Abbreviated Lesson 3

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Lesson 3:

*historical perspectives*
Essential Question:
How have historical figures or events impacted our local community over time?

Guiding Question:
Can you put the timeline of events of the Lost Colony in order?

History 3.H.1.1 Explain key historical events that occurred in the local community and
regions over time

I can use what I know about the Lost Colony to put events in order of a timeline.

Timeline of the Lost Colony to show on SMARTboard
Print out of the timeline
Construction paper

Lesson Development:
Review events on the timeline by showing it on the SMARTboard and have students
identify any unknown vocabulary
Ask students if they have any questions regarding the timeline
Allow students to pair up to cut out and put together the timeline of events
Have students show teacher the timeline before glueing them on the
construction paper
Review the timeline again with students
Clear up any confusion with students

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