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Collocation Key Word: information

1 Verb + information

Use the correct form of these verbs:

find gather provide share take in withhold

1. Information about safety procedures on this Boeing 737 can be___________

in the seat pocket in front of you. Please read it carefully.
2. Im sure the Rough Guide to Bangkok will ___________ all the information
youll need.
3. I know this is a lot of information to ___________ all at once. Youll need
time to absorb it all.
4. Ive been to several libraries to ___________ information for my research
project, but I still havent collected enough.
5. I was arrested and charged with deliberately
___________ information from the police. How can I tell them it was
my son who stole the car!
6. Conferences are excellent events for professional people like scientists and
doctors to ___________ information and exchange ideas.
2 Common adjective collocations

Use these adjectives to complete the sentences:

confidential further misleading

reliable latest vital

1. All the details of your medical history will be treated as strictly ___________
information. No other organisation will have access to it.
2. Check that all the information on your form is correct before sending it in. You
may be prosecuted if you give false or ___________ information.
3. Police want to trace the driver of a red car seen outside the bank yesterday
afternoon around 3pm. They believe the driver might hold ___________
information which could help to catch the bank robbers.
4. We have ___________ information that a hijack attempt will be made on a
British plane some time in the next week. As a result, security has been
increased at all airports.
5. For ___________ information on any of our products, phone 0181 690 9368.
Alternatively, consult our website for the ___________ information.
3 Noun + of + information

Use these nouns to complete the expressions:

access amount mine piece scrap

a a tremendous ___________ of information

b a very interesting ___________ of information

c every ___________ of information

d a constant ___________ of information

e ___________ to the information

Now use these complete expressions below:

1. Heres ___________ ! The paper says that drinking green tea helps you to live
2. The material about the Governments arms sales to Zimbabwe was classified, so
we were denied ___________ we needed for our investigation.
3. My Gran knows so much about everything. She is ___________ .
4. Im really interested in keeping stick insects. Ive read ___________ I can
find on the subject.
5. You can store ___________ on a computer.
Verb + time
Using Collocation to Boost Your IELTS Score Key Word: description
Use Collocation to Boost Your IELTS Score Key Word: danger
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Using Collocation to Boost Your IELTS Score Key Word: Attitude
Using Collocation to Boost Your IELTS Score Key Word: Apology
Use the correct form of these verbs:

afford kill make

save spend take

1. It can ____________ quite a long time to get used to living in a different

2. People who ____________ too much time together usually end up getting on
each others nerves.
3. Itll take you about half an hour to walk to the station. Get a taxi. Think of the
time youll____________ !
4. I arrived two hours early for my interview, so I ____________ some time in
the National Gallery and then I looked around a bookshop.
5. You keep saying you dont have enough time. Thats not good enough! Youve
simply got to ____________ time!
6. Id love to come out with you tonight, but I cant ____________ the time. I
have a report to finish for the morning.
2 Common adjective collocations

Use these adjectives in the sentences:

convenient quality

smashing spare

1. We had a____________ time at Sarahs party. Everybody really enjoyed

2. She quit her job so that she could spend more ____________ time with her
3. I enjoy gardening in my ____________ time. As soon as I go into the garden,
I forget all about work.
4. Im sorry, I seem to have called at a bad time. When would be a____________
time to call back?
ample precious

good rough

5. Shes having a ____________ time at work. =>Yes, theres talk of

redundancies. And I think her boss has been giving her a difficult time.
6. She claims that she didnt have enough time to prepare for the interview, but
like all other candidates we feel she had____________ time.
7. Make sure youre at the station in ____________ time. The train wont wait
for you! It leaves at 9, so the rest of us are going to be there at 8.45.
8. Hurry up! Youre wasting ____________ time! We only have a few hours left!
3 Noun + of + time

Use these nouns in the sentences:

amount course length

matter space waste

1. These meetings are a complete __________ of time. Nothing is ever decided!

2. Children seem to spend an inordinate __________ of time watching TV up
to ten hours a day!
3. This new strain of flu is out of control. Its only a__________ of time before
it arrives here.
4. Standing on one leg for any __________ of time is quite difficult for most
5. His injuries are severe but they will heal in the __________ of time. He just
needs to be patient.
6. Within a very short __________ of time he had lost his title. He was champion
for under a month.
4 Expressions of time
Use the following expressions in the sentences:

the whole time the first time next time

my usual time a specific time some time

1. She kept on talking __________ ! She didnt stop for a minute.

2. The body had been in the water for __________ which made it difficult to
determine the exact time of death.
3. I met my girlfriends parents for __________ last week.
4. Could we arrange __________ to discuss this problem? How about 10
5. Id try a different approach __________ . You might be more successful.
6. Although I was on holiday I still got up at __________ .

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