth either during the study of the programme or after completion of the

7 The university has set up a Help Desk at the headquarters to provide quidance to
the students. Therefore, the students are advised to get full details of admission
either through Help Desk or through the concemed Study Centre. The following
are the numbers of Help Desk.

Topic Page No.

Academic Calendar for i Year 1

ll About the university 3

lll PrOgramme Structure 5

lV Distinctlve features of CBCS 6

V CBCS Structure 8

VI Stttctural Arrangement of Support Services 11

V Student Evalualon System 12

V Guide nes to Ch se Oplonal Sublects 28

IX Student Support Services 37

X Fee Detans 40

XI Scholarship for Physica y Cha enged Persons 41

X General informalon 41

X Guide nes for the Payment of Tuition Fee through On ne

forthe FIst Year Undergraduate Programme(ET-2017) 46

XIV How to F UG First Year Direct Admission Registra[on Forln 49

XV Enquiry Services 54

Annexure : Details of Facultles 56

Annexure : List of Genera:Courses Offered 57

Annexure : List of Sublect W:Se Sk

Enhancement courses of Semeste lV

Annexure - lV : List of Optional Subjects offered 61

Annexure - V : Subjects and Medium offered at various study centres 8'l

Annexure - Vl A : The Practical classes at zonal centres 98

Annexure - Vl B : UG Geology practical training zonal centres


Annexure - Vl C : UG Psychology practical training zonal centres 102

Annexure - Vll A: Model Time-Table for Optional subjects


Annexure - Vll B : Model ]lme-Table for General Courses 1M

Annexure - Vlll : Equivalents 105

Annexure - lX : Application for duplicate identity card 106

Annexure - X : Fee Codes and Details of various courses


Annexure - Xl : Study centres in Twin Cities


Annexure - Xll : List of Study Centres


Annexure - xlll : Model Registration Form

1 Name ofthe Programme: B AIB Com/B Sc

2 TentativeAdmission Schedule

a)WithOut!ate fee 04-08-2017

b)With!ate fee of Rs 200r 05-102017

Commen ment of ContacttumCounse ing Classes Sept,2017

Last date for Contactcum Counse ing C:asses No 2017

5. 1st Semester Examination Notification No 2017

5. lst Semester Examination Schedule Dec,2017

7. llnd Semester Examination Notification Aprll,2018

8. llnd Semester Examination Schedule June,2018

Tentative Sche<Iule for UG I, II and lll Years ofStudy forthe students who join Ist Year in 2017

Year Month and Year Tuition Fee Commencement of Counselling Classes Semester End Examination
of payment of and
Tution fee Lab Fee Ist Semester IInd Semester Ist Semester Ilnd Semester

UG Ist June / July 201 7 Tution fee Commencement Commencement Semester Semester
Rs. 2000 of Classes Classes end exam end exam
Lab Fee Sept,2017 Start from Dec, 2017 May/June,2018
Rs. 1200 Jan,2018
per each Science
Subject includingl
Subject. Lab fee
for Mathematics
is Rs. 600

UG nd June / July 201 8 Tution fee Third Semester Fourth Semester Third Semester Fourth Semester
Rs. 2000 Classes Classes end exam end exam
Lab Fee Start from Start from Dec, 2018 May/June, 2019
Rs. 1200 Sept,20l8 Jan,20l9
per each Science
Subject including
Subject. Lab fee
for Mathematics
is Rs. 600

UG Ird June / July 2019 Tution fee Fifth Semester Sixth Semester Fifth Semester Sixth Semester
Rs.2000 Classes Classes end exam end exam
Lab Fee Start from Start from Dec, 2019 May/June,2020
Rs. 1200 Sept,2019 1an,2020
per each Science
Subject including
Subject. Lab fee
for Mathematics
is Rs.600
TheAndhra Pradesh Open University renamed as Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open Uni-
versity in '1991, was established in August, 1982 by an Act of State Legislature. lts
principal aim is to provide educational opportunities to all those who wish to pursue
higher studies and acquire Degrees and Diplomas. lt is a boon to those who, for one
reason or other, have not been able to study at a college or a University although they
are keen on improving their educational qualifications. "Education for All" being the
motto, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Open Unaversity brings the benefits of higher education to a
large number of people, including employees, adults, women and housewives who are
interested in higher learning.

The University makes use of multimedia instructional components such as au-

dio-visual programmes (Radio, Television, Audio Cassettes and Video Cassettes), in
addition to print material and contiact-cum-counselling classes. The Study Centres will
function on all week days except Monday and Tuesday following Second Saturday and
other public holidays. The counselling classes are arranged at the study centres on

a) Under Graduate Programmes

The University offers three Undergrduate (U.G) Programmes leading to the award
of 8.A., B.Com., and B.Sc. Degrees. All the programmes of the University are
recognised by Distance Education Bureau (DEB), UGC, New Delhi. Admission
to these programmes is open to all Citizens of lndia without any restrictions. However,
the area ofoperation ofthe University is conflned to the States ofTelangana andAndhra
Pradesh only.

b) Eligibility Criteria for Admission to the Under Graduate Programme

Admissions to UG Programmes are made as follows:
i) Eligibility Test Stream: Candidates who have completed 18 years of age
by'lstJuly,2O17 and have passed the Eligibility Test conducted by Dr. B R'
Ambedkar Open UniversitY in 2017.

ii) Direct Admission Stream: Candidates who have passed:

a) The lntermediate or its equivalent examination; or
b) 10+2 from National lnstitute of Open Schooling (NIOS)/APOpen School
Society (APOSS)

c) The two year lTl or two year vocational course after S S C and other
examinations as mentioned in Annexure - l, or

d) The pass outs of Eligibility Test from 2013 to 2016.

C) Medium ofinstrucJon
A student can study UG Programme,le BA,B Com,&B Sc in Telugu or
English rnedium as per his her choice

Once medium is chosen by the studentin the:year U.C Programme,itwi

continue ti:: the compietion ofthe programme. it means thatthe student must
w ba papersin one medium on

d) DuraJon ofthe P gramme

The minimum duramOn Ofthe U C Programme under Choice Based Credlt Sys
tem(BA,B Com,and B Sc)isth eyears The maximum penod a Owed for mple
lon ofthe U G Programmeis S yearsfrom the yearofAdmission On expiry ofsixth
yean the student who so everleft with backlo9s may seek readmission for another
three years on payment of requisite f e !f a student takes readnlission imrnediate:y
after 6 years,the duration of readmission penod is 3 years :f he takes readmission
after 7 years,the duration ofreadmission period w l be 2 years Similarl if a student

takes readmission after 8 years the duratlon of readmission period w l be one year

oo5 oo 5 La`Dtt D s ( o eO 5 OsO

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68 060 0 D sO SOa BA/B Com/B Sc atA ctrrSO
61 `OC5 ea85 oa 66 6 0
a)01 07 2017 0318 o6 6 , O so ) 2017 0 0 6
60`8 o ;8
b) 63ac 50 s666` ;6
C)3`6 6 8505 % 50 10S)( 6` 0)/b 55
O Soa 10+2(APOSS)

d)oo o6 oo ITI J SSC 6
`0 `6
o6o-1 3 86 6666 60 ;8

e)1005006Q5D D sO 20132016 6s O
, UQ o o
`6` `S35 `s
d6r s:rdSIDo

io.SdaeD 8.A., B.Com.do" B.Sc. L$g'oo5o ao$tu (6o') doc/t Srd5$ood

ddu$s5sttr;. Ad b)dtJ $o6d;dod Jobg d5oF$f, 5:'655oo, 6(t 1pO'51, ,f!dD5 $d$
eilPoe *!) 5E5O
3dsi6"Soo$o ero6{951 U.G. @gloer (B.A., B.Com., B.Sc.) 55$ E e> SSSO 3
So$5Jo'cD. erord fo'5d;e.r 6 UIU'ooSo e'5> er63Jr5 05J5oSJ $oSJJdo 5Jo6 6
$o56";o'oef n' fE 6oXrO.

Programme Structure:
The University is following the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) from this
Academic Year (2017-2018).

Choice Based Credit System is a well designed and comprehensive education

system to meet the ever growing needs of the society and create an environment to
ac@modate innovations. lt is a flexible system where the student is at a liberty to learn
at his own place and also allows inter-institutional credit transfer. lt provides greater
choice to select elective courses from a wide range of courses. Providing enhanced
learning opportunities and greater choice, itforms a foundation for a skill development
for producing employable graduates. Various componenents have been formulated
in a way to fulfill scholastic needs and aspirations of student diversity. This system
also allows the students to transfer their credits from one institution to another institution.

CBCS helps Student to:

, Learn at their own Place.

, Choose electives from a wide range of courses

, Undergo additionalcourses and acquire more than required number of cred-


, Adopt an interdisciplinary approach in leaming lnterCollege/ UniveGiry fansfer

of credits.

Accomplish a part of programme in the present institute and get enrolled in

' another institution for specialized courses

Enhance skill / employability by taking up projectwork, entrepreneurship and

' vocational training

Carry on transfer of their credits

, Make best use ofthe expertise of available faculty.
lmplementation of choice based credit system - Majorshifts in Educational
, Change of year wise system to semesterisation

, Change of syllabus into CBCS pattern

, Switching over to Grading system from numerical marking system.

CBCS pattern consists of different types of courses introduced to broaden the

base in higher learning. lt includes Core courses, Electives, Ability Enhancement
Courses and Language Specific Courses etc.

Core courses are compulsory courses which are necessery for fulfilling the re-
quirements of a programme in a said discipline of study. Elective courses are optionals
and selected from courses which are supportive in nature, which enable the student to
expand the scope of the discipline of study. The students also get exposure to other
disciplines which enhance their general proflciency, skill and open thinking. These
Generic or discipline centric courses provide window to unlimited knowledge. Ability
Enhancement courses lead to knowledge enhancement and personality development.
These are mandatory for all disciplines and woven to impart value based education.

Distinctive Features of CBCS

, The structure of CBCS is designed keeping in view broad parameters of
student choice, mobility, system requirement and institutional preparedness.

, The university is introducing Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) from the
Academic Year 2017-18 to make the undergraduate programmes to be more
relevant to the changing needs and requirements of higher education, in
complience with the guidelines of UGC and TSCHE.

, Students are given flexibilaty in choosing the courses of their choice.

, The courses are of diverse nature i.e., Core, Elective, language specific,
generic, ability & skill enhancement courses designed to impart knowledge,
skills, and bring aftitudinal changes appropriate to meet the demands of
economy and society. The Students may have to choose a combination of
courses i.e., A. Discipline Specific Core Courses (DSC) B. Discipline Spe-
cific Elective Courses (DSEC), C. Language Specific Courses (LSC)' D.
Generic Electives (GE), E. Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses
(AECC) and F.Skill Enhancement Courses ( SEC).(See Table - I for details)

, The Programmes include three discipline specific courses of same credit

weightage and others with different credit weightage.(See Table-l)
The system is designed based on measurement of instruction time/study
time in terms of credits. Credit is a unit of measuring the study time of a
course. One credit is equivalent to one hourof instruction/study time of theory
ortutorialortwo hours of praclicaufield work perweek.

The duration of the programme is three (3) academic years divided into six
semesters. Each semester is of 15 to 18 weeks of instruction/study time.

Maximum number of credits for a semester is 30. The number of credits in

each semester from lst to lV semesters wall be 25 credits each and for the V
and Vl semesters 30 each.

The University maintains parity with conventional system in terms of credits

and courses to ensure same amount of esteem and easy transferability of

The student must study a totialof 160 credits to pass degree programme of
these credits.

Duration for the completion of Degree programme is three years, which is

divided into six semesters. First to fourth semesters consist of seven
courses, whereas fifth and sixth semesters six courses each. Out of seven
courses to be selected in first to four semesters, three courses are optionals
with five credits each and four courses are general courses [Ability Enhance-
ment Compulsory Courses, Language Specific Courses, Skill Enhance-
ment Courses (SEC) and Generic Electivesl with a weightage of three / two
credits each. ln fifth and sixth semesters, there are six optional courses; out
of which three are Discipline Specific Core Courses and other three are
Discipline Specific Elective Courses \rvith a weightage of 5 credits each.
(See Table-l)

Similarly, the students mustchoose one ofthe four Modern lndian Languages
(MlL) (Telugu / Hindi/ Urdu /Addl. English) in the first semester itself. The
same MIL will be continued for the rest of the three semesters.

All the students admitted into undergraduate programmes must write se-
mester end exams in each semester. Thus, in a total of three years, the
student will write exams in six spells. Students must note that the first, third
and fifth semesters (called odd semesters) will begin from July and end with
December of a given year. Similarly, the second, fourth and sixth semes-
ters (called even semesters) will start from January and end with June of a
given year
TABLE:::CBCS Structure of undergraduate Programmes
First Semester(First Vear)

S No Course Title Course Type Credits

Gender Sensitisation AECC 2

2 Science and Technology GE 2

3 English LSC 3

4 Modem lndian Language(MIL) LSC 3

ab!ugu Hindi Urdu Addl Engnsh)

5 Optional 1 DSC-lA 5

6 Optional - 2 DSC-2A 5

7 Optional 3 DSC 3A 5

7 Courses 25

Second Semester (First Year)

S No Course Tit:e Course Type Credits

1 Environmental Sludies AECC 2

2 Man and Social Development SEC 2

3 Eng sh LSC 3

4 ML LSC 3

CLlugu Hindi urdu Add! Eng sh)

5 Optional-1 DSC 18 5

6 Optional - 2 DSC-2B 5

7 Optional- 3 DSC 3B 5

7 Courses 25

Third Semester (Second Year)

S No Course Tit!e course Type Credits

1 Personality Development & Sofl Skills (Course-'l ) SEC(CommOn)

2 ComputerApplications (Cours+.z) SEC(Comrr On)

3 English LSC 3

4 M:L LSC 3

C :ugu Hindi urdu Add! Eng sh)

5 Optional - 1 DSC lC 5


Optional 2 5

7 Optional - 3 DSC-3C 5

7 Courses 25
Fourth Semester (Second Year)

S No course Title Course Type Credits

1 Skill Enhancement Course - 3 SEC 2

2 Skill Enhancement Course - 4 SEC 2

3 English LSC 3

4 M!L LSC 3

fre!uou Hindi urdu Addl Eng sh)

Optional - 1 DSC lD 5

6 Optional - 2 DSC-2D 5

7 Optional-3 DSC-3D 5

7 Courses 25

Fifth Semester(Third Year)

S No Course Title Course Type Credits

1 Optional- 1 DSC-lE

Optional - 2 DSC

3 Optional 3 DSC-3E

4 Optional - 1 A,/B/C DSE lF
5 Optional - 2 A,/B/C DSE 2F

Optional- 3 A,/B/C

6 Courses 30

Sixth Semester(Third Year)

S No Course Title Course Type Credits

1 Optional 1 DSC-lG 5


Optional - 2 5

3 Optional - 3 DSC 3G 5

4 op ona: 1 B C DSE lH 5


C 5

Optional 2 VB


opuOnal_3 VB C DSE 5

6 Courses

Note: Skill Enhancement Elective courses offered in lV Semesler are subiect - specific'
Summary of CBCS
1. Discipline Specific Core Courses (DSCC) : 18 - compulsory @urses
2. Discipline Specmc Ebclive Courses (DSEC) : 6 - choice based courses
3. Language Specifc Courses (LSC) : 8 - Language specilic compulsory courses
4.Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC) : 2 - compulsory courses
s.Skill Enhancement Courss (SEC) : 4 - choice based courses
6.GenericElectives (GE) : 2-compulsorycourses

1. Total courses 40 [30 compulsory 05%), 10 optional (25olo)l

2. Total credits 160 n 18 compulsory 04%) and 42 optional (26%)I

Student Suppott Servica3

, The methods of student support services include:

i) Face to FaceAcademic Counselling: ii) Technology enabled services;and

iii) Sudy Center based services.

, Technology enabled system is used as mode ofacademic supporttoAbility Enhance-

ment Compulsory Courses (AECC-2), Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC'4) and
Generic Eteclives (GE-2) supported by hands on experience and face to face ser-
vices, wtrerever necessary

r For discipline and language of specific courses, face to face interaclion will be pro-
vided at the study centres. ln addition to this, technology enabled academic support
services in the form ofAudio, Video or Radio etc will be imparted to supplement lace
to face counselling.
The Structural Arrangement of Support Ssrvices

L Academic Counselling Hours.

Course Credits Academic

Courses having 5 Credits 12
Courses having 3 Credits 8

Courses having 2 Credits 6

2.Academic Couselling system forGeneralcours6like AECC, SEC and GE coulses.

Technology enabled academic counselling services willalso be provided by usingAudio
and Video componentswith the following multiple channels.

Audio Msual Production & Research Centre - Broadcasl Schedule

Media Channel Days Time of Broadcast


Radio Lessons AI ndia Radio Monday to Sunday 6 25 pm to 6 40 pm

Hyderabad '

Video Lessons DD Yadagin Monday to Friday 5 30 amto 6 00 am

Mana TV Monday to Salurday l oo pmto 2 00 pm

Tele Conference DD Yadagirl Sunday 2 00 pm to 3 00 pm


r Audio and Mdeo support services are provided for two hours to each course of 2

r Repeat telecastwillbe done for enriching the technology counselling services'

, A printed study guide will be supplied to allthe students for the 2 credit courses as a
part of academic support services.

3. Academic counselling supportfor DSC, DSE and LSE Courses

The counselling sessionswillbe organised with atwo hours duration The tim+table
is prepared accordingly and is given in Annexure - VllA& B.

a. The Approach

, The student evaluation system focuses on assessement ofleaming outcomes.

r The examination pattem is designed by taking note ofweightage of credits and sys-
tem of teaching leaming methods of various@urses.

r The credibility and reliability ofconducl ofexaminations is strictly maintained.

, AIICBCS courses are credit based.

, The absolute grading system as suggested byU.GC is followed.

b. The Grading Scale

Grading is the core of the CBCS, u,hich reduces lhe subjective element of evaluation
thereby preventing disadvantage to studenls. Grade is the index of performance of students in a
course. Grade is the transformation of scaled marks secured by a student in a particular @urse.
Grade point is numelicalweightage attached to each grade on a 10 point scale depending on the
range of marks awarded in a course.

Letter Grade & Achievement Scale Grade Point Range of Marks

O (Outstanding) 10 85 00 to 100 00

A+ (Excellence) I 75 00 to 84 99

A (Very Good) 8 65 00 to 74 99

B+ (Good) 7 55 00 to 64 99

B (Above Average) 6 5000t05499

C (Average) 5 45 00 to 49 99

P (Pass) 4 40 00 to 44 99

F (Fail) 0 Less than 40 00

Ab (Absent) 0
c. The Numerial Marking System with End semester and Assignments.
i. For Arts/ Commerce / Social Sciences

1 3

Courses Total Marks Duration of Exam

Courses having 5 Credits 100 3 Hours

Courses having 3 Credits 60 2 Hours

Courses having 2 Credits 40 11 2 Hours

ii. For Sciences and other practical oriented courses

1 3 4 5

Courses Total Marks End Practical Ouration

Semester Exam of Exam
Marks Marks

Courses having 4 Credits 100 80 20 3 Hours


i. lncaseof End semester exams the marks allocation willbesuitably changed.

ii. The numerical score of marks for courses with less than 100 total will be
converted to 10 points scale in the Grading Scale.

iii. The SGPAand CGPA pattern suggested by UGC will be followed to award
Grades to the students.


a) For all courses, Semester- End Examination Ouestion Paper consists of 3
sections, viz., Section - A,B and C. Section - A contain Short Questions,
Section - B Essay Questions, and Section - C Ob.iective type Questions'
The nature of objective type questions of Multiple Choice Questions, Match
the Following and Fill-in the Blanks.

b) Student should secure a minimum ol 40o/o ol marks in all the courses of

Semester-End Examinations.

c) For each 5- Credit Course, the maximum marks alloted for Semester-End
Examinations is 100, of which 20 marks is allotted to Section-A, 60 marks
to Section -B and 20 marks for Section - C. Further Section - A consists of
ten short questions with global choice (two questions from each block) and
out of which the students are required to answer five questions Each ques-
tion carries four marks( 5 x 4= 20 Marks). ln Section - B, five essay ques-
tions local choice ie., with Either /Or will be given. The student is required to
'12 marks
answer all the five questions, and each question carries
( 5 x 12=60 marks). The students are required to answer all questions ln
Section - C, ten multiple choice, five matching type and five fill in the blanks
will be given and each question cerries One Mark (20 x 1=20 marks)'
There is no choice in this Section. The duration ofthe Exam is three hours'

Exam pattern for Five Credit Courses

No of Marks for
S No Sedion Types of Questions eacft
Questions to be wntten Ans/ver


Short Questions Three

Essay Queslions 5x12 60

Obiedive 20 Xl=20

assigned to theory and one credit to practicals Accordingly, 20 marks are as-
signLO to practical examination and 80 marks to semester-End Theory
nation. The semester-End question paper is divided into three sections ln sec-
tion -A, eight short questions will be given with global choice and out of which the
student is required to answer four questions, and each questions canies five
marks ( 4 x 5= 20 marks). ln Section - B, four essay questions with Either/Or
required to answer all four questions' and
choice will be given and the student is
objective questions
each question canies 1O marks (4x10=40). ln section-C, 20
are given comprising ten multiple choice, matching and fill in the blanks
student is required to answer all questions, and each question carries one
(20 x1=20).

Exam pattern for Four Credit Courses (Science courses)

No of Marks for
Total Exam
Sedion Types of Questions eactt
S No Marks Duration
Ouestions to be w"llen An$rer


Short Questions Three


Essay Questions Hours

Obiedive 20 Xl=20

For 3 - Credit Courses, as each course has three blocks' the

f) 18 marks are
marks for semester-End-Examination will be 60 and out of which
8 marks
to be allotted to Section -A, 30 marks to Section - B, and the remaining
given with global
will be allotted to section . c. |n section - A, six questions are
canies six marks ( 3 x 6 =18 marks). ln Section - B, three questions with Either/
Or choice wall be given from each block. The student is required to answer all
questions and each questoin carries 10 marks. (3x 10 = 30 marks). ln Section
-C, six multiple choice questions, three Match the following, and three fill in the
Blanks will be given. The student is required to answer all questions, and each
carries one mark ( 12 x 1='12 marks). The duration of the examination is2 hours.

Exam pattern for Three Credit Cources

Oifferent No. of Marks for
Total Exam
S No Section Types of Oueslions eadr
Marks Duration
Questions to be written An$[er

Shorl Questions 3x06 18 Two

Essay Questions 3 x10= 30 Hours

Obiedive 12 xl = 12

g) For 2- Credit Courses, as each course has two blocks, the maximum marks
for the Semester-end-Examination will be 40. Of which, 307o (i.e., 12 marks) of
the marks are allotted to Section -A,50o/o (i.e., 20 marks)to Section -8, and the
remaining 2oo/o (i.e., 8 marks) to Section-C. ln Section - A, four questions are
given with global choice, and the student is required to answer two questions.
Each question carries six marks (2 x 6 = 12 marks). ln Section-B, two essay
questions are given with either / or choice and each question carries 10 marks
(2 x '10 = 20 marks). ln Section - C, four multiple choice questions, and four Fill-
in the Blanks are given. The student is required to answer all questions, and
each carries one Mark ( 8 x 1 =8 marks). The duration of the Examination is one
and half hours.

Exam pattern for Two Credit Courses

Different No of Marks for

Total Exam
S No Section Types of Oueshons eadr
Marks Ouration
Ouestions to be wltten Ansmrer

Short QuesuOns 2 x06 12

Essay Questions 2X10=20 9o Minutes

Obled ve 08 Xl=08

The University conduts one examination in the case of Five/ Four Credits every
day. However, in the case of 3 and 2 Credit Courses, the University conducts
both the exams on a single day, so that the Semester-End Examinations will be
completed in 5 days instead of 7 days in first to four semesters. ln the case of
last two semesteis, the Univesity conduts one examination every day as all
couEes in these two semesteE carry 5 or 4 credits.
S 6S 066 0 oS Dos o ,DOS D` 0 o o o06
06rr 60666o o srO 60 6
` "8`
Ds o63 6 6 o D s S` 8 S
O DD6 0 o o o06 S` 6 6 o `
6,Ca ,SS(CBCS)o , 3 60 `Do
0 6 6 6
`06 oos
: Ostt 6 6 D 06] 0 0 06 SIn 06666

l CBCS 6s 0`D s 066 50 D60rs, 000 60 0 or
3 6 o 6t,6 D Se La`D 8006 Oo
6 6 n o690 Stt 08 6
6 nS

0 `

1 60o o o s 6 6 s 5 3 o 69
D S S 6 D 6 O ``

I D 8 6DO 6 5oa So` o 60 86 /06s 6 66S 6
68 o3

: SD oso O lnter
`o `,DD6 6]
`] `
D` 6S 0 aos D6 o ,
Disdp nary Approach 0

: o ,o

2016 17 oa 6 69
= `CBCS Do
D es DOs L D 8 a S
` `
e s606
sO aoa
l 3 6D`OrP, 08o6 o o
Ostt 6 03 0 o
S 5 0
1 o` : o o 0 50 s

03``6 o o o o06D` 0 0 a J
0 s

o6 os Doo 5 0
oFs6` 613 0 `


83, o o 5 0 80 d',
SS osor 0 O D` o o
S 03,
s 0 s` 000 S Os
38, 66 60
1 6 CBCS D o 15610 a " , oo 3 S` 0666
DOstt 6 6o` o bo6
`66 `03
66` o 6 6 0
6 6 66 OD6 61 S
ooS` 066
o 6=D s o so o1666
`` 666 o
O o` o69,6OS 0 6sc 6 ,D
6660 6o OS o` OA, o8gn 6S O`

o6 oa

CBCS 6 6o 6

l CBCS 6s 0` 0 s6861 6 6 morP Os 096

1 S aD` _35 6a
`6sor `
l ` 5oo61`, o 1 S6 Ca o
o` , 6 Ca5 6
`` `
1 6 Do6o 66 S 0 d 66 O Ca o%
ca5 0 o 36S" 6 Ca 3o o o oo` ]
00 6 6 0 o 66 0 0
0 6 oS
5J 03 Oo `ca `

o 6 0 ,s0 o o os` Jr S
o oo0

1 5 o6 o30 e lg o oo6
K o6 6 j`,Oo6 o
atA gn03 6S
On 0 o o6
1 rD
``0 Oo66 5,5,Oo`6 6 6:S S
0 o6 6 6650 ,

1 ,o
' 6 o6 6 ,96

l 8 alg 26 , 3,160
ca q 15

15o 60 1(b25 ca 666
aO 10 6,
o66 lg 30 ca 6``

1 0 S 66 5 o 61566 8 15 K '

0 ,966 '5

`60 `6
56 O a
Q ,5 1 ``

0, 5o 8o, Ca ,
l R o ,
OS 0 0 ca _ o lo 6,o

R 9, 6 3,3t 9,6 606
`g 8 oa , 61 6
6 S 0
0 9 0 966 5 0 5 n`
S o ca 0`oa 0 stt 0
`o `0
15 0 q Oo oO
`666 `eS,
5 oO R 68 ,
1 `3 010
66,o66 C 6S 6

0 6 Oo oO(TableJ oa)
l a6 0 o6 6:So, ] 6 o oO 0 ,0

o oS o3D` SoS 2066 5 6
D s 36 686 rg 6 oS
` `35
e6s )` l Subled Choice 00 o Fixed oao

3 o 6 CBCS Do o 3 stt 6 60 6 6``

a o6 6 060rP,0 o o 35 6

15D o: CBCS D o65, 6S 6 OS

` = `
OS 6` 6066 o , 60 s os_60 aO

o o 500 D s 00 S` 0666 o o
69 OS D 6 6o6` o A s o DD6` 96 gn 6r
6 08o6, 6 0 600 o6 3
` `
666 o , o6 030o 006` oS oo

S06, o6 o e 66 o 5o o0
8 o6 6o ,S`6, 66 ) : 6
0 o 5 o O A 66, 6,966 (even , ) 66
o 5 oo6= 6 o6 6:S 0 66
6 5 ,06 66 o6 R
`:S `o
, o6 o 6 1 o CBCS Do 68 ' 6

06 6S o6 201718 5oa o6 0o
TABLE:l:CBCS Structure of Undergraduate Programmes
First Semester(First Year)

S No Course Title Course Type Credits

1 Gender Sensitisation AECC 2

2 Science and Technology GE 2

3 English LSC
4 Modem lndian Languages(MIL) LSC 3
lugu Hindi rdu Add English)

5 optiOnal 1 DSC lA

6 Optional-2 DSC-2A 5

7 Optional- 3 DSC-3A
7 Courses 25

Second Semester (FiISt Year)

S No Course Tiue Course Type Credits

1 Environment Studies AECC

Man and Social Oevelopment SEC
3 English LSC 3

4 MlL LSC 3

CLlugu Hindi Urdu Add; Eng sh)

5 Optional 1 DSC l B 5

6 Optional 2 DSC-2B 5

7 Optional 3 DSC-3B
7 Courses 25

Third Semester (Second Year)

S No Course Title Course Type Credits

Personality Development and Soft Skill(Course'l) SEC(CommOn) 2

ComputerApplication (Course - 2) SEC (Common) 2

3 Engnsh LSC 3


C lugu/Hindi urdu/AddL Eng sh)

5 Optional - 1 DSC lC 5

6 opuOnal_2 DSC 2C 5

7 Oplona 3 DSC-3C
7 Courses 25
Fourth Semester (Second Year)

S No Course Title Course Type Credits

1 Skill Enhancement Course - 3 SEC

2 Skill Enhancement Course - 4 GE

3 English LSC 3

!ugu Hindi urdu Addl English)

5 Optional - 1 DSC l D

6 Optional - 2 DSC 2D 5

7 Oplonal-3 DSC-3D
7 Courses 25

Fifth Semester(Third Year)

S No Course Title course Type Credits

1 Optional - 1 DSC-lE
2 Optional- 2 DSC 2E 5

3 Optional - 3 DSC-3E
4 Optional -'l A,/B/C DSE lF
5 Optional - 2 A,/B/C DSE 2F
6 Optional- 3 A,/B/C DSE-3F 5

6 Courses

Sixth Semester(Third Year)

S No Course Tit:e Course Type Credits

1 Optional 1 DSC lG 5

2 Optional - 2 DSC-2G 5

3 Optional-3 DSC 3G 5

4 oplonal-l AIB C DSE lH 5


Optional - 2 A,/B/C

Optional- 3 A/B/C

6 Courses 30
Summary of CBCS
1. Discipline Specilic Core Courses (OSCC) : 18 - mmpulsory courses
2. Discipline Specifc Elective Courses (DSEC) : 6 - choice based courses
3. Language Specifc Courses (LSC) : 8 - [3nguage specifc compulsory courses
4.Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC) : 2 - compulsory cou6es
S.Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) :4 - choice based courses
6-Generic Eleclives (GE) : 2 - compulsory courses

l Total courses 40 30 compulsory(75%),1 0 0ptional(25%)]

2 Tota!credns 160 1118 compuisory(74%)and 42 optiOnal(26%)

CBCS $6:rel

6 Do o S 03 0 O S6 0 1 00 , :56] ,

oO 5 o ` D08 8
0 0 o o606orP oo

l g661 : D` 6 666 66 aO OFO s Oos

o o0
` `666
1 561 0:D 8 5` ao(B tt ComlB sc1 8 o
6 o o6 6 o 5
` `3
0 0
, $50$o 'oolo6od $63e0: 6 6'6J(r) 56'$68o $;t)g5o 'oolo6orj6'sg
d3dr6a66"o). 6 SdleD aoa$ dE (r) - Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses
(AECC) SooqlD Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC). 5 S6Jo 6'Jo' t6"Edae)) r0
godd66 l"-o5 otucSopai a5 5055 6'do";o 6o SooooooJ 5io'oso sod

DD6 6 6g` E'dr"1er 6op5 ca R

1 Oiscipline Specific Core Courses (DSCC) 18X5=90

2 Discipline Specific Elective Courses (DSEC) 06X5=30

3 Language Specific Courses (LSC) 08X3=24

4 Ability Enhancement Compulsory

Courses (AECC) 02X2=04

Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) 04X2=08

Generic Electives (GE) 02X2=04

40 160

D 8 6 aO(BB COm/B Scl eo6o 63 o86S o 6

o oO 03 23 8 O 8640` o o 5 es
60 o S o160 ca O a 6.`atA D sB ' o6 o
15 160 Xo ca rs 0`S6 66

D Stt : 6 ,5 b nO ,5 , 665
6 o oO GenderSensmsatOn 0 Sclence and Technology n
D catt Vvetthtage o oA Eng sh o Modern lndbn
Languages ca OptiOnal Sublect o o ca o MOdem

Eng h tanguage(ML) Telugu,Hhd,Urdu So ,a`6 O

o b o 6o o oO 1 0ptiond "
o 0 OD stt
` ` 6 BCom o
BA ocoS 6 6 BA 65S S,BCOm ocoS

,BSC D o B Sc O gnoS 6 o oa
o 8

35 o oO DOs Optbnd SutteCIS o6g6 K o Oa

35 Programme(oo6 BA/B Com B Sc) o 05 6o Oo oa
S o o oO Q D66m 6 9
``OCO SOa o 5 665g 6' (Cender
o oa 66
o 8
Senslt sa on,Science and Technology Eng sh)` r. 6 Oostt (BA B Com/

B Sc D stt )6666 o oO M:L 0 o (Telugu,Hlndl,urdu so

Add onal Eng sh)0 s 3 6o 6 6 o oO 8o stt
6 5 K Optional Su edS `gn
o 6o Oo oa b` o Dostt

0 15 5 6 6o o oO(Annexure JI,Annexure iV
CS O 1 6 15 ^ 6 o SC b
S` r`666 o o8 6` 613, 15o R 66
665 0 5J D J 60

1 Os 25o05 o oa 625ca 15
ca 6^ a665 o 10 Ca Or o Ostt
25 catt Ss6 100 Ca 666 o0

e , 150 D S 0 9 66 15J R
g`5 Sh Ca5
0 g OO 6 o Ca
o o ' o,5 r o3Disdpllne Spedic e
1 06S D d he Spedic D` 5' 6D d he
,aoo,D 6
86g a
Spedic D 5 o D 8 D 0 he 6

o66 15 66 P 6 o ,K Disd
he Specttc , D d me spedic D 5 n Disci he
'a o
spednc s5 DOs D 0 ine C06

' 6 o
60 1 160 ca 66
3 8o3a 6160o05o 26 6
oo o0 615
15o 25 ca ,o10 66,o66 5 30 catt 6 160 ca 2
3 6o o oa g D`^' 36 D stt O 40g

,23 0 oa 6 6o = 66 ,50 b S'6,0 6 0

66 o e S'6026` 6 0 oa

9 60
' 0916 6 O OD

l lys,("m61 S 66
co 0
1 068 o
`6 "
l o6s(66 lLO 6
1 00S 9 Credl Opt onal n 6 COunsd ng`6` ,

o o D 0 ,0
K , Credl 10 Credl o o 6
S 6 Oo 80o Credn o 6 AECC IA ty
`6 `

Enhancement Compulsory Courses),Sk I Enhancement Courses(SEC) 0
Genenc cOurses(GE) 6sC O 3 86X 6
s, 60610
o , 6 Mummed 60 noO Sc`6`

bOS 6 65 005`6 o 56 586 Annexure VII A&B
S o o D s Credl o S o

o 6"o CounSe ing o `sC66 10
3 09 Oo 8 oc o Oa.6.` o6 6
0o Credt o g o lys 6 o me Table S^ ,06 63
o6 oO Ce Phone SMS o 6, 6o o6 o0

DR9 6160
1 :

Course Credits Academic Counselling Hours

5ca 12

3 sa
2 ca5
2. 6y5L{5o - 56dd)e:
Audio Visual Production & Research Centre - Broadcast Schedule

Media Channel Days Time of Broadcast


Radio Lessons A lndia Radio Monday to Sunday 6 25 pm to 6 40 pm

Video Lessons DD Yadagiri Monday to Friday 5 30am to 6 00am

Mana TV Mondav to Saturday 100 m to 2 00

Tele Conference DD Saptagi" Sunday 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm


Student Evalua on System(66r O )

6 Choice Based CredI System(CBCS) DOstt O (680 )

0 O o6o oo oa atA Oc
00o 60 6 60 0dd Semester
` First Semester
oo Even Semester a 6o
00 Oa

3o o 6 o ,o66 a 6o s 6 60 O 66`
OS60 0
0 3"66 066 666
o 5 ,oo 6 0 66 O d
o o6o o oO 150o6 66o6 0 88e`660

6 6 o o 26 8`ca 66
L6 50o o:

6 ,5 0 08 5
6600 965

o c
0 Absolute Crading system oo

Letter Grade & Achievement Scale Grade Point Range of Marks

O (Outstanding) 10 85 00 to 100 00

A+ (Excellence) 9 75 00 to 84 99

Ao ry Good) 8 65 00 to 74 99

B+(Good) 7 55 00 to 64 99

B (Above Average) 6 50 00 to 54 99

C (Average) 5 45 00to 49 99

P (Pass) 4 40 00 to 44 99

F(Fa ) 0 Less than 40 00

Ab(Absent) 0

S% 5 C :

i.For Ads Comrnerce r Socia:sciences

1 3

Courses Total Marks Duration of Exam

5 ca s 100 3 Hours

3 ca
` 60 2 Hours

2 ca 40 11 2 Hours

ii. For Sciences

1 3 4 5

Courses Total Marks End Practical Duration

semester Exam of Exam
Marks Marks

4 ca 100 80 20 3 Hours

66 D 6 )6 5o6 6
6 5,500 9 o 66 6 o 6 o o 00K ' 0
, S S OO 0 ShOn Questions o1 50
Oblective Questions o 80 888 59 oo6
Essay Questions 0
o40% Oa

O 15 5 ca5 ( 8 )1006 Q 60 20%,C
,60%SQ ,e 120%S 1 a6D
e A 0 ' 63 4S

o (5X4=20S Sa 10 00` 0
r ` ` 60 o oO ea " 12S 0 (5x12=60 )

1 6 Mum e ChOlce ,o Match the Foll ng

Fl ng the B!anks
orP 20 08
S,620 Stt (20xl=206 % ) ca ` 66 `6,Q
K , oO Oo o0

Al ca 66 006o:

5 640 oS o 6 856 dJ'aDS) 669

ops 5"(+. SQ dSo



86 5X12 60
alo b eN

3 5 20 Xl=20

0 ,S`5 eoo oD`o 6 Ca o

l o86 o0`6

`Ca5 cl `
0 66961 o o oooO 100S o 20S O:`5
6660 o 80S`51"0`
ep 666 o 1 aOno 66 o 60 3

66 6 ol ,a, To ``
o 50 0 O Sho Questions
o o 0 0 aa 5SQ o (4x5=20S )

0 a8 86 0 0 a` 69 a
60 0 0 10 Stt o X10=40 SQ )
60` 0
Mu ple Choi ,0 Match the Fdl ng 96F ng the
Bhnks oo R r20 D 620

SQ (20xl=20 Stt )66 oK ' o00
,B)J 6 Ca 66 0 o:
LSSo d 6o 6 tio aJ?Dg) R
69 5:.t!6o SQ 6 oo o


4X5 =20


s 0 4X10=40


e 20 Xl=20

CaS g 3` soL 0 ,
OO 0
60 S R

0 18S , 30S 0 12 SQ 0
6 o
oS a
0 8a" 6 Stt (3x6=18
srd%e!). -i)ds od 5)r.6 ad.Dn' 6 tl{e 6odroD. 66 eJ SooA &6 t36 Jor$Fi ?.!'a)
-bds SlJ.
Erc$so$ 6otDo6. 6A aed'aD6) lO std?,e 6oa,.o)) (3x10=30 $r6&qD). !re,A
sr6 Multiple Choice 6{qr, 5}r'60 Match the Following 6{eD SooolD 5116r Filling the Blanks
6{o aoer.o!. 3))!ion' 12 6{eD aoUlor. Gla ar"o)$ &S std+ .t3JS 12 5r(+!))
6oaro). (12x1=12 Sd+*). 56q' aSoc$o B06) ,iobs)) doaDo6.

c) 5oJ.6 1B6Q 56E. 3F5or

S o.ojcSe)$5 l!5& er"a))g) 66

L65r "`o
5o?S 63 61"r Srdr6e> 65oSo



Ps 3X10 30

99 S l 12 xl = 12

ca g D` ' S 60 66640S 56 o
12 SQ , 620 0 A 8 Stt 4
53 oo o " 8'0 3
6S 0 O(2X6 12
S )
46 0 03a`

60 0 0 Oa 10S o (2X10=20 Stt ) F
Fl ng the B:anks Orr 8 6
Mu e ChdCe ,

8 Q 0 Xl=8 Q 66
o o l o 300 e `S

D)0 6 sa 6 o 6 :

t65o 65 d o 6 (58 tsJ'eD6o 66

goFS 6 6 S:.66o S oo o



` `

s6 2 X10= 20 o

o3 5 8 xl 8 (90 3 )

0 o ca d &`66 0 50 o0 9 A
6 ca
Oo 0 66 SO oa o6 66
1 5 gn
OorP, 60 o 66 D
O 1 6 o^ 966
15 o d 69
Please read the guidelines carefully for choosing Optional Subjects for first year
which would continue in second and third year also. You are advised to go through the
optional subjects (seeAnnexure - 1, ll and lV for details) offered for each programme
which you intend to study during your course period. You may trake the help of the Head
/ Staff ofyour Study Centre for selection of optionalsubiecB. Please do remember that
you must study the same optional subjects during the second and third year progl:lmme

Choice of Optional Subjects

ln the lst yea( students have to choose any three subjects as optionals outofthe
subjects listed under four faculties (see Annexure - l). They have to choose their
optionals keeping in mind the subjects and medium offered at the study centres (see
Annexure - V fordetails).

Guidelines to choose optional subjects in U.G lst Year

Please note that you are given optional subjects under four Faculties. You may
choose all the three subjects from any one of the Faculties or at least two sub.iects
from one Faculty and the third one from any other Faculty. While choosing the sub-
.iects the following guidelines / rules shall be observed scrupulously.

The student has to select optional subiects in first year, 'l st semester itselfl He/
she should choose the subjects of his / her choice in the First year depending on his /
her aptitude / interest in higher studies. He / She should choose three optionals
compulsorily. There are three programmes to pursue at Undergraduate level i.e., 8.A.,
B.Com., and B.Sc. ln order to register the programme of his/her choice and optional
subjects, the students should visitthe University portal(www.braouonline.in) and select
U.G Ff rst Year (8.A., B.Com., & B.Sc.) Online Registration Fotm lot 2017'18.
Candidate shall visat the portal of BRAOU (www.braouonline.in) and click on the
application and access the form. The Candidate on his own can fill all the fields in
including optionals in the application ficrm. (SeeAnnexur+1, lland lV for optionalsubjects)

Now, you are advised to select the programme. lf you select B.A. as programme
of your study, you will get optionals to be chosen under Two Faculties i.e., Faculty of
Socialsciences and Faculty of Arts. Underthe Faculty of SocialSciences, you willfind
Seven (07) optionals, whereas under Faculty of Arts Four (04) optionals. You may
select all the three optional subjects in any one ofthe Faculties or at least two optional
subjects from one Faculty and the third one ftom any other Faculty. For example, if you
choose Political Science and Sociology under Faculty of Social Sciences and the third
optional can be either from the list of optional subjects from Faculty ofArts or optionals
of Faculty of Commerce or Faculty of Science. On clicking the third optional subject
only the selection of optional subjects for B.A. Programme is completed. Students are
advised not to choose optional Economics in Social Sciences and optional subject
Business Economics from Commerce faculty together as this combination of optional
subjects stand re.iected.
lf you wish to study B.Com., select B.Com Programme. Once you select programme
the list of optional subjects to be offered will be displayed. The number ofoptional subjects
thatyoucome across will bethreeonlyi.e.,'10, 1'l and 12. lf you want to obtain B Com '
degree you may choose either all the three optional subiects i.e., 10, l1 and 12 or at
least two optional subiects i.e., 1O and 11 compulsorily under Faculty of Commerce and
the third one from any of the Faculties. (See Annexure - lV for details)

lf you want to obtain B.Sc. degree, select B Sc., degree as programme of study'
Once you select B.Sc., degree, a listof six (06) optional subjects will be displayed You
may choose any three of the optional subjects from Code No. 15 to 19 or you may select
atleast two optional subjects from Code No. 15 to '19 and the third optional subiect from
any other faculty of your choice. (See Annexure - lV for details.)

After filling all the fields in the application form upload it with photo and signature He
should then take a printout of the filled and uploaded application form. While taking the
printout ofthe filled in and uploaded form, it comes out with an application number. student
should take two copies of printouts - one to submit at Study Centre and another lo
contain with him.

2017, lntermediate, Date of Birth / ssc, caste certificate, School TC etc., should go to
the sludy centre where he / she wants to pursue his / her studies. He / She should submit
a copy ofApplication form along with copies of Certificates at study centre After verifying
the Application form and certificates, if the candidate is found eligible, the coordinator /
Asst. Director / Deputy Director of the Study Centre, send SMS to the University server or
sends message through intemet, confirming his admission. On receipt of the SMS from
the coordinator, the university server sends confirmation message with payment details
candidaie is allowed to pay the fee either atAP / TS online centre or through debit / credit

Choosing Optional Subiects: The students who wish to take admission into B Sc '
Eligibility Test, 2017, Date of Birth / SSC, Caste Certificate, School / College TC'
lnt;rmediate (Bi.PC. / M.PC.) or one year experience certiJicate as an evidence of working
in / worked in Science and Technology related organisations, and go to the concerned
SUd oy tne University, the student should pay the fee on his / her application number
tnrougn TS lae online or through Debit / credit card. The student should submitoptional
subjects form along with copies of cettificates at the Sludy Centre for veriJication'
On payment of requisite fee by the candidate on the apllication number either in
generated with the details of
/ TS online or through debit / credit card, a receipi will be
admission number, optionals choosen, amount, date etc' The student will also receive
SMS with admission number, confirming the receipt of fee'

lD Cards will be generated at the University Head Quarters and sentto study
the students at the study centre only The course material will
The Cards will be issued to
also be distributed at the study centres.
Psychoiogy as one ofthe optionais(Code No.24)
Keeping in view the demand from the students, the university is offering
Psychology as one of the optionals at undergraduate level with Code No 24 under
Faculty of Social Sciences The students who choose Psychology as one of the
OptiOnals at Undergruate level,should pay practicalfee of Rs 1200 (Rupees Twelve
Hundred Only)in addliOn to tulion fee of Rs 2000 The studentswho optthis Subl t

sha attend the practical sessions and 100 percent attendance is compulsory forthese

Note on Mathematics Practical Training

Keeping in viewthe explosion of knowledgein the sphere of Mathemat csithe UniVersity
decided to introduce practical componentin Mathematics,which is similar to that of
other science subjects The students who choose Mathematics as one ofthe optional
sublect at undergraduate level,should pay practica!fee of Rs 600(Rupees six hundred
Only)in additlon to tuitlon fOe of Rs 2000

Journa:ism as one ofthe optionals(Code No.22)

Rea sing the importance of ournalism in the contemporary situation and also to
widen the base of oplonal subleCtS,a sublect on Journalism is added as one ofthe
The students who Wish to study Journalism at Undergraduate level,may choose it as
one oftheir oplonal sublects


Studying at home on your own requires careful planning and commitment Stu
dents sometimes need the support oftheirfam y They have to plan thei studies to nt
in with their home fe and working envi onnnents

Each week a student w lneed about:

6 to 8 hours offace to face counSe ing atthe study centre

+ 12to16hoursofstudyOftheprintedcoursetextssuppliedtohim
* 15 minutes stening to the Radio lesSOns

* 2 to 3 hours for viewing the Audio deo Prograrnmes,Tele lessons or Tele

conferences o Radio phone in programrnes

VVh e keeping in view theirother actlvities,they have to plan their unne fOr studies
by adhe ng to a simple lme table prepared every week

aO 666 6 01

R66 o6 60 S o 6 o6 6o S, 66 o6 6o P666 o 6 5
35 S(Oplonal SublectS)b`` r o 65 Oo 0` o S,6 `K5
o o 5 0666 ,6 95 gs ol
o36 ,5
goa (D6 `66
,6 a S Annexure , ,IV

6 a) 6S o S s 0 6
05 61 66606
,5 35 S o
K ' 6
o66o 6sc o3 6 o o0

taF00 6'6
Stt o6 S a 0
' 6% 06 o 06 o
9 b BA/
0 `s35

`S `6
B Com/B Sc atAO

B.Sc.tarPo 3 o

D sO`
oa S3 3b s3o O BA/B Com , 6 6
6 ) 3,a o 6 o66o BSC e
06o ,Oo`6 o6 6o ea865 35
0,56 5 0SS 03S o` 60 :

al 63acS P6666 oooo` O o 0;6
b) & 00 o o
6 3 6o 6o o 6o 3
` 038 0 0
aO 66S Fol = 00 6scS6


Oo 60 o8,b o o 3
6 86 J6 DO o o
=b 3 o

6 6
O oO 09 `D o oa 3 0,K 666 60 o 05'6=
o 3 6 o C oS` 0 6o6o
(D6 o Annexure l, ,!V and V

a o 6 6 30 8 0 60'
` ` `=5
6 6sD` )0 Sao6o`
o BA,B Com,BSc o
l `35
00 o 66663o6 8 o6 60 braOuon ne in) 83 , 6 ISt
Year App calon Fomn 53 '0 153 0 6 o SS 66o `o,s 5
App catton Fo m r066 5 O oo oS 505 0,) 0 o``
o upload 3 ,0

0 St 00 65 0 6D s`` o o o 6 935(0
6 aOS' S35 a
o5 a 369"C
`606 OD6 ttt S 5 5J
o O
38 65005'65 3
3 6 6000oO 0,o 0 80` o``
o5 p 6 aoPs3
93 58
o3,, o sa o ,f= 5 8
oo o SMS 0 OCse` TS/AP 5 S oO % ro,
ca5 %OF
39o 0

e 6 5 BA,B Com,BSc o beJ b

`: o S o
,o o o lTWO Facunie 8 6 0plonal
353 o BA 36 O SS
Sublects 6 : roo D of Social Sciencesl,``o
(Faculty of Ansl Sa eo D o o A`00
Co Optional sublects o

D o 3o Optional Sublects oC, SCP Annexure l oa) o

0 o So6 6 a5 T K ' oS
6t 8
O o o 0,K 6 rS`D o o
`D `35 `
6SS 61 OcP ,Facuty of Social Sciences e 6 a68 0 0oS`
3 3,S`6
9 Faculty of Arts oa ro,Faculty of Commerce
oa o,
of Sdence oa 0
Faculty g6t 6 Oo5`S 35
`3 `
BA a60`0306 o o6 D S D` 3,
D 6 6 aa 35D`J
rOo D 6 5 D` 5 o
" `as `

5 BCom 66 o o3,B Com 53 SS S F Oc

(Faculty of Commerce)6o6 o8 , Optional Sublects 6to 10,11,12 K0

B COm atAe r lo,11,1263

35 6t :
1l oS` 0 0 35 ,6663 Facuny 6
Annexure l` oa)

o o6B Sc ao 153 BSc a 153 r3Faculty of

`B Sc 66 Subl ts a 6 oo 6 6

Science e06 optional
15 Oo
Oo 0 bK ,a 6,3 6 o Oo o60 o5`
35 0, ,66 0,b Faculty So 6`) `

0,Oplonal Sublects o
Oo o 0 , o`
TS AP On ne
39 Sp 6 66rtt 3s

10 , 58 0

BA,B Com o SS36 Oe e 6 o 80 8,B SC 35g s 6
6s, 68 5 BIPC 8 MPC o 6 3 53 0 bO
o6 OS
00 3 6o O 9 55 1 E T Pass,
SSC,Caste Cenincate b 0 3 BA,B Com 35 s lnter
Pass E T Pass,SSC SO
Caste Cetincates 01a 3 O Ot`

3 S3 62 S
6 00 ea 5 SMS 0 0 6 o 0
0,a 5 ca Fo 39o0

30 s:TS AP On ne
` `D 5 0
3 88 e'5'6 3 5,
TS AP On ne 6c a 5

`5 Oa o
085 , 696 6 60 6 oa D s88
39 S SOa SMS 6

CS 869 0 DttDOs 0 53 la 66S

a o 3 o 68 o C DOS
6 CS6S

e9 6 D 6 (PSyChO:Ogy)(Code No.24)
S a6 attP 861 0
`Oplonal Sublect r
D 6
SSD 6 C Sa` Qo DT 3o60 DOs
0 0
C 9 35 0` 2000 ( Oo Se3)o
1200/ oS Os`5 39 b Dos 86 3
o d
O 5 100 o 3 0
6`6 Or 6666
rsOI 6%6
3` 6 6 0 6
' ` ``
G86 o c tps 86` o ,o 0 s 865 6, 2000/

OS` 600/
O o6' 2600 Oo 0

9 6 r.62080(COde No.22)
6 ol o 66s61 2 ,0 5 3 o D o 6

_`o Sa`r D So6 Da 9 9 36 86 oO aO

0 6o o 66 6=
ln the l year you have to choose any three oplonal subleCtS from fourfacu ies:

(See Annexure
D 8 0 0 8D r 0 D bK ,a

0 o6 6o o oO(D6 o Annex
ure l` oa)
`6SSO `666

impo, nt Note:
l Contactcum COunse ng classes for Psychology subleCt Wi be offered only in
23 Regional Coordinaton Centres as perthe no ms ofthe university Practicals
be conducted forthis sublect atidenlled Zonal centres Regional Centres
which w be informed later(see Annexure V:)

The oplona:sublect oumansm is Offered at Regiona:C rdina on Centres only


1 550 6 65 5`6 23 oo3 CO ,

66o 6o O o3 6 0 6o,5 0065 DOS
3 O S 0 6 6 oco Se Dos


wh e you are free to choose anythree opuonalsubjects,yOu are directed to note
carefu y the above mentioned guidelines before you ina se the se!ection ofthe
sublects Those who wish to study Postgraduate programmeslater mustchooSe
theiroplonal sublects carefu y keeping in viewthe admission regulattons ofother

For example,r you are interested to study M Sc Programme,t is adViSed to

choose a the three sublects from the Science FaCulty only lf you wantto study
M Com Degree Programme,lis advised to choose a the three sublectS from
the Commerce Faculty on:y Fo M A Degree Programme alSO,l is advised to
ch se a the three optiona:subl ts from the Faculty ofArts Sociai Sciences
l may be noted thatregula onswth regard to admission to Postgraduate Degree
Programmes vary from one University to another

e,5 ] DOs 6 3 o 5 0 0
` ` e 0 0,
5`6 o Sf60`SC 1 6
60 6s D6 b ,55
35 o
1 60 o DOs
oD ``0 S
66 o s o6 o31 6
0 D 5`65

o o D5 0 o3 0 6 raO D o K 1 S
S ` ``
0 ob`6 o o6 o 8 Sa`
1 `O DT
63o66 abK

o 5 o o 5`6 o o6 as 1 o3
, oS SC
65 oa

s 3 610 ,DD6
D D ' DD6 6 r o 6 o6 ` 6 a


The annualtuition fOe payable for rstyearis Rs 2000 fbrB A and B Com and
is payable in one instalment onl The students who have opted for science
sublects(otherthan mathematcs)muStpay Rs 1200 toWards laboratory fee
for each science subject a:ong wth tulion fee only For Mathemalcs sublect
student has to pay Rs 600 towards pracucalfee Students who wish to opt
Psychology as one ofthe optiona:sublects also need to pay Rs 1200/ towards
lab fee in l:and l years StudentsWho paid lab fee but couldntt attend practicals
sha pay the:ab f e once again to attend the practical classes

BA,BCom R 66 o6 0 339o 6 's` o 2000 1 0

39 ostt 68 1 ('86 6 )
1200 S6 06 r,,8`S 39 SS 03 stt

8o 6S 39o O SS 6 C 0 5 5
o66o 600

D 8 , 66,Oo` , 66 o6 o 0 1200/`
g o 6
_ 6 rP 39o 0 5 S` 6` 6

8 ,5 5 39 lps`
NOTE FOR B.Sc.STUDENTS:Practical training classes of Open Universlty
are conducted during October November and Apr May Of every year The

t : Fl :ir: T : Wi

ence practica:sessions withoutfail. :f a studentfails tO attend the prac

ticai sessions,the laboratory fee of Rs.1200 (per science sutteCt)paid
by hirn her wi lapse forthat Academic Year and he rshe has to pay Rs.
1200 per science subiect once again in the subsequent academic year
(S)tO attend the pract:cai sessions.Mathematics students have to Pay Rs
600 once again if they fali to attend practica:training. Laboratory fee
paid by the student is valid for that particular academic year only.(See
Annexure Vi for st of practica:20nal Centres)

:0 O s 6
B Sc.Dqs 0 65 6 6 01 5/66 a 0
b 5
o os`506 S o 0 sO OS o06
6 0 0 15 24 o C6 6 o6 O 6
1200 r,9 A ,s 6] 6'1600 '06%60 0 ` 0 0
OS 390 993900 0 0
0 6 SSOt 96 69 6 OS` 6
6 3 6 66 6 6
6`660 o6 6
1200 1600 0 DO
661 s 61

696o o o0 9o3 o "6, 5 66 o a F 006

6 0 70 0 60 oD 0 sO5
`OC" ` 65 o g06 o
S S 6666o 550
s6 (Annexure VI) , o


COmmencement of payment oftulion fee 1 29-06-2017
1)The last date for payment ofthe tuition fee v thoutlate fOe 1 04-08-2017

Thelastdate ofthe payment oftulion fee withlate fee of Rs 200/ :5 102017

Note: Students may note thatfee w l not be accepted afterthe stipulated date
under any clrcumstances(le after o5-10-2017)

5 oo OS 06o6 0:29 06-2017

) 0 65 6 o3o

03o,060:o4 08-2017
m)` 200 o 655
S 3oo6 S ep 0:05-10 2017
06%30g .o 005 102017,`
0` O 0 o S

` `D
OS`S OA` o6o`


According to the existing university rules,after submiSSion of l ed in optional
choosing Form on ne, students deslre to change their oplonal sublectS,Such
students are permitted to change thei optiOnals by paying Rs 100/ per sublect
within 2 months from the date of commencement Of COntact cum counselling
classes and Rs 700 per sublect afterthat,but before the iSSue of examinalon
nOtincation Payment sha be madein the form of[)D and sentthe sametothe
Directon Sludent service Branch,Dr B R AmbedkarOpen Universlty Hyderabad"

alongwlth the requisition in the prescrlbed format Please retunl the course
matenalalso forthose sublects which you wish to exchange,so that matenalfor
new optionais wi be sentto you You are alsO advised to write yourten digit
fa for any change of optionals along with the prescribed fee receipt

lfthe optional sublects chosen are not ava able atyour Study Centre,you wcluid
be a owed to continue to use otherfac ities at the Study Centre Further you
should prepare on your own for such ofthe subjects Where counse ng classes
are not held atthe study centre HoWevet you maytake the examinatlons atyour
Study Centre lser Prease remember ttar yo ave ro sf dy ffle same
O JO'ars yeararso
tte.serecred tyea snd and

Cs 0 o` o 9`
0 o6 6 6'
`o 0'5 (OpttOnal
60 15 oa Oo b o
Sublects)` 65 6' 6 88 `359
0 0 9 b ' 1007-DD
66 =`
o39oO, 0006 DDo Sq `60 g66 o
6S O 0 89 6 0
ooo ttp Sq o s 0
o 0
6 Change of Op ona:Sublect
5 Admisslon No,Phone No` 0
0 6DDoo s 6
6 S aS

o 35S 0 o306 J 5o6s 6

3b6 ' `6``
O oO 8 666o O
6` 6
'5 "b6
6s 6 a oO 66
6 o o 5
Oo66,K ,66 o6 6 o `35S

Note: a)Change of study centre opttonal sublects medium etc W not be

enterta ned after releasing notincation fOr examinatlon schedule

b) Fee structure menloned above is sublectto change as perthe norms

ofthe university

c)App camon Fo m Registralon Form for vanous actiVlles are placed in

the website braouon nein You can download it

650`: a)666o 00g 06`

'86%6D 6

` 3
tt 150/ a S

b) 630 s F`
` `
C)OD 0 F, Dtt sO` 3

`s ` 86 6t

braouon ne in


The University provides S'tudent Support Services to the students through the
Student Services Branch of the University.

a) Study Centres: To provide learning support and information to the students, the
University has established 212 study centres. These study centres are located
in existing educational institutions in different parts of the States. The details of
the study centres are given in Annexure - Xll. Each study centre is headed by a
senior teacher supported by administrative staff. lf students need any academic
guidance or guidance in the choice of electives, they may seek the advice of the
study centre staff. Experienced teachers will be available on Sundays and holi-
days to provide academic counselling and clear their doubts in the learning ma-
terials. The study centre has audio-visual equipment and library The study
centre is the point of contact with the University for the students. Though atten-
dance is not compulsory for contacttum-counselling classes, students are ad-
vised to go to the study centre as often as they can, to interactwith theAcademic
Counsellors and other learners.

b) Learning Materials in Print: ln the first year U.G Programme, students have to
collect the printed course material for all courses from their study centre From
Second Yearonwards, however, the printed course materialwill be dispatched to
the students by post to their residential address.

c) Background Reading: The course material supplied to students may contain a

list of books recommended for reading. You may use the study centre reference
library in which the recommended books are available.

d) irultimedia Approach: The University since iE inception has been adopting

Multi Media Approach in the Teaching Leaming Process. ln this effort the Univer-
to the Students spread throughoutthe States ofTelangana and Andhra Pradesh'

Radio, Hyderabad on all days from 6.25 p.m. to 6.40 p.m. The programmes are
broadcast on 'Hyderabad - A' meters with shortwave support'

0 Tele Lessons: As a supplement to the printed course material, the University

telecasts Tele Lessons through DD-saptagiri Channel from every Monday to Fri-
day from 5.30 a.m. to 6.00 a m. Similarly, the University is also telecasting Video
week days from 11.30 a.m. to 12.30 Noon. The same programmes are re-tele-
cast from 4.00 P.m. to 5.00 P.m.

taken the initiative to organise LIVE Teleconference programme on every Sunday
from 2.00 p.m. to 3.OO p.m. The prcgramme is telecast through Doordarshan,
Saptagiri Channel. As Doordarshan, Saptagiri is a cable Channel, the students
can view the Teleconference Programme from their houses and could interact
with the subject experts 'online' through telephones. The schedules of Radio /
TV programmes are sent to the individual learners through post. ln addition, the
schedules will also be available in university website and at the Study Centres.

h) Contact-cum-counselling classes: The University allotsAcademic Counsel-

lors, to provide academic support to students. The Academic Counsellors are
selected based on their academic ability and also on their special interest in
teaching students of ditferent age groups, social and linguistic backgrounds.

The contact-cum-counselling classes are conducted at the study centre

only if a certain minimum number of learners have registered for a subject
in a medium. lf the minimum number is not available in the allotted study centre
the students can attend these classes at other centres where counselling is
available. The details of minimum number of learners required for organising
these classes varies from subject to subject. The details are available at the
study centre. The details of subjects offered at various study centres are given in
Annexure - V
The Contact-cum-Gounselling facility is available only in certain study cen-
tres where permission is given to conduct classes for the subjects are as
per Annexure - V. Hence, counselling classes are not available at all the study
centres uniformly although there are students who have registered optional sub-
jects. Some centres are not permitted to conduct the classes for certain optional
su bjects.

Laboratory Facilities: lf students choose to study science subjects including

Mathematics for B.Sc. Degree Programme they will have practical sessions ar-
ranged for them at specifled Zonal Study Centres. For attending the practical
sessions they should pay the laboratory fee as specified by the University along
with their l, ll & lll year tuition fee. The timetable for these classes will be intimated
to them through a letter from the University. As per the existing rules in force,
students have to attend 70% (i.e. on an average 50 hrs.) of practical classes in
each science subject of the Practical sessions opted by them during l, ll & lll
years of their study. 1OO% attendence is compulsory for the Psychology Practi-
cal Sessions.

Library Facilities: ln addition to the printed material supplied to them by the

University, students cen make use of text books and reference books available to
them at the Study Centre Reference Library.

k) OPVARSITY News: The University also brings out a quarterly house journal
called "Opvarsity News" carrying general news features about the university.
Students may collect copies of these from their study centre.
Scheme of Examinations: At the end of each semester, students have to take
examinations as per the scheme / pattern of examination expalined in previous
pages. (See page 12 to 15)

m) Exemption to the Hearning lmpaired, Orthopaedically Handicapped &

Visually Challenged Students:

a) Hearing and Speech lmpaired candidates are exempted from appearing for
Modem lndian Language prescribed for the I & llyears ofthe U G Programme'
(lst - lvth Semesters)

b) Further as per the GO. M.S. No. '183, Higher Education (EC 2) Department
dated 17-09-2010:
i) Exemption from payment of examination fee (3 consecutive years)
ii) Reductoin of pass marks in each subject by 10%.

ln any yea( students can take examinations in all the courses or in any number of
courses in which they have received instruction from the University depending
upon their convenience. lrrespective of the examination result, they can pursue
their studies continuously for three years. However, they get the degree only
after securing pass marks in all the papers including the practical examination
papers. The pass marks are 40% in each paper

Results of all the examinations will be placed in University web-site:


n) Continuation of Study: Students must complete their degree within a span of

six years from the year of admission. lf student is not able to complete the courses
within 6 years he/she may seek readmission as per rules of the university'

id5 ic5e<6ro io'5d;er$ 16o5 5o'5o5o so6qo6:
a) o$ ugiorr *q 212 ed5c6)5 ollre dJe rdjSd$oc6)o 5J5 6'd)Jq)5o 36"56eo9)

b) 3lc6o et6n' s{eet 5>@oda65 }o'Eoi'e)$o ietqe6) i'oaqo6'
c) 6)dS,td6o 5{dcoef }o'So'o$o (5}60 6qo6'
d) lpa era-.do soa'Ssfo 2.oo SroA 3.oo Sd6> EO r5;a5.1o$o c6j5'qo6'
e) i{S i6'Eoo$ soo{5er 15s'do 6a erar'6! e65o5c5 Sogs'of Solf 5oS{
ddtl&e6o &d5bqo6.
f) aods'droe 6r.z16 6o'5ofo, !5$ ro'5$o r$$66 6'5o a'56Cog:'oel
a6o'SiJ stG' 6o66{o6.

0 15 66 S Cd53-od 56{o5o
io'5{el IFed: s'Ser$
{o*oef 35oorJ6o eoEo6.(a 24
o 666 Do 5ro6o
oa 27 665`, oa)
h) r6"Sdao 6111 $d150 e'51 er63i$ &$o5o$1 $o5d;do5ooA 3 5o$dJo'o etSe)
A.E ituSrq doLDo6. eeel ir'g dc6dcJ.6 t10{o 6 $o55;o'o 55$6 ef$e>
(yQ 6SrS56o1. erSJ{5g 6rc $O;5o ;aQ BoJJdC r"6 3{Si6'Eoc6 iao65.)
ps"6o 'o-er63i5' trd$ 6dPiD 3ro$$lj5)1.


a) Procedure for Payment of Tuition Fee
The total tuition fee payable in each year shall be paid atthe beginning of
the relevant Academic Year (June / July) for the U.G Programme. Students are
adyised to pay the fee for the ll year, lll year without waiting for the declaration
of the results of L ll year.

Year Tuition Fee Payable

l Year Rs. 2,1501 (students of direct admission shall pay an
additional amount of Rs. 1501towards
registration fee)

Year Rs. 2,0001

l Year Rs. 2,000/-

Note: Fee structure may be revised from time to time as per the norms of the

A Laboratory fee of Rs. 1,200 for each Science subject is required to be

paid as prescribed by the University in addition to the tuition fee. Laboratory Fee must
be paid along with tuition fee. Students who wish to opt Psychology as one of theil
optionals shall pay Rs. 1,200 in each year towards laboratory fee, in addition to
the tuition fee. Further students, who selected Mathamatics as one of the
optionals, shall pay Rs. 600r- in each year towards practicl fee.

Tentative Admission Schedule for First Year Students

Without Late Fee : 04 08 2017

VVith Late Fee of Rs.200 : 05-10 2017

Refund of Fee
o060 0
60D s:Des 6 6 06 oo8 o6 03 a6o,s`5
39 , 6 o6 o,8` 39o66o06 05 61086
o39a st o 66
1,II o6 66
` `0 `o86
5o55J6o tsQo65ob$ $ar
66 o6 6 2,150 (
S ea stt 66

63 o 0)
oo 6 o6 6o 2,000/

6o 66 o6 6 6' 2,000

38 3sD 80` D(SSo 63

6 S CS
`0 `:
90 rD 6, 630 'S`5 96 o 0 0
6 1200 0S o 6 13,Oo ,K 6o6 o 390 eoA

6 = 66,Oo66,66 o6 3 o6
` 6o
a00 9

'S` 6 o 1200o 6 P39 SS6SS r

35 0 8 600 oo6 o o 0 o6 6 39o 0
0 o6 6 s`S 39o` OS 6 3 :04, 2017
2003 PsK 39o S 6 30 :05,os 52017


The Physically Challenged students are requested to approach the A R State
Handicapped Ottce,Gagan Vl Opp tO M J MarketRoad,Hyderabad for fee re bnement
Ph No 040 24730430,FAX:040-24734873, E maldw_cheyuthaO_yahoo co h

eod pger5o .te tog Qo6l5or

o DOS a65 6 3o S(Reimbursement)
` `S
A P State Physically Handicapped Ottce,Cagan Viha Opp to M J Market Road,Hyderabad
6 Ph No 0-24730430,FAX:24734873, E mJl dw cheyuth()ah CO h
A Change r Transfer of Study Centre
a)For effecttng any transfer of studentfrom one study centre to another study
centre,student sha subnlit his application in the prescribed Form to the
study centre where he/she is admitted,v th the documentary evidence/
prooffor requestlng such transfer

b) The Head ofthe Study Centre sha fomard the Applicalon Fo m wlh a
specttc recommendalon du saiSfying himserofthe reasOn(S)aftercareful
verlication of dOcumentary evidence proof submitted for transfer

C) The reasons such as change of place on accOunt ofrnarriage,employee on

transfel non ava ab ity Of Cettain groups sublectS(eg SCience sublects)
etc rnay be considered HOWevei no transfer Of Study centre sha be
recommended Without any Valid reasons and Without any dOCumentary
evidence The requestS Of senio citizens may be considered favourably
d) The right of transfering study centre of any student rests with the University
and no transfer will be done automatically based on the representation and
the recommendation ofthe Head of the Sltudy Centre.

e) The student may be informed that any false representation shall attract
disciplinary action including cancellation of admission.

0 No transfer of study centre will be entertained within the twin cities of

Hyderabad/ Secunderabad.

g) The trarcfer of study centres will be entertained only during the noti-
fied dates and no transfer shall be considered after the issue of noti-
fication of examinations and until completion of the entire schedule
of examinations so notitied.

h) Keeping in view the need and due to certain exigencies, the University will
however hold the right to transfer of a student from one study centre to
another study centre afier due approval from the authorities concerned'

i) The change ofstudy centre is done only once during the minimum duration
of any programme.

i) Students who seek re-admission or re-enrollment to any programme are

not eligible for transfer of study centre after the re-admission is granted'

k) The University reserves the right to grant or reiect the request for change of
study centre and the decision ofthe University shall be flnal in all respects'

l) The University reserves the right to withdraw / modify / amend these rules
without any prior notice and they shall be binding on the student'

B. Change of Optional Subjects / Medium

No change of Optional Subject / Medium shallordinarily be permitted in lllyear' lf

permitted subject to rules, the students should write the I & ll year examinations of the
subject opted for change in lll year. That is, the same three subjects shall be selected
forstudy in l, llyearand lllYear.

a) The change of subjects / medium is permitted only once during the duration
of the programme. The change in subject(s) / medium is not applicable
where no option / provision exists in the study centre for that particular sub-
ject / medium.

b) Students who are eligible forchange of subjects eg: Arts i SocialSciences /

per the
Commerce / Science, shall be permitted on becoming eligible as
rules of the University in force.
c) The change in Subjects / Medium may be permitted during the period
notified by the Unive6ity every year. However, no change in the
subiects, medium shall be entertained once the eramination
notification is issued and until completion of the entire schedule of

d) The change in Subject / Medium is subiect to availability of contact-cum-

counselling provision atthe study centre and / or other infrastructuralfacilities'

e) ln the context of change in Subject / Medium of degree programme, Certifi-

cate will be awarded only following the provisions / rules in vogue

f) The University shall have the right to transfer the student(s) to any other
study centre close by or otherwise for the purpose of required instructional
needs / infrastructural facilities relating to subject / medium'

g) Generally, the change of subject(s) / medium is done only once during the
minimum duration of he programme. No such change is considered / granted
after completion of duration of programme

h) lf any false claim for such change(s) is noticed at any time, the University
has the right to initiate disciplinary action against the students as per rules
including cancellation of admission

i) The study centre while forwarding the request shallverify the payment of fee
and mention it in the letter to be foMarded for entry in the records at the
University headquarters.

.i) The University reserves the right either to grant or reiect the request of the
student and the decision of the University shall be final under all such cir-
k) The University reserves the right to withdraw the permission or modify or
amend the rules at any time without any notice and the same shall be bind-
ing on the students.


a) Study Material
i) The course material will be distributed to the students of First year through
their study centres from Sept, 2017.

sameAcademic Year. Such complaints will not be entertained in the subse'
quent Academic Year(s).

b) CounsellingSessions
The Contact-cum-Counselling classes will commence from September 2017
For details students may contact the Study Centre
c) Procedure for Change of Addr6s
lf the student wants a change of postal address, the change will be effected
within one month after receipt of the letter ftom them. Communications may continue
to be sent to them to old address till the change of postal address is effected in the
records. Please send information about new address to: Directo( Student Service
Branch, Dr B.R. Ambedkar Open University, Road No.46, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad -
500 033.

d) Promotion to the ll Yeal

As there is no detention system in the University, all the students will be pro-
moted to the ll year. Even if they have not taken the semester-end examinations for
some reason or other, they will still be promoted to ll year.

e) Change ot MIL/ edium

ln the first year, if the studentdesires to change his / her Modem lndian Language
(MlL) or Medium from one to another, he / she has to pay Rs. '100 within two months
from the date of 1st Contact-cum-Counselling class and return the course material
supplied to him / her without spoiling and writing on the books. Afrer two months, the
student has to pay Rs. 500 for MIL and Rs. 700 for change of medium.

0 Change of Optional Subject

i) For change of optional subject in 1st year, within t\rvo months after the com-
mencement of 1st contact-cum-counselling class, the student has to pay
Rs. 1OO per subject by returning the course materialalready received. After
two months, he / she has to pay Rs. 700 per each subject.

ii) lf the student desires to change the optional subject in 2nd year, after a
stipulated time, he / she has to pay Rs. 1400 per each subject (including 1st
and 2nd year). Change of Subiect is not entertained if the student passed in
any one of the papers of the subiect either in I Year or ll Year or in lll Year'

iii) The student, before changing the Optional Subject must be careful and ob-
serve the guidelines for awarding Degree. He / she has to pass all the four
papers of the changed subjects in ll & lll years.

iv) Change of optional subiects is entertained only once in the maximum period
allowed for the completion of the programme.

S) lssue of Duplicate ldentity Card

The fee for issuing Duplicate ldentity Card for U.G Programme is Rs 50/-'
o6 6 P,6o

6 L6 6D

O 6s 61 S , 0 6 86 s 60)6 0
0 ( 6
366:SoS o , o s
S ttPC 63) D se , o50o645 '
,d63o46, eb ,76 5-33
0 0

o ,01 L6 OS`
b) 6)60 00835 6SC 1 o ea 5
(Fopard1 3 oo 0

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6 66 5g6 )
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SSq o ,te 6o 66
eS 61
a)06sCS6 o t S9 0,5 6 Sa oa b
6S 610t6 b6oO 1 86 3,50, 6
bl 69 S 3 OS,D osO 66 6o o``


c)66`o86 t6 06` 6 69 6 a6o

,6D6o 666 1666 o6` 6 Fo 6= DS ,66
06sbo 66 o L65' 6
dl e, S/ba s 96 oO( OQ` D S 8
30o Cl
e) D 8 s 86,6oS eO 6o O D 80 S o0

0 00 o6 o ,D 6 15 5oo6 S65 00 SO '08



C S : ps 66
al JD 6o6J: 0 o6 6o D 8 C 5 o 20175o
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d) 6 SI D DOsO aa 561o6 , 66
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6 0 6
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3 0
o6o`26 6 3 100o 39o0
3 00 ) 61 3, F`6X o6o
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39o 0 66686 06` A 6` ,D160 MIL/
`` `,00
bas o
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5` S 6t 6 St 6 C 65 36% 0

D K ,`6 6 o Sq S 6 0
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iVl e,5 S , P 69 3a6o


1 6, 66
1,H,III o6 cPo

61 O

V) 56] S 0 S' ` O S 3a


O 6 50 00 0

Gu:de:ines forthe payment of Tuition Fee through on:ine forthe nrst
year under Graduate Programme(ET 2017)

Note: This is to note thatthe students who appeared for Entrance Test 2017,w l get

malo part ofinforlnatton from the university portal once hey entertheir ha ticket num

beE They only needto l the remaining inforrnaton ke Medium ofStudy Study Centre
opted,Modern lndian Language and opJonalsublect
Step l

Candidate sha visitthe portal of BRAOU( braouonline in)and C Ck on the

application and access the Fo m The candidate on his own can fl a the nelds in the

Application online and upload it with the photo and signature He shOuld then take a
plntout ofthe l ed&uploaded App catlon Forrn VVh e taking the plntOut ofthe llled
in and uploaded Fo m,it comes out with an appllcatlon number Student should take
o COpieS Of plnt outs one to submit at study centre and anotherto retain with him

Step l:

The candldate,along th the pnntoutand a required certilcates Eligib ity Test

2017,:ntermediate, Date of Birth SSCi Caste Certincate,schoolTC etc,shOuld g
to the study centre where he/she wants tO pursue his her studies He She ShOuld

subnlit a copy of Application Forrn alongwith copies of Certincates at study centre

After venfying the Applicalon Form and certincates,I the candidate is found e
the Coordiantor/Asst Dlrector Deputy Director of the Study Centre,sends SMS tO
the University server or sends message through internet, nirming his admission
On recelpt ofthe SMS from the C rdinatoL the university server sendS
S tO the candidate and alSO to the Coordinator Asst
message wth payment deta
Director Deputy Director No the candidate is a owed tO pay the fee elther at AP
On ne Centre orthrough debk credt card

Step :ll

On payment ofrequisite fee by the candidate on the application number eitherin

AP On ne OrthrOugh debl credl card,a receipt w be generated with the details of
also rece e
admission numbel optionals chooSen,amount,date etc The studentw
SMS With adm:sSiOn numbet COnlrming the receipt offee

lD cards w l be generated at the UniVersity Head Quarters and sentto study

centre The cards wi be isSued to the studentS atthe study centre only The COurSe
material w l also be distributed atthe study centres

0',6 9 E 2017

a66 66 50 6

: 2017 0 stt University Portal e =
enter 3 r6 66 S 6 mon Or 6 6 6 3
Mediuln ofStu Study Centre opte MOdem indian Langllage optionJs
0 Onlhe
OO a

S3 ,I YearAppltttlon Fonn
8 BRAOU ( braOuonhne h) o
53 '0 66T 00 9 O 96 53 ,

0 35' ' Oe
upload 6o 0 upload i 60r
5 o 5 0000
Cse 5 6 0,

a` 03`a o05 , , 0`66: S6 0
` `5
2 o 80o b b`60 s`` o06 9 35(0 6 63),
6 38
6 626
a 53 0 a s

o 3 0
SB` 05065 OD6 9 1 a`
1 5 0
`S 6 o Oo06 60,o
Or o o` o 6 o 3,1 6o"

6 o23 8 0 o tt 5 8

a so p 6 1, 5 8 0 o SMS S 06%0
0 6 6 5- 00`

99 ,Oo888 eaS sOK ,

3 o
6 oSMS o o OCs:`6 TS/AP
OSQ5 5 rPo,ca5 9 39
3 TS/AP Onhne 6c a ca 9s o 090`F ,d ,

60 61 o 3dseS` C`6 oO S
0 S ,` R

.q 39 6 rD OSO` OS SMS 6 o0

3 sno a . S S o gs ta
o oO 6 (Sd ia g ooa 6s 5o `
` '
S "

Registration and Payment of Tuition Fee through oniine for the f:rst year
Under Craduate P gramme(ET 2017)
1. ForAdmission Application

You are advised to 9o to any intemet centre Then visI University portal e,
braouon ne in)and Click on First Year U G Registra on E gib ity Test-2017

and enteryour E T Ha cket No(E Test)Your E T-2017 app calon w

gib ty

appear on the screen You should notchange your name,fathers name,date of birth
and socialstatus Howeven you are free to change your study Centre,Medium,M:L,
address and mobile numbeL I need be Fi up a the nelds along with opJonalsublects
in the application on ne and take a print out ofthe samein o copies The printoutw

be generated with unique application number

2. Where to get the Application Verined

Aftertaking the print outs,go to the study centrewhere you wish tO stud Getthe
onginal certincates ill e,E T Passed memo letteL date of birth certincates(sSC
or School TC),Caste certincatel venned atthe study Centre The onginal certincates
w l be returned to you after verincatiOn You are also adViSed to take one set of certil
cates attested by Gazetted OfFcerto submt atthe Study Centre alon9 Wth the app
tion Aler verincatiOn Of certincates and submission ofApplication Form atthe Study
Centre,you w receive SMS(on yOur mob e phone)tO pay the tulion fee

3. Payment of Fee
The fee fbrthe First Year U C Programmeis Rs 2,000 You shOuld paythe fee
through TS/AP on ne centre orthrough debit card/creditcard lfyou pay fee through
TS AP on ne or debl card credl card,you w get a receipt wth details of your
admission numbel amount paid and your name
The students are issued identity cards at the concemed study centres
a:ong with the distribution of course materia:.

0 6 6 6 S ET 2017) 6 2 39

1 126566 g6

5 BRAOU Portal 0( braOuonhne in)3 6%`First Year UG

Reglstration Englsh Elibiliw Test-2017 s53 E Ha Ticket Number
6 853 r6Screen ET 2017 Application 6 oO

0,`o , 638 ,S ial Stams Fo 66

6 Study Centre,Mediuln,MIL e 5,R 6 666' 6 Appllca on
o 00 Op onal su"ect o Online 26 Rint out o o6
3 oa tt Pnnt out Application o 5 o o o6 0

2 App ca on S D o6g,0

`Verify S
Printout 535 3 ao 66 S 6SCS6 10c e
` `
3 E 2017 Passed Memo,Date of Binh Cerincate(sSC/SChool
TC/Attdiv ), ol 6 o R 53 Study Cente
6 6 0Hginals

Veri 3
6 oa 6 0riginal Certincates s ven S 30o `

` 60 Application

Certincate , set 00 0 e6 6` o``o3 Oo
o6s 10 0 0 6 'S`5
390 %
6 S SMS6 oa

3 00
39o 2,000 6 TS/AP Onihe
atA First Year Progranlme

, Ca 5 Ca ,
6 Appli
Centre Application o 39
cation o 5 639o`6= 39 Admission o ,39o06 ,
DSo oJ` Print 6 o0

0 9 ,g ) 6
gn 6 C 5 o o86 S Study Centre


RECiSTRAT:ON FORM Iintemmediate Passed ori Equivaient E.I Passed
(2013 2016)Candidatesl

llTCtai Fee:Rs.150(Registraion Fee)+Rs.2,000(Tuition Fee)=Rs.2,1501

Enterinto the pOrtal of BRAOU( braouon ne in)

l First,Click on UG DirectAdmission,UG First Year On ne Re9istralon Form

: Enterthe Candidate s Name,Fathers Name and Date of Birth aS recorded

in SSC Memo
l Enter Mothers Name as ShOWnin Ralon Card Aadhaar Card
l Se:ectthe Genderto WhiCh yOu belong
, Select your marital stiatus to which you belong.
, EnterAadhaar Number
After completing personaldetails, startentering the details under theAddress for
Correspondence by entering House No., Street / Colony, Village / Mandal/ Town
/ City, District, Slate and PIN Code, Mobile No. (Compulsory) and e-mail lD (if
available). lf you don't have mobile number of your own, at least provide mobile
number of your parents or relatives or friends.

Select your medium of study, out of two media i.e., English & Telugu.

Under S'tudy Centre to be opted, you come across two fields i.e., District and
Study Centre location.
, First click on the District, you get a list of 23 disticts. Then select the distict in
which you intend to study.
, Then click on the next field i.e., SudyCentre. You willfind a list of Sudy Cente6
existing in the district. Selecl one of the study centers where you want to study.

Now move on to Sl. No. 5 Modem lndian Language and select one of the languages
i.e., Telugu, Hindi, Urdu and Functional English.

6 Select your Educational Qualification among the list of qualifications appearing

under this head.
7 Choose your religion to which you belong to out of Hindu, Muslim, Christian and

Select the Social S-tatus to which you belong from the list provided i.e., SC, ST,
BC-A, BC-B, BC-C, Bc-D, BC-E, OBC and OC.
9 Select the employment status among the categories viz., Employed, Self
Employed and Un-employed.
10 Select the option to which you are associated with under the category of
Occupation viz., House wife, Agricultural Labourer, Labourer, Skilled Worker,
Teacher, Businessman, Ministerial Service, Nurses, Politician, Defence and

Select either'YES' or'NO' under Differently Abled head. lf you click'YES' then
you willfind category of Physically Challenged, Visually Challenged and Hearing
lmpaired. Select appropriate category to which you belonged to.
12 Under this head, select the area in which you are residing i.e., Urban, Rural and

13 ln respect of photo and signature, paste your passport size colour photograph on
a white paper and put your signature below the photo. Scan both the photo and
signature. Then uptoad it to the ontine apptication. lffil
14 At this stage you need to ensure that all the entries made in the above application
are true to the best of your knowledge. Only after ensuring yourself that all the
entries made are conect, then only, click on 'Submit' to take print out of the
Application Form in two sets. The print out of this Application Form comes out
with an application number. Put your signature in the box provided on the left
hand side, below the declaEtion in theApplication form.

15 Now, go to the study centre along with necessary certificates in original (i.e.,
Date of Birth, Caste, Qualification etc.) and a set of attested copies thereof. You
have to submitApplication Form alongwith one set of attested copies of certificates
at study centre. After the verification of certaficates by the study centre staff, you
are directed to make the Fee Payment. For payment of fee, you will also receive
an SMS from University. Now you can pay the prescribed Tuition Fee of Rs.
20001along with 150/- towards Registration fee (Totral Fee Rs. 2150) through TS
/AP Online Centre or Debit / Credit Card.
16 Once the payment of fee is made through TS /AP online or credit card / debit
card, a receipt will be generated with Admission number, confirming your
17 It is instructed to the student to collect his / her identity card from Study Centre
eitheratthe time of collecting course materialoratthe commencmentof contact-
cum.counselling classes without fail.
18 Student is also advised to keep a printed copy ofApplication Form alongwith Fee
receipt tall the Programme is completed and all certificates are taken from the

19 Next step is choosing of optional subjects. Please refertothe guidelines given in

previous pages once again and choose optionals accordingly.

oSLtfiS )o CoSeCg i},65q)

a6 6 6 6 (B A.,RCom.,B.ScD FS (
6 oa 0

0 os6s6 60 ,` 11'6J2013 6oa 2016 66 o,666 ) 6 )
o : 150+ 1 2000= 2150)g
` "6
onlincin) g6s t63 030 _

1 6o U G Direct Admission b 65 6 Oa u Q First Year Online Registration

Fon 6 0

1 0 8`6 ,` ,86 6 SSC /6 C/0

D60 0
1 `9 5 8 oO
3 0 D60 66 '
1 0 : 6db 'Mald ;"
6d 'FemaiO 353 ,0
1 :D h ed' ; a 'ulmttded'b eS
6 ,o

l oo5 o 6
6 6 0 066 6o 8` SS, 0
3o` `,o`
F o 0
street/colony 6
6 6o, , , S
5J ,

5 Or 0 6- ID o8 Oo s a btt b
586 8`S o5`98 ,
6 0 0,

o S6sSo ( OnS,3 ) o 3S6sS 5oa
`6 '3
o6soO o (Study centre opted) 60o o F,
0`0968 61o `

l o oD ct b 6,3
23 o 0 6
` b
6 o `
`666 =S
: 6 5o ea 6s`
6,study centre
10C ool
6 Dtta a` P 6d,e Study

centre 653

0`T T`(Modem lndian Language)S 53 Oa 6oo 53 rP

3 , o8,o ,6 65 On 6 0 15 b oS`
65 o , o 53 Oa `

oo Dos``o(Educational QualincatiOnp
0 0 6o 53 6
DDO DOst o 6D o`on o6 0 353 oa
7 oo 8o65
,C , 0 aoe 3 o
8 S

6osOa `6S

6 o`^S,3oStt DDo S 669 oo6 SC,S ,BC A,BC B,BCC,BC D,

BCE,OBC,OC 6 6 033o06 3 qL 6 Oa

S o o 006 Employet Self Employed,Unem
(Employment Status)8
ployed O b O o o
` `3
1 COCCupation)8 0153 rP3, 5,686 3, 0, 0 sC ,

, s , 5,6 ,0 e ,6 ,
` `
6 C3 66033 66 3 35S 5oa

b `Dittrendy abled'(Oo ) 0 S 6 Yes/No o

5 5 a
s ao 3 Yes ,6 S No 53
` ` h redes`Yes
s6 oo `
PhysicallyCha engec SudlyChallenged,Hettng
0 6033 6o 0 AS S
6 Urb 6 0),Rural(trP
12 Area of Residence(0 6 ) 30 e
O ) bo
(b 0 6S 6 a
` ` `O
13 ) ,60`` (Signatlre) 0, 6)
` `39, `o Upload
S ,o 3o SCan 3 o o Ooao150 onine application
6 a S
14 66 application ooO 0 0


6rSo o%oo 3
a 0 Oa 150
35goa 6o 3o 00 06 O 6 Declaration
` `'Subml'

e D`sS
b 6o
15 16 0 662 , 50o``o3 0 o
00 0(0 6 Date of Birth Certiflcate,Caste Cenicate,QualincatiOn etc)
, 62 5
6S 610F 33 o "35
`Application Fom
Sa`6 6scS6 1 06sC 61 150 tS 6`
6, 39 66 S o oa ` 6 o
SMS 6 oO 6 8 ` 1300o ,150o 0 5
3b TS/AP Online Centre 6 305 ca5 9 rr 39
16 39o06` S o 5 o0
`50a `166
17 Os 0 66= 66 0 F 6865 0, 6 CS 065 oo

0` ,o S(ldenjty Card)Study Centre 3 0

18 D s 0 6 , o 5 o o , 61 ctrr 20 ,

o t 35 366 6g
19 b o SD6
o 6 rP5, o` :5o
`6 ` SD
6,6"oS S 6660,`
` `
Model Registration Form is given at the last page of the

6 0 )oS 0 6 6


Telephone enquiry service is ava able on a working days from 10 30 a m to
5 00 p m only atthe Headquarters with the fOIlowing omcers

Pub c Relalons OfFcer : Genera:Enquiry

Phone:040 3680210, 040 3556503
Directol Matenal PrOduc on : Course Matenal
Phone:040 23544832

Directoi Student Services i Contactcum Counse ing Classes

040-23680284 294 281

Controller of Examinations : ExaminaJon Matters

Phone:04023552840,040 23680241to253
Directol Academic : Academic Matters
Learners Services Centre : Genera nformaton(Enquiry)
Phone:040-23544986, 040-23680222
Exam:nalon Services Centre : Examinalon Maters(Enquiry)
Phone:040 23544729, 040 23680555

Liaison Omcer(sc ST Ce ) : SchO:arshlp Matters


Separate Heip Desk Numbers for Advise and Cuidance

l Admission to Degree is on ne by reg:stration in the Univers!ty Portal
(braOuon ne in)RogistraJons for examinajons is a:so on ne
2 University website provides information on various services such as ad
nlissions, exanlinations and resutts from tirne to tirne ewthe webslte

frequentlyfor updates
3 Mostofthe lmes,University sendsinfoma on to the mobiles of students
through SMS Advised notto changethe mobile number the programme
is connpleted
4 Problemsin drawing the services from the University w be resolved by
the Help Desk
o6 o5
l a '06 6
5(braOuOnlinc in)
5 SSg o66 S hec 02 535 0

,66 ,60 6 6' e
'06 38 6 a

O0066=b 6So6 o S 6o g
35 oc S, oa
3 o6 o DOS D 5 6S 6o66S 06

0 s6`

4 6 S 6 o o6o06
'36%60 66 0
HClp Desk
0 )53 6S6s
: O
6 a

DSD F 366:

Faculty ofArts Facuty of Soda!Sclences Facully of Commerce Faculty of Sclence

Subled Code Subled Code Subltt Code Subj Code
o JS eo DT o QO 6 QO
``o " ` `aS
06 EnglishLl 20. Economics 10 Commerce 13 Botany

0 sdn'iso 9 l
07 Hindi Lit 21. History 1l Commerce 14 Chemistry
6 o
`sO `
08 TOlugu Lit 22. Joumalism 12 Commerce 16 Geology
3 0 ,`so adJOao , 0

09 urdu Ln 23. Political Science 17 Mathematics

03 :,`8o eaisai.Glo
24. Psychology `
18 Physics
;50.$ ig5a'tqo 8 r
25. PublicAdministralion 19 ZOology
@e6d5)<lo' :'q5io rCO
26. Sociology

Name of the semester-l Semester - ll Semester - lll Semester - lV

1 Ab ity Enhancement Gender Sensitisation Environmental Studies

CompulsOry lAECC) UG101AEC UG201AEC
Code 01

2 Genenc Eiective(GE) Science and Technology

an and Social
Code 02 UG102GE Development
Foundation Course in Foundation Course in Foundation Course in Foundation Course in
3 Language Specific
Engnsh_ Eng sh Engnsh_ Engnsh_lv
Course(LSC l

Code 03 UG103LSC UG203LSC UG303LSC UG403LSC

l `:
6S 6 CO 66 g6` oa a665 o( 01,02,03,04)`6 3 SOsSo SC

2 0o 6 oos 1 o o S SS o 0
0 6 S 05
o 6 oa)
3 MiL 3 SC OS`D6 0 0 0o 0
4. M:L o o D6Hindi,Urdu,Addl Eng sh 6 0o q66 6Q 6

Modern lndia EEng: EEng: EEng: REng:

Language Functional Eng sh l Functional English Functional Eng sh l Functional Eng sh IV
(M!L) UG104Mi FE UG204Ml FE UG304M! FE UG404MIL FE
Code 04 OR OR OR OR
Hindi:Hindi Adhar Hindi:Hindi Adhar Hindi:Hindi Adhar Hindi:Hindi Adhar
PathyakramJ Pathyakraml! Pathyakram l PathyakramJV
UG104M:L H UG204Mi H G304M:L H UG404MiL H
Telugu:Telugu Teiugu:Telugu Telugu:Telugu Telugu:Telugu
Mou kamshamulu Mou kamshamulu MOunkamshamulu l Mou kamshamulu IV
UG104MIL T UG204M!LJ UG304M!L T UG404M!L T

Urdu:Bunyadi Nisab : Urdu:Bunyadi Nisab ll Urdu:Bunyadi Nisab Urdu:Bunyadi Nisab lV
Skill Enhancement Development
Course (SEC) and Soft Sk is
(Common for UG305SEC(1)AND
all Students) ComputerApplicaJon
Code - 05 UG305SEC(2)
Sk l Enhancement Subject Specific Skill
Course(SEC) Enhancement Course
(Sublect specric And
sk ls) Subject Specific Skill
Code 05


S No Subject Sublect TIle Subject Code

1 Skill Enhancement Elective Courses (SEEC) A. Rural Economics (Economics) UG405SEE(EC01)

2 Skill Enhancement Elective Courses (SEEC) B. Budgeting (Economics) UG405SEE(EC02)
3 Skill Enhancement Elective Courses (SEEC) Archival Keeping and Museology (History) UG405SEE(HISl)

4 Skill Enhancement Elective Courses (SEEC) Tourist Guide and Hospitality Services (History) UG405SEE(H:S2)

5 Skill Enhancement Elective Courses (SEEC) Political Reporting [Writing for Mass Media] (Political Science) UG405SEE(PSl)
6 Skill Enhancement Elective Courses (SEEC) Survey Research Methods (Political Science) UG405SEE(PS2)
7 Sk Enhancement Eleclve Courses(SEEC) Digital Governance (PublicAdministration) UG405SEE(PAl)
8 Skill Enhancement Electave Courses (SEEC) Rural Live hoods Management(PublicAdministraJon) UG405SEE(PA2)
9 Skill Enhancement Elective Courses (SEEC) Social Movements (Sociology) UG405SEE(SOCl)
10 Sk I Enhancement Elective Courses(SEEC) Human Rights (Sociology) UG405SEE(SOC2)
Sk I Enhancement Elective Courses(SEEC) Prasara Madhyamalu (Telugu) UG405SEE(TELl)
12 Skill Enhancement Elective Courses (SEEC) Anuvadamu Vivadha Prakrialu (Telugu) UG405SEE(TEL2)
13 Skill Enhancement Elective Courses (SEEC) Academic W ng(Eng sh) UG405SEE(ENGl)
14 Skill Enhancement Elective Courses (SEEC) Communication Skills (English) UG405SEE(ENG2)
15 Skill Enhancement Elective Courses (SEEC) Commerce UG405SEE(COMl)
16 Skill Enhancement Elective Courses (SEEC) Commerce UG405SEE(COM2)
17 Sk I Enhancement Electve Courses(SEEC) ComputerApplication UG405SEE(CAl)
18 Skill Enhancement Elective Courses (SEEC) ComputerApplication UG405SEE(CA2)

S No Sublect Sublect Tlle Sublect Code

19 Sk Enhancement Eleclve Courses(SEEC) Probab ly and Stauslcs(Mathemaucs) UG405SEE(MATl)

20 Sk I Enhancement EleCIVe Courses(SEEC) Graph Theory (Mathematics) UG405SEE(MAT2)


Skill Enhancement Elective Courses (SEEC) Basic Sk l in electncals(PhySiCS)


Ski Enhancement Elec ve COurses(SEEC) Basic lnstrumentation Skills (Physics)

23 Sk I Enhancement Electve COurses(SEEC) instrumentauon Sk s(chem stry) UG405SEE(CHEl)

24 Sk I Enhancement Elec ve Courses(SEEC) Cosmelcs(Chem stry) UG405SEE(CHE2)

25 Sk I Enhancement Elecuve courses(SEEC) Photo Geology, Remote Sensing and GIS (Geology) UG405SEE(GE01)

26 Skill Enhancement Elective Courses (SEEC) Geochemistry (Geology) UG405SEE(GE02)

27 Sk Enhancement Eleclve Courses(SEEC) Biofertilizer Technology (Botany) UG405SEE(BOTl)

28 Sk I Enhancement Electlve Courses(SEEC) Floriculture (Botany) UG405SEE(BOT2)

29 Skill Enhancement Elective Courses (SEEC) Ornamental Fish Culture (Zoology) UG405SEE(Z001)

30 Skill Enhancement Elective Courses (SEEC) Butterf ly Conservation (Zoology) UG405SEE(Z002)

31 Skill Enhancement Elective Courses (SEEC) Urdu Zaban-0-Mawas at(Urdu) UG405SEE(URDl)


Sk I Enhancement Eleclve Courses(SEEC) Funoon O Lateefa(Urdu)

33 Skill Enhancement Elective Courses (SEEC) Sambhashan Kala(Hind UG405SEE(HINl)

34 Ski Enhancement Elec ve Courses(SEEC) Karyalayee Hindi (Hindi) UG405SEE(HIN2)

35 Sk I Enhancement Elecuve cOurses(SEEC) '1. Stress Management (Psychology) UG405SEE(PSYl)

36 Skill Enhancement Elective Courses (SEEC) 2. Enterpreneurship Development (Psychology) UG405SEE(PSY2)

37 Skill Enhancement Elective Courses (SEEC) Photo Journalism (Journalism) UG405SEE( OUl)

38 Sk I Enhancement Elec lve Courses(SEEC) Media and Society (Journalism) UG405SEE( OU2)

Name of the :Year Year : Year

Subject & Code Semester-l Semester - ll Semester - lll Semester - lV Semester - V Semester-Vl

1 ECONOMICS l Micro 2 Micro 3 Macro 4 Pub c Finance 5 1ndian 7 Telangana

Ottr E nomicsJ Economics ll Economlcs &lnternational Economy Economy


0 -2
Of Econonlics 6 3oorP"
0 r
6A. Financial 8A. Economics
lnstitutions of Develop-
and Markets mentand
Se!5o5o:- lnfrastructu re

S"aUup erA5g,
BA52oECODSE(A) eoSJbs"dot{
OR er$a(o
68. Quanti- M620ECODSE(C)
tative OR
Methods for 88. Economics o'
Economic Environment

Name of the l Year Year l Year

Subject & Code SemesterJ Semester - ll Semester - lll Semester - lV Semester - V Semester-Vl

S6S Ottr
ors` BA620ECODSE(Dl

HISTORY 1:ndian H:story 2 1ndian History 3 1ndian History 4 Modernindian 5 History Of 7 History and

66 and culture from and culture from and culture from History from Modern world cuiture of

(21) the earliest times 712to 1526 C E 1526to 1857 C E 1858to 1947 C E 1500to 1964 CE Telangana from
to 712 C E T6 6` o 660` oc, O 06 er666 O 3 6 Ea lest lmes
660 o ,
86161712 6 03" C, ) ce 500 to 1948
0 0Sa
o 6oa 1857 666 1858 oa oa 1964 3oo
oa BA321 HIS 194766 66 00 a
CI 71266 BA221 HIS BA421 HIS BA521 HIS So 194866
BA121HIS BA621 H:S

6A Cukural 8A Contempo
Hentage Oflndia rary History of

r6 o6 lndia from 1948

66 to 2016

BA521 HISDSE(A) 6 966

6 0 oc

Name of the l Year Year Year

Subject & Code Semester-l Semester - ll Semester - lll Semester - lV Semester - v Semester-Vl


6B History Of 8B Httory Of
people's Modem
movementsin Telangana from
modern lndia 1948 to 2014
O 3` o60`
6`0 3oo 6ec
06s Soa
Oc 201466

3 POLITICAL l Polilcal Theory 2 Politicalldeas 3 1ndian 4 1ndian Political 5 VVestern 7 international

SCIENCE and Concepts and Govemment Processes Political Thought Relalons

o 8 o ca 0 o o lnstitutions and Politlcs 6`ca 6S C 50 O
(23) 66 caSo 6 o o P


Name of the I Year Year Year

Subject & Code SemesterJ Semester - ll Semester - lll Semester - lV Semester - V Semester-Vl

6A lndian 84. Contempo-

Po ticalthought ry lnternational
66o 50 Relations
r $5os'65
BA523PSDSEIA) esodo.&c6:
OR Soalopel)
8 Govemment B. Public Policy
and Politics of 6&6s
Telangana DA'So
3oo 8A623PSDSE(D)


4 PUBLIC l Basics of 2 Development 3 Unlon 4 State 5 Human 7 Financial and

ADMINISTRAT10N Public Administra on and Administralon Admlnistralon Resource Mate al

6 6 Administrauon Emerglng Trends 6 6 Management Resou

6 6 BA325PA BA425PA 6,6666 o Management

(25) SO o 6m m D ,6

BA125PA BA225PA BA525PA 666o

Name of the l Year Year l Year

Subject & Code Semester-l Semester - ll Semester - lll Semester - lv Semester - V Semester-Vl


6A. Rural 8A. Urban

Govemment Govemment
gr5:o io5 SQea )oS
B. Public Otfice B. E-Gove-
Administretion mance

6&"5 a-d5415"1
s.e5oo5.> 8A62sPADSE(D)


5 SOCIOLOGY l Fundamentals 2 1ndlan Society: 3 Sociallssues 4 1ntroduction to 5 Ruraland 7 Social

(26) of Sociology Structure and Po cies and Research Urban Demography

6Sar Change Development Methods Sociology :5

O 6 oS 66 a : 6 Os 6o 66 m a
BA126SOC 00 6
D ,oal 616 0
6 6 BA626SOC
o666 BA326SOC 60 oSo 65 r

Name of the I Year Year Year:
No. Subject & Code Semester-l Semester - ll Semester - lll Semester - lV Sem$ter - V Semester-Vl
6A S ial 8A. lndustrial
Anthropology Sociology
sa` J01a"ScS
S66r 65:.a a'So
BC mlnology B. Political
6r Sociology
BA526SOCDSE(B) o.aBc6r
5$.a a"So

TELUGU l Prachina 2 Adhun ka 3 Prachina 4 Adhunika 5 Telugu 7 Telugu

L rature Kavha Kavtha Vachana Vachana Sahitya Sahitya
Panchayam Parlchayam Parlchayam Parlchayam chanhra vechana

066`D0 e 3`60 066666 e 0` 3 s 3

6060 o 0 o 66 o 656606o o 66 D3 6

6A Kalpanika 8A Udyama
sahnhyam Sahthyam
9 6SS
b`8 S

Name ofthe I Year Year :Year

SutteCt a code Semester-l Semester - ll Semester - lll Semester - lV Semester - v Semester-Vl

B Telangana B Dalla
Sahthyam sahnhyam
3oo m 606


7 1 1ntroduct on 2 1ntroduction to 3 Structure of 4 Eng sh 5 Eng sh 7 Eng sh

to the Eng sh to the Eng sh Modern PoetryJV Drama V F cJon VI

Language l LiteratureJI Eng sh l BA406ENG BA506ENG BA606ENG

6A. lndian 8A Academic
Literature VVritlng

B. Women B Eng sh
writings in in lndia


Year :Year
S. Name ofthe l Year

No. SutteCt a code Semester-l Semester - ll Semester - lll Semester - lV Semester - V Semester-Vl

8,910 COMMERCE Business Principles of Bus!ness Buslness lncomeTax l lncomeTax-ll

(10,11,12) Organlzation Management Slatistics ! Statistics !:

S 6686 D S 6 8 6 oo 6 erdc$O
BCl10BO S o`r o-1 o`r o-2 6 1 5501-2

BC210PMGT BC310BSll) BC410BS(::) BC5101TAXll) BC61o|TAJ((2)

Financial Financlal Advanced Corporate Cast Management

Accounting Accounting ll Accountancy Accounting Accountlng Accounting

5 s 6 QI
S 5

o o6o 1 o o o 2
co` o o o o oFo oF oFo6oF

Business Money& Buslness Mercantile Company Audling

E nomics Banking Finance ea

JS 6 Ogrc t66S

8 F J8 66`
o o6 o BC612AUD
BC212MB `
Electivog t es

A. lndirect l lndirect
Taxes-l Taxes l!

56'6 65oreu-1 6 6 -2
BCs1olNDT0SE0)(A) BC0101NDTOSE(2)lA)

Name of the :Year Year Year
Subject & Code Semester-l Semester - ll Semester - lll Semester - lv Semester - V Semester-Vl

B. lndian 2. Business
Economy Environment
sr"dd a'gld
erQs s55f 506o"e)o
C. Business 3. Business
Communication Report
rgld 65:.o"d Writing
bo'oeB o'5}d &36Se:

A. Accounting OR
Standards 1 . Banking

e,gEo6 Practice

$5:"eo'er: o.go3o6
BCSl0ASDSE(1XA) egr56ea
B. Advanced BC6108PDSE(4
Corporate 2. Advanced
Accounting Management
6$1d Accounting
, d$;d e65it'o
esBoEoE eoRoEo6

Name of the I Year Year l Year

Subject & Code Semester-l Semester - ll Semester - lll Semester - lV Semester - v Semester-Vl

C. Financial 3. Financial
Markets Services
a{ 5ra6Q S{

1. Principles of 1. E-Commerce

Marketing e-E 5o6J

$:.466o6 BC6T oECDSE(A)

3C5l0PMAROSE0XA) 2. Services
2. Sales & Marketing
Distribution BCSl oSMOSE(B)

(,l$gs'o- -ioSer

5obe8 5:'O6t3olT
BCs1oS&OOSE(B) 3. Retailing
3. Consumer 06006
Behaviour 8C0loRETOSE(C)


Name ofthe l Year Year :Year
SutteCt&Code SemesterJ Semester - ll Semester - lll Semester - lV Semester - V Semester-Vl

MATHEMATICS l Differenual 2 Differenttal 3 Real 4 Algebra 5 Linear 7 Nume cal

(17) Calculus Equations Analysis 6 Algebra Methods

o66 6 o66 6 tt6
BS417MAT 6 a ors6

o 6566 e" Dl` 6o 61


6A Three 8A Vector
Dimensional Calculus
Geometry ar 6

e S o
OR 8B Linear
6B Discrete Programming
Mathematical 5`
Structure 06


Name of the :Year ll Year l Year

Subiect & Code SemesterJ Semester - ll Semester - lll Semester - lV Semester - v Semester-Vl

12 PHYSICS l Mechanics 2. Waves & 3 Thermodynamics 4 0ptics 5 ElectHcity& 7 Modern

(18) Oscillation
O r s Magnetism Physlcs

r 5o0o$) BS318PHY BS418PHY D685 e 36

BSl18PHY 6"e)n"e.l) O
BS518PHY `r

6A 8A
Electronics 1: Electronics-2:
Basic Digtal
Electronics Electronics&
5 3ommunications
0 D aa 5
6B Mate al `SStt
Science OR
b o( 5 8B Nano


I Year Year l Year
Name of the
Subject & Code Semester-l Semester - ll Semester - lll Semester - lV Semester - V Semester-Vl

4 1norganic, 5 inorganic, 7 1norganic,

13 CHEMISTRY 1 1norganic, 2 1norganic, 3 inorganic,
organlc&physical organic&physiCal organic&physical organic& organlc
(14) organic&physical
chemistry-1 chemistry-2 chemistry 3 chemistry 4 physical chemistry&
(COre) chemistry 5 Physical
(COre) (COre) (COre)

6,` 6&

6& 6,` 6& 6,
6& (COre) chemistry

6, 6&

` ` O` 6,` 6&
0`6 6 FO 6 6 8`6 6 0`6

1 r o 2 o3 366 FO`6
( 6s ) ( 6s ( 6s 6 ) ( o-5 r

``o) BS314CHE i: ( 6s o) BS614CHE
6A Agro 8A Drug
Chemicals Chemistry
and nano &Enzymes
materlals E 66

0 Do 6"


60S OR

lYear Year Year _
Name of the
Semester - lll Semester - lV Semester - V Semestel-Vl
Subject & code SemesterJ Semester - ll
OR 8B Polymer
6B Green chemistry
ChemiStry separation
organic techniques&
Chemistry, chromotography
Envi onmental 50m

ChemiStry 6 6 ,

0 6 0 6 3b6

,` 6 6

6 6r
6 6r

3 1gneous 4 Sedimentary 5 Structural 7 1ndian

14 GEOLOGY l General 2 Crysta Ography
Petrology and Metamo phic Ceology and Geology and
(16) Geology &Minerology
Petrol gy Economic Paleontology
o6 OtteO
` r OS16 Geology 66
3 6 0

r pO BS316GEO o 6

BSl16GEO BS216GEO 0he 0

93` 5

r D 6 6 6

l Year Year :Year
Name of the
Subject & Code Semester-l Semester - ll Semester - lll Semestei - lV Semester - V Semester-Vl
6A Mineral 8A Envirclnm
Exp10ration ental Geology

and Mineral 6 866

Economlcs D 6

gr o
BS516GEODSE(A) 8B Mining
OR G logy
6B Hydro and Ore
Geology Dressing
ao 6

6 r
r 6 66

BOTANY l Microblal 2 Bryophyta, 3 Anatomy and 4 Developmental 5 Ce 7 Plant

Diverslty Pte dophyta Plant Biology and Blolo9y& Physiology&
Algae and Fungi Gymnosperms& Taxonomy Medicinal Botony Genetics Ecology

6 DoS ,
Paleo Botany O06 66 6r o 66

e r
SO `
6 0 ,

`6 966" o
e Pe" ,3
696680 1
BSl13BOT 0
6 BS313BOT

S Name of the :Year ll Year :Year

No Subiect & Code Semester-l Semester - ll Semester - lll Semester - lV Semester - V Semester-Vl
6A Crop 8A Seed
production Technology
o o o D 6 86

6B Plant OR
Tissue 8B Plant
Cuture Disease

l Management
6 6 l Js
16 ZOOLOGY l Animal 2. Animal 3 Ecology 4. Cell and 5 Physiology& 7 1mmunolo9y
diversity diversity zoogeography molecular blochemistry and animal
lnvertebrates vertebrates and developmental Biology, biotechnolo9y
D`s ?3ob A$dEo- biology genetics and

o 69 6$id:s"e)) 66"r o, evoluation 66 OS6 0

BSl19Z00 BS219ZOO ao6 O Sea Sooo$) sea) 6 a`

d5o"1Qo, aSog I BS519Z00
J 1 a'@o SoOofu BS619Z
BS319ZOO d560$reoo

Name of the :Year :l Year l Year

Subject & code Semester-l Semester - ll Semester - lll Semester - lv Semester - V Semester-Vl
6A. Principles 8A. Fish seed
and methods in production and
Aquaculture Hatchery
Jr-T06 $:.1o'or Technolgy

- S{d:er SodSl

ao6o5{5o 5o0oX! $qs

BS5l9ZOODSE(A) (eos"5SolO

OR 6e5Jg +oles
68. Sericulture n"60
5Q O&t{:e: 856l9ZOODSE(C)

(:o5$5o OR

fo05o3O 88. Seri-

BS5'l9ZOODSE(B) biotechnology
$qS 6er)g
ilodag d.6io

Name ofthe I Year Year I Year
SutteCt&COde Semester-l Semester - ll Semester - lll Semester - lV Semester - V Semester-Vl

17 URDU LITER URE History Of urdu History Of urdu

(09) Literature Literature

(part l) (part 2)

18 HINDILITERATURE 1 Hindi Sahitya 2 Hindi Gadya 3 Adhunlk Hindi 4 Madhyakaleen 5. Prayojan- T.Anuvad
O ka ltihas Sahlya Kavita Hindi Kavita mulak Hindi SiddhantAur
6A. Premchand 8A. Hindi
BAS0THrNOSE(A) Computing

68. Jaishankar OR
Prasad 88. Sarjanatmak
BA50THtNOSE(B) Lekhan aur
Sampadan kala

27 PSYCHOLOGY l Foundations of 2 Cognitive and 3 Social 4 Abnorlnal 5 Life Span 7 Psycholo9iCal

(24) Psycho10gy Behavioral Psychology Psychology Development Assessment
JD r Processes P SS o J D6 o S
` `
6 D 6 rttO D 6 D o
BA124PSY 0
S. Name of the :Year ll Year l Year

No. Subiect & Code Semester-l Semester - ll Semester - lll Semester - lV Semester - V Semester-Vl
6A. Educational 8A. Health
Psychology Psychology
Sog 5o,$ es6"t{g 5oS
3a.5 a"r$o Sa.S a"r$o

68. Organiza- 88. Psycho-
tional logical
Psychology Competencies
5gSS56 so$ 5o,$sq$
Sar.S a'rSo J$oq5o:

31 UG JOURNAL:SM 1. lntroduction to 2 P nt 3 Electronic 4 1nformation 5 Pub c 7 Fundamental

(22) Mass Medla Medica Technology Rela ons d
Communication O 5 acs O lS05 and Digltal Advertislng

and Journalism BA222 OU bao Media o o O 5

BA322 OU BA522 OU SO o
5:.SSSr:.gSt;r5, 5
a6;0ao-60r5c6:o 50 BA622 Ou

BA122JOU b


Name of the :Year ::Year :Year
Subject & Code SemesterJ Semester - ll Semester - lll Semester - lv Semester - V Semester-vl
6A. Corporate 84. Media
Publications Laws and

v01615 Ethics
(:r$6meu 5r&o5, J{Ee)
68. Telugu 88. Specialized
Journalism Reporting
Bel6r 65dg,roo"e:
ad;Oao 6SOo6
SI District Place College Name Centre M I L Offcrcd Code No. of Mcdium Offercd
No Code Subjects Offered
T FE U t, Il & III Year Subject Telugu Engiish
Codes mentioned below Medium Mcdium

1 4 5 6 7 8 9

01 Adiiabad Adilabad Govt. Degree 001 Yes Ycs Ycs Ycs 06to 26 Ycs Ycs
College for Men (RCC)

Aslfabad Covt. Junior College 192 Yes No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No


Bellampalli Govt. Junior College 109 Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Yes

04 Bhainsa GRP Covt. Deg. College 140 Ycs No Ycs Ycs 20,21,23,25,26 Yes No

Mancherial Govt. Degree College H9 Ycs Yes Yes Ycs 08,20,2123,25,26 Ycs

06 Nililial Govt. Degree College Ycs No No Ycs 08,10,11,12,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
07 Rebbena Govt. Jr. College 209 Yes Ycs No No 20,21,23,25,26 Yes No

S irpurkagaj nagar SKE Degree College Yes Ycs Yes Ycs 06,08,10,ll,12,20,21,23,25,26 Yes Ycs(1-5)

09 Anantapur Anantapur Govt. Degree College 002 Ycs Yes Yes Ycs 06to 26 Yes Yes
for Men (RCC)
10 Anantapur KSN Gort. Degree 108 Yes No No No 08,20,2123,25,26 Ycs No
College for Women

Dharmavaram KH Govt. Deg. College Ycs No Ycs No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No

Guntakal SKP Govt. Deg. College 076 Ycs Ycs Ycs Ycs 06to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Yes Yes

0`8`D6 o or 5 ,55S`sSo 6 o e 20686 o 66 50 66 a co

6 0 o00 .

SI District Place College Name Centre M I L Offcrcd Code No. of Mcdiuln Offcrcd
No Code Subjects Offered
FE H U Telugu English
I, II & Ill Year Subject Medium Mcdium
Codes mentioned
l 2 3 4 6 7 8 9

13 Hindupur SDCS College Ycs No Ycs No 06,08to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs Ycs(1 5)
14 Kadiri STSN Govt Degree 8 Ycs No Ycs Ycs 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
15 Rayadurg KTS Govt Deg C01lege 177 Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Yes No

Ycs No No Ycs

16 Tadipatri Govt. Degree College No 20,21,23,25,26 No
17 Uravakonda Covt. Degree College 162 Yes No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
18 Chittoor Chitt r PVKN Govt. College 064 Yes Yes Yes Ycs 06,08to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs EM

19 Kuppam MFC G. J. College Ycs No No No 08,10to 12,20,21,23.25,26 Yes No
20 Madanapalli B. T. College 084 Yes Ycs Ycs Ycs 09to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No

Palamaner SVCR Govt. Deg. Collegr 217 Ycs Ycs No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No

Pilcr CNR A&S College Ycs No No No 08,20,21,23,25,26 Yes No
23 Puttur Govt. Degree College 041 Ycs No No No 08,20,21,23,25,26 Yes No
24 Satyaveedu Govt. Degree College 066 Ycs No No No 08,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No

Srikalahasti SVA C C for Men 047 Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Yes No

26 Tirupati SV Arts College (RCC) 017 Ycs Ycs Ycs Yes 06 to 26 Ycs Ycs
27 Tiruj SPW Degree College 161 Ycs No No No 20,2123,25,26 Ycs No
SI District Place College Name Centre M I L Offcrcd Code No. of 4cdiull1 0ffered

No Code Subjects Offered

T FE H U Telugu English
1,H&II Year Subicct Medium Medium
Codcs mentioned

3 4 5 6 7 9


No Ycs

E.GDist Amalapuram SKBR College Ycs No No 10to 12,20,21,23,25,26

29 Kakinada PR. G. D. College Yes Ycs Ycs No 10to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Yes Ycs
30 Kothapeta VKV G. D. College 6 Yes No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No

31 Malikipuram MVNJS&RVR 205 Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No

College ofArts&Sci,
Ycs No

Pithapuram RRBHR G. Jr College 061 Ycs No No No 2021,23,25,26

Rajahmundry Govt Degrec Collcge O14 Yes Ycs Yes Ycs 06 to 26 Ycs Ycs
34 Rajahmundry Central Prison 074 Yes No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No

Rampa- Govt. Degree College 167 Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No

36 Razole Govt. Degree College Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No

37 (;u ntu r Guntur J.K.C. College (RCC) 5 Ycs Ycs Yes Ycs 06 to 26 Ycs Ycs

38 Gurazzla Govt. Junior College 126 Ycs No No No 20,21,2325,26 Ycs No

39 Narasaraopet SKRB Reddy College 091 Ycs Ycs Yes No 10to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
40 Tcnali VSR & NVR College 100 Yes No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Yes No
41 Vinukonda Govt. JuniorCollege 168 Yes No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Yes No

Sl District Place College Name Centre M I L Offcrcd Codc No of Mcdium Offercd
No Code SutteCtS Offercd

T FE H U Telugu English
I,II&III Year Suttect Medium Medium
Codes mentioned
4 6 7 9
2 3

Ycs No

Kadapa Badvel SRNB Degree College 0 Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26

43 Jammala- Govt. Degree College 164 Ycs No No No 20,2123,25,26 Yes No

Ycs Yes Ycs Ycs 06 to 26 Ycs Yes
4 Kadapa Gort. Degree College KX13

for Men (RCC)

45 Kadapa SKR & SKR Covt. 154 Yes No No No 20,2123,2526 Yes No
College for Women
46 Kadapa Central Prison 166 Ycs No No No 20,2123,2526 Ycs No

SH CSSR&SRRM 184 Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No

47 Kamalapuram
Dcgrcc Collegc
48 Kodur RS Govt. Degree College 190 Ycs No No No 20,21,23.25,26 Ycs No

49 Porumamilla Govt. Degree College Yes No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs

50 Proddutur SCNR Govt College 077 Yes No Ycs No 06,08,10 to 12 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No

Pulivendula Layola Dcgrcc Co egc

078 Ycs No No No 08,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No


Rajampet Govt. Degree College Yes No No No 08,20,21,23,25,26

Govt. Degree College 089 Ycs Ycs Ycs Ycs 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
53 Rayachoti
Centre M I L Offered Code No Of Mcdium Offcred
Si District Place College Name
No Code SuttCCtS Offcred

T FE H U Telugu English
I,H& Year Suttect Medium Medium
Codcs mentioned
6 7 9
l 2 3 4 5

173 Ycs No No No 20,21,23,2526 Yes No

54 Karimnagal Agraharam Govt. Degree College
210 Ycs Ycs No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
Dharmaram Sadhana Jr. College
Ycs Ycs

56 Codavarikhani Covt. Degree College Ycs Ycs Ycs Ycs 06,08,10to 12,20,21,23,25,26

174 Ycs No No No 20,21,2325,26 Yes No

57 Husnabad Govt. Jr. College (Boys)
050 Yes Ycs Ycs No 08,10to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
58 Huzurabad Govt. Degree College
079 Ycs Ycs Ycs Yes 06,08,09,17,20,21,23,25,26 Yes No
59 Jagityal SKNR Govt. Degree
Ycs No

60 Jammikunta Sravanthi Junior College Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26

Ycs Ycs Ycs Ycs 06 to 26 Ycs Ycs

61 Karimnagar SRR Govt Dcgree KX16

c o uege(RCC)
No No Ycs No

Karimnagar Gort. Degree College Ycs No 08,20,21,23,25,26

for Women
Yes No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No

Mahadcvpur Govt. Junior College 048

049 Ycs No No No 20,2123,2526 Yes No
64 Manthani Govt. Degree
046 Ycs No Ycs Ycs 09,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
65 Metpally Govt. Junior College
054 Ycs Ycs Ycs No 06,10to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Yes No
66 Peddapalli Govt. Junior College

College Name Centre M I L Offcred COdc No of Mcdiun1 0ffcrcd
SI District Place
No Code SutteCtS Offercd

T FE U Telugu English
I,H& Year Suttect Medium Medium
Codcs mentioned
belo v

6 7 9
1 2 3 4

039 Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No

67 Khammam Bhadrachalarn Govt. Jr. College
176 Yes No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
68 Charla Govt. Junior College

Yes Yes No No 2021,23,2526 Yes
69 Chintur Govt. Jr. College
195 Ycs No No No 20,21,23,2526 Ycs No
70 Enkoor Govt. Junior College
Yes No

71 Garla Govt. Jr. College Ycs Yes No No 20,21,2325,26
Ycs Ycs

SR&BGNR Govt. Ycs Ycs Ycs Yes 06 to 26

Khammam lX37

Dcgree Conege ccc)

071 Yes No Ycs No 06,07,08,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs Ycs
73 Khammam Govt. Degree College
for Women
056 Ycs Ycs Ycs No 06to 08,10 to 12, Yes Yes
74 Kothagudem S.R. Govt. Arts &
Science College 20,21,2325,26

No Ycs No

094 Ycs No No 08,20,21,23,25,26

4adhira Govt. Junior College


National Degree College

Ycs No No No 20,2123,25,26 Ycs
76 Paloncha
NIETS Complex
142 Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Yes No
77 Sathupalli Navabharat Deg. College
137 Ycs No Yes No 08,20,21,23,25,26 Yes No
78 Ycllandu Govt. Junior College
Centre M I L Offcrcd Code No. of Mcdium Offcrcd
Sl District Place College Name
No Code Subjects Offered
T FE U Telugu English
1,H& Ycar Suttect Medium Medium
Codes mcntioncd
6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5
Ycs No

79 Krishna Avanigadda Govt. Degree College Ycs Ycs No No 20,21,23,25,26

Yes No No No 2021,23,25,26 Ycs No

80 Gudivada ANRPL,Arts& 107
Sciencc Co egc
067 Ycs Ycs Ycs Ycs 10to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
81 Machilipatnam A.J. Kalasala
Ycs No


Nandigama KVR College Ycs No No 20,21,23,25,26

Yes Yes Ycs No 10to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Yes No

Nuziveedu Dharma Apparao College 086

Ycs No

84 Tiruvur Sai Degree College Yes No No No 20,21,23,25,26

Ycs Ycs Ycs Ycs 06to 26 Yes Ycs

Vijayawada SRR&CVR Govt 042
Dcgrec Col ge cCC)
Ycs Ycs Ycs Yes 06 to 08,10to 12, Ycs Ycs
86 Kurnool Adoni Adoni Arts&Science 081
Collcge 20,21,23,25,26

No Ycs No

Dlrone Siddhartha Junior College 178 Ycs No No 20,21,23,25,26

Ycs No No No 20,21,232526 Ycs No
88 Emmiganuru SML Govt. Deg. College
Ycs Ycs Ycs Yes 06 to 26 Ycs Ycs
89 Kumool SilverJubilee Co 0()8

Degrce Col ge(RCC)

156 Ycs No No No 08,20,21,23,25,26 Yes No
90 Kumool KVR Covt. Degree
College for Women

M I L Offcred Code No. of Mcdium Offercd
SI District Place College Name Centre
Code Subjects Offered
U Telugu English
l, Il & III Year Subject Medium 4cdium

Codes mentioned
7 8 9
1 2 3 4 6
Yes No No Ycs 08,10to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
91 Nandyal PSC&KVS Covt COllcgl 080
No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No

S sailam Gort. Junior College 088

Yes No

93 Mahaboob- Achampet Govt. Junior College Ycs No No No 08,20,21,23,25,26

Nagar for Boys

Yes No No No 08,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
94 Cadwal MALD Govt. Arts & 096
Science College
Ycs No No 20,21,23,25,26 Yes No

Dr. B.R.R. Govt. Degree 146 No

Ycs No No No 08,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
96 Kalwakurthy Covt. Junior College 120
Yes No No No 08,20,21,23,2526 Ycs No
97 Kollapur RID Govt. Junior College 196
Yes No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Yes No
98 Kosgi Govt. Junior College 198
Ycs Ycs Ycs Ycs 06 to 26 Ycs Yes
99 Mahaboobnagar MVS Govt Arts& 009
Sciencc COllcge(RCC)
Ycs No No No 08,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
100 Mahaboobnagar NTR Govt. Degree 157
College for Women
Yes No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Yes No
101 Nagarkurnool Govt. Jr. College (BoYs) 179
No No 08,10to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
Ycs No

Narayanpet Surya Laxmi Deg. Collegt 141

of Arts & Science

SI District Place College Name Centre M I L Offcred Codc No of Mcdium Offcrcd
No Code Sub ccts Offered
T FE U Telugu English
I, II & lll Year Subject Medium Medium
Codes mentioned
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9

103 Shadnagar SVP Degree College 057 Ycs No No No 06 to 08,10to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
104 Wanaparthy Govt. Degree College 099 Ycs No No No 06,08,10 to 14,19, Ycs No
for Men 20,21,23,25,26

Medak Chinnakodur Govt. Jr. College Ycs Yes No No 20,21,23,25,26 Yes No

106 Gttwel Govt. Degree College 138 Ycs No No No 08,20,21,2325,26 Yes No
107 Jogipet N.M. Degree College 180 Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Yes No
108 l 4cdak Govt. Degree College 098 Ycs No No No 09,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
109 Narsapur Govt. Junior College 136 Ycs No Ycs No 07,08,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No

110 Sadasivapet Govt. Degree College Yes No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Yes No

:11 Sangareddy Tara Govt. Deg. College Yes Ycs Ycs Ycs 06to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Yes Yes

Siddipct Govt Dcgrcc Co cgc 015 Ycs Ycs Ycs Yes 06to 26 Ycs Ycs
Zahirabad Govt. Degree College 124 Ycs Ycs Yes Ycs 08,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs Ycs
4 Nalgonda Alcr Govt. Junior College 058 Yes No No No 06,08,10to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Yes No
Bhongir Govt. Jr. College for Boys 144 Ycs No No No 08,10to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No

H6 Devarakonda MKR Govt Deg COllege Ycs No No No 20,2123,25,26 Ycs No

Sl District Place College Name Centr M I L Offcrcd Code No. of Mediuln Offered
No Code Subjects Offered
T FE U Telugu English
1,II& Year SubJect Medium 4cdium
Codcs mentioncd
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9

H7 Halia Ramakrishna Deg. College Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
8 Huzurnagar Priyadarshini Deg. College 199 Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Yes No
9 Kodad K R R Govt JL Collcgc 147 Ycs No No No 08,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
120 Miryalguda KNM Govt Dcg Collcgc 040 Ycs No No No 08,10to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No

Mothkur Govt. Junior College 200 Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Yes No

Yes No

Nagarjunasagar Govt. Junior College Yes Ycs Ycs No 20,21,2325,26

Nalgonda Naga una Govt Coliege 010 Ycs Ycs Ycs Yes 061o26 Yes Yes
124 Ramannapet Govt. Degree College 181 Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No

Ramagiri Covt. Degree College 158 Yes No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No

for Women
126 Suryapet SV College 097 Yes No No No 06,08,10to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No


Nellore Atmakur S.R.J. Degree College Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Yes

128 Kavali Jawahar Bharathi College 059 Yes Ycs Ycs No 08,10to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
129 Naidupet Covt. Degree College 101 Ycs No No No 08,10to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Yes No
130 Nellore Sri Sarvodaya College 0 Ycs Ycs Yes Ycs 06 to 26 Ycs Yes
SI District Place College Name Centre M I L Offered Code No of Mcdium Offercd
No Code SuttCCtS Offercd

T FE H U Telugu English
I, II & III Year Subject Medium Mcdium
Codes mentioned

l 3 4 5 6 7 9

Nellore D.K. Covt. Degree 159 Ycs No No No 08,20,21,23,25,26 Yes No

College for Women

Nellore Central Prison, Mulapeta Ycs No No No 20,21,2325,26 Ycs No

Ramachandra GS Arts&Sci Degree Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Yes No
puram Collcgc
134 Udayagiri MRR Govt. Deg. College 214 Ycs Yes No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
Vinjamoor YR Junior College 082 Ycs No No No 06,08,17,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No

136 Nizamabad Armur Covt. Degree College Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
137 Banswada Govt. Degree College 060 Yes No Ycs No 07,08,20,21,23,25,26 Yes No
138 Bheemgal Govt. Junior College 201 Yes No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Yes No
139 Bichukonda Govt. Degree College 216 Ycs Ycs No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
140 Bodhan Govt. Degree College 104 Ycs No Ycs Yes 08,10to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Yes No
141 Kamareddy Covt. Arts & Science 095 Ycs No No Ycs 08to 14,17-19, Ycs No
College 20,21,23,25,26

142 4orlhad Govt. Junior College Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26&IIyr 08 Ycs No

Gitt Govt Collcge 012 Ycs Yes Ycs Ycs 06 to 26 Ycs Ycs


Sl District PIace College Name Centre M I L Offercd Codc No of Mcdium Offercd
No Code SutteCtS OfFered

T FE U Telugu English
1,II&HI Year Suttect Medium Mcdium
Codes mentioned

4 5 6 7 8 9

144 Nizamabad Care Degree College Ycs Yes No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No

Yes Ycs No No Yes No

Yellareddy Govt. Degree College 20,21,23,25,26

146 Prakasam Chimakurthy Govt. Junior College Ycs No No No 08,20,21,23,25,26 Yes No
147 Chirala VRS & YRN College 3 Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No

Yes No No No 20,21,23,2526 Ycs No

148 Giddalur SV Arts&Science College

149 Kandukur TRR Govt. Deg. College Ycs No No No 2021,23,25,26 Ycs No
150 Kanigiri Govt. Junior College 090 Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No

Markapur S.V.K.P. College Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Yes No

Martur Govt. Junior College 072 Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Yes No

Ongole CSR Sarma College (ncc 013 Ycs Ycs Ycs Ycs 06to 26 Ycs Ycs
154 Ranga Reddy Cherlapally Central Prison 031 Yes No No Yes 06, 08to 14,16to 18, Yes Ycs

Chevella Govt. Junior College 169 Yes No No No 20,21,2325,26 Yes No

156 Hayathnagar Govt. Junior College 171 Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
157 Ibrahimpatnam Govt. Junior College 172 Yes No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
158 Medchal Govt. Junior College 170 Yes No No No 20,2123,25,26 Yes No
159 Pargi Pallavi Degree College 4 Yes No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Yes No
SI District Placc College Name Centre M I L Offercd Code No. of Mcdiull1 0ffered
No Code Subjects Offered
T FE H U Telugu English
l, Il & Ill Year Subject Mcdium Medium
Codes mentioned

l 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

160 Rajendra Nagar Govt. Jr. College Ycs Ycs No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No

161 Tandur Peoples College Yes No No Ycs 08,20,21,23,25,26 Yes No

Vikarabad SAP Arts&Scicncc 070 Ycs Ycs Ycs No 08,10to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs Ycs

Srikakulam Itchapuram Govt. Jr. College for Boys 083 Ycs Yes Ycs No 07,08,20,21,23,25,26 Yes No

164 Palasa Govt. Junior College Ycs Yes No No 20,212325,26 Yes No

Pathapatnam Govt. Junior College 204 Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No

166 Srikakulam Govt. Degree College O16 Ycs Ycs Ycs Ycs 06 to 26 Ycs Yes
for Men (RCC)
167 Tckkali Govt. Degree College 044 Ycs No No No 08,10to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Yes No

168 Yizag Paderu Govt. Degree College Yes No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
169 Visakhapatnam Dr. VS. Krishna Govt. 019 Ycs Ycs Yes Yes 06to 26 Ycs Ycs
Degree College (RCC)
170 Yelarnanchili SGA Govt. Degree Colleg 068 Ycs Yes No No 20,21,23,25,26 Yes No
VMa Parvathipuram SV Degree College 092 Yes No No No 08,20,21,23,25,26 Yes No

College Name Centre M I L Offcrcd Code No of Mcdium Offercd
Sl District Place
No Codc SutteCtS Offered

T FE U Telugu English
1,H& I Year Su t Medium Medium
Codes mentioned
6 7 8 9
l 2 4 5

Ycs Ycs Yes Ycs 06to 26 Ycs Yes

172 Vizianagaram MR Collcgc(Autonomus) 020
No Ycs No

SiddalthaJuniorCo ege 149 Yes No No 20,21,23,25,26

Warangal Bhupalapally
186 Ycs No No No 20,2123,2526 Ycs No
174 Chcrial Govt. Junior College

No No Ycs

Eturunagaram Govt. Degree College Ycs No 20,21,23,2526

075 Ycs Ycs Yes No 06 to 26 Ycs Yes

176 Hanamakonda Kakatiya Govt.
Degree College
ABV Govt. Deg. College 087 Yes Yes Ycs Ycs 06to 12,17,20,21,23,25,26 Yes Yes(l 5)
177 Jangaon
150 Yes No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
178 Kodakandla Covt. Degree College
105 Ycs No Yes No 08,20,21,2325,26 Ycs No
179 Mahaboobabad Govt. Junior College
for Boys
069 Ycs No Yes No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No
180 Mulugu Govt. Junior College
Ycs No No No 2021,23,25,26 Yes No
181 Parkal Govt. Junior College
Ycs No

Thorrur Govt. Junior College 187 Ycs No No No 20,21,2325,26

Warangal University of Arts & Only P.G. Programmes are offere

Science College (RCC)
7 Yes No No No 2021,23,25,26 Yes No
184 Warangal Centrla Prison
SI District Place College Name Centre M I L Offered Code No. of Mediuln Offcrcd
No Codc Subjects Offered
T FE H U Telugu English
I, II & III Year Subject Medium Mcdium
Codes mentioned
2 4 5 6 7 9

Yes Ycs

West Bhimavaram DNR College 045 Ycs Ycs No No 10to 12,20,21,23,25,26

186 Chinthalapudi Govt. Degree College 206 Ycs Yes No No 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs No

187 Eluru SiTCRR College 004 Yes Ycs Yes Yes 06 to 26 Yes Ycs

188 Nallajerla AKRG Degree College Ycs No No No 10to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Yes No

189 Polavaram Govt. Junior College Yes No No No 08,20,21,23,25,26 Yes No
190 Tanuku Smt. Kondepati Sarojini Yes No No No 20,21,23,25,26 Yes No
Devi Mahila Kalasala

Si District Place College Name Centre M I L Offcrcd Codc No of Mcdium Offcrcd
No Code SubJects Offered

T FE I U Telugu English
I, II & lll Year Subject Medium Medium
Codes mentioned
l 2 3 4 5 6 7 9

01 Ali Abids Govt. Junior College 034 Ycs Ycs Yes Ycs 06,08to 12 Ycs Yes
Yes Ycs

Begumpet Govt. Degree College 028 Ycs Ycs Ycs Yes 06 to 12,20,21,23,24,25,26
for Women
03 BHEL Govt. Junior College 036 Ycs Ycs Ycs Ycs 06,08,10to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Yes Ycs
Ycs No

Charkaman LN Gupta EveiningCollege 191 Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26

06 Dilsukhnagar Ideal Degree College 188 Ycs Ycs No No 20,21,23,25,26 Yes No

for Women
No Ycs

IlussainiAlarn Govt. Degree College 194 No No No Ycs 09,20,21,23,25,26

08 Hvderabad Go City College Yes Yes Ycs Ycs 06 to 14,16to21, Yes Ycs
Bcsidc High Court 20,21,23,25,26 2,15,1(

09 Kachiguda Govt. Junior College 030 Ycs Ycs Ycs Yes 06,08,10to 12, Yes Ycs
20,21,23,25,26 H& y
El 4

ST Ist yr
SI District Place College Name Centre M I L Offcrcd Code No. of Medium Offered
No Code Subjects Offered
T FE U Telugu Englsh
l, ll & III Year Subject Medium Medium
Codes mentioned
1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9


10 Khairatabad Govt. Degree College Ycs Ycs Yes Ycs 06to 26 Ycs
11 Kukatpally New Covt. Junior College 148 Ycs Yes Ycs No 06, 10to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Yes No

Yes Ycs

Lalaguda Railway Junior College Ycs Yes Ycs Yes 06,08,101o12,20,21,23,25,26

L.B. Nagar DVM Degree College of 130 Yes Ycs Ycs No 06,08,10 to 12, Ycs Yes
Commerce & Science 20,21,23,25,26

14 Old Malakpet Govt. Junior College Yes Yes Ycs Yes 06,08,10to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs Yes
Malkajgni Govt. Junior College Ycs No No No 20,21,23,25,26,IIyr 10 to 12 Ycs No
16 Mehdipatnam Lalbahadur Deg. College Ycs Ycs Yes Ycs 20,21,23,25,26 Ycs Ycs

17 Nampally MAM Govt ModelJunior Ycs Yes Ycs Ycs 06to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Yes Ycs
Co cgc for GIIs

18 Nampally Govt. Jr. College for Boys Yes Ycs Ycs Yes 06,08,09,10to 12,20,21,23,25,2( Ycs Yes

19 Padmarao Nagar Sardar Patel College 139 Yes Ycs Ycs No 06,08,10to 12,20,21,23,25,26 Ycs Yes

20 Purani Haveli Princes Shakar College 037 No Yes Ycs Yes 06,09to 12,20,21,23,25,26 No Ycs
for Women
Ycs Yes

S D Road Mahaboob College 032 Yes Ycs Ycs Yes 06 to 08,10to 12,20,21,23,25,26


Vidyanagar Vivekananda Govt.Collegt 129 Ycs Ycs Yes No 10to 12,20,21,23,25,26

YMCA Ycs Ycs

New Govt. Junior College Ycs Ycs Yes Ycs 06 to 08,10 to 12,20,21,23,25,26


Practica:Classes at Various Zonai Centres

S Zonal Study Centres where Oistricts allotted

Practicals will be conducted toZonalCentre
1 2 3

1 D BRAOu Study Centre l Ad abad 001 5 Manchrya:a -119

051 6 Bhainsa 140
Covt Degree Co ege 2 Sipu agaz Nagar
103 7 Asifabad 192
Adi!abad 3 Nirrnal
Sublects except Ceology) 4 8e ampalv 109 8 Rabbena -209
Phone No:08732 221016
2 DTBRAoU Sludy centre l Anantapur - 002 6 Kadiri - 118
Govt. Degree College 2 Hindupur - 052 7 Tadipatri
3 Gunlakal 076 8 Uravakonda - 162
102 9 Rayadurg 177
(All Subjects) 4 Dharnavaram
Phone No:0855/t-222it48 5 KSN Degree College for
VVomen,Anantapur 103

l Kadapa 003 7 SKR&SKR Covt COllege

D BRAOu Study Centre
2 Proddutur 077 for VVomen,Kadapa 154
Covt Degree Co ege
3 Pullvendula 078 8 POnnam la -163
4 Rayachol 089 9 ammalamadugu 164
lA I Sublects)
110 10 CentralPI Kadapa-166
Phone No:08562 258866 5 Badvel
6 Ralampet 123 1l Kamalapuram -184
12 KodurR S 190

4 D BRAOu Study Centre l Guntur -005

2 Narasaraopet 091
JKC Conege
3 Tenal 100
5 Guralala 126
( :SublectS)
6 nukonda 168
Phone No:0063 2244323
006 7 Godavarikhani 055
5 D BRAOU Study centre l Kanmnagar
SRR Govt Degree Co ege 2 Metpa y 6 8 Jagityal -079
3 Mahadevpur 048 9 COVt Degree Co ege fOr
4 Manthanl 049 VVOmen, Karimnagar 155
(A Sublects except Ceology)
5 Huzurabad 050 10 Agraharam -173
Ph071e No:0878 2253599
7382929606 6 Peddapaly - 054 1l Husnabad
210 12 3ammkunta 175
13 Dharrnaram
l Khammam 7 6 Paloncha -12
6 DTSRAOU StudY Centre
039 7 Ye andu 137
SR & BGNR Coliege 2 BhadraChalam
1 : c ell ::]11 :
(All Subjects except Geology)
071 10 Enkoor 195
Phone No:08742-227871 Women,Khammam
5 Madhira 094 1l Gada -211
12 Chintur -220 ___
7 D BRAOu Study Centre
SR&BGNR College

J : 5
i 1

6 Dhone -170
(All Sublecls except Ceolo9y)
Phone No:08518 230055 7 SML Govt Deg cOlege.
7382929680 Emmiganuru -223
Zonal Study Centres where Dist"cts a:!otted
Practica!s wi be conducted to Zonal Centre
1 2 3

8 D BRAOu Study Centre l Mahabubnagar 009 7 Achampet 143

MVS Govt Arls&Science Co ege 2 Shadnagar 057 8 edchera 146
3 Cadwa1 096 9 NTR Go Degree Colk e
(A Sublects except Ceology) 4 VVanaparth 099 fOrwOnen Mamm"ar 1 57
Phone No:08542 275947 5 KaMkunhy 120 10 Naga umool 179
7382929609 6 Narayanapeta 141 1l O apur 196
12 Kosgi 198

D BRAOu Study Centre l Na onda 01 0 8 Kodad 147

Naganuna cOvt CO ege 2 Miryalaguda 040 9 Ramannapet 1 81
Na!gOnda 3 air 058 10 Ha ya 182
(NI Sublects)
4 Suryapet 097 1l HuZumagar 199
Phone No:08682223768 5 Nagattuna sagar lll 12 Mothkur 200
7382929610 6 Devarakonda 121 13 Govt,Deg col
7 B ongir 144 Fo women 158

DIBRAOu Study Centre l Ne Ore 011 5 D K Govt Degree Conege

Ne!!Ore sn sarvOdaya Colege
(A Sublects except Ceology)
2 Kava 059 fOr WOmen,Nellore 1 59
Phone No:0861 2332162 3 Mnlamoor 032 6 Buchireddypa m 183
4 Naidupet 101 7 Atmakur 193
8 Udayagir1 214

Di BRAOu Study Centre l N2amabad 012 9 Bheemga1 201

Crral Govt COnege 2 8answada 060 10 CARE Degree lege
l: 1:rdy ::: 11 a :1:
(A Sublects exCept Ceology)
Phone NO:08462 222055 6 MOrthad 135 12 Ye a Reddy 222
8 Amoor 185 ______
DrBRAOU Study Centre
l: : :1: '8:l P l::
CSR Sanna CO ege
ongole 3 Martur 072 8 Kandukur 203
(A I SubleCtS except Ceology)
4 Kantgin 090
Phone No:08592 235348 5G`dalur 122
DTBRAOU Sludy Centre l.Rajahmundry 01 4 8 Ralole l15
2. Bhimavaram 045 9 Kothapet l16
Govt. Degree College
3. Polavaram B 10 Amalapuram 12
(All Subjects except Geology) 4. Pithapuram 061 1l Tanuku 151
5 Kakinada 1 2 Rampachodavaram 167
Phone No:08E3-2446711
6C a ,Ralahmundry 074 13 Malkipuram 2
7 Na aleda l12 14 Chintalapudi 206

14 Dr BRAOU audy centre l Siddipet 015

Covt Degree Colege 2 Medak 098
Siddipet 3 Gave1 138
lA SubleCtS except Geology) 4 Chinnakodur 213
Phone No:08457 223826

S Zonal Study Centres where Oistricts allotted
Practicals will be conducted toZonalCentre

Dr BRAOU Sudy Centre l snkaku!am 016 5 Pathapatnam

Covt Degree Co ege 2 Tekka 044 6 Palasa
S"kakulam 3:tchapuram 083
(A Sublects except Ceology) 4 Parvahipuram 092
Phone No:08942 226504

16 D BRAOu Study Centre 1 mpati 6. Satyaveedu m
S V Arts College 2 Puttur 7. Madanapally @1
Tirupat 3 SI Kalahasu 8. SPW Degree College
lA SutteCtS) 4 Chmoo Tirupati 161

Phone No:08772249607 5 Kuppam 9. Piler 165



17 Dr BRAOu Study Centre '1. Visakhapatnam

D VS Knshna cO ege 2.viayanagaam

Visakhapatnam 3. Yellamanchili
lA SutteCIS) 4. Paderu
Phone No:0891 2536673 5. Parvathipuram

18 DT.BRAOU $udy Cenlre 1. Mulugu 69 7. C.Prison, warangal 117

Kakatiya Govt. Degree College 2. Hanmakonda 075 8. Bhupalapally 149
Hanamkonda, Warangal 3. Jangaon @7 9. Kodakandla '150
(AllSubjects) 4. warangal OS 10. Cherial 186

Phone No:0870-2570160 S.Mahaboobabad 1O5 1'l.Thorur 187

6. Parkal 113 12. Eturunagaram 25
19 D B R Ambedkar Open university l. All the Study Centres of Twin Cities &
Campus,STML Building 2.CentralPrision,Charlapally 031
Road No 46, ubilee H ls 3. Govt. Jr College, BHEL 036
Hyderabad 4. Tara Govt. College, Sangareddy 63
lA SutteCtS) 5. SAP Degree College, Mkarabad 070
Phone No:040 23680502 6. Govt. Jr College, Parigi 1'14

7. Govt. Jr. College, Zaheerabad '124

8. Govt. Jr. College, Tandur '125
9. Govt. Jr. College, Narsapur 136
10. Govt. Jr. College, Chevella 1@
1'1. Govt. Jr. College, Medchal 'l7O
12. Govt. Jr. College, Hayathnagar 171
'l3.PrathibhaJr.College,turatrimpatnam 172
'14. N.M. Degree College, Jogipet 180
15. CAP Vocational JrCollege, shapur Nasar2'18
16. Govt. Jr. College, Rajendra Nagar 21
'17. Govt Degree College, Sadasivapet 24

20 DT.BMOU Sludy Centre

SRR & CVRGovt Degree College lM iam ' da

Machavaram 3 VlayaWada 73 8 Avanlgadda
Vijayawada 4 Nandigama 85 9 Thirtrvur
(All Subiects excePt Geology) 5 Eluru 04
le No:0866-2434868


S Zonal Study centres where Districts allotted

No Practicals will be conducted toZonal Centre

1 3

1 DT.BRAOU Study Centre 1. Anantapur

Govt. Degree College for Men 2. Kumool
Phone No.08551-222448
2 DrBRAOu Study Centre 1. Kadapa
Govt Degree Co ege for Men
Phone No 08562 258866

3 D BRAOu Study Centre 1. Guntur

JKC Co ege 2. Krishna
Cum r 3. Prakasam
Phone No 0863 2227950 4. West Godavari

4 D BRAOuStudy Centre l Visakhapatnam

DEVS Knshna Covt Degree 2 S kakulam
Coilege 3 Vlayanagaram
Visakhapatnam 4 East Godavari
Phone No 0891 2536673

5 Dr BRAOu Study Centre l Chittoor

S V Arts Co ege 2 Ne ore
Phone No 0877 249607
6 DTBRAOU SiudyCentre 1. Nalgonda
Nagarjuna Govt. College
Phone No.08682-223768
7 D 8RAOu Study Centre 1. Warangal 4. Nizamabad
Kakalya Govt Degree Conege 2.Karimnagar s.Khammam
Hanamkonda,Waranga: 3. Milabad
Phone No 08702426260
D B R Ambedkar open universlty 1 n Cnies 3 Medak
STML Bunding (Hyderabad&Sealnderabad)4 Mahabubnagar
Road No 46. ub ee H ls 2 Ranga Reddy
Phone No 040 23680502


Zonal Study Centras whsra Distncts a otted

Practicals will be conducted to Zonal Centre
1 2 3

1 Dr BRAOu Study Centre l Vlsakhapatnam

Dr VS Knshna Govt Degree 2 Srikakulam
Cdlege 3 Vlayanagaram
Visakhapatnam 4 East Godavan
phone No 0891 4536673

D BRAOu Study Centre l Kadapa

Govt Degree Co ege for Men 2 Anantapur
Kadapa 3 Kumool
Phone No.08562 258866

3 DIBRAOu Study Centre l Kttshna

SRR&CVR Covt Degree 2 Guntur
Co ege,Machavaram 3 Prakasam
Vilayawada 4 West Codavan
Phone No 0866 434868

4 Dr BRAOu audy centre l Chittoor

S V Arts Co ege 2 Ne ore

Phone No 08772249607

5 DT.BRAOU $udy Centre 1. Warangal

UniversityArts & Science College 2.Kanmnagat
Warangal 3.Adilabad
Phone No.08702511E62 4. Nizamabad
5. Khammam

Or.B.R. Ambedkar OPen University 1. Twin Cities

Campus, Academic Building (Hyderabad & Secunderabad
Road No.46, Jubilee Hills 2. Ranga Reddy

Hyderabad 3. Medak
Phone No.040-23660461 4. Nalgonda
5. Mahabubnagar
Annexure V (A)
Counse:ling Classes for Optiona:SuttectS

BA. BoCom B.Sc(E.M M)

Timings Room No. 1 Room No. 2 Room No. 3 Room No. 4 Room No. 5

Social Science Commerce Science

1 900- Public
1100 Adminis Commerce Botany Maths
am tration -10

100 Political History Commerce Zoology Physics
am Science -11

3 100-

4 130
330 Sociology Economics Commerce Chemistry
pm -12

330- Literatu re
530 Subjects Geology
pm Tt/ErE/Hin^.,d

Note: 1 . There are two separate time tables. one is for optional sub.iects (Annexure -
VllA) and another is for General Subjects (Annexure - Vll B). The classes for
optional subjects are conducted in spell - | and classes for general courses
are conducted in spell-ll.
2. The time tables are common for semester I and Semester ll
3. The counselling classes for optional subjects are conducted for 12 hours (six
sessions of 2 hours).
4. The number of counselling classes for three credit general courses (i.e.' En-
glish and MIL) are of eight hours (four sessions of two hours) and two credit
generalcourses (ie., Gender Sensitization, Science and Technology, Environ-
mental Studies and Man and Social Development) are of six hours. (Out of 6
hours face to face counselling is four hours andAudio / VisualCounselling two
5. For two credit general courses the face to face counselling is conducted for
four hours (two sessions). For these courses, there will be Audio - Visual
Counselling for two hours.
Annexure V (B)

Counseliing Ciasses fo General SubieCtS

BA B Com B Sc(EM M)

S No Timings Room No. 1 Room No. 2 Room No. 3 Room No. 4 Room No. 5

1 900-
1100 Eng sh
am (LSC)


100 English
am (MiL)

3 100-
4 130- Gender
330 Sensitization/
pm Environmenta
5 330- Science &
530 Technology/
pm \ran on Social

Note: 1. There are two separate time tables. one is for optional subjects (Annexure -
VllA) and another is for General Subiects (Annexure - Vll B) The classes for
optional subjects are conducted in spell - | and classes for general courses
are conducted in sPell-ll.
2. The time tables are common for semester I and Semester ll'
3. The counselling classes for optional subjects are conducted
for 12 hours (six
sessions of 2 hours).
4. The number of counselling classes for three credit general courses e'' En-
glish and MIL) are of eight hours (four sessions of two hours) and two credit
and Technology' Environ-
leneral courses (ie , Gender Sensitization, Science
(Outof 6
mental Studies and Man and Social Development) are of six hours'
5. For two credit general courses the face to face counselling is conducted
courses, there will be Audio - Visual
four hours (two sessions). For these
Counselling for two hours.


Examinalons treated as equ alentto lntermediate for admission to Degree Course of

DE B R Ambedkar Open University

l A the examinatons ofvanous universities and Boards which are recogn zed by
the unlversittes ofTelangana andAndhra Pradesh States,as equ a!entto PU C
or:nterlnediate are eligible to seek admission to B A,B Com,and B Sc Degree

2 12th from Natlonallnsutute Ofopen Sch ng(Govt oflndia) lnterlnediate from

AP/1S and Open Sch IS lety,Govt ofA R
3 Candidates WhO have passed

c LE C E and
Diploma in Commercial Practlce

Diplomain Banking

Co poral Test(Air Force)

e Diploma in TextileTechnology

f Dip:Omain Meta urgica:Engineenng

9 Two Year Dlploma ofthe Board Of Technical Educatlon is also considered

as equiVa:ent

4 in deserving cases not covered above,he equivalence v be determined bythe

Univers:tyfrom lme to lme

Note:tFazil'is notequivalentto lnterrnediate



Admission No. :

Name of the Student :

FatheisName : Photo should be

atested by the
Programme of Study :
Address for Communication : Head with Seal
wlh PIN Code

Mobile No

Sltudy Centre Code, :

College Name and


Fec Panculars : DD : Date Rs 50/

Note: 1.Apply with two passport size photos( ne to be
pasted on the:D card and another on the Application).

2. A seif addressed envelope attxing Posta:Stamp of Rs.10 .

l hereby declare thatthe informalon provided in the Applicaton Form is true to
the best of my knowledge and be ef :sha be responsible fOr any false inforrnation
provided and ifthe same COmes to noticeithe University has the rlghtto initiate act on
as per rules in force

Signature of the Student


verlned with the Omce records and the details mentioned in the appliCation are found

enl'Card(Dup cate)may be tsued

ACT Superintendent Officer lncharge

Fee Codes&Detal:s of Various Courses of Dr.BRAOU
Fee Description Fee (Rs.)
1. First Year Tuition Fee for B.A 2000
2 First Year Tuition Fee for B.Sc 2000
3. First Year Tuition Fee for B.Com 2000
4. Second Year Tuition Fee for B.A 2000
5 Second Year Tuition Fee for B.Sc 2000
6 Second Year Tuition Fee for B.Com. 2000
7 Lab Fee for UG First Year (One Subject) 1200
8 Lab Fee for UG First Year (Two Subjects) 2400
9. Lab Fee for UG First Year (Three Subjects) 3600
10. Lab Fee for UG Second Year (One Subject) 1200
11. Lab Fee for UG Second Year (Two Subject) 2400
12. Lab Fee for UG Second Year (Three Subjects) 3600
13. Lab Fee for UG Third Year(One suttect) 1200
14 Lab Fee for UG Third Vear(TWO Subiect) 2400
15. Lab Fee for UG Third Vear(Three SubleCtS) 3600
16. Renewal Lab Fee per One Science 1200
Subject/Psychology Subject(for each year)
17. Renewal Lab Fee per Two Science Subjects for 2400
l/llllll year(for each year)
18 Renewal Lab Fee per Three Science Subjects for 3600
l/llllll year(for each year)
19. Lab Fee for Psychology,UG-l year 1200
20. Lab Fee for Psychology,UG-ll year 1200
21. Lab Fee for Psychology,UG-lll year 1200
22. Lab Fee for UG First Year Mathematics 600
23 Lab Fee for UG Second Year Mathematics 600
24 Lab Fee for UG Third Year Mathematics 600
25. Late Fee for all Programmes 200
26. Re Admisslon
Fee for UG be!ow 50%Subiects 3000
27 Re-Admission Fee for UG above 50% Subjects 6000




S.No. Centre Name of the Centre
1 22 Govt CityCollege,AttacenttO HighComBundm3 Hyderabad
2 24 Govt Junlor College,YMCA,Secullderabad

3 29 Go Degree College,Khairatabad,Chin l Basthi,Hyderabad

4 30 Govt JulliorCollege,Kachiguda Hyderabad

5 32 Mahaboob College,SD_Road,Secunderabad

6 33 Go Junior College for Boys,Nampally Hyderabad

7 M Govt Junior College,Al Gunfous,Hyderabad

8 35 Govt JuniorCollege,(01d)Malakpet Hyderabad

9 36 Govt Junior College,BHEL,Hyderabad

10 129 Vivekananda Govt Degree Col ge,Vidyanaga Hyderabad

11 130 D VM Degree College oFColllmerce&Science,L B Nagar Hyderabad

12 131 Govt JunbrColLge,MJ gl ,Secunderabad

i3 139 Sardar Patei College,Padmaracl Nagarp Secunderabad

14 148 New Go JuniorCollege,Kukatpally Hyderabad

15 153 Lal Bahadur Degree College,Mehdipamaln

16 191 L N Gupta Evening College of &CoIIlmerce,Charkaman,Hyd


MAM Govt ModelJuniorColege for Cins,Nampal Hyderabad


27 Railway Junior College,Lalaguda,Secunderabad

28 Govt Degree College for Women,Begumpet,Opp Hyderabad Public

SChOOL Hyderabad

21 37 Prhce Shakar Conege fOr Women,Puni Haveli,Hyderabad

22 188 1dcal Degree College for Women,Dllsukhnag

23 194 Govt Degree College,Hussahi Alanl,Hyderabad

Sl. Ccntre Name and Address Sl. Centre Name rndAddress
No. Cod ofstudy Centre No. Code ofstudy Ceotre


Covt Jr Collegc.
Dr BRAOU Rebbana
Regional Co ordination Ccntr,
Covt Degrcc Collcgc fOrMcn,
Adllabad 504 1Xll
Ph:087322210!6(0) ANANrAPUR
Ccl1 73" 1
Dr BRAOU Study Ccn" Regional C Ordlnation Centrc

SKE Degrce CollCge. Govt Degrcc Collcge For Men

SirpungazN -5 296 Anantapur 51 5 tXll

P,0873823869610) Ph:085542" '''760)

Ccu:7382929651 CclL 73-
Dr BRAOU Stu CentrC Dr BRAOU Stu Cen
Co Dcgrce Comcge, S D GS Collegcndupur_515
Nulnal-5 1 Ph:085562225690
Ph:08734243327(C Ccll:7382929652

Ccu:7382929703 DI BRAOll Stu"Centrc

Dr BRAOU StudyCcntrc ShKmy a PararncShWan

Go Junior Co cge. Go Dcgrce Collegc,

5 251 515803

Ph:0873522216510) Ph:08552233 (Ol

Ccm:7382929709 Ccu:73029676

Dr BRAOU Sm Centrc Dr BRAOU S CCn"

Co DcrC COllCg K H Govt Dett CollCgc
Manchcrlal 504208 Dharrna araln 515671
Ph:08736252 ltOl Ph:0855926095(0)
Ccn:7382929719 Ccu 7382929702

Dr BRAOU Stu"Cen Dr BRAOU Study Cent

GRP Covt Dcr COllCgC, KSN Govt Dcgrcc Collcge
Bhalnsa 504103 (WOmCn),Anantapur 515001
Ph:0875221 54(Ol Ph:08554245908(0)
Cc 7382929740 Ccu:7382929708

Dr BRAOU Study Centrc Dr BRAOU Stu CCntrC

Covt Junior COllCgc, STSN Govt Dcgrce Collegc
AsiFabad-504293 Kadln-515591
Ph:08733 279563(0) Ph108494224129101
CclL 7382929792 Ctll:7382929718
Sl. Centre Name andAddress Sl. Centre NsmerndAddress
Nc Code ofsaudy Centre No Code ofstudy Ccnire

BRAOU Study Ccn" Dr BRAOU Study Cen

Govt DerC COnCgc. MFC Govt JuniorCo ege
Tad -5:54H Kuppm 517425
Ph 08558222325o) Ph:08570257117(o
Ql1 7382929745 CelL 73829965

1 Dr BRAOU Study Centrc 166 Dr BRAOU Study Centre

Covt Dere Co egc Covt Dcgree Col!ege
Uravakonda 515812 Satyavccdu 517588
Ph:08496257074101 Ph:96521"795
Ce11 7382929762 CelL 7382929625

177 DE BRACIU Study Ccnt

2 084 Dr BRAOU Stu"Cen"
KTS Govt Der C01legc Bcscant Thosophical College,
Near74 Udegol Madanapal:y-517325
Rayadurg 515865
Ph:08571 221585(0)
Ql1 73 929684
Ce11 73
"%93 DL BRAOU Study Ccntre
CII OR SPW Dcgree Co:lcgc

Dr BRAOU rupatl-517502

Rcgional Co ordination Ccntre Ph:0877228601(0

SVA &SclencecOllCgc. 0 73"929761
Ttrupam 517502 % 1 Dr BRAOU Study Ccntre
Ph:0877224905,224 10) CNR Arts&Science Co cge
Piler 517214

1 D BRAOU Study Centre Ph:085842420190

Go Dcr COuegc CelL 738229765

htuL Chittor-517583 Dr BRAOU Sndy ccn"

Ph"%:215710) SVCR Govt Der COl!ege
Cen1 7382929641 Palarlunerl

7 Dr BRAOU Study Ccn" Ph:085792523 944M6199

S VA Covt Deg CollcgeFor Men Q :73029817
Srlkalah 517644 NGODAVARI
a 73 929647 28 Dr BRAOU
Rcgional C ordination Ccntre
Dr BRAOU Smdy Centre Co Dettx COllegc
PVKN GovL D_College. Rlahmun y 533105
Chittoor 517 2 Ph:08832473080(0)
Ph:08572 242280(Ol
O 7382929664 "%14

Sl. Centre NamerDdAddress Sl. Centre Neme andAddress

No. Code ofstudy Centre No. Code ofstudy Centre

Dr. BRAOU Study Centr GrrNnrR

" R.R.B.H.R. Golt Junior College I

Pitheuam - 533 450.

m5 Dr. BRAOU I

Rcgional Co-ordination Centrc
Ph: 08869-25 1480 I


Ph: 0863-27950 (O)


062 Dr. BRAOU Studycentre


P.R. Govt. DegrEe College Cell:73829 29&5

Kakinada- 533 003. ]

Ph: 0884237980 (O)

091 Dr. BRAOU Study Centre
S.K.RB.R Couege-
Narasaraopet - 522 60 I.

0'74 Dr. BRAOU Study Ceffie Ph: 08674229380 (O)

Central Prison C-ell:T1879 2969l
Rajahmundry - 533 103.
Ph:0883-247190 (O)
l@ Dr. BMOU Study Centre
" VSR & l.M College
Tenali - 522 201.
Dr. BRAOU Study Centre Ph:084l,t226%l (O)
Gort. Degree College Cell'7382929700
R Dle-533242.
Ph: 08862-221046 (O)
40 126 Dr. BRAOU Study Centre

Cell:.7382929715 Govt. Junior College

33 Dr BRAOU Study Certre

Gurlala- 522415.
vKv Gort Dege Collcge Ph: 08d19 2E6443, 2,4505 (O)
Kothapet - 533 223. C-elL.T99g126
Ph: 08855-24461 7
168 Dr BRAOU StudyCenu
Govt. Degee College
Dr. BRAOU Study Cntre
Vinukonda- 522 647.
S.K.B.R. Collegp
Amalapu"m- 533 201.
Ph:0885G237673 (O)

t67 Dr. BRAOU Study Centre

@. Dr. BRAOU Study CentrE

Gort. Degree Collegg Govt. City College

Runpachodavaram - Hydenbad - 500 002.
Ph: 0886L243565
Dr. BRAOU Study Centre
3 O23' Dr. BRAOU Study Centre
MVIUS & RVR College of
P.G Collg,
Arts & Science
S.D. Roa4 Secunderabad - 500 003
Malikipuram - 533 253. (o)
Ph: 04G27903886
Ph: 08862-226372 (O)

Sl. Ccntre Name rndAddress Name and Address
No Code ofstudy Centre ofStudy Centre

Dr BMOU StudyCcno l133 Dr. BRAOU Study Centre

NewGovL JuniOrCo egc Go\'t. JuniorCollege for Boys
YMC S underabad 5 lX13 Nampal ly, Hyderabad - 500 001 .

Ph: 78M88fOl Ph: MG23244635 (O)

O 73029624 Cell:-7382929633

BRAOU Stu CcntrC Dr. BRAOU Study Centre

MAM Govt ModelJr Collcgc Govt Junior Collegq Ali4
forCiJs,NampalL Gunfoundry, Hyd - 500 001.
Hyderabad 5 lXll Ph:0{.23244654 (O)
Ph10402473084810y CeliJ;.7388D634
Q 7382929626
035 Dr. BRAOU Study Ccnte
46 DEBL OU Stu"CCntre Go\4. JuniorCollege,
R JuniOr cOllcgc Old Malalqet, Hyd - 500 036.
Lalagud Sccundcrabad Ph: 04G24150807 (O)

Ph027014415tOl Cdll:1382929635
Cel11 7382929627
Dr- BRAOU Study Centle
D BRAOU Study Ccn" " Govt. JuniorCollege
Rcgional C ordination Centre RC- Puram, Hyd - 500 032.
Govt Dcgree Comcgc fOr womcn Ph:04G3021965 (O)
Bcgumpet.Hyderabad 51X1016 Cell:7382929636
Ph:""77 %l101
011:7382929628 l137 Dr. BRAOU Study Centre
Prhcess Shakar College for
D BRAOU Study Ccntrc Women, Puranahaveli,
Rcgional Co ordination Centre Hyderabad - 500 002.
Co Dcgree collcgc Ph: 040.24524306 (O)
KhJrambad,H 51X1004 CelL738292963'l
Ph: 337598110)
Ce11 739929629 56 1" Dr. BRAOU Study Centle
Vivekananda Gort. Degre
49 030 D BRAOU Study Ccntre College, Vidyanagar, Hyd -,14.
Govt Jtlnio Collcgc Ph: 04+2763 I 557 (O)
Kachgu H
51Xl lX13 Crll:.B@99D
Q 73""% , Dr. BRAOU Study Certre
DVM Dgre Collge of
Dr BRAOU Study Ccn Commerc.e& Sciencc,
Mahaboob Colcgc L.B. Nagar, Hyd - 500 074.
S D Road,Sedbad-500 CK13 Ph:04M57@341(O)
Ph 77H588(Ol Cell:7382979130
( :!:738929632
Dr. BRAOU Study Centre
Govl JuniorCollege,
Malkajgiri, Secbad - 500 047.
Ph:04G20081012 (O)

Sl. Ccntre Name.ndAddress Sl. Centre NrmerndAddress

No. Codc ofstudy Centre tlo. Code ofstudv Centre
Dr. BRAOU Study Centre 6 m D BRAOU Study Ccntc
Sadar Patel College,
S C N R Covt Co:lege
Padmarao Nagar,
Secunderabad - 500 025. Prodduntr-516360
Ph: 0aG27502739 (O) Ph:08564252244(0)
@l:BA98B9 7382929677

148 Dr. BRAOU Study Centre 68 0 8 Dn BRAOU Study Centre

New CovL Junior College,
da Dcr COllCge(YSRR)
Kukatpslly, Hyd - 500 072.
Ph: 04&23 I 552 13 (O) Pulivendula 516390
Cdl:7)AqD74 Ph:08568226865(0)
Dr. BRAOU Study Centre
Lalbahadur Degree Collcge, t89 BRAOU S Cen"
Mchdiparnam, Hyderabad. Go Der COllge
Ph; 04G235 I E963 (O) Ralachoti 516269
Cell:7382929753 Ph1 08561 251756(0)

188 Dr. BRAOU Study Cenre 0 73829489

Idcal Degree College for Women Dn BRAOU Stu"CcntrC
Dilsukhnagar, Hyd - 500 060. SRNB Dcgroe Conege
Ph: 04G241 50022 (O)
Badvel 516227
Ph:08569 283232tOl
Dr. BRAOU Study Cenue
of Cell:7382929710
LN Gupta Evening College
Arts & Commcrce, BRAOU Study Centre
Chart<arnan, Hyd - 500 002. Covt Degree Collcge
Ph: 04S2441 4 I49 (O) Ralm -5 H5
Crll:-TA9D79l Ph:08565240270(0)
1" Dr. BRAOU Study CentE Ce 7382929723
GovL Degee Collcge
154 Dr BRAOU Study Ccntre
Hussani Alam, Hyderabad.
SKR&SKR Govt Col!cge
Ph: O4G24522052 (O)
ForWomm Kadapa 5 16 1Xll
Dr. BRAOU studyccntre 17382929754
STML, University Campus,
1 BRAOU Snldy Centre
" Covt Dcgree Collcgc
Ph:04G23680501 /502
Cell:73829298G Po mllla 516!93
Ph:08569 285280101
KADAPA 0L7382929763
Dr. BRAOU Dr BRAOU Study Centre
Regional CGordination Cenlre Covt Dcgree Col!ege
GoYt. Degrc College for Men Ja alandugu-516434
Kadea- 516 0O4. Ph:085021XX65(0)
Ph: 08562-258866 (O) Celk 73829297

Sl. Centrc Name andAddrcss Sl. Centre Name andAddress

DE BRAOU Study Ccntc

Dr BRAOU Sm Centrc
Govt Junior Concge fOr BOys
Pcddap 1 505172
Ph:08728 222924(0)
Ce 7382929766
Ce 7382929654

D BRAOU Stll Ccntrc

Covt Dcgrec Collegc
Co cgc.SBI B k Sidc,
Coda ankhani
Culapuram 516289
Ph:0872 4047(0)
Ph:08563 274888(Ol
Dr BRAOU Study Cen
SKNR Go Dcr C llCge,
CoVL Dcg"e Collcge
JaglSal 505327
KodureS) 516101
Ph:08724 230521(0)
Ph:085 7(0)
" Q :73"929679
D BRAOU Stu Centc
Covt Degrcc Coucgc fOr
Dr BRAOU Womcn,Kar agar 505001
Regional Co ordination Ccntre Ph:l187&2249157(Ol
SRRGovl Dcgree Collcge Cell:7382929755
Kanmagar 505001
Ph:087322010130) Dr BRAOU Stu"CCntrC
CelL 7382929n
Go,DerC COmCge,
Apharaln 505302
9 Dr BRAOU Study Centrc Ph:082210859(0)
Co JuniorCollcgc Ce11 7382929773
Mctpal 505325
Dr BRAOU Study Ccntre
Ph:08725 225175tOl
Covt Junior Collcge
Ce 7382929646
Husnabad 505467
Dr BRAOU Sal Ccn Ph:087212554 (0)
Govt Junior Concge. Ccu 7382929774
MahadcVpur 505504
89 D BRAOU ttdy CCnt
S vanthiJunior Collcgc
Cel1 73 929648 m _505122

Dr BRAOU Study Centrc
0 7382929775
COvt Degrcc Collegc,
Manthani 505184
SadanaJn Concge
Ph:08729 259075(Ol
Ce 73029649
Ph:08728 271X24
l l D BRAOU Stu CCntc
Covt Dc c COllegc
H mb 505468
Ph108272 2562a10)

Sl. Ccntre Nrme rndAddr6s S:. Centre Name andAddress

f{q Codc ofstudy Ccntre No Code OFStudy Centre

Dr BRAOU ttudy Ccntre

Covt JuniorC01lege.
Dr BRAOU Charla 507133
Regiona:Co ordination Centre
SR&BGtt Govt Der Cel:7382"76
Collcge Khallmm-507002
Dr BRAOU Study Ccnte
Ph:08742 22787110)
Covt Junior Collcge,
Enkoor 507:68
Dr BRAOU Study Ccn Ph:08742 264(0
Govt Junior Co cge Cu:738292795
B chalam507111
Ph:0874323: Q232430(0) Dr BRAOU Study Centrc
Cdl:7382929639 Govt'uniorCollcge,Carla
Ph:08745 2 9866963161
Dr BRAOU Study Centrc 17382929811
S R Covt Ans&Scicnce
Collcgc,Kothagudem 507:01 D BRAOU Study Ccntre
Ph:0874 348101 CovL Jn C011cgc
Ce11 7382929656 Chintllr

D BRAOU Study Centre
Cel1 7382929820
Covt Dcgree Couege For Women
KL m-507003 KRISHNA
Ph:08712 253149101
Cel1173029671 D BRAOU Study Centrc
Regional Co ordination Cente
Dr BRAOU Stu Cen SRR&CVR Govt Der
Govt Degrcc Col:ege Machavaram.VIJaya ad"
Madhira-507203 Ph:086624348680)
Ph:0874927423610) 1738P29642
CelL 7382929694
D BRAOU Smdy Cen
D BRAOU Study Centre PB SiddhahaCo ege
National De Collcge VIJaya ada-520m0
Paloncha Ph:0866247380810)
Ph:0874"52056tOl Cell:7382929618
Dr BRAOU Study Centre
D BRAOU Study Ccn" A J Kalasal
Govt'uniorCollege Machilipe un 520001
Yellandu-507123 Ph:08672 223371(0)
Ph:0874525435310) l:738229667
( 11:7382929737
Dr BRAOU Stu CentrC
Dr BRAOU Stu"CCntrC K VR College
Navbharath Dcgree Collcge Nandigam 521185
sampalli 507303 Ph:0867827631X10)
Ph:08761283168101 17382929685
Sl. Ccoirc Name andAddr6s Sl. Centre Nrme rlldAddress
No. Codc ofStudy Ccntre No. Code ofstudy Centre

llr % Dr BRAOU Stu Centre lD6 Dr. BRAOU Study CenEe

DhamaApparao College KVR Gort Dgee College for
N id 521201 Women, Kumool - 518 001.
Ph:08656 233312101 Ph:m5l&221090(O)
17382929686 Cet73W8756
108 D BRA00 Study Centre
178 Dr. BRAOU Study Centrc
ANR Degree College
Siddartha Junior College
Cudinda 521301
Ph:% 165364 (O)
Ph: 08516220583
l D 3RAOU Study Ccn
Govt DcrC CO ege, Dr. BRAOU Study Centre
Avanigadda SML Cott Dege College,
Ph:0867: 2261,-38 Emmiganuru.
Cel11730298:2 Ph: 085 12-255208 (O)

Dr BRAOU Stu"CentrC C.fjll]-73,82929823

Sai Degree College,Bypass Rd,

iruvur 521235
Ph:08673 251467tOl Dr. BMOU
CelL 73"""34 Regional Ccordinarion Centre
MVS Gor.t. Afis &
D BRAOU Mahabubnagar - 509 00 |.
Rcgional Co ordination Centre Ph: 08542-275947 (O)
SilvcrJubilee Covt Dcgrcc CetnWSffi
College Kurnull 5181X12
Ph:08518231X155101 057 Dr. BRAOU Study Centrc

CelL 73""% S.VP. Dcgree Collcgc

Shadnagar - 509 216.
080 Dr BRAOU Study Cen
Ph:085,1&253203 (O)
PSC&KVS Govt College
Nm" 5185112
Ph:08514 242191(Ol Dr. BRAOU S$dy Centle
CelL 73 MALD Govt. Ans & Scienc&
"% College, Gad\rd - 509 I 25.
081 Dr BRAOU Study Cen
Ph: 085462722,10 (O)
Adoni Arts&Scicnce Co cgc
Adoni 518302
Ph:08512 231XH(Ol Dr. BRAOU Study Centre
Ce 7382929681 Gor4. Degrcc College for Men,
Wanaparthy - 509 103.
t88 Dr BRAOU Study Ccntre
Ph:0854t231591 (O)
Covt Junior Collegq
Sisallam PmJ
Shsallam 5181112
Cel1 73820688

Sl. Centre Name andAddress Sl. Centr. Name andAddress

Na Code ofstudy Centre No. Cod. ofStudy Centrc


Covt Junior Collcgc 130 Dr BRAOU
Kalw-5"324 Rcgional C ordination Centrc
Ph:0854'27105010) Covt Dcgrcc Co!Icgc
CclL 7382929720 sldapct_5112103
Dr BRAOU Study Ccntre
SuaLumi Degrcc Collegc of
Arts&Scicnce, BRAOU Study Centc
N anapCta-5"210 Tara CovL Dcgree Collcgc

Ph:08516283142(Ol Sang"ddy 502001

Cc :7382929741
Cc :73829H63
D BRAOU Stu"CcntrC Dr BRAOU Study Ccntrc
Covt JuniorConegcOBOyS)
Govt Dcgrcc Collcge
Achampct-509375 M 502110
Ph1 08541 72391(Ol
Cc l:7382929743
Q 7382H98
DI BRAOU Stu Ccnte Dr BRAOU Study Ccntre
D B R R Covt Dcglce Collcgc, Govt Degrcc Collegc
Jcdchcrla-509301 Zahirabad-502220

Ph:08452235301(Ol Ph:08451282776(0)
O 73829297 Ccl1 7382929724

D BRAOU Sm"CCn 131 Dr BRAOU Stu CCntre

NTR Cot Dcgrcc Clovt Junior COllegc
Collcgcfor Women, N pur 502313
Mahaboobnagar 509001 Ph:0845828623910)
Ph:0854224283510) Ccll:7382929736
D BRAOU Study Ccntrc
Dr B OU Study Ccntre Covt Dcgrcc Coucgc.
Co Junior Collegc, 50278

Nagarkurn ! 5"209
Ph108454 234557(0
Ph:08540 226453101
Ce 73029779

136 Dr BRAOU Stu CCntr

D BRAOU Stu"Ccntre
N M Dcgrcc Collegc
RID Govt JuniorCollcge
Jogipet 508202
Ph:0845112 9(0)
Ph1 08501 751760
Ccu 7382929780

Ccl1 7382929796

D"BRAOU Stu CcntrC

Govt' Concgc for Bws
Co Junior CollegQ
Kosgl 5 339
Ph:08457 24339,9849249027
Ph 085t15'81148(Ol
Cel11 7382929798 Ccll:7382929813

Sl. C.ntre N.m..rdAddress

Dr. BRAOU Study Centre D BRAOU Study Ccntre

Go!4. Degrc College, K RR Govt JuniorConegc
Sadasivapet. Kodad-508206
Ce!il,:.738)qN24 Ph:0868325 10(Ol
D BRAOU Study Ccntre
Covt Dcgrcc Collegc For Women
Regional Co-ordination Ccntre
Nagaduna Govt. College
Ph: 2"
Nalgonda - 508 002.
Ph: 086&2-223 768 (O)
C..l|73829,9610 Dr BRAOU Study Ccntre
Govt Der COllCgC
Dr. BRAOU Study Ccntre
Ramannapet 508113
KNM Go14. Dgee College
Miryalaguda - 508 207.
Ph:08689250065 (O)
Crll:.8098ffi Dr BRAOll Stu CCn"
RanlakrlshnaDegcc Co egc
Dr. BRAOU Study Centre
Hal 508202
Go!,t. JuniorCollege
Ph1 0868 278564
Ce11 7382929782
Ph:m68r281577 (O)
Cell'139D29658 DE BRAOU Smdy Ccn"
P al Shl Degrcc Co cge
Dr. BRAOU Study Centre
Hulm 5082
S.V College
Suryapet- 508 213.
Ph:0868a-221505 (O) D BRAOU ttdy Cen
CE|/rT3829D6YI Govt JuniorConcge.
Dr. BRAOU Study Centse
Govt. Junior College Ccm 738292980
Nagaduna Sagar - 508 202
Ph:0868G277,161 (O)
Cell:.718)9D1ll Dr BRAOU Study Ccnt
Rcgional C rdination Cente
Dr. BRAOU Study Cefi
Si SarvodayaC01lCgc
MKR Go}4. Dgree College,
Dvankonda - 508 248.
Ph10861 2332162101
Ph; 08691 -240aO3 (O)
Ce 73829296H
Dr. BRAOU Study Cente Dr BRAOU Smdy Cente
Govt. Junior Colleg for BoYs Ja ahar Bhammi College
Bhoogir-508116. Kavali 524201

Ph: 08685-242516 (O) Ph:0862 278(Ol

CEt7382929144 Ccu:7382929659
Sl. Ccntre Name andAddress Sl. Centre NrmerndAddress
No. Code ofstudv Centre No. Code ofstudy Centrcl
Dr. BRAOU Study Centre
1 08D D BRAOU Stu"CentrC
Govt. Degre College
Yk Junior Cdlcgc
Ba$wada - 503 187.
Ph: 0846626559 (O)
Ccl1 7382929682
163 Dr. BRAOU Study Centr
Dr BRAOU Stu Cen"
Goit. Arts & Sciencc College
Govt Dcgree Collcgc
Karnarcddy- 503 lll.
Ph: 08,16&229032 (O)
1 Dr BRAOU Study Centre
1% Dr BRAOU StudyCentrc
GovL Degree College
D K Govt De ege
"Co Bodhan - 503 185.
for WoIIlcn,Ne ore 5241X13
Ph:08467-2108 (O)
Ph:0861 2327568tOl
Cc 7382929759
1 Dr. BRAOU StudY Centrc
18 Dr BRAOU Study Cen"
Govt. JuniorCollege
CS Arts&Scicncc Degrcc College
Morthad - 503 225.
Ph:08,162-288613 (O)
Buchircddyp em 524305
O 73029783 l 1 Dr. BRAOU StudY Cenu
Go!4. Degree College
158 Dr BRAOU Study Cent
Armoor- 503 224.
SRJ Dcgree Collcgc
Ph:0&463D259 (O)
Amkur 524322
Ccu:7382929793 167 Dr. BRAOU Study Centre
Govt. Junior Collegc,
Dr BRAOU Study Centrc
Bheemgal - 503 307.
Covt Dcgree Collcge,Udasagln (O)
Ph: 08463-239E7
168 Dr. BRAOU Study Centre
160 226 Dr BRAOU Stu CentrC CARE Degree College
Ccntral P Nizamabad -
Ncllorc 524 2 Ph: Mt'6245667 7. 97 04N456'l
Ph:0861 331639 C-alt'.7382929815
CclL 73829297al

169 Dr. BMOU Study Centle

LAMABAD Govt. Degre College,
Dr BRAOU Bichukonda-
Rcglond C( rdhatlon Ccntrc frr:C84&-2WA.944.142)D5
CimJ Go Collcgc Cf,,ll:73929D816
N nttb 503002

Sl. Centre Nsme sndAddress Sl. Centre NsmesndAddrcss
No Code ofstudy Centre No Code ofstudy Ccrtre

Dr. BRAOU Study CenEe 178 203 Dr. BRAOU Study Centre
GovL Degree College TRR Govt Degrc College
Yella Reddy, Nizanabad. Kandukur- 523 105.
Ph: 99635433781 Ph: 0859&2546 (O)

Cell:73829]982. Crll:73829D803

Dr. BRAOU 119 031 Dr. BMOU Study Cenrre
Regional Co-ordination Ccntre Contral Priso[
CSR Sama Collegc Cholapally - 500 032.
Ongolo - 523 001 . Ph: 04G27261208 (O)
Ph:0859-235348 (O) Cell:7382929631
180 Dr. BRAOU Study Centre
Dr. BRAOU Study Centrc SAP Arts & Science College
VRS & YRN Collegp Vikarabod - 501 l0l.
Chirala-523 157. Ph:08416252783 (O)
Ph: 0859-232334 (O) Cell:.73&292967O
Dr. BRAOU Study Centre
tT3 472 Dr. BRAOU Study Centre Pallavi Degree College
Gort. JuniorCollege Paryi-501501.
Murtur- 523 301. Ph:Mt243250(O)
t82 125 Dr. BRAOU Study Centle
Dr. BRAOU Study Ccntc
Gol't. Junior College
Tandur- 501 l4l.
Kanigiri - 523 230.
Ph:0841 l-273333 (O)
Ph:084@-273353 (O)

169 Dr. BRAOU Study Centre

Dr. BRAOU Study Centrc
Goit. Junior Colleg
Sri Vivekananda Ans & Science
Chevella- 501 503.
College Giddalur- 523 357.
Ph: 08405-242126 (O)

176 Dr BRAOU Study Centle t8.t Dr. BRAOU Study Centre

Govt. JuniorCollege Golt. JuniorCollege

Chimakurty - 523 226. Mcdchal-501401.
Ph: 0859-27359 (O) Ph: 0841 &220577 (O)
C*ll:73&929733 Cell:'BACDI70

152 Dr. BRAOU Study Centle Dr. BRAOU Studycentre

SVKP Cotlege, Go}t. JuniorCollege
Markapur - 523 316. Hayarhnagar - 501 505.
Ph:085962051(0 Ph:040-2A0A629 (O)
Cell:.7382.929152 CelL738298nl


Co JunlorCollcgc D BRAOU Stu"CentrC
ibrahmpatnam 5015 RcgiOnal C ordination Ccnte
Ph:08414222396101 M R Collcgc(Autonomus)
0 7382929772 Vttanun 5351X12
D[BRAOU Stu"CCntte Ph:08922229058(0)
CAP VocatlonalJr Collcgc Cc 73829296211
Ph:040659893"10) D BRAOU Stu"CCntrC
17382929818 S V DerCCOllCge
Dn BRAOU Study Ccntre Parvathipunm 535501
Co Jn Conege, Ph:08963 222562(0)

RaJcndraN Ccu:7382929692
Ph:041155794635, 2 3AKHAPATNAM
CelL 7382929821
SRIKA M Rcglonal Co ordination Centrc
D 3RAOU Stu"CcntF Dr VS KnshnaCo DcgI_
Regional Co ordination Centrc College,VI apatnam 530013
Co"Dcgree Collcge for Mcn Ph:08912536665,25366730)
Shkakulaln 532001 Ccu:7382929619
Ph:08942 22 l10) Dr BRAOU Stu CCn
Cdl:7382929616 SCA CovL Dcr COllCge
DL B OU Study Ccntrc Yclalnanctt -531055

Covt Degrce Collcgc Ph:08931 231078(0)

Tekkali-532201 CclL 73829M68

BRAOU Study Ccntrc
Ol1 7382"%
Covt Dcgrcc Collcge
Dr BRAOU S CCnt Padcru 531024
Govt Junior Collcgc for Boys Ph:08935 25B17tOl
ltchaputtun 532312 Ccll:7382929728
Ce11 73029683

D BRAOU Study Ccntre Dr BRAOU

Covt JuniorCollegc RegiOnal C rdination Ccntrc
Pathapatnalll SIrCRR Collegc
Ph:0894625518810) Elul u 5341X17

Ceu 7382929804 Ph:088!2241 9(0)

CelL 73-
D BROU Study CCnte
Covt JuniorCo cge
O 7382929807

Sl. Centre NrmeandAddress Sl. Ccntre Name andAddrcss
No. Code ofstudy Centre No. Cod ofstudy Ccntre

Dr BRAOU Study Ccntrc BRAOU Study Ccn

D N R Collegc Govt,unior Collegc ForBoys
B vamm 5342112 Mahabubabad-5%101
Ph:08816 22566310) Ph:08719240171(D)
Cc11 7382929645 Ccl 7382929705
1 2 D BRAOU Stu"CcntrC
BRAOU Study Ccntrc
AKRC Dcgu Comcgc
Covt JunioF COnCgc
Pabl 5 164
Ce11 7382929712
151 Di BRAOU Study Ccntrc
Smt Kondepati Sarollni Dcvi D BRAOU Stu"CcntrC
Mahila Kalashala. Ccntra P" n
Tanuku 534211 Warangal 506 CX17

Ph:088:9 222154(Ol Ph:0871 25 0)

Ccu:7382929751 Ccm:7382929717

3 DL BRAOU StudyCcntre Dr BRAOU Stu"CcntrC

Co Dcgrcc Concgc Siddhartha JuniorConegc
Chintalapudi 234460 Bhupalapally 5 168
Ph:0 322408 Ph:08713220035101
Ccl!:73829298M Ccu:7382929749


Covt Junior Coilegc
l121' Dr BRAOU
RcgiOnal Co ordination Ccntre
Kodakand:a 5m222
Ph:08716 2776640)
Cc11 73829297"
Cdlege,W J-506 1Xll
Ph:0870 25 86210) BRAOU Study Ccntre

186 D
Cc1173 929621 Co Junior Conegc,
, D BRAOU Stu Ccnt Chcnd 5%223
Go JuniorCollcgc Pn:08711 223 3KOl
Mulugu 506343 Ccl1 7382929786
Ph:087:5 220279(Ol
1 Dr BRAOU Study Ccntc
( ll:7382929669
Covt Co cgc,
07D Dr BRAOU Stu CcntrC
Thorur 506163
KakatiyaCovt Dcgrec Collcge
Hanmakonda 5061X11
Ph:0870 2570160(0)
Cell:7382929675 D BRAOU Study Ccntrc
, Dr BRAOU Stu Ccntre Covt Dcre Conegc,
ABV Degrce Collcgc Eturunar 506:65
langaon 506167 Ph:08717 205008

Ph:08716224364101 Ccu 7382929825

CclL 7382929687

C I 3 _ ,

qEF' r'c rnst r[AR (8:, BCod & &S.) ONLTNE AD:ltlSSl0\ RIGISTRATIOT fo&!l - 20r7-tt



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Lllr H lciol E +r t,a I

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