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EDT 180 C

In-class group excersize

By: Janessa Klutz, Mak Krinsky, Kenna Grossman
Globe Picture:
The Caribbean Islands aren't photo_9637569_airplane-circling-the-
far from those of you who globe-and-flying-out.html Tropical
live in Florida. Take and es- Hawaiian Flower:
cape to their beautiful sandy
beaches and BRIGHT blue
Costa Rica: https://
water. Nothing beats the
beaches in the Caribbean,
where you feel more relaxed
Around the
than ever. Once you travel to Cabo: http://

this relaxing vacation spot,
youll never want to go
Bahamas: http://
home. Besides laying on the
beaches all day, you can
swim with stingrays, go on
ATV tours to visit their water-
falls or hike through rain for-
EDT 180 C
Different Travel Destinations

When traveling to Hawaii, you have If youre looking to enjoy a tropical

the options of traveling to eight island whose known for the best
different beautiful and unique is- beaches and waves for surfing! Trav-
lands. These islands include Niihau, el to Central America, near Nicara-
Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Molokai, Lanai, gua and Panama where youll find
Kahoolawe and Costa Rica. Not only can you surf,
The Big Island of but you can go hiking, rafting, Travel to the bottom of the United
Hawaii, which is kayaking, horse back riding and so States to find sand beaches where you
the most popu- much more to experience this beau- can lay in the sun all day. Some of the
lated. You can tiful island. You should expect to be most popular places tourists travel to
expect a warm wearing shorts on vacation due to are places like Cabo San Lucas, Can-
welcome the the hot, humid weather. But, bring cun, Puerto Vallarta and Cozumel. In
second you step off the plane. Expe- your umbrella if you planning to stay Mexico you can go scuba diving, para-
rience luaus, hula dancing, scuba between December and April for the sailing, jet skiing, ride the iconic bana-
diving, snorkeling, surfing and much rainy season. na boat and so much more. Be sure to
more. But, dont leave without tast- enjoy their Pina Coladas by the pool
ing their fresh fruit, taking a quick and stop in their markets for some
peak at their state fish, Humauhu- great food like tacos, meats, nuts and
munukunukuapua and grabbing a buy some souvenirs. But here's a help-
lei. This is one of the most relaxing ful hint: be sure to bring lots of sun-
destinations you can travel to. screen and dont drink the water.

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