Alcapone Does My Shirts Study Questions

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Chapters 1-9

1. Of the children on Alcatraz, who did Moose find to be a very good baseball player?

2. According to Matthew's father, who did the family's laundry and darned their socks while
they lived on Alcatraz?
the convicts

3. Who gave Matthew Flanagan his nickname "Moose"?

his sister Natalie

4. Where were the Flanagans taking Natalie in Chapter 4?

They were taking her to enroll in her new school, the Esther P. Marinoff School.

5. What skill was Natalie especially talented at?

She's very good at solving math computation problems in her head.

6. Give two reasons why Matthew's English teacher questioned if he really belonged in her
seventh grade advanced English class on his first day at school.
Matthew's name was not on her roll sheet and also, Matthew was much taller than the
other students in seventh grade.

7. What was the first assignment Miss Bimp gave the class?
Students were to write an outline for a two minute speech titled "What I Did over
Christmas Vacation."

8. What was the setting for this book?

Alcatraz Island, 1935

9. Who was Piper Williams?

She was Warden William's daughter.

10. When Moose got home from school, why was Theresa Mattaman waiting for him at the
Flanagan's apartment?
She was to take Moose over to the island's parade grounds to meet her brother Jimmy,
along with Annie and Piper.
11. Why did Matthew's parents ship him off to live with his grandparents when he was six years
A psychiatrist told Moose's parents that Natalie wasn't getting enough attention.

12. According to Annie, why wasn't Piper at the parade grounds for the meeting?
Piper was at charm school.

13. When Piper joined up with Moose and the others at the parade grounds, what did Moose tell
her about her laundry service idea?
Moose told her he wasn't interested in her idea.

14. What question does Piper keep asking Matthew, concerning Natalie?
"Is Natalie retarded?"

15. What occupations did Mathew's father perform on Alcatraz?

Mr. Flanagan was an electrician and a guard.

16. What was the reason for Warden Williams to invite Matthew "Moose" Flanagan to his home
for tea?
The Warden wanted Matthew to help his daughter, Piper, by carrying her projects
and whatnot to school.

17. What was the special school project Piper asked Moose to help her with?
She wanted him to help her sell the Alcatraz laundry service to kids at school, for five
cents a shirt.

18. What warning did Annie share with Moose, concerning Piper?
Get along with Piper, otherwise she'll make trouble for him and his father.
Ch 1. 11-20
When was the only time Moose had time to play baseball with Scout and his classmates?
lunch time

2. Exactly how long did Natalie last at her school?

36 hours

3. What did Piper bring along to help get a closer look at the convicts?
Piper brought along a key for the gate lock.

4. How much did Annie, Jimmy, and Piper each get?

Annie and Jimmy got $1.06 while Piper earned $1.08.

5. How many bags of cleaned laundry did Piper have to return to schoolmates on Monday,
January 14th?

6. What clever explanation did Piper give Mr. Trixel, the Warden's assistant, riding Piper's ferry,
who questioned her about the laundry bags?
She told him the laundry was a school science project.

7. Whose parent spoiled the whole business adventure by writing a complaint letter to Warden

8. Why didn't Mr. Flanagan go with his wife to pick up Natalie at the school?
He had to work second shift.

9. How did Mrs. Flanagan's job as a piano instructor affect Moose?

Moose had to rush home right after school and take care of Natalie.

10. On Moose's first day babysitting Natalie the weather turned very warm, yet he couldn't
allow Natalie to wear a bathing suit. Why?
Alcatraz rules forbid females to wear bathing suits on account of the convicts.

11. What was Natalie's reaction when angry Moose accidentally kicked a can that landed in the
middle of her button box?
She just sat, frozen.

12. To show his anger for not getting to play baseball on Tuesdays, what two forbidden items
did Moose allow Natalie to have?
her button box and lemon cake

13. Whom did Moose notice was Piper's first laundry customer?

14. What item did Moose promise to try and get for Scout?
a convict's baseball that was hit out of their rec yard.

15. How did Moose manage to get Natalie to redress in her pretty blue dress?
Moose gave her the button box Mrs. Flanagan had hidden, and then promised to take
her swimming if she put on her blue dress.

16. Why didn't Theresa and Jimmy Mattaman join their friends on the parade grounds?
Their mother had just come home from the hospital with a new baby.

17. Why was Moose actually happy to have Natalie with him when Piper opened the locked gate
to get a closer view of the criminals?
Moose knew they were never to go beyond the locked gate and that the criminals were
dangerous men. Natalie gave him an excuse to stay behind.

18. How much did Piper charge a kid to have one shirt laundered by a world famous public
enemy at the Alcatraz laundry service?
five cents

19. What positive news did Scout give Moose in regards to baseball?
Scout told Moose that he switched babysitting days so that they could play baseball on
Tuesdays instead of Mondays.

20. How much did Moose make from Piper's laundry service scheme?

Ch. 21-32

1. When Moose slid back through the gap in the fence on April 24th, what problem did he have
with Natalie?
She was no where to be found.

2. Which uninvited person ended up making the boat trip?


3. By the end of Chapter 32, who seems to be much more understanding of Moose and his
situation of caring for Natalie?
Mr. Flanagan

4. Why was Moose so upset when he did find Natalie, sitting on a rock minutes later?
Natalie was sitting with a con man.

5. Name two people Piper suggested should not come.

Theresa's new baby brother, Rocky, and Natalie

6. Who ended up receiving the baseball that Convict 105 gave to Natalie?

7. What dangerous risk did Moose undertake, hoping to find a baseball for Moose?
One day while searching near the rec yard, he found a gap where the chain link fence
meet the cement wall. He left Natalie unattended while he scooted underneath the fence
to search for a baseball.

8. What did clever Piper figure out as Natalie kept repeating the number "105"?
Piper concluded that con man 105 gave Natalie a baseball.

9. When Mr. Flanagan arrived home from work, what did Moose tell him?
He told his father it wasn't safe for Natalie to follow him around as a con man had
noticed her.

10. What did Mrs. Flanagan do to prevent Moose from entertaining Natalie with her button box?
Mrs. Flanagan took the button box to work with her.

11. Why did Piper urge Annie, Theresa, Jimmie, and Moose to take the ferry from San
Francisco to Alcatraz on March 31st at 10:00AM?
Piper had information that Al Capone's mother was scheduled to be on the boat then,
to visit her son.

12. Why did Mrs. Flanagan continue to report Natalie was a ten-year-old, rather than aged
The Esther P. Marinoff School was for students aged seven through twelve. If she were
fifteen, they would not consider taking her.
13. What number did Moose notice stamped on the back of the man's prison shirt?

14. Who was sitting on the Flanagan landing when Moose returned home, upset with Natalie?

15. How did Moose get control of Natalie's shaking, bashing fit?
Moose gently rolled her up in the living room carpet.

16. What item did the con man have, that he gave to Natalie?
a baseball

17. What item did Scout offer to trade Moose, in return for an extra baseball glove?
a convict baseball

18. Once Natalie regained her emotions, what breakthrough sentence did she announce to
"I want to go outside."

19. What activities did Natalie usually engage in while Moose hunted for baseballs?
She usually counted rocks, sticks, and birds.

20. What activity reunited Moose with his former classmate friend, Scout?
Miss Bimp paired the two together for a journalism project.

Al Capone Does My Shirts Test 33-40

1. Who came to visit Natalie and why?

Piper came by the Flanagans' apartment to wish Natalie a happy birthday.

2. How did Mrs. Flanagan answer Moose, when considering staying home with Natalie rather
than going to the Liebs home for piano lessons?
She told Moose that he was better with Natalie than she was.
3. What surprising news did Moose receive as his boat pulled in the dock on the last day of
Natalie was accepted into the Esther P. Marinofff School.

4. Who censored the incoming and outgoing mail on Alcatraz?

Piper's mother, the Warden's wife

5. What caused the huge argument between Moose and his mother on the night of Natalie's
birthday party?
Moose argued with his mother, telling her she needed to be truthful about Natalie's age.

6. List Natalie's birthday gifts.

She received a math workbook, a bag of buttons, a book about birds, and a book bag
with "Natalie Flanagan, the Esther P. Marinoff School" embroidered on it.

7. Where did Natalie walk to, and who did Moose and she meet?
Natalie broke away from the parade grounds and walked to the west stairs where Moose
and she met Piper.

8. What important event happened the day before Natalie's interview?

It was Natalie's birthday.

9. What idea formed inside Moose's head, to help his sister get into the school?
He came up with the idea to contact Al Capone himself, by writing him a letter.

10. Who stepped up to do the family cooking when Mrs. Flanagan fell ill?
Mr. Flanagan

11. Who in particular does Moose want the Warden to ask for influence and help?
Al Capone

12. Who, for once, agreed with Moose?

Mr. Flanagan

13. How did Natalie's rejection from the Esther P. Marinoff School affect Mrs. Flanagan?
Mrs. Flanagan called in sick to her piano students and she stayed in her bedroom for

14. Whose name did Natalie say over and over again because she wanted this person at her

15. What was Mr. Purdy's decision after interviewing Natalie a second time?
He felt she'd made marked progress, but she still was not ready.

16. Besides Piper, name two more guests who came to Natalie's party?
list includes: Theresa, Annie, and Jimmy

17. How did Moose answer her question?

He told her the truth, sixteen.

18. Explain Mr. Purdy's expansion plans, which made the good news possible.
Mr. Purdy was going to open a new school for older children with disabilities.

19. Who did Moose call the morning following Natalie's second interview, and why?
Moose called Mrs. Kelly to thank her for helping Natalie so much.

20. Why did Moose visit Warden Williams's home shortly after talking to Mrs. Kelly?
Moose wanted to ask the Warden to use his power and influence to help get Natalie
into the Esther P. Marinoff School.

21. Which party guest unwrapped Natalie's birthday gifts?


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