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Vaughns Lesson Plan for 9/27/17:

Resource Reading 2nd grade (30mins):

SOLs: 2.5 The student will use phonetic strategies when reading and spelling.

a) Use knowledge of consonants, consonant blends, and consonant digraphs to

decode and spell words.

b) Use knowledge of short, long, and r-controlled vowel patterns to decode and

spell words.

Objective: To cover the spelling words for the week and focus on the similar ending sounds in

the words.

Intro: Review the words they received yesterday for their weekly spelling words. Note that not

all of the students have all of the words on the list. We will start by using the magnetic boards to

build their words and break them apart by sound.

Caleb, Jamison, Sophia: next, end, camp, sank, sing, long, pond, hunt, jump, left

Maya and Jonah: jump, end, sing, long, camp

Desiree and Jay: run, hat, let, him, log

Activity: Spelling Matching Game. I will display the pictures on the smart-board and have the

students work together to match the words to the pictures. They can take turns writing the word

on the board with the picture.


If time allows, the students can read their AR books aloud to either me, Mrs. Turner, or Mrs.

Cregger to take an AR test on it.

Closing: We will finish the discussion on the spelling words as time allows to close. The students

will then be informed where they need to go for exploratory and go on their way.

Assessment: Formative: observation of the students making their words on their boards & the

spelling matching game.

Summative: Spelling Test on Friday.

Reflection: This lesson went very well. The students were able to discern the picture cards well

and were very focused through the lesson. The only thing I wouldve done differently would

have been to do fewer of the picture cards so they would have time to read in the end before

going to activity.
Madison Vaughn


Oral Language
K.1 The student will demonstrate growth in the use of oral language.
a) Listen to a variety of literary forms, including stories and poems.
b) Participate in a variety of oral language activities including choral and echo
speaking and recitation of short poems, rhymes, songs, and stories with repeated
word order patterns.

K.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic, and the nature
of science by planning and conducting investigations in which
a) basic characteristics or properties of objects are identified by direct observation;
b) observations are made from multiple positions to achieve different perspectives;
c) a set of objects is sequenced according to size;
d) a set of objects is separated into two groups based on a single physical characteristic;
e) nonstandard units are used to measure the length, mass, and volume of common objects;
f) observations and predictions are made for an unseen member in a sequence of objects;

Self-Contained Class

8:30-8:50 Morning Routine:

1. good morning song
2. cover the month and day of the year, a song about the month of October
3. discussion about the weather and weather song
4. the alphabet song.
5. The number song

8:50-9:30 Science Lesson: measuring our observations length

1. Review our sort from yesterday with the leaves we found on our nature walk
2. Measuring: we will use different types of counters, dominos and a ruler to measure the
length of different objects we observed outside (leaves and sticks)
a. Each person will have a different tool to measure with (e.g. some will have bear
counters, frog counters, dominos, and a ruler)
3. After we finish we will look at just one object together and determine which tool we
would need the most of to measure and the least amount to measure.
4. When the others leave for activity we will do a leaf coloring project with paper where
they use a crayon and a piece of paper and shade around where the leaf is.

*Once the majority of the students leave for activity the others have a bit of free time before the
next lesson or activity.

Reflection: This lesson went well also. However, I did have one student who was particularly
grumpy since he did not get his normal morning nap. I think to make this better for that
particular student, I would have assigned him with one of aides to help to manage his

Madison Vaughn

Oral Language
K.1 The student will demonstrate growth in the use of oral language.
a) Listen to a variety of literary forms, including stories and poems.
b) Participate in a variety of oral language activities including choral and echo
speaking and recitation of short poems, rhymes, songs, and stories with repeated
word order patterns.

K.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic, and the nature
of science by planning and conducting investigations in which
a) basic characteristics or properties of objects are identified by direct observation;
b) observations are made from multiple positions to achieve different perspectives;
c) a set of objects is sequenced according to size;
d) a set of objects is separated into two groups based on a single physical characteristic;
e) nonstandard units are used to measure the length, mass, and volume of common objects;
f) observations and predictions are made for an unseen member in a sequence of objects;

Self-Contained Class

8:30-8:50 Morning Routine:

1. good morning song
2. cover the month and day of the year, a song about the month of October
3. discussion about the weather and weather song
4. the alphabet song.
5. The number song

8:50-9:30 Science Lesson: measuring our observations length

1. Review what we have learned so far with observations and using objects to measure
2. Introduce the different tools we use to measure (balance, thermometer, measuring cup,
ruler, hand lens) with pictures on the elmo.
3. Give the students the actual tools and let them use them to measure different things
throughout the room to give them the experience of using them.
4. Everyone disperse for activity.
Reflection: The only thing I would have changed for this lesson would have been to stress that
the measurement tools are tools not toys. I had a few of the boys playing with the balance as if it
was a toy by throwing stuff in the boxes and taking it apart. I think the hands-on experience was
good for them, the facilitation of the playing just needed to be better.

Madison Vaughn
Practicum (501b)

November 2, 2017
K.7 The student will develop an understanding of basic phonetic principles.
a) Identify and name the uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
b) Match consonant, short vowel, and initial consonant digraph sounds to
appropriate letters.
c) Demonstrate a speech-to-print match through accurate finger-point reading in
familiar text that includes words with more than one syllable.
d) Identify beginning consonant sounds in single-syllable words.

1pm: gather all students who have/are learning how to read with me at the back table
This is only about 5-6 of them, depending on who is present. Some leave to go to activity
during reading time and some are more advanced than others. I have to scaffold two in
particular much more than the others to keep their attention focused, and because they are still
learning how to read.

1:15pm: start with the spelling words activity of breaking the words apart by sound on their
white boards, then putting them back together to form the word. Some students can fly through
this on their own and some have to have me point out every single word. Once they have
completed it, they will write the words on their individual white boards. When they have finished
everything they can read their leveled readers out loud so I can check for fluency.
This is where I struggle some because the difference in need is vastly different.

1:45pm: Read Aloud Story Time on the carpet. When everyone completes their work we have
story time on the carpet until the others return from their activity. This is a time for the students
to listen to a story (enhances fluency) instead of playing on the computers as they used to be
accustomed to.
Note: During this time the students tend to be very antsy. They all just want to go outside,
and generally some behaviors come out while on the reading carpet, such as playing and hiding
under bean bags, touching others, and shouting out. Usually I let Mrs. Turner handle their
behaviors, because some have to be held down to refrain from touching, and I continue reading
for the others.

2pm: Recess.
Reflection: Today actually went much better than planned. I am not sure if it was because it was
my last day or what, but the students were very well behaved in the spelling words activity, and
they were actively listening and engaged in the reading circle time.

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