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ARFO- ~~ * CITY =" Concepeally the map has citer preceded the physical presence ofthe ‘Ea ingboth the physical cy and the urban ile experienced and performed Urhan space and cartographic space are inseparable. This nthe ase hin practically sn conceptually: Urban origins, a Uror Sumer for example Fevesed through the mapped recnstrcton of thir sce geomet and ing plot plans Elevation the least durable element of urban form he longest sting. Urban archaeology revostructs ban paces t Pesfing hack successive surfaces, ike the pages of an historical ma, an ‘the stratigraphy of material depot stretched cro former urban space Sch material mappings we reconstruct noon te physical appearance the city’ seca, politcal, commercial and religious hte. Practically confrontation with an unfamiliar ity epcaly mediated by maps of tnsit routes of sae of touts destinations. Urban experenge fw city i often a proces of negotiating the divergence betven caro tnd material space. cies with complex underground ral system sch ‘Tokyo, London or Paris, itean take year before the point pattern of farliacfom the bry api filly coordinated with the sic ex toweneape. In great metrpol, possesion and we ofa standard street di thas Londons pocket d-Z guide oe Los Angele’ hom Guide ate ‘Szenshin? They have become cartographic icons of the cites whose ‘uirese they designate: Much more han functional instrument, aide destinations or following routes they ae bearers of urban meaning and ‘he map Becomes to some degree the estoy served vo gules cordate fs continued eaten St Peenbur, Washington D.C. New Delhi, Bra, condos forte and colonia exited om paper foe they had any material expression, Paris, Rome, Vig ‘Kmserdar,erslem vary every great ity—either hasbeen taucted or spanded by meat of Sav pli” And beyond the ps ior reconeucton orb je the pha both cred and Countess pests of aban ean iensip. Mapa of dese and {oresmpl he choles catogephy of Victorian London or Pali amit the mee tops nable space nthe Be of those ise runny Ma xa ant ete pola life of wrbundenrcraces, hese more deat Jn the cane of 20kh-Century American zoning apse by owing 3 Comps fo ed lning ert ghtocs a tr bygone ge Sen cps In exery way heap egies the yas dint nique lantcpe, Cartography ace not merely to esrd the var {he aly is aterlly penn, but ava creative intervention in wn spe ra and Zi feminine haw alas shaped Wh space, serving BOUTR scientific thetic representations of the city, traces the history of urban cartography rom the grid to the aerial perspective tal mapping technologies. gt dimension of etn ise Rr ses & comprehensive survey of thir lations imposible Tacs her on ays hat the trban map i posione between cating td receding de fe this al Fangtion that leases the imaginative enegy of mapping and which as consi teal tracted the tenon fate wll a ott t urban tapping From the it archive of urban map plane ad artic intervention nt ian tmaping, have choc here to explore how te node iy 8 materi and “Soul space intra with the mapa scenic nstment and arise open tetion ois space andes m “The compleity ofthe interaction is dramatically apparent i a post-modern American city such as Los Angeles, Houston or Phoenix. Thess are peshaps the ‘now intenively mapped space inthe history and geography ofthe plant every Square meters geo coded by government an private or commercial agencies, For purposes ranging rom environmental protection, public health and safer, «ficient teneportation and taxation to peopery insirinee, marketing, piel ps have played a critcal olen shaping ir pyscal spaces and land uses, ane continue to control the dil lives of ‘tae though zoning ordinanes, zip codes andthe myriad tetra regula tions thar shape urban daly life. Theoretically scientifie cartgraphy should make these cites highly atonal, coherent spaces. deed, ying over acy such a rust, «cartographic onder x immediately vine the epetiive grid of ‘major stcets and within thin the curviincargeomety of eesiential oad and house les, o inthe retangularty of office, production, storage/ distribution and ruil spaces. Yet, on the ground, such cis are among the est legible places ‘on earth. Moving aros their surfaces, aninividval familiar withthe spatial ‘Sorting a ser an the hierarchy of distinctive symbolic wrucurc hat ‘haracerize conventional urban space is confused even assaulted, by the sem= ingly random water and apparent chaos uf wan elements The postmen turban landscape seme to confirm the problem of gilt inthe constant and “ompeitne resence within of wor, phrases and whole texts billboards, {ret signe and posted ordinances’ The volume of writen languige in the public {paces of contemporary urbanism fir exceeds tha in more wadional cies. Tage and wet whose eetve harmonizing cartography signal contribution tospatl representation, has become disjointed, and the faling apart denotes the csion Of relationship that underpinned urban modernity. “This doesnot mean a reduction in the maps role in urban place making and experience Indeed characteristic way’ of eotating movement within the post-modern American city is the somputergenersted map cistom podced for {ny destination ares, ftom any point of departure within the United State. ‘Map Questo can cet am instant digital image of any wan location a reqs scale wing a sinplied set of standard colon and cartographic Suh images are resolutely Finetonsl,eniely ignoring the conte ofthe they represent utterly unconcerned with citar or the city a publi sp turban map could be Farter removed fom an image such as Jacopo de nts nap of 1500. The paragon example of early modeeh ty ma [Jacopo detailed rownscape guide the observer not toa physical dest forthe civic spirit of Europe’ greatest commercial Sy” Scientific" cartography’ inability to capture the contemporary Sty hay ‘opened nev posites for urban mapping, AST shall strate these been colonized eeaively ora wide vary of project: concep, poli and purely li, breathing new life into the connections between Cy Tieand mappin RADIAL AXIS ANDTHE GRID Geometry speifaly the radial ts and the grid, underpinned sen fapyrand moder fan form: Theis ower and Nortel endurance Be ap andthe cy sn tek combined practical and rb [Sic al dares fonts center enhaneing al form ced on font, Functional snd symbol he eens power panoply orzon encompusing a porertaly infinite rertry eral, Baroque Rome tnd Second Empie Pus havea nied thi spl into ran sac The sue axl per emerge om the ipo {cig aking alight rom sng pout. Malle suey teased randomly ang pray or be connect 03 cal Backsigitingconfiro pntonal acura, prodocing a network of Ssh he intl hin on aa cha Th imps cme these sightings to lal and een coum eomety item fay none ral an bo Vit crpion ofthe cy pee oeotd in espec of wind decions sscord in the West of rtematcurban mapping was Vir fi {Eto Batita Aberin dessipon of Rome. No actual map ex ject, merely ast of coordinates proce by Abe for kom ong ne converging oma singe point of obsereon. spelnnteh ge ee tte int oe eee ieiseadees eerie ‘ies, in Spanish New World pueblos, inthe urban settlement ofthe US. ‘The colonial urban form por econ, the grid ean also he an expression of urban democracy equaling lr sizzs and maximising the ese of platting and ‘ispoing of urben land int pevate property As Wiliam Pens Pildeiphia ‘desig reveals the gad can eaily be elaborated to generate open spaces — Saquates—toincerapt its monotony and produce public space within an other ‘wise privatized space “The gid performs a similar function in mapping, Ineoduced nto modern, ‘Westem surtograpy inthe carly 15th Century through Claus Poles Geography, but known co Chinese cartographers atleast 300 yeus cule the introduction ofa gratcule of longitude and aie ines as the bse for deter ‘mining leston and translating the sphere to a two-dimensional map is by {Bethe most sigfican feature of mam cartography.” The gid i ubiquitous location-fxing device. Unelated to planetary coordinates, the grid an be stretched azo any spatial sale, asthe British Ordnance Surveys national sor th cre nd named qe sprints on outdo an ape demonstrate ‘These shared geometries of urban design and cartography ae instrumentally effective and symbolically significant. They ae concepeully easy t gasp ‘nd elaively simple wo apply i spatial design and epresentation, Nether is restricted toa single sae but may be applied from microcosm t macsoeos “Ths, each possess noe only specific symbolic atibites— power and Ppnoptiism, reason and democracy, respectively but alo a common capacity to connect mundane spice to the conic pater, monements and logis They therefire propose and permit urban mapping as + pulosophical exer. “The plilosphy and tic of the weban map ae apparent across the history of odin wba Th dnd npr o Viewer us psn Rence Europe derives rom ts speal humans and sents egaged in rethinking ‘oth the narure of urban ean the mapping of global space The deal ity hut among achitectral writers from Albert and Francaco di Gono Marin to Saati Serbo und Virco Sensor concerned tore tan the foal dsign of whan pe. Tes boot mapping ban ie and of czen ‘tip The ey epresnted ia the anonymous nage now in Baltimore, ope ‘ents mich more then asymmetries and open spaces rendered it deep perspective I maps a image of tionship derived from Republican Rome and the Stoic wring of Cicero, Senec nd Manes Aur ‘The cv vier office, Prodene, Temperance nd Fottade rind stop the forcolamins that define central quae The iis gute rua tha ‘pace corespoto the publ une tat eglate urban ie Ad aco the {Eregmund othe nage crepe te bent and burden but immensely digi figure ofthe Sai Acknowagng the coum order mepped int urban space an suboninating body to mind he sige the od cae’ dues of resto, "The map of ethan pace sho the etapof ws ve. oie Pt cor o Axil and ri gormetes were united in the vive of Moder soci project: the ccation of the U.S. doubly for this dscusom in merle feral capita, Charles Enfant’ nap combined the dmg incipes ofthe US. Constr an Il of Right in chek ‘evidential sees, with the inscipeion of federal authority tnough see fiom the separate seats of executive and lege power. An eter by there Thomas Jeferon had emssned the cya se a simi to tae which his Committe on the Disp of Westen Lande for rural Americ to ensure inv! Rhee though elf goer ropety-owning democracy. Iti tempting t sce the Frenchman i ‘fast into the Washington D.C. shee athe superimpostion oy continental vision of liber secured teh she author ofthe sate ag ‘much more congenial Jefenon's great al, Alexander Hamieon Wh truth there may be in such speculation, the reaied plan generated lc open spaces, one for each state ofthe union atthe ume ofthe foundation, Univeral prindples embod inthe nev republic were hag aay QEOMETRY THE MAP AND URBAN LEGIBILITY uly modem and Ealighenment ky anning sain geome Ae. The ty ws to be eda for rs ie an Printed uiban maps expres and ried the iy lity, These so inally nen primary as oation mater ying i ‘cep fora small number of gue book map such sos Jeng !montmen’ and pilgrimage ste of Rome. The exe urban maps ‘telningyelratry intended to fame ina comprecrte age he “one svia an patil totaly: Sach may farm dnt see yt “oth Century emerging in Europes met esl wrbanizec, ere upper lay, Southern Germany and Fann: Tala rban tape cha Uconardo a Vines map of Imola adopted an orthgzaphic popes high ang, Binds eye ew apart in facopt Venice, Northen nape ommonytownacpe view raping te ban sine in uc ‘horizontal perspective.” While the former universlized the city by icacorlng wo a standard eof omc lesan surveying peng lacs puted the ty though the nig mets oft ine lal pa hac By mi cen the tino ag, Ni ane capers the pct of change in erban mayan by deere the cartapher Merators each fo Hconymows Coos 1587 sew of Aa “The paagmatic early modern urban mapping project war the mule-vlame ban als Cettes Ori Terra ete by Georg Braun and Fane lagenberg fom 1580 tended ort every majority he work cong oa standart, printed cartographic ori wan conceived in sponse to Abraham Ora’ Set tematic word al of 170. Esl encylpaan Sa conmographies had sated ce but wie some plas were wel served ier images Constantinople, Rome, Pan and Venice for exam {ema ofthe med ces in Hartmann Scheels Chron! (493) or Senate Comsga(154)leon pitred by gee owe Sap ges: Braun and ogenberg gard printed cy maps rn local toutes toes the most accuse and ptr age ofthe cy allowing the hs owncrtm survey the ied gle of urban places within the pevay of Sry orang ror, While images doped the bin shout, the ffvord propative waste il ye view exemple precy the map of {Cologne or Amsterdam. The cy sen fom a elevated po far above tod Sm con tn fic eel sh pat o re arc and open sac and the clevation of ts principal lings ad moma ‘Shae Dia to beer, ye clon cough fr te yehin of iit be [Bet in the poesia crags wagons ad hia mening on roads and ‘Tater th iy imma ieghe a coher commanty. Braun and Hogenber's emphasis on uity and evi orders reinforced by decorating thet maps with the coat of ame ofthe city and of ts yrest Eis fr principal guilds Cartouches and printed tet further enforce the message, that act Gy i honored by the depth of ts history the nab of ts ciens the wealth ofits merchant, the beauty oft buildings. The map is synthetic ‘ther than analytic its goal is celebration rather than analysis or crtiqu This is ‘true even of the two New Weald iy maps included inthe collection: the Aztec ‘iptal Tenochtitlan and the Tea city of Cuzco, former map, based on ‘Cortex ow map illustrates che very anthesis of cvization it he Classical sense of civ ire ive oat n urban space ts dominated byt central gure fod great sggurat, upon which human sucrilees arc being performed ‘Cartographic parle between the island cites of Tenochlan anal Venice cn forced the Aztec capital as “Othe” to Europe's self proclaimed mode! of civic perfection, yer Braun and Hogenberg urban mapping principles soboninae {ference to lie consistency” LEGIBILITY, IMPROVEMENT AND CONTROL, ERSIEAG Atlmgas Mera coult mame Ant hd en cured oy Secon wate. as. busting, dishevelled river pore Cock viewpoint was Rigi BMWA above the opposite side of the city. Antwerp had become a dxiplined SRS macs trhun network of srets and civic symbols surrounded by massive geo defenses. Wagons entered landward gates, bound fr Mt of patient “usr ona distant, plasd Schelde, Cock’ Anrwerp was clebration of =a might, and a working diagram of moder iy." “The decom clebrtory sy of buh mapping exemplified by Citta Onks Tera dominated Europes an mapping ino the Bt Cena” Urban ie pejcting ny ured es or wha expansion adopt moe eee, cedected aloes prt of tts sett of pec. Te appar in Vincenzo Scamneit 159 plan forthe Venetian fore of Palmar John Evelyn 1666 plan fr euilingSedamaged London, ania the 1703 plane fr Se: Petenbury Thr deghonanip proved te oda forthe cen Eien nape the Enighenment sch t Michel Esienne Tings 1739 feo nasa ose ia pare eenr act] Se cree {orprints, together with monochrome printing fom fne-Bae cop Son yg cigs cel See Sieh Recon reemars production, and new forms feel cesage an solar: Ts respon frac none el cer ma Bye mid Cemry pian plas a cosh the emerging scence of urban statics, by which expanding ae ana new indies were tobe elated, Chokes a yp ‘rstution, alcohol compton and rina deviance al marily urban lls—eame to be ndertod though the edn of Sap" The accuracy of the ase map was fanaental othe pes the sais information plated ono it Rather than ebsting the harmony of wba community the map tak wa o rng ite ight practi reason inisible be al-toe pcr ban polos. a Sten vied farther mopping fan pce hing a ig tris, lavng water suply and deinage mates, ating ew eb tees and pa anda, PCN mS Mang news ‘The celebratory aspect ofthe urban map didnot ately disappear: a United Sate, for example aid nw lene on en tee 19th Ce county alse: uding Western expnsion The bi ye perspective for demonstrating the cleance al pony of ely abled ah ‘cate bul wows Emphsiing de i of cet and the but of lear, the ape promoted often chaotic and lent places ii communes They contract “American fireinsarane nape fom the seam whe una ga of an ‘of membelished deta cong such ith, ulin high nd eo thorahe pein ofan Anite the dvi ecto mapping saccecting decades I ‘Controlling metropoian ctcs was dominant theme of 20¢h-Century urban rapping, The response to monster uebinsm is ecordd in maps, with the ‘oven metropolis constanty threatening to ost the map capacity either to make i legible orto epulte its material and socal disodet. London the Fie work-sty ofthe 20eh Centra prime example. The seemingly uno ‘diated and uncontrollable pal oft sburtn, dramatically accelerated by ‘mas transportation and ater car nena, anicpate forms al proves that row dominate city landscape and lie plobaly: One heroic, inva response to ‘metropolitan legibility vas Phylis Pearsall’ 1935 eeation of Landon 2 Z, 1 pocket als with gseteer of every stect addres in London. Her hugely ‘ccs commercial project bean in response to a personal lemma nding ‘individual address without an adequate street guide of London, To create her tirban ata she walked 23,000 strecs anal a dntanceof early 3,00 mes ‘The outcome was 4 work that remains s handbook for every Londoner, but it reduce very urbun clement othe same format, abandoning ay sembanee of the city sa Coherent urhansricare in favo ofits eibity as «continously coded srfce A more bureaucratic cartographic attempt co conte the Bish metopolis tear the 1032~34 Nasional Land Ue Sueey in which schoolchildren recorded the use of every piece of land in England and Wales, inelading non productive turban and Te London plate uses arsh color to state veer urban tentacles strangling the sot green of rural England.” It can be read aloagside the 1904 pan for Letchworth garden sity or the 1999 map of Mion Keynes: trhan visions designed to control Londons spread, These repesent the apatheo Ss ofthe map as an instrument of urban poly: not ony to recapture the legihil- ity of the cty on paper but to stn is physi and social coherence a ‘material space In thie own ways, these city maps eval thatthe mocerist fh in geometry 2 guarantor of urban legibility was unsustainable. Conventional Euclidean forms neither describe or contain the spaces ofthe inreasingly lel, mobile, ‘bereti ity: Since the late 18th Centr, the free-flowing serpentine line tas tated with orthogonal gcometry ax privileged design medium fr express ing the tramp of india natural man over the Classial of Chistian model ff the citizen,” A minor element in the picureque Letchworth plan, by late 20th Century Milton Keynes the serpentine line oannipesen. ie dominates post-modern urbanism in both stret pln al ult form. Indee, high-tech mapping techniques help assure its wiumph. Computer-based digital ser technologies allow 21et-Century architect to deform conventional building stractre in response eo nev materials These are mapping techniques that will soon be applied beyond sich signature urban buildings sich at Franle Gehry’s LA Dinney Concer Hall the form ofthe ey asa whole. Scientific of de ity than ‘mapping reson nore asl in projvtig he Rate for Jn Sparing th egy oe dally ie +. eeethen rng rong ws Mee isco » ‘NEW LEGIBILITIES. THE ARTIST, THE MAP AND’ Poa Landen 2 project wa nnd ome the ctype fay Ai, We night conta with nem iret but concer pore the moder metropolis of the German, Hermann Bollmaon technique known to T¥th-Centry arse sagen a thi dites back at east Jacopo de arb 150 sap of Vic Sonfronted maodersiy+ mot demanding rbinlndscape Manhattan UWling 67000 photograph, 17,000 taken om he ag he created in eam map nage that apres presbelthe soaring gual of New dbp eke rng Sere d ding ws etic a dna Bolus stint mappings of the mil 2th Century etna sed ila debe over how urban pace is aon and. howit shol be mapped and private agencies. Cartographer ed the lest Geographic formation Sham Cla) echnsigy to connate ra plo these divene datasets. Maps Skil nor be rena in continous evoltg siation av nfmation ed i ffom scanner stl, and phot surveys had oe iterated with Sting ap and Gatanes forthe feted Zone. Over thre-moash perio, Shore tun 2,00 map wee produced, wing “tecigues of layering, seat and tranputency,complemesed bythe desabiiving power of intratviy move= then and anima.” Many were made avaiable on the web, (Over the exter psi of one interest among the public inthe site tints Wein eaves Nw Yocom, dighied tors and ‘nti American cane ober witness an observe progress The sae of the Sfeand th bras ested vo poet he reswey work made it elnos impos isco tpecinl tro compen wha hy ea raps the at {Leora Kagan who had provoualy dd mapping ecigues to explore a range ‘omc srunding pla lees, gained Tuning forthe proton of 0 Sitios ofa mae Arored Ground Zo pubs in Dec: 2001 and March rary clos and single grap to atk mens of the site viewing platforms temporary memoria cranes and trucks aswell ‘tos deme or danaged bingy Ter maps nested the most el {St of cia dlemmm gen the impiions of ewinga seme of mass ‘murder om which una remains wee Deng cel moved Tey were Alscibured fice to vitor Inthe em fy 19602 rv of French Stove by Guy Debt party Walter Bexar fren pcan imental Er dl ea of epeoncing vey ict ty ee on aut pn aed el an onennt Thy pl the papi nay th tne acting Morty Rall ‘han Bolan Mahan the pragmatic mapping ner the dlr om walking ging the view fem the Hrsg al ‘furan pla-s pagination enersing abla ones on ‘tap. The Suton rgu fhe neuen pen info of fetes wt fas beats ronson fr er tion popes Sitch de Crea and Roslyn Death oping the Wes aan A rung of eas aevetion othe cog poss te 206 Jean ol the Bat Cenmicn®“Thse mapping ay deploy rhe ly OFrsenlccarograpi fen ing ance enslave the pol feats rapping hey ek to ope egy fo ‘ontemporry ig nea ea of evoking tera pe Ba fancy tn cpr ergy “The contemporary city presents both complex ew shlleges and enormous ‘rpms for apg do emerging sey sod porting echoes ‘ese tenap maybe he oly msn tough rich contemporary wrban- HEmcat acct vial coeremxThere emain tong anreogize,ee- trary dimension co wban mapping, ot nein he Dana ese of ce al Frometon ou averting ott nape and plas btn te choice of Ef womtent Jeng and colar of the mya earoruc devices (many toy ‘Brrr, deeleed by pubic agen and private ais communicate and 9/1: URBAN MAPPING AND ART soe eco snun,_ tua contemporary rb yes and proven. The gol of rendering gible Space permit cus of ony one expe of ach rate we of a Re cemple dyamic and ving ey tari cy semans an wget one But Bocic la power tlng empl in embolic and chic dimen SELES See ty ure amen tha carqrapic aye can peer be inns vies “Michel de Cen’ cel bsted lige of centile mapping dtl EGS Chnlormatin dale nen disstins between celbratry and elatoy taelng vin of they ok hun ap Urban uc and aographic pace csr of Manan om the op ofthe ‘ea itr a cach ranstrmed heir Tinie Cer, onealy the coun ‘nsoraip alter: Coret val technologies towers on September 1, 2001 preset entra ra hp ines hace etek sg Figandwecotng rban experiences gate than {iban mapping Maps und plan of re Se tooth need fret aeton to the ‘ced by he atick-—tanquration Staking and earings pbb and private Somumunicatons a qultyand new chan pce “tang ie changing impacts were tl reponse mowed Uy tec mid IMOENIVM INTRA _MVRV PIVISIONE VIAREAR TLALEAR GH INVEAR London by laptop.

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