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Fant asy

21st Century Art Ed Approach: Choice Based and Learner Directed

By: Sonia Mendonca

Victoria Mata
April Hurtado
Brittany King
Fantasy- Lesson Grade 5
Lesson Overview:

Everyone creates their own form of imagination and their own

different fantasies. Making art is a way to express our realities
and fantasies through exploring with different mediums,
styles, processes, and perspectives. In this lesson imagination
and various forms of media are utilized to create a fantastical
Key Concepts: Vocabulary:

Fantasy- involving variation on an

Fantasy utilizes imagination. existing work or the imaginative
representation of a situation or story; a
Fantasy is impossible.
Reality- the state of having existence
Imagination- forming new ideas, images,
Reality and Fantasy are
or concepts of external objects that are
related. not present
Improbable- not true or likely
Imagination brings Fantasy Masquerade- appearance that is a
disguise or a show
into Reality.
E s s en ti al Ques ti on s :

Wh at i s f an t asy?
H ow do f an tas i es i n f luen ce r eali ty?
H ow does i m agi n ati on pr om ote f an tas y?
H ow does r eali ty ef f ect f an tas i es ?
1. In your own K-12 experience, do you
Reading remember specific art projects that did not
enhance any creativity? Any that sparked
Discussion undiscovered creativity?
Questions 2. Do you consider yourself creative?

3. How can you access creativity?

Playing, Creativity,
Possibility 4. What kind of anxieties do students
By: Olivia Gude experience during art?

5. How can teachers help students overcome

anxiety during creative art making?

6. According to Carl Rogers, what are some

characteristics of creative people?
Inspiration Artist:
Tanya Schultz
About Tanya Schultz Australian artist Tanya Schultz works as Pip &
Pop to create immersive installations and
artworks from an eclectic range of materials
including sugar, glitter, candy, plastic flowers,
everyday craft materials, and all sorts of objects
she finds on her travels.

Graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Visual Arts)

from Edith Cowan University in 2003 and has
since exhibited internationally with exhibitions in
Japan, Germany and extensively across
What kind of things influence your creative process?
I really love stories about paradise and imaginary worlds, and especially stories
about lands made entirely of food. It's a kind of fantasy found in many cultures
throughout history. I'm fascinated by the idea of a paradise where you could have
everything that you possibly desire and more. Im interested in imagined worlds,
places that only exist in stories or in our imagination. But I also find travelling
super inspirational - going to new places, discovering traditional crafts, flea-
markets, visual details, new people and their stories.
Tanya Schultz Resources
Pip and Pop

Romance Was Born
Inspirational Artist:
Lorra Lee Rose

Lorra Lee Rose creates visually stunning
artworks using brilliant naturally colored
feathers to make life-size human figures
and masks, as well as smaller pieces
featuring crystals in addition to feathers

Her work has a mythic, fantastic

quality, evoking a sense of
belonging to another time and place,
a magical world of dream-beings,
while still being intensely vivid and
Masquerade Masks
Learning Objectives

Define and give examples of fantasy

Demonstrate understanding of fantasy through the creation of art

Imagine themselves as someone or something else

Connect reality with fantasy

Create a mask utilizing their imagination

Studio Investigation:
Masquerade Masks:

1. Choose template to make mask base

2. Decorate mask using materials available
3. Measure string, ribbon, etc or use popsicle sticks to attach to your mask
4. Clean up
5. Mask show! Place your mask on and show it off! Explain to your classmates
why you created your mask and what it means to you.

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