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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology

Infant-Pre-K Curriculum Plan: Technology-Based Lesson/Activity

Your Name: Erin Williams Activity Title: First Day Scavenger Hunt
Number of children participating at one time: The entire class, so with a class of 12-15, I would have 3 groups or
either 4 or 5 students Ages: 5 years old
Activities written for previous classes cannot be re-used and must be the original work of the student.
Ohio Early Domain: Cognition and General Knowledge - Science
Learning &
Strand: Science Inquiry and Application
Standards: Topic: Inquiry

List at least 1 Standard Statement: Sharing findings, ideas and explanations (may be correct or
standard that
incorrect) through a variety of methods (e.g., pictures, words, dramatization).
is addressed
by this activity.
Write out each
component Domain: Cognition and General Knowledge - Science
Strand: Cognition Skills
and exactly,
as published in Topic: Symbolic Thought
Standard Statement: Demonstrate understanding that symbols carry meaning and use
symbols to represent thinking (e.g., drawings, construction or movement).
This lesson plan is going to be implemented on the first day as a way to get the children exploring
the classroom. The students will be in groups of 3 to 4 and will have one iPad per group that will
scan the QR codes that are found through the classroom. The scavenger hunt will lead the groups
from one QR code to the next and so on. Once the students have found all the QR codes, we will
meet in group time to discuss what they have found and to answer any questions that they had
about the classroom.
Estimated This activity will take 100 minutes. This will be broken down into 10 minutes of explaining the
activity, 45 minutes to locate all the QR codes, another 45 minutes to go over what the students
have found in our group time. The time needed for the students to locate all the QR codes and the
group time discussion may be altered to fit what the class has accomplished. The group time should
also include the rules for the classroom.
Preparation What preparation is needed? QR codes will need to be made for all the different locations,
of materials items, or areas in the classroom and they will need to be placed in their appropriate
and locations with tape or another form of appropriate medium. The iPads should be charged
environment and ready to go and the rules for the class should be displayed in the group time area for
discussion after the scavenger hunt has ended.
What materials will be used? This activity will utilize the QR codes, iPads, and a large poster
board that lists the rules for the class.
How will the learning environment be set up? The learning environment will contain the QR
codes spread throughout the classroom, the group time area with an easel, rug, and chair for
the teacher, and the classroom will be set up like a normal day as it is the first day of school.

Instructional Procedures:
This lesson plan will be done in one day, right after the class has put their things away in their cubbies and we have
had announcements (if we have announcements).

20 Minutes: The first 20 minutes if the 100 minutes that this activity will take will be explaining the activity and
answering questions that the students have about what they will be doing. During this time, the students will break
down into groups assigned by the teacher and each group will receive their iPad. These first 20 minutes are done
while the students are all sitting at their seats.

45 60 Minutes: The next 45-60 minutes will be the actual scavenger hunt. The students will feel free to roam
around the classroom and the teacher will be walking around and troubleshooting if necessicary. Once the students
have found all of the QR codes (returned to the same code they started with as the codes will be in an order) they will
gather over at the group time area.

45 Minutes: During group time, the students and teacher will discuss the different areas in the room, answer any
questions the students have, and we will also go over the class rules. This is also a good time to get to know the
students and they can also learn a little about each other as the teacher asks questions like, What area or item are
you most excited to use this school year? or Have you ever used any of the things you have scanned in here
before?. This will not take more than 45 minutes to accomplish, but will use the remainder of the 100 allotted

While these students are young and may not know how to read or navigate the internet fluently, there will be links
that the parents can access to see what we have been doing and to get a deeper understanding of how this is
beneficial to their student.
and-Development-Stand - This link has the early learning content standards listed on it. This can be helpful to
parents if they want to see how this lesson plan is aiding their student in meeting the standards. - This is a link to a video that explains how QR codes are used in the school setting.
This will allow parents to see how what we are doing in pre-kinfergarten will benefit the student in the school
environment for years to come. - This is a video that explains why technology should be included in the classroom

Differentiated Instructional Support: Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the
needs of gifted or accelerated students: Students who want to go above and beyond just doing this activity can think
of an item that did not have a QR code and they can draw one for that item and with the teachers help, the can give
that item a QR code.
Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the material:
For students who are struggling with this, the teacher could partner them up with other students who understand the
activity and the concept so there could possibly be some scaffolding of material take place to help the struggling
student catch up.
Vocabulary: QR Codes, scanning, iPads, camera, investigate, navigate, explore, team work, and collaborate.

For teachers The materials needed for this will be the QR codes that have been made and
distributed ahead of time and the poster board with the list of the class rules that will
be gone over at group time.

For students The materials that the students will need are the iPads to scan the QR codes and
possible a stylus to navigate the screen of the iPad.

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