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Tyler Smisek


20 October 2014

Speed reducer
Starting from the base, I extruded a sketch from the top plane. I saw that most dimensions were based
off the base, so I thought this would be the most less painful route.

Next, the top block for the speed reducer. The last two steps seemed pretty straightforward, but
basically I am working from a block and am going to starting cutting away the extra pieces.
I started the first extrude for the 39/64 drill hole. I started from here because there are a couple
important dimensions that are based off this hole in particular. For example, the center hole for the
housing is dimensioned from this hole.

This is where I had to go back and change the bottom of the sketch to reflect the working drawing. I
added the one inch radius and leveled off the bottom of the circle. This was difficult for me to see at
first, but I didn't notice the 5/16 inch dimension from the bottom of the circle to the base. After I saw
that it was much simpler to just add a line and then fillet the radius to one inch. Then extrude the sketch
Now the top! This was the most time consuming for all the dimensions. I had to subtract some
dimensions to find others, such as the thickness of each side.

After I had enough for the top dimensioning, I decided to work on the easier stuff. I used the extrude cut
for the center hole, using up to surface for the direction 1.
And now I added the base holes for the 9/32 drill. I had to assume that these were spot-faced just a 1/16
of an inch.

Next, I went back to the top of the model. I used the hole wizard to make a 39/64 drill and 3/4-16NF
I added the four holes for the #7 drill. I went of the previous sketch for the top extrude cut and added
points for the hole wizard on another sketch.

This is just showing how I used the hole wizard for the 4 holes.
Now I started the four holes on the center extrude. For this part I used a circular pattern feature off of
one hole I dimensioned.
Since the working drawing provided that these holes were equally spaced around a 3.5 inch diameter
circle, I just made a 45 degree angle off the centerline to get a center point for the hole. Before using the
circular pattern feature, I added a 3d sketch on the z axis for the revolve around the z axis.

Now I added the circular pattern around the 3d sketch for the z axis.
Now the other side. I started the other 39/64 drill hole.
And now I used the hole wizard for the 39/64 drill.
This time, I used the mirror feature for the center hole extrude and the pattern for #7 holes. This made
it extremely easy instead of going through another sketch and building another extrude and pattern for
the other side of the model.

I added the fillets around the edges of base and holes.

Now, I added the clearance feature extrude cut to the sides. Before, there was extra model showing
through the center hole. But now you can see that this has been taken away and the center hole is good
to go.

Added the remaining 1/16 fillets around the inside corners and edges.
Finally, the remaining hole from the hole wizard has been placed and the model is finished.

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