MLCW S5 Rules & Regulations

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Miner League Clan Wars

Rules & Regulations

Season 5
MLCW Rules & Regulations - Season 5

Table of Contents
Introduction 3

Part 1: Structure, Schedule & Statistics 4

Section 1: Leagues and Minimum BDs 4
Section 2: Regular Season Schedule & Standings 4
Section 3: Postseason Schedule & Format 5
Section 4: Statistics Tracking via WarMatch 6

Part 2: Fair Play 7

Section 1: Fair Play 7
Section 2: Clan Visitation & Dual Accounts 8
Section 3: Burned Bases 8

Part 3: Master Roster & Roster Changes 8

Section 1: Master Roster Submission 8
Section 2: Master Roster Changes 9

Part 4: Match Arrangement 9

Section 1: Match Scheduling 10
Section 2: Match Breakdowns 10
Section 3: Match Roster Submission 10
Section 4: Match Substitutions 10
Section 5: Match Weighting Restrictions 11
Section 6: Use of Special Traps, Troops, & Spells 11
Section 7: Mediation Error! Bookmark not defined.

Part 5: War Prep, Battle Day & Incurred Penalties 12

Section 1: Misrepresentation of War Weights 12
Section 2: Leaving the Clan 13
Section 3: Four Strike Penalty System 13
Section 4: End of War & Match Results 14

Part 6: Forfeiture, Removals & Withdrawals 14

Section 1: Match Forfeiture 14
Section 2: Clan Removals & Withdrawals 14

Part 7: Communications 15
Section 1: Inflammatory or Baiting Comments 15
Section 2: Mediation 15
Section 3: Promotional Materials 15

Appendix A: Season 5 Administrators & Moderators 17

Appendix B: Season 5 Participating Clans Error! Bookmark not defined.

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Miner League Clan Wars (or MLCW) is an organized, friendly war competition hosting clans from
all over the globe of varying sizes, skill levels and time zones. Clans accepted into the MLCW will
be assigned a schedule of opponents separated by leagues and will compete in one match per
week during the regular season. At the end of the regular season, the highest ranked clans will
participate in a playoff to determine a season champion.

In order to help maintain order, ensure fair play, and promote good sportsmanship, the MLCW
administrators have developed these rules and regulations to apply to all MLCW Season 5
participants. A majority of the rules from Season 4 have carried over to Season 5 meaning most
clans should already have a good handle on expectations pertaining to matching and general
league methodology. That being said, we do have some noteworthy changes - namely a more
tangible system of penalties for those players or clans which seek to exploit loopholes to gain
an advantage in matching or whose history is marred by allegations of actions construed as non-
fair play. Our hope is that this will serve to fortify a more level playing field for all of our Season 5
participants and will allow everyone to have a more enjoyable playing experience as a result.

It is the responsibility of each clan's selected representatives to inform their respective clans of
these rules and regulations.

Admins reserve the right to interpret all posted rules as required to settle disputes and will
ultimately make decisions based on the spirit of stated rules when the issue-at-hand is not
explicitly addressed herein, and to enforce them accordingly.

All participants are encouraged to reach out to their friendly league Admins with any questions
concerning these listed rules and regulations pertaining (but not limited) to roster compliance,
matching rules, determination of standings, and penalties for violations. A comprehensive list of
Admins can be found in Appendix A of this document.

For more information on how to become a participating clan in the MLCW and much, much more,
please visit our website at

We wish the best of luck to all Season 5 participants and we look forward to another exciting and
successful season!

-Your Friendly MLCW Admin Team

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MLCW Rules & Regulations - Season 5

Part 1: Structure, Schedule & Statistics

Section 1: Leagues and Minimum BDs

1. The MLCW is comprised of 4 independent leagues of varying breakdowns (BDs) to
accommodate a variety of clan sizes and strengths (where BD format is TH11/10/9):
a. Grand Warden League (GWL)
i. 11 clans
ii. 4/10/16 BD
b. Archer Queen League (AQL)
i. 2 divisions of 11 clans each
ii. 22 clans
iii. 3/8/14 BD
c. Barbarian King League (BKL)
i. 3 divisions of 11 clans each
ii. 33 clans
iii. 2/6/12 BD
d. Battle Machine League (BML)
i. 11 clans
ii. 0/3/12 BD
See Appendix B for a complete list of Season 5 participating clans.

Section 2: Regular Season Schedule & Standings

1. Clans accepted into each league will be assigned a schedule of opponents in their
respective league (and, where applicable, division), one per week.
2. Regular Season: November 29, 2017 - February 19, 2018
a. (10) weeks of regular season play
b. (2) bye weeks taking place after Week 3 (December 20, 2017 - January 4, 2018)
3. Regular season standings will be determined based on win percentage, followed by star
differential and finally destruction percentage.
4. At the end of regular season play, the highest ranked clans in the standings from each
league will advance to the postseason:
a. In the event of a regular season 2-way tie, if one clan holds the advantage in both
head-to-head and star differential, that clan will advance to the postseason.
Otherwise a tiebreaker match will be scheduled by MLCW Administrators.
b. In the event of a regular season 3-way (or more) tie, the deciding metrics will be
star differential, then destruction percentage.

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Section 3: Postseason Schedule & Format

1. Clans that advance to the postseason will participate in a single elimination-style playoff
to determine a season champion for each league.
2. Postseason: February 21, 2018 - March 21, 2018
a. (3) weeks of postseason play for BML and GWL
b. (4) weeks of postseason play for BKL and AQL
c. A bye week may be added before or during the postseason as needed to
balance schedule and postseason game coverage.
3. Playoff format per league will be as follows:
a. Grand Warden League (GWL) and Battle Machine League (BML)
i. Top 2 clans per league will receive a first round bye.
ii. Next 4 clans per league will meet in the first round.
iii. Typical GWL/BML playoff bracket format::

b. Archer Queen League (AQL)

i. Top 2 clans per division (total of 4 clans) will receive a first round bye.
ii. Next 4 clans per division (total of 8 clans) will meet in the first round.
iii. Typical AQL playoff bracket format (D1 = Div. 1 Clan, D2=Div. 2 Clan):

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c. Barbarian King League (BKL)

i. Top clan per division will receive a first round bye.
ii. Next 3 clans per division plus one league wild card clan (total of 10 clans)
will meet in the first round.
iii. Typical BKL playoff bracket format (D1 = Div. 1 Clan, D2=Div. 2 Clan,
D3=Div. 3 Clan):

4. Following the conclusion of Season 5, the MLCW will host an All-Star War featuring the
best statistically ranked players from the regular season.

Section 4: Statistics Tracking via WarMatch

1. Throughout the regular and postseason, MLCW has its league statistics, schedule, and
standings tracked via
2. In order to ensure proper tracking of player and clan statistics, all Season 5 participants
must keep an open war log at all times during the course of the regular season and
playoffs until which time their clan is eliminated from the competition.

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Part 2: Fair Play

Section 1: Fair Play

1. MLCW is a fair play competition. Modding (direct use of third-party software), use of
burner accounts, cracking, spying or cheating of any kind is strictly disallowed.
2. Any evidence beyond a reasonable doubt of modding, past or present, will now be
penalized as follows:
a. Modding during a match by a single member and without knowledge of their
clans leadership will result in a permanent ban of said player (and all known
associated accounts) as well as forfeiture of the match.
b. Modding during a match by a single or multiple members and collusion among
clan leaders will result in a permanent ban of said player(s)/leader(s) (and all
known associated accounts), forfeiture of the match, and removal of the clan from
the MLCW according to removal process as detailed under Part 6, Section 2. Any
remaining clan members with no prior knowledge or involvement in said modding
may be allowed to join other MLCW clans.
c. A list of clans known to have previously been involved in any such modding
activity will be maintained and made public by the MLCW for the purpose of full
disclosure and visibility, and which can be accessed at any time on the MLCW
Discord server by using the bot command !banlist.
d. Any player(s) with a record of having visited any clan on the MLCW ban list in
excess of 7 days (in totality) at any point in the past 6 months or for any amount of
time within the first 30 days of the regular season will not be allowed to participate
in the MLCW in any fashion and shall have any and all associated accounts
removed from any MLCW clans in which they are presently affiliated.
i. Proof of transaction and/or keychaining will not exempt a player from this
ii. If a player or players staged attack(s) while in violation of this rule, those
attacks, along with any and all stars or percentage gained as a result in all
such wars, will become null and void.
iii. Further, if it determined that the clan in which the player resided were
aware of the violation and did not take reasonable steps to remove said
player(s), that clan will forfeit the match(es)-in-question as a first offense
and will be removed from the league as a second offense.
3. Admins reserve the right to gain entry (or send a representative of our choice) into any
MLCW clan during or immediately following the conclusion of a league match for any
purpose and/or access to Direct Message (DM) chats, Discord (or similar communication
app) servers. Refusing Admins such admission or access will be equivalent to an
admission of guilt and will be dealt with accordingly.

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4. Admins reserve the right to penalize behavior or actions by a clan or its members if said
activity is determined to be in contrast with the concept and/or the spirit of fair play even
if no specific rules directly apply.
5. It is the responsibility of all clan reps to be vigilant in ensuring all master roster members
and player subs fit the requirements of fair play eligibility for any given match.

Section 2: Clan Visitation & Dual Accounts

1. Player visitation between clans that are competing in the same league or division is
typically unacceptable (this includes use of subs per Part 3, Section 3, Rule 3) . Should
any player have a compelling reason for such a visitation, that player must first contact the
clan's rep(s) and receive specific permission prior to sending an in-game request.
2. Likewise, no single player should, under any circumstance, ever have two accounts in two
different clans that are competing in the same league, or war the same opponent two
weeks in a row as a sub. Any player found to be in violation of this rule will have all
attacks disqualified along with any and all stars or percentage gained as a result.
3. MLCW will make every effort to enforce these rules, but due to the high incidence of
players with multiple accounts (spanning a multitude of clans), individual clans will be
responsible for policing their rosters and should be advised on proper protocol for
accepting players into their respective clans.
4. All participating clans are encouraged to utilize or similar stat-tracking
resources in order to help determine whether or not an applicant could be a spy and/or to
exercise sound judgement prior to granting entry.

Section 3: Burned Bases

1. If a base is used once in any war match - be it competitive league play or a random war, it
shall be considered burned and recycled at the individual players/clans risk.

Part 3: Master Roster & Roster Changes

Section 1: Master Roster Submission

1. Each participating clan will be asked to submit a master roster of no more than 50
members, all of which must be regular members of that clan.

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2. For the purpose of MLCW league play, the term "regular member" is defined as anyone
who spends 60% or more of their clash time in their respective clan which will be
measured from the time the player-in-question was officially submitted to MLCW (via
master roster lock or change submission) to the time of each war match.
3. Once accepted, the admin team will maintain a live master roster for each clan.
4. If it is discovered that a clan has included a player or players that do not fall under the
definition of regular member on their master roster, those players will be removed from
the roster and the clan in violation will potentially face a penalty up to and including
forfeiture of matches where player(s) were used. In addition, said player(s) can only be
reinstated as a master roster member via an official master roster change (See Section 2
5. For the purposes of transparency and verification, all participating clan members must
maintain a public profile on - if the admin team cannot verify a players
history, that player wont be eligible for master roster consideration.

Section 2: Master Roster Changes

1. Master roster changes are allowed but will be limited to (5) roster changes over the
course of the regular season with up to (3) player additions per change with a maximum
of (1) roster change per week. Any roster changes not used by the end of the regular
season are lost.
2. Any amount of roster deletions may occur per roster change but should always be
submitted along with at least one roster addition.
3. Clans will be limited to a total of (1) player addition per week during postseason.
4. Player(s) will not be eligible to be added to a clans master roster until said player(s) have
resided in the respective clan for a minimum of (7) consecutive days. Player(s) must then
maintain residency as a regular member to remain on the master roster (See Part 3,
Section 1, Rule 2 for residency requirement).
5. All master roster changes must be submitted by using the provided Master Roster
Change Form before said changes are made official. A link to the Master Roster Change
Form can be found pinned in the #clan_reps_s5 channel on the MLCW Discord server.
6. Master roster change submissions must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the
proposed change. If, after 48 hours, a submitted roster changes have not yet been
incorporated into the master roster spreadsheet, a select clan representative may DM a
roster management Admin for the sole purpose of status inquiry.

Part 4: Match Arrangement

Each participating clan will designate exactly (2) representatives for the purpose of match
arrangement and negotiation. Although MLCW officially recognizes a maximum of two official
representatives per clan, more than two may be used for actual negotiation.

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Section 1: Match Scheduling

1. Clan reps are responsible for determining war day/time and prep/battle length for each
friendly war.
2. All wars must occur between Wednesday and Monday for each week of play with a hard
deadline of Tuesday at 1200 hours (UTC). If it becomes clear during the matching process
that this deadline can not be held, an Admin must be informed and has to approve the
alternative deadline.

Section 2: Match Breakdowns

1. All participating clans will follow the minimum prescribed breakdowns (BDs) per league as
detailed under Part 1, Section 1.
2. BDs may be adjusted so long as both sides agree to the changes; otherwise the default
BD will be enforced.
3. While MLCW does not advocate the use of .5s, they can be participate in league play if
both clans agree to include them on their match roster.

Section 3: Match Roster Submission

1. A match roster must be submitted to the scheduled opponent no less than 48 hours and
finalized no less than 24 hours before match time. This will allow time for lineup
negotiation and, if necessary, moderator mediation.
2. It is understood that last-minute roster revisions happen but any such changes should
meet one of the following requirements in order to be considered eligible:
a. Equal swap (both weights and heroes of proposed player are the same as player
being replaced)
b. Lighter player (both weights and heroes of proposed player are less than the
player being replaced)
c. Approved by an Admin as part of a roster balancing effort
3. In order to help streamline the matching process, all master roster players must be listed
on each submitted match roster with auxiliary players listed in addition to proposed match
lineup. All auxiliary players must be denoted as available or unavailable for the
purpose of the match.

Section 4: Match Substitutions

1. A substitute player or sub is defined as any player who is not part of a participating
clans master roster. This includes members of family clans as well as alternate accounts
that are not regular members of the clan-in-question.
2. In general, subs are allowed but must be disclosed to the opponent during the matching
process along with their player tag and clan of origin. Subs will be limited on a per match,
per league basis as follows:

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a. Grand Warden League (GWL) - 1/2/3

b. Archer Queen League (AQL) - 1/1/3 or 0/2/3
c. Barbarian King League (BKL) - 0/1/3
d. Battle Machine League (BML) - 0/1/2
3. Please note, subs should only be used when absolutely necessary (i.e. for the purposes
of matching or when no other suitable player is available) or when deemed appropriate
by an Admin during the course of mediation (See Part 4, Section 7 for additional
information). Subs should NOT be used for the sole purpose of gaining an advantage
over an opponent.
4. Substitutions between clans competing in the same league are not allowed (See Part 2,
Section 2 for additional fair play implications).

Section 5: Match Weighting Restrictions

1. In keeping with the spirit of fairplay and to help improve matching across all leagues,
several roster matching restrictions are currently enforced by the MLCW:
a. Maximum aggregate defensive weight differentials will be enforced according to
league per the following breakdowns:
i. Grand Warden League (GWL) - 4k@11, 5k@10, 11k@9
ii. Archer Queen League (AQL) - 3k@11, 4k@10, 10k@9
iii. Barbarian King League (BKL) - 2k@11, 3k@10, 9k@9
iv. Battle Machine League (BML) - 2k@10, 8k@9
b. Each clan should include the same number of TH10s with a weight equal to or in
excess of 87k.
c. Unless both clans agree to the use of .5s in the match, all townhall levels must
have all defenses built and maxed according to their previous townhall level, and
must have, at a minimum, all defenses built for their current townhall level.
d. In the event that both clans agree to using .5s, they will be counted toward the
respective town hall level for the purposes of the match (e.g. a TH8.5 will count as
a TH9) and weighted as follows:
i. TH8.5 = 62k
ii. TH9.5 = 84k
iii. TH10.5 = 104k

Section 6: Use of Special Traps, Troops, & Spells

1. In the event that Supercell announces a special limited time event involving traps, troops,
and/or spells which will overlap with a planned match, MLCW will not enforce any
agreements to use or not use said items, and any such agreements that are made
between clan reps as part of the match negotiation will be at the complete discretion of of
the respective clans.

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Section 7: Mediation
1. In the event that any stated rules and regulations listed in Sections 1 through 5 of Part 4
cannot be met and/or clans cannot reach an agreement amicably or autonomously, clan
reps shall contact any member of the Mediation Team for resolution.
a. Once contacted, the assigned Admin will make a text channel visible to all
pertinent clan reps for the duration of the mediation.
b. Admins do not guarantee resolution of all conflicts but will make every effort to
help reach a consensus using whatever options are available.
c. Admins will not take part in any discussions pertaining to issues which have
already been ruled on and closed unless new evidence is brought to light.
d. Any and all individuals who take part in mediation discussions via an assigned
mediation room or DM are prohibited from sharing screenshots from said
mediation in any other forum, public or private.
e. Mediators can be reached via role tagging (@Mediation Team Member on Discord)
or via DM (See Appendix A for a complete list of Mediators).

Part 5: War Prep, Battle Day & Incurred Penalties

Section 1: Misrepresentation of War Weights

1. If, once a match has started, it is found that a player's defense is misrepresented on the
match roster by a weight advantage of 2k or more, or if a player's offense is
misrepresented by a hero advantage of three or more combined levels, the opponent will
have the option of preventing the player-in-question from staging any attack(s) not
already registered as well as their mirror.
2. If a clan has proof of such a violation by their opponent, it is the responsibility of their clan
reps to immediately inform the offending clan of the violation along with substantial proof
of wrongdoing. The rep must also then contact their respective league Admin with proof

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that the offending clan was properly notified. Once complete, the player found to be in
violation and their mirror will then effectively have one or both of their attack(s) effectively
3. In the event that a player stages one or more of their attack(s) after which point they have
been effectively blocked as a result of enacting rule 2 above, any and all stars or
percentage gained by any player on said base will become null and void.
4. If proof of violation is not raised prior to the player-in-question logging one or both
attacks, those attack(s) already staged will not be affected in any way.

Section 2: Leaving the Clan

1. Once Battle Day has commenced, no players are allowed to leave their respective clan
until which time both of their attacks have been used. If a player is found to have left their
clan (for any purpose) after Battle Day has started but before both attacks are complete,
the opponent will have the option of preventing that player from staging any attack(s) not
already registered.
2. If a clan has proof of such a violation by their opponent, it is the responsibility of their clan
reps to immediately inform the offending clan of the violation along with substantial proof
of wrongdoing. The rep must also then contact an Admin with proof that the offending
clan was properly notified. Once complete, the player found to be in violation will then
effectively have their attacks blocked.
3. In the event that a player stages one or more of their attack(s) after which point they have
been effectively blocked as a result of enacting rule 2 above, any and all stars or
percentage gained by any player on said base will become null and void.
4. If proof of violation is not raised prior to the player-in-question logging one or both
attacks, those attack(s) already staged will not be affected in any way.

Section 3: Four Strike Penalty System

1. In a continuing effort to ensure all established matching criteria is being adhered to, the
MLCW Admin team will be instituting a new four strike penalty system for Season 5.
a. List of punishable offenses subject to the new four strike system - each violation
counting as a single strike and tabulated continuously throughout the season:
i. Misrepresentation of war weight beyond acceptable amount.
ii. Failure to have max defenses built for previous townhall level or all
defenses built for current townhall level.
iii. Any number of misrepresentations that results in exceeding aggregate
matching parameters.
iv. 3 or more bases misrepresented by any amount.
v. Putting the wrong account into war.
vi. Having ineligible roster members in war or not listing subs.
vii. Leaving clan during battle day.

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b. Four strike penalty system shall be as follows:

i. Strike One - Any penalties assessed as noted in Part 5, Sections 1 & 2 plus
a warning.
ii. Strike Two - Any penalties assessed as noted in Part 5, Sections 1 & 2 plus
a minimum 1-star penalty and any other additional penalties as deemed
necessary by Admins including blocked bases for both sides in the event
that the wrong account is put into war.
iii. Strike Three - Forfeiture of war.
iv. Strike Four - Removal from the league.

Section 4: End of War & Match Results

1. When war has reached its conclusion, the victorious clan must post a screenshot of the
match results in the #results channel of the MLCW Discord server.
2. Any matches resulting in a perfect tie will require a makeup match (applicable to both
regular season as well as playoff matches). Both clans will be equally responsible for
scheduling, arrangement and completion of required match (typical process rules and
regulations will apply.)

Part 6: Forfeiture, Removals & Withdrawals

Section 1: Match Forfeiture

1. If a clan forfeits a match for whatever reason, or is penalized with a forfeit, the opposing
clan will receive a win with the average winning star count and destruction percentage of
the winningest clans in their division.
2. The forfeiting clan will receive a loss with the average losing star count and destruction
percentage of the losingest clans in their division. This is to prevent their tie breaking
stats from being skewed by a perfect win versus an absent clan. If, for any reason, a clan
forfeits more than two matches, they will be removed from the competition (See Section 2
below for information regarding clan removals and withdrawals.)

Section 2: Clan Removals & Withdrawals

1. If a clan withdraws or is removed from the competition within the first three weeks of the
regular season, a suitable replacement clan (as determined by Admins) will be promoted
from MLCW Trial League to compete in that clans spot for the remainder of the regular
a. The incoming clan must makeup any match(es) previously held by outgoing clan
and their opponent(s).

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b. If clan withdraws or is removed from the competition during a match, that match
will also require makeup and will not simply be accepted as a forfeit..
c. Both incoming clan and makeup opponent(s) will be equally responsible for
scheduling, arrangement and completion of required match(es) (typical process
rules and regulations will apply).
2. Starting from the beginning of week 4 of the regular season, any clan that withdraws or is
removed from the competition will have the totality of their completed match statistics and
results erased from official MLCW records for the season. Any clans scheduled to face
the clan in question for week 4 or beyond will receive a bye for that week.
3. If a clan withdraws or is removed in the last 3 weeks of the regular season, Admins will
make a ruling as to whether the remaining matches will be considered forfeited or
rendered null and void based on schedule and standings.

Part 7: Communications

MLCW uses Discord as its primary communication tool. The following rules of conduct and
engagement will apply to the official MLCW Discord server and its channels.

Section 1: Inflammatory or Baiting Comments

1. Calling people out in chat or making accusations in a public forum and/or simply inciting
unnecessary drama is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated under any
circumstances. All Discord members are expected to carry themselves in civil manner
and settle disputes in amicable fashion. Failure to do so will result in muting of offenders
and eventual server ban.

Section 2: Mediation
1. Our friendly Admin and DC Moderator team is always available to help settle disputes as
needed. All Discord members are encouraged to DM an Admin or DC Moderator in lieu
of publishing their concerns in a public forum.

Section 3: Promotional Materials

1. All MLCW-related content should be posted in #recaps_streams_mlcw and should only
pertain to MLCW-related league play.
2. The use or display of any promotional articles, links, or graphics for any service or event
not directly affiliated with MLCW league play must be confined to #recaps_streams_other
channel. Any such content found outside of this channel will immediately be removed.

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3. All content creators must adhere to the guidelines established by our media team and
which can be found on the website, under the About tab. Repeat
offenders of stated guidelines will be muted in all public channels and eventually banned
if such abuse continues.
4. All posted videos and links will be reviewed by the Admin team for appropriateness.
Admin team reserves the right to remove any content or links to content found to be in
violation of these posting rules.

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Appendix A: Season 5 Administrators & Moderators

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Appendix B: Season 5 Participating Clans

Grand Warden League (GWL)

Archer Queen League, Divisions 1 & 2 (AQL)

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Barbarian King League, Divisions 1->3 (BKL)

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Battle Machine League (BML)

-- End of Document --

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