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Date: Segment 3

School/Grade Level/Content Area: Waianae HS/9th/English

Time period for lesson: 1 hour

Learning Intention(s)/objective(s)/goal(s): Standards/Performance Indicators/Skills:

Students will review each others poems and CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.9-10.10
short prose CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.9-10.5

Essential Question:
How does peer feedback help me to improve my writing?
Pertinent information on lessons pre-assessments, lessons/concepts/ideas that came before this:
Students will have been studying poetic and literary conventions in writing stories.
Lesson Structure and Procedures
Time: Procedure: Purpose: Differentiation:
0:00-0:10 When someone is
Bell work looking at my writing, I
would like them to...
0:05-0:25 Teacher will provide Modelling will help
Instruction instructions for peer- make instructions clear
review activity and in a way the students
expectations. Teachers are accustomed to.
in classroom will model
peer-review procedure
0:25-0:45 Students will peer-
Activity review each others
work in groups of 6.
One person will speak
at a time, all others
should be handing back
0:45-1:00 Did you think the Get an idea of how
Wrap up/exit ticket feedback you got today helpful the students
was helpful? How are thought the activity
you going to apply the was.
feedback you got?
Handouts: Supplies:

Extensions: Follow-up:
Start revising

Revised Fall 2016

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