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Maria Dorantes

Daniel Sarmiento
Matthew McKinney

Reading and writing Lesson Plan : Dating

Audience College (older)/intermediate

Brief This lesson plan will focus on expanding knowledge on basic

summary sentence structures, adjectives, verbs, and syntax in general with
regard to understanding it and producing it via reading and writing.
They will do so through various exercises that require the students
to recall previous knowledge by describing other people and
activities, and then using this knowledge to create personal ads
using descriptive written language. Before doing so they will be
given examples to read and understand. For practice they will
interact with their peers via a speed dating exercise using their
personal ads. Their homework will require them to create personal
ads for a prescribed set of pictures of random people. For this they
are given creative freedom, since it will be what they think the
person in the ad would say about themselves in a personal ad.

Background Students are able to understand and produce basic sentence

Students are fairly proficient in adjectives/verbs/basic syntax

Course Students will improve language proficiency in regards to reading

objectives and writing

objective Learning how to introduce oneself
Further study adjectives going into detail about adjectives
To eventually be able to write a personal AD

Materials Powerpoint with images

H&M New A utumn Collection ad video
Worksheet in reference to the video
Detailed Warm-up activityPresent 30 second video (clothing ad) and will
description be given a worksheet with true and false questions regarding the
of people in the video and what theyre wearing/doing. (ie. A person
procedure in this video enjoyed singing, and had black hair: T/F) Give
students multiple chances to see video. (5 Min)
Introduce lesson: Introducing yourself; How would you introduce
yourself to a stranger?; get volunteers (5 min)
Introduce the concept of personal ads; get opinions from students;
ie, Would you ever do that? What do you think of that? (15 min)
Share experiences with personal ads.
Present alternate ideas with regards to personal ads if
anyone is opposed to it.
Present examples of personal ads
Break down the structure of a personal ad
Basic information - age, occupation, etc
Brief/general physical description
Describe interests
Pick one or two things you are passionate about, and
describe them in depth
Output: Students will begin working on their own personal ads. (15
To be turned in
Wrap-up: Students will speed date their classmates using their
personal ads as sole reference. (15 min)
Half of students will stay in place while the rest rotate
around them with their ads.
They will then judge eachothers ads.

HW: Students will choose from a set of pictures, and write what
they think a personal ad would look like for them. (5 min)

Anticipated Problems and Solutions:

Initial activities take too long
Take time away from wrap up
Students arent on board with personal ads
Change the way they see the activity by presenting
alternate ideas in regards to personal ads
Activities go too fast
Do homework as a class activity

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