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Student Name: Amanpreet Jassal Course Code: ECS 4070

Age Group: Kindergarten Date: Oct 12, 2017

Learning Experience: Shapes

Programming Purpose: Last week, while the teacher was preparing for an activity the principle took out flash cards
with different shapes and went around the circle. The children were familiar with the basic shapes and seemed
really proud that they knew most of their shapes. Thus, I decided to incorporate a shape lesson into an activity.


Children will improve social skills in co-operating (1.6 in the elect document) as they take part in following rules,
listening, thinking and responding appropriately to others (during the I spy game).
Children will enhance emotional skills in positive attitudes towards learning (2.6 in the elect document) as they
are curious. I wonder what Billy spys that is a circle. Could it be the clock, or maybe the picture of the sun?
Children will also express satisfaction and joy when they get the correct answer.
Children will improve communication, language and literacy specifically in vocabulary (3.3 in the elect document)
as they use new words in play and ask questions to extend their understanding of words. Is this a hexagon?
Children will enhance their gross motor skills specifically in throwing (5.2 in the elect document) as they toss the
bean bags to their friends. The children will also improve their co-ordination skills.


Bean bags in 8 different shapes, embroidered with shape names

Opening (Introduction): Today we are going to learn about our shapes. There are so many shapes but today we will
be focusing on 8. Does anyone have a favorite shape?

Body (Content)

1. Before each activity, I will explain and model the activity to the children
2. Toss and Say: The children will stand 3-6 feet from one another. Every time a bean bag is tossed to them,
they must identify the bean bags shape.
3. I will use do-it signals Lilly its your turn to toss the bean bag to your friends.
4. Children must give examples of each shape. For example if a child picks up a star bean bag he or she must
tell me something that is star shaped (starfish).
5. I will ask the children questions, what shape is it? Can you find something in the room that is the same
6. I spy: I will place the bean bags in a bag. One at a time I will have a child reach inside the bag and pick one
bean bag. If the child picks a circle, he or she will have to locate something in the room that has a circle and
everyone else has to guess what they spy.
7. 3 students and 1 shape: I will put all the shapes in the middle of the gym and everyone will make a big circle
around the shapes. I will call three students names and one shape. When I say go, the children whose name
was called must run to the middle and see who can get the correct shape first.

Closing (Ending): Okay, that was fun! Does everyone know their shapes now? If I go around the circle and ask you
the shapes, everyone will know every single shape? (Try it). Everyone please pick up one bean bag and put it in the

Transition: Once we get back into the classroom we are going to change into our indoor shoes and sit on the carpet.

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