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Name: Rachel Keefe

Unit Topic: Social StudiesRevolutionary War
Grade level: 7th Grade

What enduring understandings are desired?

Students will understand

wars are caused by certain types of events and themes

(i.e. oppression)
roles of battles as turning points in the war
Importance of turning points in war
effects and Influences of War
Lasting effects of the Revolutionary War

What essential questions will guide this unit and focus teaching and learning?

What caused the American Revolutionary War?

Which battles were considered turning points in the war?
Why were they important?
How did the result of the Revolutionary War impact history?

What knowledge and skills are students expected to gain?

Knowledge Skills

Students will know the Students will be able to

causes of the Revolutionary War identify events leading to the
important battles in the Revolutionary Revolutionary War (i.e. Stamp Act,
War Boston Massacre, etc.)
effects of American victory in the describe their impact (leading
Revolutionary War to unrest/war)
explain significance of important
battles throughout the war (i.e.
Bunker Hill, Saratoga, Yorktown,
describe lasting implications of
Revolutionary War (i.e. inspiring
French Revolution)

Unit topic: The Revolutionary War

Name: Rachel Keefe
Grade level: 7th Grade
DIFF510: Dr. R. Hauser
Blooms Taxonomy Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Evaluation Synthesis
tell, list, define, locate, explain, demonstrate, construct, compare, contrast, judge, predict, compose, design,
label, recite, summarize, record, use, diagram, classify, critique, verify, assess, hypothesize, formulate,
memorize, repeat, identify, describe, revise, reformat, illustrate, categorize, solve, justify, rate, create, invent, develop,
find, name, record, report, discuss, interpret, dramatize, deduce, examine, prioritize, refine, produce, transform
fill in, recall, relate review, paraphrase, practice, organize, differentiate, determine, select,
restate, retell, show, translate, manipulate, appraise, decide, value,
outline, rewrite convert, adapt, research, distinguish, choose, forecast,
calculate, operate, model, investigate, estimate
order, display, implement, categorize, infer
Gardners Multiple sequence, integrate,
Intelligences incorporate
Verbal/linguistic Students will Students will Students will construct Students will Students will Students will formulate
poetry, debate, story- create a recipe summarize the a story dramatizing the decipher write an essay an argument to present
telling, essay, checklist, (checklist) lasting effects of American Revolution poetry/articles about determining in the town hall using
journal containing the the American using Fakebook. Their and classify the whether or not the historical facts and
necessary Revolution in an page must contain real opinion of the colonist should documents.
ingredients essay/extended events and people. writer (patriot v. have gone to war
(events) leading response. loyalist) with Great
to war. Britain.
Visual/spatial Students will Students will Students will construct Students will Students will Students will develop a
drawing, model, poster, match describe battle political cartoons compare varying select a battle board game that
photograph, vocabulary to formations using representing both accounts of a from the surrounds the American
storyboard, illustration, corresponding models. points of view of the single event American Revolutionary War.
board game
pictures. American Revolution. using a poster. Revolution and
justify why it was
a turning point
using a story
Logical/mathematical Students will use Students will Students will illustrate Students will Students will rank Students will create a
diagram, outline, a graphic identify the a map of the American compare the causes of the timeline of events
timeline, chart, critique, organizer to list contributions of Revolution, showing resources Revolutionary leading to, during, and
graph causes of the each colony to the major battles, key available to both War using an following the
American war effort based cities/forts/camps, etc. sides during the interactive Revolutionary War.
Revolutionary on a graph. American notebook
War. Revolution using diagram.
a Venn Diagram.

Naturalist Students will Students will After finding all of the Students will Students will Students will design a
classification, identify common locate where the event cards during a categorize battles forecast the future study guide that shows a
collection, display, themes related to 13 colonies were scavenger hunt, by who was the if Great Britain collection of key points,
observation, forecast, colonial protests on a current map students will properly victor. had won the dates, events, people,
simulation, exhibit,
using a note- of the United sequence them. Revolutionary etc. related to the
identification catcher. States of War. They will American Revolution.
America. determine whether
we would be
better or worse
Musical Students will Students will Using Flocabulary, Students will Students will rate Students will compose a
song, rap, lyrics, create their own rewrite a song students will research create jingles their edited songs song/rap surrounding
composition, jingle, slogan for a about the key battles in the advertising the about the various events in the
slogan, melody theme of colonial American Revolutionary War. fighting American Revolutionary War.
protests. (i.e. no Revolution to strategies of Revolution using
taxation without make it more Colonial a rubric. Together
representation historically America and the call will offer
oppression) accurate. Great Britain. even more
Bodily/Kinesthetic Students will Students will Students will dramatize Students will Students will role- Students will present
role play, skit, recite the 13 explain why their understanding of compare play as colonists their composed
pantomime, dance, Colonies song guerrilla warfare the Boston Tea Party carrying view determining arguments to the town
invention, lab, with was effective through a skit. points during whether they hall during their role
corresponding through role- Tax Collector should go to war play.
movements. playing. role-play with Great
activity. Britain.
Intrapersonal Students will Students will Students will write a Students will Students will Students will respond to
journal, log, goal memorize key describe a time journal as if they are critique I justify the journal prompts with
statement, belief dates they felt they living during the believe colonists carrying
statement, self- surrounding the needed to rebel to Revolutionary War. It statements they declaring war by situations/scenarios.
assessment, editorial
American get what they must contain the proper wrote logging (and (I.e. You are King
Revolution, self- wanted in a sequence/timeline of surrounding the sharing) their George and just
monitoring their journal. events. Revolutionary points opinions received the Declaration
progress using a War before and surrounding each of Independence. What
checklist. after unit event leading to do you do? )
completion. war.
Interpersonal Students will Students will Students will take a Students will Students will Students will develop an
discussion, roundtable, identify the explain why colonial compare events determine whether argument for an
service learning, effects of the guerilla warfare protest/campaign and portrayed in the colonist assigned side (patriot,
conversation, group was effective adapt it to todays videos about the should have gone loyalist, and

activity, position Revolutionary through a group society. The group will American to war while intermediate). They
statement, interview War as a class. activity and advertise their updated Revolutionary participating in a must explain their
discussion. campaign to the class. War to real town hall stance and why using
events in a class discussion. historical facts and
discussion. documents.

Rachel Keefe
Dr. R. Hauser

Assessment Plan
Unit Topic: 7th Grade: The Revolutionary War

Preassessment Plan:

Multiple-Choice and Short-Answer Test (see attached)

Formative assessment plan:

Objective Assessment Assessment tool(s)

(mastery level)
Students will correctly identify 80% Kahoot (10-Questions)
events leading to the outbreak
of the Revolutionary War. 4c43-8691-7a1ef4a9e819
Students will explain the 100% Interactive Notebook
significance of important
battles throughout the
Revolutionary War.
Students will compare the 100% Venn Diagram
differences in fighting and Complete independently (pencil)
planning styles of Colonial Compare & Share with Group
America and Great Britain. Share with Whole Class (other color)
Students will describe lasting 80% Exit TicketDescribe 5 Impacts of the
implications of the American Revolution
Revolutionary War.

Summative Assessment Plan:


Revolutionary War (MENU)

The Revolutionary War is a very important part of American history. Create a presentation that
will: educate other students about the Revolutionary War. These presentations will be shown to
our 4th Grade Buddies and our families at Parent-Teacher Conferences.

Select one of the following formats:

Prezi Presentation
Create Video Presentation
Write a Story/Essay
I have an idea that is not listed here. Write it below (Get approval from Miss Keefe).
____________________________________ Miss Keefes initials: ________

Select at least three of the following events to include in your presentation:

French & Indian War (Seven Years War)
Proclamation of 1763
Intolerable Acts (can also include Stamp Act, Declaratory Act, and Sugar Act)
Sons of Liberty & Boston Tea Party
Boston Massacre
Declaration of Independence
Guerilla Warfare & Francis Marion
Battle of Kings Mountain
Battle of Bunker Hill
Common Sense
Battle of Lexington & Concord
Battle of Saratoga
Battle of Yorktown
Treaty of Paris of 1783
I have an idea that is not listed here. Write it below (Get approval from Miss Keefe).
____________________________________ Miss Keefes initials: ________

Select one of the following groupings:

Group of 2-3
Group Members: ______________________________________
Group of 3+ (MUST get Miss Keefes approval)
Group Members: __________________________________________________
Miss Keefes initials: ___________

Be sure to hand in your menu with your presentation. Highlight or circle your choices!

Questions adapted from:

Which of the following were NOT taxed under the Stamp Act?
A. Wills
B. Diplomas
C. Stamps
D. Playing Cards
E. Dice
Which were leaders in protesting against the British policies?
A. Sons of Liberty
B. Daughters of Liberty
C. Committees of Correspondence
D. All of the Above
E. None of the Above
Who did John Adams defend at the trial after the Boston Massacre?
A. Colonists
B. British Soldiers
C. Tax Collectors
D. The Governor
Under the Tea Act, the overall price of tea...
A. Went up
B. Went down
C. Stayed the Same
D. This act did not exist.
What costumes were used during the Boston Tea Party?
A. Clowns
B. Horses
C. Red Coats
D. Native Americans
E. Trees
Which was NOT one of the Intolerable Acts?
A. Closed the port of Boston
B. Forced trials to be held in England
C. Soldiers stayed in your house
D. The guilty had to sign the Olive Branch Petition
What was the nickname of the Colonial militia?
A. Second-hand Men
B. Split-Second Men
C. Minute Men
D. Minute Maid men
The Shot Heard Round the World refers to which battle?
A. Lexington & Concord
B. Valley Forge

C. New York City

D. New Jersey
The people that wanted to break away from the British government were called:
A. Loyalists
B. Patriots
C. Hessians
D. Prussians
Which was the most important battle for the Americans?
A. Valley Forge
B. Lexington & Concord
C. Saratoga
D. Bunker Hill
Which countries did NOT aid the Americans during the American Revolution?
A. Spain
B. Poland
C. Dutch Republic
D. France
Which general was considered a traitor to the Patriot cause?
A. Francis Marion
B. Daniel Morgan
C. Benedict Arnold
D. Nathaniel Greene
When was the American Revolution finally over?
A. 1763
B. 1776
C. 1781
D. 1783
According to the Declaration of Independence, government gets its power from:
A. The king of England
B. The consent of the governed (the people)
C. Parliament
D. The military
No _______taxation___________ without representation was the slogan for the colonists in the
English colonies after the Stamp Act was issued.
Who was involved in the Midnight Ride declaring the British are coming!? __Paul Revere___
_____George Washington____________ commanded the Continental Army.
____John Hancock_________ signed his name the largest on the Declaration of Independence.
___Treaty of Paris of 1783_____ was the treaty that ended the American Revolutionary War.
The three unalienable (cant be taken away) rights guaranteed by the Declaration of
Independence were: ___life_________, ____liberty________, and ___pursuit of happiness____
Which battle do you think was the most important for the colonists in the American
Revolutionary War? Why?

Formative Assessments:


Interactive Notebook:










Battles: Planning, Execution, and Resources

Directions: Complete the Venn Diagram about Colonial America and Great Britains fighting and planning styles in the Revolutionary War. Also be
sure to include the resources they had access to. Complete this individually first in pencil or pen. After five minutes you can share with your
partner. We will share whole class afterwards. Switch colors or writing utensils to add things during whole class share.

Great Britain
Colonial America


Exit Ticket


Describe 5 impacts of the American Revolution.






Summative Assessment Rubric

Group Members:
*intermediate values may be Above Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Improvement
assigned if characteristics are (20*) (10*) (0*)
found in multiple categories.
Students select one The project has a clear Project has a clear Project does not have a
format for their format. If there are format. If there are clear format.
presentation. multiple pieces, they multiple pieces, there
are all submitted and are pieces missing or
flow. they do not flow
Students select at least Students selected at Students selected at Students selected two
three events to include least three events. They least three events, but or fewer events and
in their presentation. are clearly connected they are not connected they are not connected
and are used to build a or used to build a or used to build a
logical progression. logical progression. logical progression.
Students selected two
events that are clearly
connected and are used
to build a logical
Accuracy of Students accurately Students accurately Students do not explain
Explanation explain what each explain what each what each event is or
event is and its event is or students its importance to the
importance to the accurately explain each Revolutionary War.
Revolutionary War. events importance to
the Revolutionary War.
Presentation/Display Presentation has clear Presentation has clear Presentation does not
(Grammar & Spelling) focus and flow. All focus, but choppy flow. have clear focus or
elements are related. All elements are flow. It contains
Few, minor errors. related. Noticeable elements that are
Errors do not interfere errors present. Errors unrelated. Errors
with comprehension. do not interfere with interfere with
comprehension. comprehension.
Self-Evaluation (and All students completed For groups only: No students completed
group evaluation ): self- (and peer-) Majority of students their peer- or self-
evaluation forms. completed self- and evaluation forms.
peer-evaluation forms.
/ 100


For self-evaluation, students will receive a copy of this rubric without the Self-Evaluation category.
Students in groups will also receive a peer-evaluation form asking them about their own participation and that
of their peers. (i.e. Which parts of this project were you responsible for? Were responsibilities equally
distributed? How well did you work together as a team?)

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