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Research Paper Guidelines / Draft

Your Assignment Title/Name


Here you should insert your abstract giving a single paragraph of your project.

(Problem Statement + Your approach for Solving the problem + Results Obtained + Conclusion)

1. Introduction
Insert your introduction, motivating and explaining your electronic payment/commerce problem.

1st Para : Problem Domain + Importance/Need/Benefits for solving your Problem Statement

2nd Para : Brief outline of problem solution + Characteristics/Features of Problem Solving Approach

3rd Para : Brief outline of your Solution with merits and demerits

4th Para : Give a set of contributions presented in this paper (contributions by you)

5th Para : Organization of Paper

2. Related Work
Set of related work, here you can talk about others work in the same problem domain (problem has been
elaborated in 1)

3. Preliminaries
Here you can define your notation and methodologies used in the paper. Like you can define what is
ecommerce and payment system etc.

4. Framework Overview
Give the framework overview with the block diagram you have in your work.

5. Technique
Specify your epayment technique. Along with algorithms/pseudocode

6. Experimental Results
Experimental results highlighting what kinds of tests/experiments you are implementing and how does
your mechanism respond to such experiments. Summarize experimental results with graphs

7. Conclusion and Future Work

This section should include a single paragraph for conclusions and another paragraph for your future

8. References
Set of references.

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