Percakapan Bahasa Inggris

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Midwife : Good morning

Patient : Good morning mam. Im Clara, the patient in here.

Midwife : hello Mrs.Clara. Im midwife Ramona. can i help you ?

Patient : i need to see a doctor Doni.

Midwife : oke Mrs.Clara. i need to ask you some quations to complete the registration or you have a
medical record number ?

Patient : it is my medical record number sis (0123)

Midwife : oke, please take queve first. You can see him in the Cendana room. Itt on second floor.
Before you enter the room. You will get a vital examination.

Patient : its oke, thank you. I will go there right now

Midwife : you are welcome.

(in Cendana room)

Doctor : good morning. Sit down, please !

Patient : good morning doc.

Doctor : whats wrong with you ?

Patient : i often have back pain doc

Doctor : how old is your pregnancy?

Patient : I was 35 weeks pregnant doc

Doctor : how many times you have back pain?

Patient : since 2 weeks ago, I feel uncomfortable when doing activity

Doctor :thats normal. During pregnancy, your body will stretch along with the growth of your fetus.
This creates pressure and tension in the lower back and pelvis.

Patient : what shoul i do doc?

Doctor : Ask your partner to gently massage the lower back and muscles all over his back. regular
exercise such as walking and swimming. this can reduce the pressure on your spine. And than compress the
back with warm water. this can stretch the muscles in the spine.

Patient : okay doc, Does this have any effect on my pregnancy?

Doctor : no, but you must keep healthy, drink a lot of water and take a rest.

Patient : all right doc, i see. Thankyou

Doctor : you are welcome

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