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Aula de exerccios

Exercise 1
Consider the steel shaft shown in the figure which is applied to
its surface a linearly varying twisting-moment distribution. Take
the distributed twisting moment to have a resultant moment .
Determine the angle of twisting at the end of the shaft.
Exercise 1
Taking the distributed twisting moment

= =
0 2
Exercise 1

= 0; + = 0
= 0

The internal torque is

Exercise 1
The twist angle is represented by


1 2
0 2

1 2 3 2
= =
2 6 3
Exercise 2
Find the distribution of twisting moment and angle of twist
distribution along the steel shaft shown.
Exercise 2
Reaction torque at the wall
= 0; 250 + 200 1.25 500 = 0

= 500 N. m

Internal torque in 0 0.6 m

= = 500 N. m
Exercise 2
Internal torque in 0.6 m 1.6 m

= 0; 250 + = 0

= 250 N. m

Internal torque in 1.6 m 2.85 m

= 0;

250 + 200( 1.6) + = 0

= (70 200) N. m
Exercise 2
Internal torque in 2.85 m 4.10 m
= 0; 250 + 250 1.25 + = 0

= 500 N. m

Internal torque diagram

Exercise 2
To find the twisting angle, we must integrate:
() = = 6.14 107 m
= with 32
0 = 80 109 Pa = 49120 N/m

Internal twist angle in 0 0.6 m

1 = = 0.01017 rad
0 49120

Internal twist angle in 0.6 1.6 m

2 = = 0.0050895( 0.6) rad
0.6 49120
Exercise 2
Internal twist angle in 1.6 2.85 m

(70 200)
3 =
1.6 49120

3 = 2.035 103 2 + 1.425 103 + 2.931 103 rad

Internal twist angle in 2.85 4.10 m

4 = = 0.01017( 2.85) rad
2.85 49120
Exercise 2
= 1 +2 + 3 + 4
Exercise 3
For the two-span uniform beam with distributed loading as
shown, determine the reactions of the beam.
Exercise 3
Load equation

= + +

Differential equation of the beam

= = + +

Integrating, the shear force is:

3 1 0
3 = = + 1

B.C: = 0 0 = 1 =

= =

Exercise 3
Integrating, the moment is
2 2 2 1
2 = = + + + + 2
2 2

B.C: = 0 0 = 2 =

= = + + +

Integrating, the rotation is

3 3
= = + + + + 3
6 6 2 2

B.C: = 0 0 =0 3 = 0

= = + + +

Exercise 3
Integrating, the deflection is:
4 4
3 2
= + + + 4
24 24 6 6 2

B.C: = 0 0 =0 4 = 0

= + + +

Unknowns: , and

Boundary conditions: 2 = 0, = 0 and 2 = 0

Exercise 3
Using = 0
3 = ()

Using 2 = 0
7 2
+4 4 = ()

Using 2 = 0
15 2
+8 12 = ()
Exercise 3
Solving for (a), (b) and (c), we have:

9 1 5
= , = , = 2
16 2 48

Now, it is possible to determine the reaction at C.

1 1
= , = 2
16 48
Exercise 4

A composite shaft is made of a inner

circular cylinder of elastic material with
shear modulus G1 and a outer circular
annulus of elastic material with shear
modulus G2. Materials are bonded
securely at the interface ri . Derive
formulas for the twist angle and for the
shear stress which results from the
application of the twisting moment Mt.
Exercise 4
The shear stress for both materials are:

= G1r d for 0 < r < ri

= G2 r d for ri < r < r0

The internal moment is:

{ }

M Z = 2 { (G1 G 2 ) ri 4 + G2r0 4 }
Exercise 4
I1 = i (inner cylinder)

I2 =
(r 0
ri 4 ) (outer cylinder)


Mz =
dz 2
{G1ri 4 + G2 (ro4 ri 4 )}

Mt = { G1I1 + G2 I2 }
Exercise 4

The angle of twist is given by,

d Mt d MZ L
= = dz =
dz G1I1 + G2I2 0
dz G1I1 + G2I2

= G1r d =
, 0 < r < ri
dz G1I1 + G2I2

d G2Mtr
= G2 r = , ri < r < r0
dz G1I1 + G2I2
Exercise 5
Beam AB is made of three planks glued together and is
subjected, in its plane of symmetry, to the loading shown.
Knowing that the width of each glued joint is 20 mm,
determine the average shearing stress in each joint at section
n-n of the beam. The location of the centroid of the section is
given in the sketch and the centroidal moment of inertia is
known to be = 8.63 106 4
Exercise 5
Vertical Shear at section n-n

= 1.5
Exercise 5
Shearing Stress in Joint a
We pass the section a-a through the glued joint and separate the
cross-sectional area into two parts. We choose to determine Q by
computing the first moment with respect to the neutral axis of the
area above section a-a.
= 1 = 0.100 0.020 0.0417 = 83.4 106
Recalling that the width of the glued joint is t = 0.020 m
(1500 )(83.4 106 )
= = = 725
(8.63 106 4 )(0.020 )
Exercise 5
Shearing Stress in Joint b
We now pass section b-b and compute Q by using the area below
the section.
= 2 = 0.060 0.020 0.0583 = 70 106
Recalling that the width of the glued joint is t = 0.020 m
(1500 )(70 106 )
= = = 608
(8.63 106 4 )(0.020 )

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