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The main steps off Big Box system is that all programs are run and executed

from the PCCS directories. After programmers test the code, they must submit the files
to the program admin who will then recompile the program and move the codes into the
production library. Programmers who are located on or offsite of Big Box Company has
access to all the test codes, however, remote workers must obtain the password from
onsite employees for security reasons. They must then create a change ticket and doc-
ument the process change. A programmer can then make the changes needed, and
once finished, move the program into the production library. The program change ad-
ministrator must review the sign out log and verify that the necessary paperworks are

A high risk area for Big Box Company, would be the lack of documented change
records made by the administrator, and the unsupervised changes made by the offsite
programmers during after hours. The current change process made by the offsite work-
ers presents many problems in the future mainly in accountability and lack of security
since they are making changes on behalf of the onsite employees. There is also a lack
of review of after hour activities by the administrator which can be improved greatly. In
addition, there is also a lack of compatibility between the system and the PCCS, and
this will cause future problems when they are trying to scale their business.
Some ways you can improve the current PCCS, is by first making sure author-
ized changes are made in a timely manner with minimal errors. Next, there must be an
assessment after every change made, and how it affects the overall system. The admin-
istrator must also review any emergency changes right after they are made. This en-
sures that it is indeed an authorized change, and has minimal unwanted impact on the
system. Lastly, there needs to be more communications made with upper management,
such as the CIO, CEO, or COO. Currently communications between the business hier-
archies needs to be drastically improved, so everyone will be up to date with any major
IT incidents that occur.

The new redesigned Big Box Process is shown in the below diagram.

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