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MOR 542 (Section 16692R), Fall 2015

Strategic Issues for Global Business

Popovich 202, TuTh 5:00 6:20 pm

Terance J. Wolfe, Ph.D.

Office: Bridge 307-F
Phone: 213.740.0765
FAX: 213.740.3582
Office Hours: by appt

Course Overview

If youre not confused, youre not thinking straight, Simone Weil

No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it, Einstein
This class seeks to extend and refine your understanding of the setting and practice of the
strategic management of global business. The course complements the knowledge, skills and
understanding derived through GSBA 519B, GSBA 515, and the learning and experience
obtained through PMGlobe or PRIME. It does so through an in-depth analysis of contemporary
global strategic business issues, and a deeper examination of various global strategies,
structures and sources of competitive advantage.
Central to an understanding of strategic issues for global business are an appreciation for both
the external context or operating environment of the firm, as well as the firms internal
strategies, structures and capabilities. Therefore, we will examine strategic issues at both the
external and the internal levels. What challenges are presented by the environment?, and how
well resourced, structured, etc is the firm for competently responding to them? How do these
jointly impact the identification of firm-level key strategic issues? Strategic managers and
decision-makers are historically myopic, ahistorical, apolitical and ethnocentric in their
perspectives and their choices perhaps to our collective detriment. This class seeks to
contextualize global business strategy by enhancing awareness of contemporary global issues,
their significance to global strategy, and their potential impact on strategic choice.
Objectives. The purpose of this course is to focus on current strategic issues affecting global
business. The major objectives for the participants are to:
Develop and enhance a global mindset and further an appreciation for the global context
of contemporary business.
Increase awareness and knowledge of global structures of trade and governance, and
how they both shape and influence, and are influenced and shaped by, global
Foster an awareness of (a) contemporary global issues and current events, and (b) their
impact on global strategic business decisions.
Increase knowledge and understanding of global strategies, structures, and sources of
competitive advantage.
Examine business ethics, integrity and social responsibility in the global context.

MOR 542_F-2015_Final_upd_9-22-2015 1
Instructional Philosophy
The key to acquiring knowledge is involvement. A critical measure of knowledge acquisition is
the ability to formulate better questions; this is your class challenge. As a graduate student, you
are expected to participate actively, responsibly, and competently. Involvement takes many
forms including discussion, questioning, reports, analysis, and problem-solving. I have high
expectations for your participation. This requires that you take the initiative to prepare
adequately for each session through reading, exploring, and analyzing the assigned material.
Each student can achieve the course objectives through the following process:
1. Competent preparation demonstrated by active participation in assigned activities,
including case preparation, analysis, and discussion.
2. Integration of subject matter demonstrated through oral and written reports, and the nature
of questions asked and answered.
3. Professional approach demonstrated by reflecting a mature, responsible, and managerial
perspective to the analysis and understanding of organizations and the concepts under review.
This may also be evidenced by respect for the thoughts and contributions of your classmates
as well as the instructor.
4. Punctuality demonstrated by timely arrival for each class session, as well as timely delivery
of course assignments.

Course Format

The course will employ a variety of pedagogical approaches including lecture, guest speakers,
discussion, in-class exercises, case analyses, videos, and individual and team presentations.

Course Materials

The majority of class materials are available through the web; the appropriate addresses are
provided in the schedule of classes (see pages 12 20 of this document). In addition, there are a
set of required Harvard articles and case studies to be purchased and downloaded directly
through the Harvard Business School website. These are all identified in red on pages 13 21.
Specific download information will be emailed to you entitling you to a 50% academic discount.

Requirements & Grading

Satisfactory completion of each of the following requirements is necessary for a passing grade:
1. Advanced preparation of class assignments
2. Class participation 15.%
3. Individual Case Analysis 20%
4. Global Mindset Review & Action Plan 15%
5. Team Presentations
Global Governance Institutions 15%
Cross-cultural Management Practices 15%
Nora-Sakari 10%
MedLee 10%
TOTAL 100%

MOR 542_F-2015_Final_upd_9-22-2015 2
Assessments of student performance fall into two broad classes of evaluation: individual
contributions, and team analyses and presentations.
A. Individual Evaluations (50%)
Each student has direct and complete control over fifty (50) percent of her/his final grade.
There are three components: class participation (15%), one case write-up (20%), and a
Global Mindset self-evaluation and action plan (15%). Passing performance on each of
these is essential for overall individual success.
Class Participation (15%):
The primary instructional vehicle is classroom discussion and engagement. Class
participation is essential to course success. It is imperative, therefore, that students
thoroughly prepare in advance of each class.
Case Write-Up (20%)
We will discuss five Harvard case studies. Each student will complete one brief
individual case analysis of her/his choosing from among these five. Discussion questions
are provided in the syllabus (see pages 9-11). Students should present their specific
recommendations along with their supporting analysis based upon application of
appropriate analytical techniques and related course content. Write-ups should not
exceed five (5) pages of written text (Times-Roman 12, double-spaced, page numbers)
using the Executive Case Summary format as illustrated below. Appendices may be
included beyond the five pages based upon your discretion.
Cases will be evaluated based upon the selection and application of appropriate tools and
concepts, as well as the quality of the rationale developed to support your approach, and
decision and action recommendations. Cases are also evaluated in relation to each other.
Students that clearly demonstrate extra effort, thoughtfulness, engagement will perform
better than their peers. Assume that I have read and am familiar with the case situation;
therefore, do NOT simply reiterate known case information use case data tactically to
support your framing of the problem and your recommendations.
Executive Case Summary Format. A basic case write-up format is provided below.
Treat each of these as bold-faced section headers in the form of a sentence as suggested
here. Follow each section header using paragraphs and bullets, as appropriate, with the
data, rationale, etc that supports the assertion made in the header:
The problem(s) Company X must address is ________. (outline problem)
The situation X is facing is __________. (root issues)
The opportunity for Company X is _____, and its challenge is _______.
To address the problem X is facing, it should _______. (recommendations)

Global Mindset Self Evaluation and Action Plan (15%). Each student will complete the
Thunderbird Global Mindset Inventory and perform a constructive self-assessment and
propose a personal development action plan for improving ones global mindset.

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In developing your self-assessment, you will find it useful to think through the Personal
Observations questions provided on pages 17-20 of your GMI feedback report. You will
also find it very useful to consider and reflect upon the Questions to Ask, Steps to Take
sections at the end of each of the Cabrera & Unruh chapters in Being Global.
Your paper should address the following:
Identify and briefly elaborate your global mindset strengths: what is it about your
life and past experiences that have contributed to these strengths; in sum, what
have been your formative experiences vis--vis the development of a global
Identify and briefly elaborate your development opportunities vis--vis your
global mindset. Take into account the three types of capital and each of their
respective elements (nine elements total). Where can you benefit from the
greatest development?
Develop a behaviorally-based action plan for further developing your global
mindset. Prioritize your developmental needs, and identify specific behaviors and
actions you can undertake in the next 6-12 months to achieve them.
Your assessment will be graded equally across each of these three tasks and, as with all
assignments, in relation to the performance of your peers. That is, the more thoughtful
and reflective paper (not the longest) will be graded higher.
A well-written paper should be 3-5 pages in length not accounting appendices.

B. Team Evaluations Group Analysis and Presentation (50%)

Fifty (50) percent of each individuals grade is a function of her/his ability to work with
others and make contributions toward collective analyses and presentations. An essential
attribute of organizational success, and a quality often stressed by recruiters, is the ability
to work effectively with others. This course allows you to continue honing your skills in
contributing to task groups and collective performance. It does this through written group
projects and oral presentations.
The purposes of group projects are to enable each student, through individual effort and
group interaction. ALL teams will develop presentations for each of the following topics;
ONLY some teams will present in class according to the following schedule:
1. to review and present on a specific global strategy topic to include the following:
a. a global governance structure such as the WTO or a regional trade
organization/agreement (3-person teams; seven teams will present on Oct 13),
b. cross-cultural management practices (3-person teams; six teams will present
on Dec 3); develop insight into cross-cultural management practices by
comparing and contrasting management styles and practices between a host
country and a target country.

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2. Examine cross-national and cross-cultural issues that arise in joint venture
partnerships and negotiations through two case simulations Nora-Sakari (Sept 22)
and MedLee (Nov 24).
Team projects will be jointly evaluated by the professor and team members through peer
Written and Oral Report.
Global Governance Institutions and Cross-Cultural Management Practices (30%).
Each 3-person team will prepare and deliver a powerpoint presentation and submit a hard
copy. All submitted powerpoint presentations will be posted to Blackboard. Hard AND
soft copies of powerpoint presentations are due to me by noon on the day of your
presentation. A powerpoint deck must be capable of standing on its own. Therefore,
please use the Notes section for each slide to provide the necessary information and
elaboration so that the reader can fully understand and appreciate your message.
Nora-Sakari and MedLee (20%). Each team will prepare negotiation briefings on their
position vis--vis two in-class (ELC) negotiation simulations. Each team should propose
its negotiation strategy and provide its rationale for that strategy.
Peer Evaluations (15%). Group assignments pose evaluation problems as to the
contributions of individual members -- a problem well acknowledged in the literature on
organizational economics. Specifically, this poses a problem of ``opportunism or
``shirking in team production. To control for such opportunism, each team members
performance will be evaluated by every other member; that is, by those who are most
likely to know, and therefore most capable of evaluating, individual contributions to
group effort. Fifteen (15) percent of your team grade is assessed by peer evaluation.
Please review the peer evaluation form included in this syllabus.

Course Text and Reader

Angel Cabrera & Gregory Unruh (2012). Being Global: How to Think, Act and Lead in a
Transformed World. Harvard Business Review Press.

Course Pack from Harvard TBD

Article Links embedded in Syllabus

Thunderbird Global Mindset Inventory

Academic Integrity Policy

The Marshall School is committed to upholding the Universitys Academic Integrity code as
detailed in the SCampus Guide. It is the policy of the Marshall School to report all violations of
the code. Any serious violation or pattern of violations of the Academic Integrity Code will
result in the students expulsion from the degree program.
It is particularly important that you are aware of and avoid plagiarism, cheating on exams,
fabricating data for a project, submitting a paper to more than one professor, or submitting a

MOR 542_F-2015_Final_upd_9-22-2015 5
paper authored by anyone other than yourself. If you have doubts about any of these practices,
confer with a faculty member.
Resources on academic dishonesty can be found on the Student Judicial Affairs Web site
( The Guide to Avoiding Plagiarism addresses
issues of paraphrasing, quotations, and citation in written assignments, drawing heavily upon
materials used in the universitys writing program. Understanding and avoiding academic
dishonesty addresses more general issues of academic integrity, including guidelines for
adhering to standards concerning examinations and unauthorized collaboration. The 2005-2006
SCampus ( contains the universitys student conduct code.

Students with Disabilities

Any student requesting academic accommodations based on a disability is required to register

with Disability Services and Programs (DSP) each semester. A letter of verification for approved
accommodations can be obtained from DSP. Please be sure the letter is delivered to me as early
in the semester as possible. DSP is located in STU 301 and is open 8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m.,
Monday through Friday. The phone number for DSP is (213) 740-0776.

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Peer Rating Form for Team Projects

Project Name:_____________________________________ ____________________

Rank order each of the members of the team with which you worked for the Governance
Institutions and Country Analysis projects INCLUDING yourself on each of the items below (1
is best, 2 is next best, etc.). The Peer Evaluation counts towards each students final grade. Use
the back of this form for required comments as per the guidance at the bottom of this page.
Please list each of your group members below in alphabetical order by last name. Be sure to
include yourself.
Group Members: A. ________________________________________________
B. ________________________________________________
C. ________________________________________________
D. ________________________________________________
E. ________________________________________________

Rating Criterion / Group Member A B C D E

1. Quality of contribution to group discussions

2. Quality of contribution to writing the assignment

3. Quality of contribution to organizing the assignment

4. Quality of initiative when something needed to get done.

5. Reliability in completing assigned responsibilities

6. Amount of effort put forth.

7. Commitment to the group

8. Leadership, motivation provided to the group.

9. Emphasis on getting the task done.

10. Emphasis on cooperation and working well with others.

11. Would want to work with this group member again.


Assign an alphabetical grade to each member of the group

based on your OVERALL impression of her/his contribution to
the groups performance. You may assign a group member any
grade from 0 to A+. However, you cannot assign As to more
than two of your group members.
Failure on the part of each team member to observe this
constraint will result in each team member receiving a B for
the peer evaluation.

On the following page, provide at least three directly observable behaviors that represent what you
believe each team member did well, AND at least three behaviors that you observed that represent areas
for improvement/development for each team member. This is NOT about personalities, but rather it is
about those behaviors that are in service and supportive of successful team work and those behaviors that
are not.

MOR 542_F-2015_Final_upd_9-22-2015 7
Peer Rating Form for Team Projects
Governance Institution & Applied Research Analysis

Governance Institution: __________________ Applied Research: ____________________

Did Well (behaviors):

Area for improvement/development (behaviors):

Did Well (behaviors):

Area for improvement/development (behaviors):

Did Well (behaviors):

Area for improvement/development (behaviors):

Did Well (behaviors):

Area for improvement/development (behaviors):

Did Well (behaviors):

Area for improvement/development (behaviors):

MOR 542_F-2015_Final_upd_9-22-2015 8
Peer Rating Form for Team Projects
Governance Institution & Applied Research Analysis

Governance Institution: __________________ Applied Research: ____________________

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MOR 542 Case Discussion Questions


1. What do you think were the root causes for Chiquitas actions in Columbia that ultimately
led to their conviction?
2. Conduct a stakeholder analysis:
a. Who are the stakeholders in this case?
b. What is their relative influence; that is, which stakeholders are the most
powerful/influential? Which are the least?
c. What are their specific goals/objectives/interests?
d. What are their outcome preferences?
e. Whose interests are similar? Different?
f. How would you recommend addressing their respective outcome preferences?
3. Do you think Chiquita or its managers had a choice? Why or why not?
4. What other companies or industries do you think should be worried about the type of
experience Chiquita had in Columbia? How, if at all, does this story affect your
perspective on doing business abroad? (See also the assigned youtube video on William
Browders experience in Russia).
5. What can current CEO Fernando Aguirre do now to restore Chiquitas reputation and
ensure future competitiveness?


1. What parameters measure the success of a social entrepreneurship venture?
2. What factors led to the success of the Grameen Bank?
3. What problems did the Grameen model face?
4. What factors led to the success of SafeSave?
5. Is SafeSave replicable? Is SafeSave scalable? To what extent?
6. How do the players discussed fit into the generic competitive strategies framework
7. Which type of microfinance business models should Subramaniam target for investment in

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MOR 542 Case Discussion Questions

1. Assess the business case for Chotukool. What are the critical success factors for this
product to succeed?
2. What criteria should Godrej use to evaluate its strategy? Should Godrej invest in this
3. Is there a threat of quick imitation by competitors that Godrej should consider? If so, how?
4. What is your take on the simultaneous pursuit of two parallel business models in the same
cooling solution industry? Does it entail any risk for Godrej?
5. How should Godrej pursue its strategy for Chotukool? What are the implications for its
brand and its overall corporate strategy?
6. What challenges do you foresee for Godrej as it takes Chotukool to various geographical
markets across the country?


1. Are IBMs CSR activities a coherent whole? Where does the CSC fit into the broader
2. What is your assessment of the CSCs effectiveness and impact (both business and social)?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the program?
3. What are your recommendations for the CSC moving forward?
4. Taking into account the Porter & Kramer framework on Strategy and CSR, provide a
constructive critique of IBMs CSC and broader CSR initiatives.


1. How was Genzyme able to emerge from its marginal position in the high-risk biotech
business to become a strong global player in that industry? What are Genzymes core
competencies? Its core vulnerabilities?
2. What do you think of Henri Termeers universal provision and universal pricing
policies? Are they socially responsible? Commercially viable? Competitively
3. How can the company reconcile the tension created between the Gaucher Initiatives
humanitarian commitments and Genzymes commercial imperatives?
4. Specifically, what should Tomye Tierney do about the situation in Egypt? How should she
respond to Genzymes Middle East sales organization? To Project Hope representatives?
To Egyptian government officials? To her bosses, Sandy Smith and Henri Termeer?
5. Evaluate Genzymes Gaucher initiative in relation to the perspective developed by Porter &

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MOR 542 Case Discussion Questions



1. From what you see in the Relays case, what does it take to make such an organization
2. How has this organization shaped the roles and responsibilities of the key front-line, senior
and top managers in the case? Consider this in relation to the following:
a. Don Jans
b. Baker and Gundemark
c. Lindahl
3. How has this organization shaped the dominant logic of its front-line, senior, and top

MOR 542_F-2015_Final_upd_9-22-2015 12
Dr. Wolfe is the founder and principal of AE2GIS Group providing consultation services in strategy-
driven performance and change management, as well as the design, delivery, and evaluation of
management and executive development programs. Dr. Wolfe has consulted for a variety of organizations
in the public and private sectors both domestically and abroad (client listing available upon request).
Consultation and Executive Development services include strategy-driven performance management,
organizational assessments, change management, conflict resolution, interpersonal communication,
leadership and top management team development, work force diversity, and strategic planning. Dr.
Wolfe has provided a variety of supervisory, managerial, and executive development workshops in the
aerospace, high tech, and telecommunications industries, and for the US Department of Defense.
Dr. Wolfe served as Assistant Director of Computing Services at the UCLA Anderson Graduate School of
Management where he formulated and implemented a strategic computing and information systems plan.
Dr. Wolfe has a broad network of executives, and local and national elected representatives in Taiwan and
Thailand where he also provides educational and consulting services. Currently, he serves as executive
consultant to the President of Sripatum University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Dr. Wolfe began teaching at the University of Maryland in 1976. He spent four years in West Germany
with the University of Marylands European Division. He has held teaching responsibilities at UCLA,
Pepperdine, California State University, and the California School of Professional Psychology where he
taught in the Organizational Psychology doctoral program and served as the Acting Director of the
Organizational Psychology PhD Program. He has taught a wide variety of management and
organizational psychology courses at the undergraduate, MBA, and Ph.D. levels.
Currently, Dr. Wolfe serves as adjunct faculty in the Executive MBA Program at Pepperdine University,
the MA in Management at Dominican University, as well as in the executive doctoral program in
Strategic Leadership in the College of Organizational Studies at CSPP/Alliant University. Most recently,
Dr. Wolfe has given invited presentations to Executive Development Programs in Thailand and Taiwan.
Dr. Wolfe has authored/co-authored book chapters and journal articles, serves as an ad hoc reviewer for
academic journals and conferences, and has presented at conferences in the US and abroad. His current
research is on strategic mindsets, the development of strategic sense-making, and dimensions of high
performance management. He is a member of the Academy of Management, Western Academy of
Management, Strategic Management Society, World Future Society, World Affairs Council, Asian
Business League, Los Angeles Venture Association, and the Empowering Work/Action Research
Ph.D., Organization & Human Systems Development, Anderson Graduate School of Management, UCLA
B.S. and MBA, Old Dominion University, Virginia
Dr. Wolfe is active with the National Conference for Community and Justice (NCCJ), and the Museum of
Tolerance, organizations committed to prejudice reduction and combating bias, where he facilitates
intergroup dialogue. As pro bono service, he developed a multicultural campus community in the
Pasadena Unified School District. He served as a member of an LAUSD Steering Committee charged
with developing a multicultural relations course. Dr. Wolfe sits on the Boards of Directors of Olive View-
UCLA Medical Center Foundation. He has sat on the Programs Subcommittee of the Board for Project
Angel Food, and the Institutional Review Board at Olive View-UCLA Medical Center.

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Schedule of Sessions, Readings and Deliverables, Fall 2015 TuTh, 5:00 6:20, JKP 202
Week Sess Date Pre-Class Preparation: Topic & Readings Deliverables
1 1 Aug 25 Introduction: What (who) is a global strategist?
C/U, Introduction: Being Global is Not an Option; Its an Imperative
C/U, Chapter 1: Global Leaders Can be Made
Bartlett & Ghoshal, What is a Global Manager
Harvard Business Review, In Search of Global Leaders
2 Aug 27 Developing a Global Mindset
Barton, Grant & Horn, Leading in the 21st Century, McKinsey Quarterly
Ghemawat, Developing Global Leaders, McKinsey Quarterly
Ghemawat, Remapping Your Strategic Mindset, McKinsey Quarterly
2 3-4 Sept 1-3 Understanding the Dominant Logic
C/U, Chapter 2: Global Mindset: Connecting Across Cultures Philips vs Matsushita
Prahalad & Bettis, The Dominant Logic, Strategic Management Jrnal (discussion only)
5355EEC4766/2?accountid=14749 (Use ABI Inform)
3 5 Sept 8 Thinking Broadly, Thinking Differently (1)
Zakaria, The Rise of the Rest What catches your attention?
Nowak, The Challenge of the New World Order What is interesting or,1518,druck-581853,00.html intriguing?
Erdmann, et al, A Political Education for Business What stimulates you to think differently?
Formulate 1 2 interesting
Skidelsky, Where do we go from here?
(i.e., open-ended) questions
Colby & Lettow, Have We Hit Peak America? as a result of reading each article and submit to me.

MOR 542_F-2015_Final_upd_9-22-2015

Week Sess Date Pre-Class Preparation: Topic & Readings Deliverables
6 Sept 10 Thinking Broadly, Thinking Differently (2)
C/U, Chapter 3: Global Entrepreneurship
Zakaria, Charlie Rose Interview, May 31, 2011 In-class discussion of Zakaria interview
McKinsey, Five Forces Reshaping the Global Economy
What Keeps Global Leaders Up at Night, Harvard Business Review,
April 2012 (Use EBSCO Host)
GE Conference on Competitiveness, Immelt, McNerney, Leveris Feb 13, 2012

4 7 Sept 15 Global Strategy Concept Review Global Mindset

Assignment due
8 Sept 17 Ethics and Integrity in Global Context
Donaldson, Values in Tension: Ethics Away from Home Blood Bananas: Chiquita in
Buller, et al, When Ethics Collide: Managing Conflict Across Cultures
William Browder - Doing Business in Russia, Part I and Part II
Paine, Ethics: A Basic Framework
5 9 Sept 22 ELC (1): Nora-Sakari Team Negotiation Briefing
10 Sept 24 Whats on the Mind of Global Strategists?
Gregg Nahass, Managing Partner, M&A Advisory, PwC
Diane Weaver, PwC
Pieter Theron, Strategy & Planning, Farmer Brothers (formerly PwC)
PwCs Annual Global CEO Survey Results

MOR 542_F-2015_Final_upd_9-22-2015

Week Sess Date Pre-Class Preparation: Topic & Readings Deliverables
6 11 Sep 29 Whats on Your Mind? What issues are you paying attention to?
Bring examples of current global issues and be prepared to discuss Submit a copy of the article
why they are strategic in nature. you have selected to me.
Be sure your name is on
Select an article from the popular press (The Economist, WSJ, BW,
first page.
Fortune, NY Times, The Atlantic, The Nation, etc) that you believe has
global strategic significance. Provide a copy of your article to each of
your team members and hand-in a copy of your article to me.
Pre-meet with your assigned classmates. Share your article and
topic/issue. Why is this issue of concern to the global strategist? As a
group, identify commonalities, differences across the articles selected.
Summarize the significance of the various identified issues for the
global strategist. What larger trends might these issues portend? Be
prepared to report out/discuss in class.
12 Oct 1 Life at the Bottom
Paul Collier, The Bottom Billion, Baring Private Equity
Goos & Hoppe, Made in Bangladesh, Der Spiegel Partners India Limited: Banking Services for the
collapse-points-to-greed-a-909275.html Poor in Bangladesh
Nike Sweatshops: Behind the Swoosh The Story of Stuff in-class
The Nike Founder, Phil Knight, Confronted
Internet Extends Reach of Bangladeshi Villagers
Simanis & Duke, Profits at the Bottom of the Pyramid, HBR

MOR 542_F-2015_Final_upd_9-22-2015

Week Sess Date Pre-Class Preparation: Topic & Readings Deliverables
7 13 Oct 6 The Macro Environment
Finance, Markets, Economies
Shiva, Festival of Dangerous Ideas: Growth = Poverty
Korten, Agenda for a New Economy speech
Korten, Capitalisms Threat to democracy
The Coming Collapse of China 2012 Edition, Foreign Policy
When Will Chinas Government Collapse?
Greeces Debt Crisis Explained
13 Out-of-the-Tinderbox Ways to Save the Global Economy, Foreign
Policy, Jan/Feb 2012
14 Oct 8 Technological
HBS Summit, Business Innovations at the Base of the Pyramid Watch video of summit
(Download and read Exec Summary) Godrej Chutokool: A Cooling
innovations-at-the-base-of-the-pyramid.html Solution for Mass Markets
Chesbrough, et al, Business Models for Technology in the Developing
8 15 Oct 13 K.Y. Cheng, EVP, Director, Strategic Markets, East-west Bank
Convergence and the Four Major Economies: Japan, China, EU, US
16 Oct 15 Julie Anne Hennessey, Office Director, West LA Export Assistance
Center, US Commercial Service, Department of Commerce

MOR 542_F-2015_Final_upd_9-22-2015

Week Sess Date Pre-Class Preparation: Topic & Readings Deliverables
9 17 Oct 20 Tomoko Iwakawa, Senior VP, Senior Foreign Exchange Advisor
City National Bank
Abenomics: Japans Shock Therapy
18 Oct 22 Geopolitical: Governance Institutions
Team Presentations (n = 7)
Joseph Nye on Global Power Shifts on Various Governance
WTO: The World Trade Organization [HBS] ;
Trans-Pacific Partnership Watch Nyes TED talk
Each team should take the
identified link as its entry,
IMF: not its ending, point.
World Bank:
Export-Import Bank of the US:
International Court of Justice (World Court):
International Court of Arbitration
ALL Governance Institutions Briefings due

MOR 542_F-2015_Final_upd_9-22-2015

Week Sess Date Pre-Class Preparation: Topic & Readings Deliverables
10 19 Oct 27 Environmental/Ecological
The environment: What do the issues illustrated through the various assigned websites
The Limits to Growth 30 Year Update have to do with global business?
year-update/ What is strategic about them?
Bring Laptops for in class
Worldwatch Institute, State of the World 2015
Read Chapter 1: The Seeds of Modern Threats Country analysis
Human welfare:
t_2015.pdf (read pages 3-13)
World Development Report 2015
Read Forward and Overview
The World According to Monsanto
Vandana Shiva, On Resisting GMOs A Political Act
20 Oct 29 Michelle Taylor, CEO, Kate Sommerville
Taking a Premium Brand International

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Week Sess Date Pre-Class Preparation: Topic & Readings Deliverables
11 21 Nov 3 Legal, Regulatory
Industrial Policy, Wikipedia
Industrial Policy, Donor Committee for Enterprise Development
Rodrick, The Return of Industrial Policy
Industrial Policy, The Economist
Apple Wins Big in Samsung Case
22 Nov 5 Kevin Lombardo, Partner, Dentons
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: Practice Tips and Compliance Strats
American Bar Association, The Increasing Risk of Multijurisdictional
Bribery Prosecution: Why Having an FCPA Compliance Program Is
No Longer Enough, 2013
Department of Justice, A Resource Guide to US FCPA
Scan Chapters 1 and 2
See Also Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Wikipedia

MOR 542_F-2015_Final_upd_9-22-2015

Week Sess Date Pre-Class Preparation: Topic & Readings Deliverables
12 23 Nov 10 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Porter & Kramer, Strategy and Society: The Link Between Competitive IBM Corporate Service
Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility, HBR, Dec 2006 Corps
Captain Planet, Unilever CEO Paul Polman, Harvard Business Genzymes Gaucher
Review, June 2012 Initiative: Global Risk and
McKinsey, Sustainabilitys Strategic Worth
24 Nov 12 Sebastian Fries, former Chief Giving Officer, TOMS
C/U, Chapter 4: Global Citizenship
13 25 Nov 17 Social, Cultural, Demographic
Harding, The Myth of Europe, Foreign Policy
Boston Consulting Group, Redefining Brazils Middle Class
McKinsey, Tapping Chinas Luxury Goods Market
Welcome to the Worlds Largest Ghost City, Ordos, China
Bringing it closer to home Arcadia
26 Nov 19 Don St. Pierre, Co-Founder, ASC Wines From Beijing Jeep to ASC
Hard-Won Lessons of a Foreign Start-Up: How ASC Fine Wines Fine Wines: The Story of an
became Chinas Largest Premium Wine Importer American Family Business
in China

MOR 542_F-2015_Final_upd_9-22-2015

Week Sess Date Pre-Class Preparation: Topic & Readings Deliverables
14 27 Nov 24 ELC (2): MedLee Team Negotiation Briefing
28 Nov 26 THANKSGIVING BREAK Yeaaahhhh!
15 29 Dec 1 The Global Strategist in Situ
Taylor, The Logic of Global Business: An Interview with ABBs Percy ABBs Relays Business:
Barnevik, HBR, Mar-Apr, 1991 Building and Managing a
Global Matrix
Khurana & Baldwin, The World Economic Forums Global Leadership
Fellows Program, HBS, June 2013 2-page write-up due from all
30 Dec 3 Wrap-Up, Review, Integration, Take-Aways, Next Steps
Cross-Cultural Management Practices Briefings due Team Presentations (n = 6)
on Cross-Cultural
Management Practices

MOR 542_F-2015_Final_upd_9-22-2015


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