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Name Img Effect #1 Effect #2

Acerba Moretum

Adipem Nebulo

Albus Viduae

Aquila Peccatum

Aureus Magistrum

Bacce Hamsa

Burmenta Wallo

Caeci Custos

Chorea Iram

Curaila Jangha

Curva Manus

Desertus Smilax

Dulcis Radix

Dustali Krabo

Errantia Ludaeo

Fakha Rudob

Falcem Malleorum

Fassari Tolge

Filia Prati

Fohatta Torn
Fuskegtra Xelay

Gortaka Messen

Gratias Sivara

Hallatra Kronye

Holmatu Stazo

Huryosa Gulla

Ital Iranta

Jenaro Vannakam

Jukola Beshaar

Kacaro Vilko

Kaleda Mesgano

Kalya Nori

Khalari Gratsi

Kromenta Salicia

Kurupa Andhere

Kyasaga Sherl

Laster Kutta

Mala Fugam

Mauna Boba

Memen Anik

Mons Bastardus
Muncha Vana

Murkha Bola

Naraen Pandanomo

Nequissimum Propodium

Nocte Lumen


Pecuarius Ventus

Persetu Hara

Petra Stellam

Phlavar Pharest

Pitaku Koro

Pungentibus Chorea

Rakta Stema

Remerta Poskot

Ripyote Quamisy

Rosa Kingsa

Saltare Diabolus

Sapienta Mantis

Sarmento Gaute

Suryodaya bhagya

Topasa Maidana
Uliya Sundara

Utrokka Khuru

Vertato Zonda

Viridi ursae
Effect #3
Current Focus: Antidote

Matching Herbs
Damage hard HP
Damage hard stamina
Damage soft HP
Damage soft stamina regen
Drink/food flavour (spice)
Lowers maximum soft HP (temp)
Lowers maximum soft stamina (temp)
Raise Agi (temp)
Raise Con (temp)
Raise Int (temp)
Raise maximum soft stamina (temp)
Raise Str (temp)
Raise Will (temp)
Restore hard stamina
Restore soft HP
The spreadsheet is read-only by default. You'll have to go to file -> make a copy (creates a copy of the document and save

There are 3 sheets:

Herbs - An alphabetical listing of all herbs and their corresponding images. As you discover the effects of an herb in-ga

Focus - Are you focused on flux production? Select flux from the drop-down menu on this sheet and a list of all herbs y

Effects - A list of all possible effects. This is just a named range used by formulas in the other two sheets.

Hopefully this makes the lives of my fellow herbalists a little bit easier. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
of the document and saves it to your google account) to begin using it.

the effects of an herb in-game, simply tab out and enter the effects into columns C-E. You can use the drop-down list to select the herb

eet and a list of all herbs you know to contain flux effects will be displayed in alphabetical order. This is the easiest way I could think

two sheets.

ou have any suggestions.

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