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Name : Ruslan Djabi

Having children is one of the happiness for everycouple in this world. Nowadays,

there is a best ways that some people do which is not only having their own child but also

having adopted child. This essay outline two main reason why people adopt children which is

related to being busy with occupation and loving children very much .

The first cause of adopting children is being busy with occupation. In some developed

countries, most of the people are always busy with their own work. For example, a husband

who has a wife as a career woman they almost have no leisure time of being together and

some of those woman has traumatic experience with their pregnancy; as a result, they prefer

to adopt a child.

Another reason of adopting child is loving children very much. Some people around

the world fall in love with some children who has a cute face or seem to be adorable. For

example, a wife who has already have a child or only have a baby boy they will steal a glance

with the baby girl who is good-looking to be their own baby; for this reason, the one and way

is adopting children.

In conclusion, being busy with occupation and loving children very much are the

causes of adopting children. Doing an adoption is one of the best way for every couple to get

a child.

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