Lesson 4

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Date: Segment 3

School/Grade Level/Content Area: Waianae HS/9th/English

Time period for lesson: 1 hour

Learning Intention(s)/objective(s)/goal(s): Standards/Performance Indicators/Skills:

Students will argue and discuss their stance on an CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.9-10.1.B
assigned issue
Essential Question:
How can discussion with others inform my argument?
Pertinent information on lessons pre-assessments, lessons/concepts/ideas that came before this:
Students should have sufficiently prepared for the socratic seminar for the days lesson.
Lesson Structure and Procedures
Time: Procedure: Purpose : Differentiation:
0:00-0:10 Instructions will display Preparing mood for the
Bell work on board, asking class session, getting
students to arrange started
desks in socratic
seminar and grab 3 Behavior
Teacher will remind
students of behavior
expectations and
Remind students of
what the post-its are
0:10-0:45 Teacher will have a list Teacher will be
Discussion of questions in case the prepared to keep
discussions lulls. discussion going
Students will use
talking piece. Students will have
Students will have materials to help
questions written themselves participate
down and will write in the discussion.
notes as the discussion
0:45-1:00 Students will reflect:
Wrap up/exit ticket did anyone bring up
any counter arguments
you did not think of?
how was discussion
helpful in gaining a
better understanding
of my argument?
Handouts: Supplies: House on Mango Street

Revised Fall 2016

Extensions Follow-up:

Revised Fall 2016

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