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Chapter 1 (A Great Discovery) Synopsis

Hamburg, Germany, May 1862, Professor Otto want follow him to make the remarkable
discovery. Professor Otto found in an old bookshop. That book 300 year old belonged to the
famous Icelandic explorer, Arne Saknusemm. That book had consisted of mysterious
handwritten characters. The name of handwritten is Runic Symbols. Professor Otto willing won’t
eat or sleep at all because to discover the meaning of these and neither will Axel. Professor Otto
and Axel tried not only Runic but many others languages. They worked until exhaustion
overtook them. Professor Otto stormed out of the houses. They found the secret of Runic
symbols .They decode the message was to read it backwards. Professor Otto want to go to the
centre of the earth .Axel can’t trust it. Professor Otto want Axel pack his bag and Axel bag.
Although, it was the last thing Axel wanted, Axel had to join his uncle expedition. Axel said
goodbye to Gretchen.

Chapter 2 (Our Journey) Begins

They travelled by ship and the ten day trips was hard the seas were rough and wild .They
finally reached Iceland with a smile and brightened face .The next day, Professor Otto was
introduced Axel to Hans .Hans and Axel bought important things for the journey .Ten days they
took to reach Mount Sneffels .Axel and Professor Otto rode horses and the two more horses
carried their equipment while Hans stared walked. On Monday, June 29th, 1862, they down into
a gigantic volcanic crater at the top of the mountain .They began their descent by passing
volcanic rocks and deep, soft snow. A few hours later, they reached the bottom of crater and they
found three black pits. On 1229, when the sniffles last erupted, these pits had spit out lava and
poisonous gases. There, Axel found a carved on the rock wall, named Arne Saknussemm.
Chapter 3 (Into the Earth)

The next day, their real journey began. They stepped to the mouth of the central pit. The
sides dropped straight down and ended in nothingness. Axel became dizzy. His leg went weak.
Without Hans; he would have fallen to my death. They began their descent with a rope tied
around a block of hardened lava. After ten hours, they reach the bottom of the pit and stop to rest
for the night. Their water supply is running out but the Professor Otto is optimistic that they will
find water along the way. From the Wednesday, 1 July to Saturday, 5 July, the trios continue
trekking without finding any water. Finally on Tuesday, July 7th, 1862, they arrived exhausted at
the beginning of the two tunnels and Axel becomes unconscious .On Wednesday, 8 July, the
three adventures begin their second descent and encounter new rock thirst and exhaustion, Axel
collapses again.

Moral Value

Teamwork and Cooperation

The moral values that we learn are teamwork and cooperation. Teamwork and
cooperation are important to success of any mission and certainly play a big part in Professor
Otto courageous journey to centre of the earth .Not only does Professor Otto have the help and
academic expertise of his nephew Axel who supported him with a pioneering spirit, he also
has Hans to guide them.

Courage and Determination

Courage and determination also the moral value that proven when Professor Otto does
not want to eat or sleep until he found the meaning of the Runic Symbols and neither Axel. It
is also proven when Professor Otto does not want to quit even their water supply had gone.
On top of that, when Professor Otto discovers the great sea, he really wants to cross it. He is
very courageous on that time. This mean, pursue in doing something is the key to achieve
excellency in what we aim for.

Caution and Consideration for others

This is also are moral value too. Caution and consideration for others proven in his
eagerness to follow the trail of Arne Saknussemm to the centre of the earth, Professor Otto
sometimes throws caution to the wind. He impulsively drags Axel along on his dangerous
journey and he takes many risks along the way. He should have been more considerate of the
others and not endanger their lives as he pursued his passion.


Friendship is a relationship built up overtime that involves sharing mutual interest, making
sacrifices and spending time together. The proven friendship is Professor Otto and Axel is
related as uncle and nephew. Beyond this relationship they also academic and co-worker with a
mutual interest in geology and science. This is especially important during the expedition
because the team members need each other for support, knowledge and guidance. Hans also play
very important roles a guide, protector, savior and friend to both Professor Otto and Axel. He is
self-sacrificial and is boiling to risk his life to save that of this team mates.

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