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Elementary Education Formal Observation Form

Junior/Senior Intern

Student: Olivia Reedy Observer: Niki Murray Grade: Third

Date: 11/3/17 Time: 12:00 Subject: Social Studies

1. Classroom Climate/Culture - Student Behavior

x Intern communicates and maintains standards for appropriate classroom behavior.
x Intern anticipates and acts on potential classroom disruptions.
x Intern maintains positive classroom climate.
x Intern responds to student behaviors appropriately.
Comments: Olivia did a much better job of communicating behavioral expectations before and throughout
the lesson.
Notes: Olivia may want to find multiple and different ways of praising positive student behavior, for example
giving out tickets to support our SWIM matrix.

2. Instruction - Instructional Time

x Intern has materials, supplies, and equipment ready at the start of the lesson or activity.
x Intern gets class started quickly.
x xIntern uses available time for learning and keeps students on task.
Comments: Olivias lesson began and ended in the allotted time frame. Olivia was more prepared with
materials necessary to deliver the lesson.
Notes: Students were not consistently on task throughout the lesson. Many of the students were distracted
by materials that they were playing with at their tables.

3. Instruction - Instructional Planning and Presentation

x Intern establishes links with prior learning and experiences.
x Intern arranges learning activities to support standards.
x Intern appropriately uses a variety of teaching styles.
Comments: Olivia began the lesson by linking the students prior experiences with Raleigh.
Notes: Olivia and I discussed ways in which she could have front loaded key vocabulary. The vocabulary
in the article prohibited many of the students from achieving the learning target.

4. Instruction - Instructional Monitoring

x xIntern circulates to check performance and monitor progress.
x xIntern varies level of questioning.
x Intern ensures that all students have the opportunity to participate.
Comments: Olivia circulated the room to monitor performance and progress during the tableau, but not
during the reading portion of the lesson.
Notes: Olivia and I discussed that it would have benefited the students if she circulated the room
throughout the lesson. Also, students may have been more engaged during the reading of the article if
they were seated at the front of the room in close proximity of the teacher. Olivia should continue to work
on incorporating a variety of higher level questions into her lessons. Preparing higher level questions
ahead of time will make it easier to implement these questions more naturally within the lesson.

5. Impact on Student Learning - Facilitating Instruction

x Intern establishes clear outcomes for learning.
x Intern communicates learning outcomes to students.
x xIntern adjusts lesson based on student responses/ongoing assessment.
x Intern connects learning outcomes to the NCSCOS.
Comments: Olivia successfully posted learning targets on the board and referred to the learning
targets before beginning the lesson.
Notes: Olivia and I spoke about referring back to the learning targets at the closing of the lesson as an
opportunity to close and allow students to reflect on their learning. Also, after receiving feedback that many
of the vocabulary words were unfamiliar to the students, Olivia could have adjusted her lesson to clarify the
key vocabulary necessary to achieve the learning outcomes.

6. Evaluation/Assessment - Instructional Feedback

x Intern provides feedback on the correctness or incorrectness of in-class work to encourage
student growth.
x Intern affirms correct oral responses appropriately and moves on.
x xIntern provides sustaining feedback after an incorrect response by probing, repeating the
question, giving a clue, or allowing more time.
Comments: Olivia is able to encourage students when they provide either correct or incorrect
Notes: Olivia should continue to practice probing, wait time, repeating the question, and so on to
facilitate more feedback from the students.

Strengths: Areas on which to focus:

-Clearly explained classroom expectations of managing -When a student asks a question, have another student
actions, and being respectful repeat what they asked to maintain engagement and focus
-Reviewed Macaroni and cheese signal introduced by -May want to incorporate thumb-o-meter for you to get an
Ms. Reedy informal pre-assessment of comfortable students are with
-Posted learning targets, and reviewed the language in the the learning targets
targets, even used an example about the Fun Run -Have students model the tableau with your directions
-Modeled the tableau -During the reading of the passage, students may have
-Modeling how to shorten the notes from the reading to been more engaged if they were seated at the front carpet
post information on the easel in front of the easel
-Moved a students seat when they were misbehaving -Move throughout the room as the article is read to prevent
-Did ask a student to put colored pencils away off task behavior, many students were doodling on their
-Praised positive listening behavior article rather than reading along
-After a student pointed out that words are bolded in the -Take materials away from students that were playing (for
information, Olivia addressed the fact that key words are a example, scissors)
signal that those words are important -Front load and post key vocabulary eg. colony, queen,
-Redirected the group to ensure all were focused before knighted, coast
continuing to the group tableau -Two students were grouped together that were
-Had a student model a movement that they will use in predetermined to not work well together
their tableau -Have a reference of vocabulary definitions posted to
-Tableau was a great way to engage the students and help support students as they were coming up with their
them to understand what the new vocabulary means movement
-Thanked a student that had to leave for being a good -Post words that would allow for a range of different
audience movements in the tableau
-Refer back to posted learning targets to self-asses how
they feel about their learning today

Were the learning outcomes for the students met? xYES x

The lack of familiarity with vocabulary prevented many students from achieving the first learning target,
however the tableau was successfully implementing and delivered by the students.
Did the interns/student teachers classroom management support the learning outcomes?
Was the Teaching Behavior Focus goal achieved?
Student Intern Signature:______Olivia Reedy________________ Date:___11/3/17______

Mentor Teacher Signature:____Niki Murray_________________________ Date:___11/3/17______

University Supervisor Signature:___________________________________ Date:______________

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