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Collin Potts

Professor Jizi

UWRIT 1104

6 November 2017

Annotated Bibliography: Quantum Computing

Akama, Seiki. Elements of Quantum Computing: History, Theories and Engineering

Applications. , 2014. Internet resource.

With progression in the field of quantum computing and breakthroughs being made making high

speed computation more feasible, quantum computers will be necessary in order to keep things

secure and operational. For example, if high speed computation becomes a reality quantum

computers will be necessary to create a new type of code that cannot be easily decoded by other

fast computers. This will be crucial for protecting the internet. These issues could potentially

affect everyone who uses the internet which is a very large chunk of the world. Another major

field that could potentially be affected in the future is the field of artificial intelligence. Currently

it is thought that every quantum computer is essentially equivalent, meaning a specific computer

can be simulated by another computer(s) so therefore it is reasonable to think that a humans

thought could be simulated by a quantum computer. Developing quantum computers could open

the next major door in the field of artificial intelligence which would leave a lasting impact on

the world of technology.

After reading chapters in this book, the importance of quantum computing is becoming

much clearer. Being easily applicable in many fields of science proves that the development of
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these machines could change many aspects of technology in the future. Having the increased

computation speed allows for progression in many different fields meaning scientists could open

many doors and improve the worlds technology significantly.

The author of this book is Seiki Akama, Seiki Akama is a computer scientists who was

born in Tokyo, Japan and received a Ph.D in Philosophy at Keio University in Yokohama.

Akama has written close to 50 articles and books regarding computer science since 2010. Having

this many publications in the field of computer science makes Seiki Akama a credible author.

Conover, Emily. Quantum Computers Are about to Get Real. Science News, 6 July 2017,

Quantum computing is going to be a reality in the near future, and the first problems theyre

expected to jump on are to simulate small molecules or chemical reactions. Having this ability

will allow for the search for new drugs to be sped up significantly. Having the ability to iterate

over millions of possible data will make quantum computers the ideal tool for making decisions

based on certain parameters. It could also improve machine learning, making handwriting

recognition more accurate and effective or assisting self-driving cars in processing the abundance

of data flowing in from their sensors. Every aspect of society has the potential to be affected by

quantum computing, many scientists are saying many uses for quantum computers havent even

been thought of yet. Once theyre successfully made and scaled down, scientists will be able to

focus more on uses for the insane amount of computation power.

After reading this article I see that quantum computing will change the future in many

ways known and unknown. Once these computers begin to replace classical machines, society
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and technology will be forced to adapt and shape around them. They will bring many benefits

and issues to the table, issues that will require themselves to solve.

This article was written by Emily Conover who has a Ph.D. in physics from the

University of Chicago. This makes Conover a credible author when writing on this topic.

Galeon, Dom, and Kristin Houser. Futurism,

Quantum computing is leading to the creation of many more scenarios, such as the creation of a

quantum network. This network would be built off similar principles used when referring to

quantum computing. This would lead to a more secure way for humans to communicate, using

highly advanced cryptography creating a much safer environment than what is currently present.

However, this network will not be a reality until quantum computers have become more

practical, which is expected to occur before 2050. As of right now it is possible that the future of

quantum computing is moving towards the development of chips with the ability of functioning

in a similar way to quantum computers, without requiring many of the components quantum

computers require. Also, quantum computers could also begin to be accessible by everyday

people through cloud services provided by companies such as IBM and Google. Progression in

this field will have a major effect on many fields, the most effected fields are thought to be the

financial, pharmaceutical and security industries.

After reading this article I understand that the use of quantum computers is becoming

more feasible on a daily basis. I see the possibilities of the implementation of these kinds of

machines through the use of a cloud service. This would be a way for companies such as IBM

and Google to charge individuals to gain access to these kinds of machines.

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This article was written by Dom Galeon and Kristin Houser, this is a credible source

because these two have been writers for futurism for over a year now, writing many articles

regarding technological advances. Also, the sources used for the article are cited proving its


Quantum computing will change everything, and sooner than you expect. Futurism, 12 Oct.


Quantum computing is much more powerful than classical machines today. Classical machines

such as PCs, ATMS, and smartphones all represent data in either a 1 or a 0. Quantum computers

being able to be 1 or 0 at the same time allows for much more computation power. This could

allow for millions of lines of code to be debugged in seconds which could lead to making

software related to aircrafts, cars, MRI scanners etceasier and more efficient. Opportunities are

endless with this new technology, possibilities range from healthcare to the automobile industry.

Scientists in healthcare could use quantum computers to create new vaccines and discover

unwanted side effects. Volkswagen is working on a quantum computing platform capable of

alerting drivers to traffic jams, 45 minutes before they occur. This could lead to a more efficient

use of tax revenue, altering roads, ultimately reducing the number of traffic jams which could

decrease air pollution lessening our contributions to climate change. Quantum computing brings

many possibilities to the table, giving scientists and other professionals the tools they need to

attack many issues we face today.

After reading this article I see the application for quantum computing and how it could

possibly be very beneficial for our country, society, and possibly even planet. Its interesting to
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see how this one concept could be applied to so many different issues we face today. This article

is appropriate in addressing how quantum computing will change the world because it gives

many examples of how it could be used in the future to contribute to a variety of issues.

This article was written by a man named William Hurley, chair of IEEE Quantum

Computing Working Group. He has been the speaker for multiple TED talks regarding quantum

computing. He also has books published and some in progress regarding quantum computing.

These factors make him a qualified and trusted individual to be speaking on the subject, making

this credible.

Preskill, John. Quantum Computing: Pro and Con. Proceedings: Mathematical, Physical and

Engineering Sciences, vol. 454, no. 1969, 1998, pp. 469486. JSTOR, JSTOR,

As time progresses scientists around the world will continue to improve their understanding of

quantum computing. This will allow for many new methods of researching and observing things

in the fields of science and mathematics. A specific field that is thought to be effected

significantly is physics. As of present time quantum computers are not ready to be mass

produced and used as commercial or personal devices, but before the next breakthrough they will

be used in places such as laboratories in hopes of solving complex problems scientists are facing.

A major problem in the field of quantum computing is quantum decoherence. Coherence is a

term used to refer to a property of quantum mechanics that is required for the operation of a

quantum computer, however depending on the environment this coherence may start to

deteriorate (quantum decoherence). It is thought that quantum computers will be used to study
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this issue, finding ways to prevent or slow down this issue. With this being said, theorists and

experimenters will be forced to work together maximizing production.

After reading through this article, I feel this is important because having these quantum

computers and being able to work towards a solution in some complex problems in the field of

physics more specifically quantum mechanics could open the door for scientists to make major

breakthroughs or discoveries. Also forcing experimenters and theorists to work together will

create and greater sense of production and could potentially lead to different breakthroughs.

This article was written by a man named John Preskill, he received a B.A. in physics

from Princeton University and in the same subject a Ph.D. from Harvard University. He has

written many articles regarding quantum computing, with this education background and many

works, he is a credible source for this information. This specific article was also peer-reviewed

by other professionals in this field.

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