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Learner and Environmental Factors

Grade Level 4th grade

Content Area Reading

Standards (KCCRS):

BOX SUB HEADING: Text Types and Purposes
STANDARD: W.4.2.c Link ideas within categories of information using words and
phrases (E.g., First, second, third, also, then.)
STANDARD: W.4.3.c Use a variety of transitional words and phrases to manage the
sequence of events.

Lesson Performance Objective:

Students will practice organization by using sequence words by writing a paragraph with a
minimum of five sequence words.


o PowerPoint Presentation
o Computer
o Box of crackers
o Peanut Butter
o Place mat
o Table cloth
o Plate
o Plastic knife
o Paper towels

Background Knowledge required

Student Grouping(s):

Students will be instructed in whole group during the I DO and We do part of the lesson. For
the you do part, the students will be working with partners.


Anticipatory Set: (The HOOK)

I will be at the front of the room; two desk will be put together and will be covered with a table cloth.
The table will set up with a place mat and a plate. I will have the box of crackers and peanut butter on
the table. On the Smart Board, the presentation will be up and ready to be used. Meanwhile the
Students will be coming in from recess. Teacher will be wearing an apron.
Introduce the Lesson:

For todays lesson, we are going to practice using sequence words. Practicing sequence words help us
practice a part of the Six Trait of Writing, Organization.


Teaching the Lesson

o Begin the presentation slides from the PowerPoint
Have you helped your parent or guardian follow a recipe?
Lets say the recipe calls says, Last, add two eggs. Next, add the sugar. First, pour in
the flour.
Are these instructions correct?
o (students will answer NO)
What should be the correct order?
o (Students will need to say the correct order)
Do you see why it is important to understand and use correctly sequence words.
Let me tell you why we use transition words or sequence words.
We use transition or sequence words to help us link our ideas together, and when
writing, make our paragraphs more fluid. They also help us identify the sequence of
Check for understanding
Ask the students if they have a good understanding of how to use sequence words.
For example, If I want you to tell me how to change the channel on the T.V. it would be
easier for you to tell how to, by using sequence words.
o Lets try it, tell me what I need to do by using a sequence words from this list.
o I will have the list of transitional/sequence words in a slide on the Power Point.
o Students should be able to tell you the steps to change the change.
o Student should say: First, pick the remote. Next, point remote towards T.V.
Then, press the up or down buttons to change the channel. After that, scroll
through channels. Finally, stop at the desired channel.
I will read the sequence words from the slide on the Power Point. Have the students
read through the list with you.
Heres the challenge for today, I want you to guide me through the process of making a
sandwich. I want you to take turns telling what to do. I will do as you say as long as you
use a sequence word such as the ones on this list before you give me a command.

Application/Independent practice:

o The students will practice using sequence words by creating their own How to
paragraph. They must use at least 5 writing sequence words that we discussed or if they
chose from the list that would be on the presentation Power Point.
o Give the students some examples of what they could write about such as
Brushing teeth
Making the bed
Tying shoes
Making a sandwich
Reading a book
Closure: *

For todays lesson, we practiced Organization by using sequence words. Have the students repeat
with you.

Transition words and sequence words will help you link ideas together in your writing. It also helps the
help the reader follow the order of our events in our writing. You will use transition words and sequence
words in your future writing, it helps you writing become more fluid.

Assessment/Evaluation: *

The students will be evaluated on the number of sequence words they used. Stated in the objectives the
students will write a paragraph with a minimum of five sequence words.

After the students have finished working with their partners

Ask: Do I have any volunteers that would like to share how to instructions

If students do share give them positive feedback:

o Good job on being detailed with your instructions etc.

Differentiated Instruction:

I have a student with a learning disability whos writing skills are at a first-grade level, will only need to
write three sentences using sequence words.

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